An hour later, when Bai Ye was reading a book boredly on the plane, Erica knocked on the door and walked in, "Wang, Princess Alice has arrived!"

Bai Ye looked up from the book and was suddenly surprised, "Already here? Isn't she in Europe? She arrived in just an hour?"

You know, they are now on a special plane from Japan to China, and Princess Alice, who is in Europe, has arrived in just an hour? It takes most of the day to fly, right?

"The princess's situation is a little different..."

Erica was hesitant to speak, and then looked behind her, revealing the figure of the woman behind her to Bai Ye's eyes.

She was a woman with typical white female features. She looked to be in her twenties, with blond hair shining brightly in the air. Just by looking at her standing posture, you could tell she was an extremely graceful woman.

The upper body is a white coat, paired with a short knitted dress and trousers, and the feet are a pair of black boots. The whole person gives off a noble temperament like a noble daughter.

"First meeting, Wang. I am Alice Louise Ove Nafal. I heard about this incident and came to explain to Wang!" The other party raised the hem of her skirt, bowed, and turned to Bai Ye A respectful yet reserved manner.

Although this woman is a noble daughter, there is no trace of arrogance in her body. She only gives people an extremely pleasing sense of nobility, as if she is a real princess.

Alice Louise Ove Nafal, that is Princess Alice's real name.

In other words, Princess Alice, who was thousands of miles away, actually came to Asia in just one hour, and even appeared directly on this plane!

This is a special plane and it won't stop at all halfway. The fact that Princess Alice will appear here is an extremely strange thing.

However, the moment the other party appeared, Bai Ye narrowed his eyes and became clear, "I see, you are a spiritual body, right?"

In front of Bai Ye, Princess Alice's body did not have a complete sense of reality. Instead, it seemed as if it had run out of the painting. The whole body had a sense of transparency and unreality.

The graceful Princess Alice was stunned when she heard this, and then she covered her mouth and chuckled, "You can actually see through the truth that I am a spiritual body at a glance. I am truly worthy of being a king who can even defeat the Marquis of Vauban! "

"However, the reason why I use my spiritual body to appear here is not to be disrespectful to the king. It is really because my body is not suitable for moving such a long distance. Please forgive me!"

The Princess Alice who appeared in front of Bai Ye was not her real body, but a spiritual clone created by some secret technique. Therefore, of course, she could go wherever she wanted.

Even on a high-speed aircraft, what is the problem for a spiritual body without substance?

"The princess's body has been very weak since she was a child, and she is often bedridden. Therefore, it is difficult for her to go out. She can only appear outside in this form!" Erica explained to Bai Ye from the side.

"I see, that's no's not a big deal, there's nothing to forgive or not!"

Bai Ye shook his head, but looked at Princess Alice with great interest, "Speaking of which, I am very interested in your secret technique. Can you teach me?"

Bai Ye is indeed very interested in this secret technique of releasing mental power as a spiritual body and acting as a soul clone, and it can even be said that he values ​​it.

After all, the manifestation of fantasy itself is an ability that requires mental power to be activated. The stronger the mental power, the smaller the burden on the mental energy of manifesting items.

For example, Hakuno manifested a holy sword called Excalibur half a year ago, which consumed almost 90% of the magic power in his body and almost fainted on the spot.

The realization of fantasy is indeed a very powerful talent. The only consumption is reflected in the magic power and the huge burden on the spirit...

In view of this, Bai Ye has always wanted to make his spirit stronger and be able to withstand the burden of manifesting high-level treasures.

And now, Princess Alice's secret technique of creating a spiritual clone interested him very much.

"Eh? Do you want to learn this secret technique?"

Princess Alice immediately hesitated, "It's not that it can't be's just that learning this secret technique requires deep mental strength!"

The secret technique of spiritual body clone, no, to be precise, it should be witch technique.

