I have to say that this method is indeed very reliable. After the initial discomfort, after long-term exercise, the adaptability has been greatly improved.

Only ten days later, he could initially use fantasy manifestation as if he were using his hands and fingers, and he also had a lot of understanding of this ability itself.

First of all, it is your current limit.

The manifestation of fantasy is not only limited by one's own level, but Bai Ye's own imagination, that is, mental power, also determines the upper limit of fantasy manifestation.

In terms of creative elements alone, Bai Ye can now create a huge sea of ​​​​fire covering dozens of meters with his mental power!

But with all his strength to create the flame, he could only sustain it for a few minutes.

Secondly, he also tried some other types of creation.

Elements are a type that is easier to think of and an ability that is easier to develop, so they are explored by Haku Ye first.

But does the realization of fantasy mean the creation of elements? It's impossible no matter how you think about it.

On the way, he thought of two more methods. One was to create those famous weapons in the fantasy world, such as Noble Phantasms, Imperial Phantasms, etc. A powerful weapon can greatly increase one's ultimate combat power.

But Hakuno's creations always encounter inexplicable problems. For example, although he can create more powerful weapons, he cannot create weapons that are weaker than them. He can obviously create armor made of rare magical beasts. But it can't create some battlefield weapons. It can obviously create some rare metals, but it can't create missiles made of ordinary metals...

There are countless problems like this, which makes it difficult to create a system for the time being, which troubles Bai Ye very much.

The second usage is for Bai Ye to imitate Erquet and want to create a space similar to the inherent barrier!

The realization of Erquet's fantasy can greatly increase its combat power by manifesting its own barrier - or world.

For example, the castle she has been sleeping in, the Millennium City, was actually created by Erquet. It is similar to an inherent barrier that ordinary people cannot find or enter.

Even in ordinary life, you can use this world as a storage space, and it is very convenient to place and take out items at any time.

As a senior figure in the realization of fantasy, Erquet is indeed Hakuno's best imitator.

In view of this, Baiye also wanted to create a world of his own based on Erquit's abilities.

The result was of course a success.

However, the gap between the two cannot be measured in miles.

Erquet can create a small world that is truly comparable to the inherent barrier, with a radius of at least dozens of kilometers!

But Bai Ye's world is the size of an acre of field, less than a kilometer in diameter...

On the one hand, this is due to level restrictions, and on the other hand, Bai Ye's own mental power is relatively weak, making it difficult to create a larger space.

Although he is a little unwilling, Bai Ye is still satisfied for now. After all, he has just obtained this ability, and it is a foolish dream to want to reach the sky in one step.

Erquet is the true ancestor who has been protected by the will of the earth and has lived for nearly a thousand years. It would be really abnormal if he was less powerful than him.

With this world of its own, it will be much easier to do many things.

After all, this world is similar to the inherent barrier, so the functions are naturally similar.

After testing, entering this space can indeed speed up the flow of energy in Bai Ye's body, making the process of dream realization smoother and faster.

Out of some kind of resistance, Hakuno named this world 'Brunestud', which means Millennium City, symbolizing Hakuye's determination to compete with Erquite.

By the time Bai Ye arrived at the city near the second fragment, he had already completed the creation of the Millennium City.

Of course, although it is called Millennium City, it is just a very small space now.

Evening, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Bai Ye walked into the city.

It's not that he can't stand life in the wilderness, it's just that the location of the fragment is on the other side of the city and requires him to cross the city.

However, in his induction, the fragments were moving subtly, giving him a bad premonition.

It would be fine if it was just an ordinary animal or human being, but if it was an unusual human being...

Bai Ye thought about it and walked forward on the street. Because his purpose was clear, he took shortcuts whenever he could.

"Hey! Nerd over there!"

A ruffian-like malicious voice came from the front. As the voice came, several poorly dressed teenagers suddenly appeared in front of Bai Ye.


Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked around.

There were also several young men with pierced ears and hair spray behind them, approaching with unscrupulous expressions.

Surrounded by narrow alleys.

This situation is clear at a glance.

The gangster who was probably the leader came out from behind and said: "Boy, are you a student from a nearby high school? Then you must have heard of our reputation! It just so happens that we are a little short of money recently and want to borrow some money from you. Wouldn’t you mind?”

As if to prevent him from escaping, several delinquents from the front and back gathered around him.

Bai Ye looked at the people surrounding him. They all looked young and looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, but their faces were fierce.

"Are you students from nearby?"

"Oh! You have indeed heard of us! Then there is no need to say anything more, how about it? Bookworm, please take out the money quickly!"

Bai Ye was a little confused and touched his face, "Do I look like a high school student?"

Although he changed into a white shirt and black trousers before entering the city, which looked a bit like a school uniform... But he was in his twenties after all, so he shouldn't be associated with high school students, right?

Chapter 6 No trace of murderous intent

Bai Ye didn't pay attention to such a small problem. He just smiled helplessly and pretended to take out a few bills from his pocket, but actually took out a few bills from the Millennium City.

"Okay, I'll give you the money, can you let me go?"

This seems to be a cowardly statement, but it actually doesn't match Bai Ye's performance.

At least there was no emotion such as panic on his face, but he calmly handed over the money.

The gangster headed opposite seemed a little surprised, but then his face became clear.

"You guy, you deliberately took out the money so easily, but you just wanted to deceive us, right? If my guess is correct, this is actually only a small part. There must be more money in your bag!"

As if he was sure of his guess, he said triumphantly: "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"But, brother, this guy doesn't have a schoolbag on him!"

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