The invading magician seemed to be deliberately provoking, with real murderous intent in his eyes, "Then, let me help you a little!"


The female magician clapped her hands hard, as if a switch was turned on, causing the earth to roar instantly, the reinforced concrete land cracked, and condensed like a black wave, forming a huge stone giant!

It is more than four meters high, and its whole body is made of rocks, cement, and steel bars. It can be said that it is a stone doll made entirely of local materials.

"Intimus115 (bond)! I am the English Puritan magician Shirley Cromwell, and I came here to provoke a war! Alice, kill them!"

Shirley Cromwell, her purpose is extremely pure.

As long as one of the few people in front of him is killed, it can become the fuse of the war, thus provoking a war between the magic side and the science side.

Therefore, she doesn't mind exposing her real name at all. No, rather, revealing her true identity and letting her opponents know who she is will help start a war.

Under her command, the huge stone giant immediately waved his huge fist and punched the three people in front of him amidst the roar of the wind.

Such a blow could easily cause the earth to shake and knock the vehicle away. It would not be a joke to be hit...

"It's so unreasonable to start a war without even asking!"

Kamijou Touma had a look of repulsion on his face, but after looking at the two girls behind him, he bravely raised his right hand and went to meet them.

"Touma, be careful! That Graeme is made with Kabbalah as its core. It has powerful regeneration ability. It cannot be completely eliminated without destroying the core 'secret text' hidden in the body!"

However, the secret text is hidden in the stone giant's body. Unless it is completely smashed into pieces, the secret text cannot be destroyed. Then, there is only one method that can be adopted -

"T——T——T——R——(twist to the right)"

After the strange letters came out of Index's mouth, the huge arm of the stone giant turned to the right uncontrollably.

Thanks to this, a small gap appeared in front of Kamijou Touma.

"I will find a way to hinder that Graeme, and Touma will take the opportunity to knock down that magician!" Index said immediately.


Kamijou Touma raised his feet without hesitation, quickly passed through the gap, came behind the stone giant 4.4, and faced the female magician opposite, Shirley Cromwell.

"Is it forced to chant? It's such an annoying ability!"

Shirley glanced at Index and clicked her tongue in annoyance.

The so-called 'forced chanting' refers to a chanting method that uses Kabbalah's spelling method to interfere with the chanting of hostile magicians.

Although Index cannot use magic, as long as she uses forced chanting to interfere with the opponent's magic, she can completely distort the effect of the magic and even cause the enemy to self-destruct. It can be said to be a masterpiece of technology.

PS: There is a power outage at home. It seems that there is something wrong with the wires outside. I will update two chapters for today. The remaining chapter will be supplemented by four chapters tomorrow.

Chapter 674 - Monster

Shirley can only create one stone giant using Kabbalistic techniques at most, and in order to create this stone giant, she needs to cancel all the previous magic techniques.

In other words, this stone giant is the only magic she is using now.

However, this does not mean that she can only use one magic at this moment.


The blond and dark-skinned Shirley just smiled coldly when facing Kamijou Touma. She took out a white oil crayon from her hand at some point and started drawing on the ground at an alarming speed.

"Don't even think about it!"

Although Kamijou Touma didn't know what kind of magic the other party cast, he knew that interrupting the other party at this moment was the wisest choice.

With this thought, Kamijou Touma immediately raised his feet, raised his right hand into a fist, and struck Shirley opposite.

Shirley frowned, but instead of struggling to complete the magic, she moved her feet and backed away immediately.

In order to prevent her from performing any tricky magic again, Kamijou Touma immediately pursued her, attacking her opponent with just a pair of fists.

His physical skills are far from strong, but they are much better than ordinary people who don't know anything. At least, if it is a one-on-one confrontation with something bad, Kamijou Touma is confident that he can win.

Shirley, who was entangled by Kamijou Touma, naturally had no time to perform magic anymore, but after looking around, she had an idea.

There is not much else on the ground in School District No. 22 except for the large number of windmills. Rows of wind turbines lie across it, and one can be seen dozens of meters apart.

Shirley raised her brows, and with Kamijou Touma's pursuit, she kept retreating to a windmill.

"Hey! Isn't that too despicable? What's the point of running around a windmill?!" Kamijou Touma couldn't help shouting.

"Running around the windmill?"

When Shirley heard this, she stopped and looked at Kamijou Touma across a windmill. "In your eyes, am I running away?"


Kamijou Touma was stunned for a moment. He looked around the windmill but his pupils shrank.

On top of this windmill, a magic circle was drawn by the opponent at some point.


The magic circle flashed, and there was a sound like a bomb exploding.

For Shirley, her magic really needs to be cast on the wall to exert its power. If it is in an underground street, she can arrange a large number of magic arrays on the wall to cause the surrounding ground to collapse with a radius of two meters.

But in this open area with windmills, she has no walls to use. As far as the terrain is concerned, it can indeed be said to be somewhat disadvantageous.

"But my magic can even do this!"

Even windmills can be used.

After the magic circle was activated, the windmill immediately swayed amidst the explosion. Under the unstable foundation of the ground, the huge 30-meter-high windmill swayed and fell towards Kamijou Touma.

Amidst the gust of wind, Kamijou Touma ran to the side without hesitation, causing the huge windmill to fall down almost grazing the edge of his body.


Although the windmill didn't do anything to Kamijou Touma, Shirley didn't care at all, and shouted the stone giant's name with a stern face.

On the other side, the stone giant retracted his fist.

Although the stone giant was so powerful that it made the earth tremble with one punch, unfortunately, in this open area, he faced Index who used forced chanting. Although he had the upper hand, he completely defeated her.

As long as Index chants, its body will move involuntarily, preventing it from causing any damage to the opponent.

"What is that magician planning to do?" Index immediately became alert as the stone giant stopped his hand.

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