

The moment the wind in front appeared, Shokuhou Misaki quickly took out a remote control from his bag and pressed it without hesitation.

Thanks to this, a spark of electricity suddenly flashed next to Misaka Mikoto's head, as if a bullet had hit her head, making her brain groggy and she instantly groaned.

Needless to say, that was also Shokuhou Misaki's handiwork.

"You guy, what did you just do?" Misaka Mikoto asked Shokuhou Caoqi with a look of anger on her face.

"It's nothing, don't worry about such small things☆!"

Shokuhou Misaki turned the remote control in his hand and said with a smile.

"No, you definitely did something to my brain just now!" Misaka Mikoto said with a warning look on her face: "Can this kind of thing be called a trivial matter?!"

"Ah, what's going on? Is there internal strife?"

While the two were entangled, the wind in front of them was holding a steel hammer as tall as a person, and was hitting the ground very casually while approaching with a wicked smile that made people unconsciously hostile.

"In that case, it would be more valuable if it fell into my hands."

"Huh? Is that so?"

When the wind in front approached the two of them at a leisurely pace, Shokuhou Misaki turned her head just right, looked directly at the other person, and said with a smile: "But, I think, if you are defeated by us, It’s more valuable to us!”

Although she was clearly saying that she wanted to defeat the other party, Shokuhou Misaki did not show any trace of hostility on her face. The smile on her face seemed to be extremely sincere.

"Ahahahaha! That's such a shame, you should fall too!"

The wind in front of him said this, but he didn't move. He just stood there with a disgusting smile, as if waiting for Shokuhou Misaki to fall.

However, the picture she imagined did not appear.

After a few seconds passed, Shokuhou Misaki across from him was still standing there with a sincere smile on his face.

Misaka Mikoto looked at the two of them suspiciously, somewhat confused about the current situation.

The smile on Qianfeng Zhifeng's face suddenly faded, and the look in his eyes darkened slightly, "Why haven't you passed out yet?"

"Eh? Should I pass out?"

Shokuhou Misaki laughed as if he was amused when he heard this, and said, "Only by your 'Heavenly Punishment' technique?"

"Indeed, as a member of God's Right Seat, the spell you use is the super-powerful magic 'God's Punishment' of the angelic level. It can make all objects that are hostile or malicious towards you fall into coma regardless of the distance. In a general sense, if there is enough publicity media, you can even make six billion people around the world fall into coma in an instant, right? It really deserves to be called the ultimate weapon."

The power of angel spells almost exceeds the scope of ordinary magic and rises to the level of gods.

After all, it is a technique that can only be performed by angels with the help of angels' power, and it contains all kinds of unexpected and powerful effects.

For example, the rain of rockets that Gabriel once released had the terrifying destructive power to destroy civilization on the earth.

As for God's Right Seat, they are all users of angel spells.

The degree of difficulty can be imagined.

"Do you know us?" Qianfeng Zhifeng's eyes became sharp.

"Of course we know. After all, we have a prisoner from the Roman Orthodox Church with a high status!" Shokuhou Misaki said with a smile.

Chapter 714 Shokuhou Caoqi vs. The Wind Ahead

In Christian teachings, God is the only one.

All people in the world should be able to achieve happiness, the whole world should be surrounded by happiness, and there will never be unhappy people.

But the reality is not like this. Looking back at the history of mankind, the failure of the Crusades, the spread of the plague, the expansion of the Ottoman Empire... Not to mention just unfortunate, we have faced situations that destroyed Europe many times.

Such a situation cannot be managed by the Pope alone, so the Right Seat of God came into being.

They are a group of beings with power and knowledge that even the Pope has to rely on, and those who seek help from them can be said to be the ones standing at the top of the pyramid of Christianity.

But for the Cross, which holds high the banner of "God is Absolute," it is unlucky for its symbol, the Pope, to take the initiative to ask others for help.

Therefore, in order to serve this doctrine, the Right Seat of God has always been hidden in the shadows of Roman Orthodoxy.

They are a group of extremely secretive beings, and even within the Roman Orthodox Church, not many people even know about the existence of the Right Seat of God.

However, Lidovia, who was captured by Hakuno, knew about it, and through the ability of Shokuhou Prairie, they also had a crucial understanding of the existence of 570 Yu God's Right Seat.

"Although your Heavenly Punishment Technique is very powerful in the sense of causing damage to society, for me it is not painful or itchy at all."

Under the gloomy expression of the wind in front of me and Misaka Mikoto's complete confusion, Shokuhou Misaki said with a smile: "After all, I have psychological control☆!"

Yes, Shokuhou Misaki is psychological mastery.

The Heavenly Punishment Technique is a god-level technique that deprives the opponent of their consciousness as long as they are hostile, but Shokuhou Misaki can easily eliminate the hostility in human hearts.

——With her Swiss Army Knife-like superpower, psychological mastery.

As long as hostility is eliminated, the Heavenly Punishment Technique is nothing more than a toothless tiger, losing its ability to hurt people.

In other words, Shokuhou Misaki is innately able to control the wind in front of him.

"By the way, don't think that I can only use this ability on myself. I suppressed this tomboy's hostility towards you just now..." Shokuhou Misaki glanced at Misaka Mikoto next to her and said.

"Huh? What are you talking about? After all, I am also a person with electric shock ability. How could you have invaded my brain?" Misaka Mikoto suddenly looked incredulous.

"The essence of your ability is to control the water in the human body, right? My electromagnetic barrier can perfectly prevent your ability..."

After research by Academy City scientists, Shokuhou Misaki's psychological control is believed to be essentially to control the water in the human body, which is naturally difficult to use against those with power generation abilities.

If it were the past, of course she wouldn't be able to invade Misaka Mikoto's brain.

"I'm not who I used to be..." Shokuhou Misaki looked at Misaka Mikoto with a smile, but there was something dangerous in that smile.

You know, Shokuhou Misaki is now connected to the Misaka Network. While gaining electric shock capabilities, he also gained powerful computing power.

As long as she also uses electric current to interfere with Misaka Mikoto's electromagnetic barrier and throw the electromagnetic field into chaos, relying on her current computing power, she can invade Misaka Mikoto's mind in as short as a moment and leave her own instructions.

But at that moment, she also obtained information about Misaka Mikoto's change in feelings for someone...

"As for me now, even this kind of thing can be done easily——"

Saying this, Shokuhou Misaki took out a hundred-yen coin from the pocket of her pleated skirt and flicked it up with her thumb.

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