This is a witchcraft that can only be used by a very small number of mikos and witches. It requires not only the 'spiritual power' of mikos and witches, but also the user's own mental power to be very strong, so that they can maintain the body's necessary On the basis of maintaining life with the spirit, the soul clone outside the body is created.

As a god-slayer, Hakuno's curse power can be used as any energy, including magic, internal power, spiritual power, etc. This condition is certainly met.

Then, the only threshold is that you must have very strong mental power.

Hearing this, Bai Ye suddenly laughed.

"As for my mental strength, I'm not bragging. I'm quite confident in this aspect!"

As a user of Utopia Manifestation, every time he uses 3.9 Utopia Manifestation, it can be said to be a mental training... And now, Bai Ye has manifested more than ten kinds of treasures that are comparable to the holy sword. Almost fainting' level of mental burden is not uncommon.

What's more, don't forget, under Bai Ye's favor template, there is a developed mental talent magic - mental beating, which can beat the spirit regardless of the target.

Ever since he got this magic, Bai Ye would give his own mind a few "mental beatings" every night before going to bed to hone his mental strength.

Such Baiye, if he said he was not mentally strong, he would look down on himself.

Chapter 548 Divine Ancestor, Patron Saint and the Last Steel

"Is that so?" Princess Alice was really surprised when she saw Bai Ye being so confident. Then she nodded happily and said, "Well, if the king really wants to learn, I can leave it to you!"

"Then thank you in advance!" Bai Ye suddenly smiled, and then said: "Okay, let's get to the point! Since you took the initiative to come to us after knowing our request, then, as expected, you Do you know something about the Spear Knight God I met?"

"Yes, indeed!"

As soon as she talked about this matter, Princess Alice's expression became extremely serious. She nodded and said, "Not only that, I have had several face-to-face encounters with the divine ancestor guarded by the 'Guardian Saint'!"

"Guardian God? Divine Ancestor" Bai Ye raised his eyebrows: "If I remember correctly, the existence of Divine Ancestor is the degenerate form of the Earth Mother God after abandoning her divinity... This matter is actually related to Divine Ancestor. Got involved?"

Among the memories that Erica conveyed to Hakuno, there was information about Athena, and in that part there was a description of the divine ancestor.

Because Athena 07 is also an Earth Mother Goddess, but she actually has a complex divine personality beyond that. She is a veritable Queen of the God Realm, a God-King-level god...

"That's right!" Princess Alice nodded solemnly and continued: "Moreover, this matter involves far more than that! The Black Prince Alexander Garrain, who is also a God-killer with you, and even In mythology, the so-called 'Final Steel' has a great relationship!"

"Steel? The Hero God of Steel? The Last Steel... I see, that's what happened!"

Bai Ye frowned deeply, and some memories about this place in the depths of his mind suddenly appeared like clouds and mist, and resurfaced, making his expression completely serious.

——Steel, that generation refers to some gods in mythology who have a certain godhead, that is, the ‘Heroic God of Steel’.

Many heroes who are praised in myths have various experiences, and after meeting certain conditions, they have the godhead of 'steel' and become the heroic gods of steel.

Such gods are often very powerful, and their strength cannot usually be underestimated.

The so-called 'Last Steel' refers to the most powerful heroic god of steel in all myths. It is the most powerful weapon for the gods to wipe out the devil and clean up the earth!

·Whenever the earth is occupied by the devil, the last and strongest steel will wake up and wipe out the devil on the earth.

There is no doubt that the so-called ‘Demon King’ here refers to the God-Slayer.

ǐThe Last Steel itself is also a god of disobedience. ǐ bc

In other words, this is another duel like an old enemy between the God Killer and the God of Disobedience.

However, only when the number of God-killers on the earth reaches a level that the gods cannot tolerate, the last and strongest Steel will wake up. The rest of the time, he will sleep somewhere in the world.

"Looking at this era, there are actually seven god-killing demon kings lording over the earth. This was unimaginable in the past! You know, in some ancient times, there was not even a single god-killing god in the world. It happened!”

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