However, after living like this for a few days, Shokuhou Misaki felt very boring.

In her good guess, although Bai Ye paid great attention to business, he should also pay attention to her mood and go out with her on a date every few days. Who would have thought that Bai Ye would directly go to the talent studio when he came to the studio? She was immersed in the library and had no intention of dating her, which made her very dissatisfied.

This day, morning.

Shokuhou Misaki finally couldn't help it and rushed into Hakuno's room. He didn't say anything, but looked at Hakuye with a pair of resentful eyes, staring at him, making Hakuye very uncomfortable.

"Okay, okay, I understand. Let's go out with you today!" Bai Ye said angrily.

"Uh-huh!" Shokuhou Misaki put her hands on her hips and flipped her long hair arrogantly.

"Huh?" Bai Ye looked at Shokuhou Misaki's figure and immediately felt something was wrong.

After a while, Bai Ye asked doubtfully: "Xiaoqi, have you grown too fast recently?"

It has been more than a month, nearly two months, since Bai Ye first saw her. Although it is summer vacation, it has already entered August.

Shokuhou Misaki's height suddenly jumped up a lot compared to before, and the size of her chest also began to rise slightly. It seems that you can see a little curve in the Tokiwadai uniform.

"Right, right!" Upon hearing Hakuno say this, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly puffed up his chest proudly, seemingly wanting to better demonstrate his arrogance in front of Hakuye, "I told you before, I There is a lot of room for development at this age!”

Bai Ye couldn't help but sweat after hearing this, "Do you still remember what happened last time..."

Shokuhou Misaki frowned and said matter-of-factly: "Isn't that certain? For girls, having their figure belittled is a great hurt that hurts the soul!"

"How's it going? Am I attractive now?" Shokuhou Misaki turned sideways and brushed her hands by her side. The lace gloves wrapped her legs, revealing the looming absolute realm.

Bai Ye couldn't help but focus his eyes on her tui, then he woke up and looked away awkwardly, "Ahem! If you want to seduce me, you should develop your figure more maturely!"

“Hey, is that so——?”

Shokuhou Misaki seemed to have noticed something, and deliberately prolonged his accent, with a half-smile on his face.

"Well, I'll keep working hard!"

Shokuhou Misaki was in a good mood and let Hakuno go without further investigation. She made up her mind to pay good attention to breast development and take good care of her thighs...

"Director...those people from last time are here again!"

At this time, the female researcher who was delivering the message looked like she was hesitating to speak, and prayed to Shokuhou Cao.

Shokuhou Misaki suddenly looked confused: "Those people from last time?"

"It's the two girls who invaded our research institute a few days ago, and the one who took them away afterwards... and the one who came from who knows where."

Shokuhou Misaki was stunned for a moment.

But Bai Ye's eyes lit up and he stood up, "Let's go and meet your future subordinates!"

"Future subordinate?" Shokuhou Misaki was very puzzled, but she trusted Hakuno, so she didn't ask any more questions and followed Hakuno towards the living room.

Chapter 67 You are a primary school student!

In the empty living room, four pretty, cute or slender figures were sitting at the long table with different expressions.

"Damn it!" Mugino Shenli was in a very bad mood. He kicked the table legs from time to time, looking very unwilling.

"Why were we transferred here?! There's no explanation!"

Faced with Mugino Shenli's irritability, a pretty girl in sportswear across from her said helplessly: "Mugino, this is the 214th time you have said this after knowing the transfer order!"

"There's nothing we can do about it! Who told us to be transferred to this research institute now? A few days ago, Mugino and I were here - ugh!"

Flanda desperately wanted to explain the current situation, but before she could finish her words, she was stared at by Mugino Shenli's fierce eyes, and she immediately didn't dare to say anything more.

Although Flanda has been brainwashed by Shokuhou Misaki, under normal circumstances Flanda is still the same Flanda as before, but in her heart, Shokuhou Misaki has become her queen.

"It doesn't matter where you transfer. I accept the punishment. It was indeed my mistake last time...but why is it here?!" Mugino Shenli said in a vicious voice as before.

The pretty girl Takitsubo sighed softly, "Chapter 215..."

Mugino Shenli glared at Takitsubo Rikou again, making her shut up and stop talking, leaving Mugino Shenli sulking alone.

In fact, when he just received this transfer order from the council, Mugino Shenli couldn't believe it.

ANBU props, although it is newly established, is at least an organization affiliated with the Academy City Council. It has very high power, can act freely, and has abundant funds.

But suddenly, it was as if they who belonged to the council were suddenly abandoned, and they were sent to this research institute.

The gap between a mere research institute and the council that manages the entire Academy City cannot be measured in miles!

It can be said that their status has plummeted and they have become a joke in the ANBU organization!

Especially since she, a level 5, was defeated by a level 4, she was even ridiculed by the higher-ups.

But no matter how Mugino Shenli checked, the transfer order was conclusive, which made her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave for a moment.

Mugino Shenli is unwilling to be transferred to a mere research institute from the bottom of her heart. Especially, the level 4 who kicked her in the face and made her lose face has an inexplicable relationship with this place, which makes her even more dissatisfied. She was furious.

But even if she is unwilling and rejects it, she will not have the guts to resist the council.

On the one hand, it's because Mugino Shenri is well aware of the darkness of Academy City. If she dares to resist, the result may not be easy.

On the other hand, Mugino Shenli still has a glimmer of hope in his heart.

That's because she wants to climb up from this research institute and return to the position she used to be under the council, subordinate to one person!

Before that, it was still bearable.

This was what Mugino Shenli had in mind.

Although this woman has a bit of a bad temper, at least she is not a fool, and she has enough authority to avoid being hung up.

Seeing Mugino Shenli sulking there, Takitsubo Rikou actually felt uncomfortable.

However, her focus is different from that of Mugino Shimari. Mugino Shimari wants to climb back to the previous position, while Takitsubo Rikou feels sad that the council abandoned them so easily.

Ever since she became an ANBU, it would be no exaggeration to say that she had her head tied to her waistband. She had also imagined that she might be killed by someone, but she never expected that she would encounter a disaster not long after joining. , and as a result, this disaster was not a life and death crisis, but being abandoned by his boss without saying a word...

This chilling behavior was the reason why Takitsubo couldn't let go.

She glanced at Flanders who was drinking tea carelessly, and sighed in her heart: If only I could be as optimistic as this guy...

But in fact, she didn't know that the reason why Frenda was so optimistic was that she no longer needed to be a spy in the props and could directly serve under her queen!

"Hey, what's your name? You're very small. Are you a primary school student?"

As expected, Frenda spoke to the short girl sitting next to her carelessly.

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