In the huge square venue, all you can see are white walls, only the window on the side reveals the figure of Professor Kihara.

"Kanzaki Hakuno-kun, your ability is of the original stone type. The original information said element manipulation. In the next test, you need to add mental attack, force field manipulation, and space ability. Are there any other aspects that need to be tested? Woolen cloth?"

Professor Kihara stood at the other end of the transparent window, using the microphone to say to Shiro Ye in the empty white experimental field: "If you can do more -"

"No need." Bai Ye's indifferent voice came from the radio, "Let's get started."

Professor Kihara paused slightly when he heard this, and the 917 smile on his face changed slightly, "Then, let's get started."

The content of the test includes elemental systems such as wind, fire, thunder, water, etc., plus relatively hidden mental abilities, as well as force field manipulation and space system abilities.

The test ended quickly, and Bai Ye also walked out of Bai's experimental field.

In the research room, several researchers are busy recording data and conducting analysis.

"I'm really surprised. I didn't expect you to actually have so many abilities. This has no precedent in Academy City. You are really a great rough stone!"

Professor Kihara took the initiative and walked to Hakuno's side, with a bright smile on his face, and praised Hakuno non-stop.

The espers in Academy City can only have one ability no matter who they are, and there is no one who has two abilities at the same time.

Of course, this is also limited to the ability users in Academy City. After all, there are still many primitive stone abilities in this world that even Academy City cannot understand the principle of their existence and function.

A user with raw stone abilities, no matter how abnormal his ability is, is still within the acceptable range.

Chapter 605 code unknown (the truth is unknown)

For example, abilities such as 'Vampire Killer' that are completely unknown in Academy City are clearly written. Although Hakuno's rough stone with several abilities is also very weird, it can be accepted easily.

"I wonder if you are interested in coming to my research institute? If you can come, no matter what your requirements are, I will try my best to satisfy you..."

Professor Kihara muttered to himself, looking very interested in Hakuno who showed a variety of abilities. His expression was so focused that he completely ignored the ability analysis that was going on at the side.

"I said--"

Hakuno interrupted the other person's self-talk rudely and looked at him coldly, "Your name should be Kihara Gensei, right?"

Professor Kihara paused when he heard this.

"Well, that's true. Is there any problem?"

——This old man with a smile on his face all the time, his name is Kihara Gensei.

"The absolute ability user evolution plan, I remember that's what you advocated, right?" Bai Ye asked.

"...You really know a lot of things. Not many people know this kind of thing." Kihara Gensheng's smile did not change.

"I not only know this, I also know that your so-called method of evolving into an absolute esper is actually a detonation of AIM's stance on proliferation. In other words, it is to force others to become absolute espers by making the esper go berserk. .”

Bai Ye sneered and said: "Where do you think I am a fool? Wanting to join your research institute will be the stupidest decision I made when my brain was filled with water."

With that said, Hakuno ignored Kihara Gensei, directly raised his feet and walked out of the room without looking back.

And here, under Bai Ye's words, the smile on Kihara Gensheng's face gradually disappeared without a trace, and he just watched Bai Ye leave without saying a word.

On the side, a researcher frowned and came to Kihara Gensheng's side.

"Professor, it is difficult to confirm Kanzaki Hakuno's ability type."

Kihara Gensei turned his head.

"The types of abilities he uses are too complicated, involving mental system, power generation system, fire system, space system, etc., and, very strangely, the ability to cause fear in the subject shown in the data is unknown. The reason is that the other party refused the demonstration..."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter."

Kihara Gensheng interrupted the other party's narration, turned around and walked to the computer. Ignoring the frowning analysis of other researchers, he directly entered the test results on the computer, then turned and walked towards the door.

...that's enough. ”·r

The researchers in the room all came closer. After seeing the results on the screen, they all looked strange, "Is this okay?"

After leaving the experimental site, Kihara Gensei walked straight towards the parking lot. However, before he could enter the parking lot, a person came out of the corner and came to him, leaving Kihara Gensei exposed. A slightly surprised face.

"Oh, it's really rare that you come to see me."

The person blocking his way was a woman wearing a dark blue professional office attire. She had long brown hair and round-rimmed glasses. She was tall and well-proportioned, and her face was extremely beautiful. However, the expression on her face at the moment was... It's extremely cold.

"I heard that guy came here to retest his ability?"

"Humph, do you want to cause trouble for him again?"

Kihara Gensei showed an expression that seemed a little funny, "It's better to give up. Have you forgotten how badly you failed last time? Not to mention, the ability he tested this time is far beyond what you can deal with. That’s the category, my granddaughter Terestina.”

Opposite him, the look on Terestina's face turned gloomy again, "What is his ability?"

"It's okay to tell you. Anyway, the entire Academy City will be notified soon, right?" Kihara Gensei said.

"After all, the birth of level 5 is a big event..."

When testing his ability, although Hakuno deliberately withheld his hand, his ability far exceeded Academy City's level 5. Even though he held back, he was still very powerful.

Not to mention, his raw stone ability can be promoted to level 5 no matter which field reaches Academy City level 5 standards.

The birth of level 5 is a big event for the entire Academy City.


The spaceship over Academy City was a device set up to promptly inform the students of Academy City of news. At this moment, under the gaze of the entire Academy City students, it emitted an electronic sound as if to remind everyone to pay attention.

Immediately, an information column was broadcast.

"Name: Kanzaki Hakuno

Ability code name: CodeUnknown (the truth is unknown)

Ability level: level 5 (superpower user)

Ability classification: rough stone

Ability Ranking: Sixth

School affiliation: None

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