"Because you think, even if you want to reminisce about old times, you can just do it outside Milenia Castle, right?"

Bai Ye glanced at Gold, with a faint smile in his eyes, "There is absolutely no need to force others to do things that violate the rules..."


Gold's face instantly became extremely ugly.

"You...don't you understand!?"

Gold shouted to Bai Ye almost in frustration, "If you are willing to help and win over the ruler, we will be more advantageous -"

"It was a little clever just now, but now it's too ugly, Gold."

Facing Gold's expression that seemed anxious and angry, Bai Ye just sighed and said somewhat mockingly: "The real master you want to win over is right in front of you. This is to make Joan of Arc... Are you giving up your principles?"

Gold choked up when he heard this.

As expected, Joan of Arc was looking at him from the side with eyes that showed no fluctuation at all.

Saying that he wants to win her over in front of the supervisor is almost the same as asking the saint to give up his own integrity. If he doesn't say it out, it's okay, everyone just tacitly agrees, but once he says it out, it will be too disrespectful.

Fortunately, Joan of Arc is a saint. If she were some arrogant heroic spirit, she might have already taken up arms at this moment.

"Damn it...damn it!"

Gold cursed in a low voice, immediately turned around with an ugly expression, and strode towards the car on the road beside him.

Now that both of them don't like to see him, if he stays, it's just a hot face but a cold butt.

After seeing Gold leave here in a car with his servants, Joan of Arc breathed a sigh of relief and showed a helpless expression, "With such a Master, the hero Siegfried will probably be quite distressed. Bar?"

Siegfried, like Hakuno, was a servant who was a comrade-in-arms with Jeanne during the Hundred Years War of the Evil Dragon, and Jeanne was quite familiar with him.

"That's true. I think so too." After all, he had stayed in Milenia Castle for a while. Bai Ye could naturally tell that Siegfried might have been subjected to some kind of 'no talking' rule imposed by Gold. Class commands will become unusually silent, right?

"Ignoring this for now, let's leave here first. Such a big movement will probably attract a lot of people."

As Joan of Arc said this, she immediately walked towards the place where her luggage was placed, ready to take the luggage and leave.

"Ah?" However, when she reached the position, Joan of Arc made a stunned sound.

Bai Ye turned his head and looked at the ground.

The box where she kept her clothes had been destroyed at some point, and all the clothes inside were scattered on the ground. Two of the underwear, which looked like they were quite large, were stained. It was pitch black after being burned by the flames.

"What are you looking at?"

Joan of Arc cast a very gloomy look at Bai Ye.

"Ahem... No, I didn't see anything..."

Bai Ye coughed lightly and looked away, pretending not to see anything.

"It's pink..." It was just one side, but he was thinking this in his heart.

Chapter 749 A problem that embarrasses even the saints

After it gets light.

In a hotel in a Romanian city.

Bai Ye still got up very early, went to the lobby of the hotel, ordered a breakfast, and ate it alone. After he had finished the breakfast, the girl's figure ran down the stairs.

"Have you been waiting for a long time? I'm sorry." Jeanne apologized to Bai Ye in the hall.

"It's okay, it's just my personal habit of getting up early, don't mind it."

Bai Ye shook his head, waved his hand, and greeted the waiter at the counter, "Sorry, please have another breakfast."

"I'm asking you to spend money again..." Joan of Arc said with a rare shy look, rather embarrassed.

Her appearance is not noble at all, but rather like a girl next door.

"Anyway, I'm not short of money or anything like that."

Bai Ye shrugged and turned his gaze to Jeanne on the other side, "On the contrary, it's you. This situation doesn't look like a servant at all..."

Joan of Arc is wearing a female high school uniform, which is a design of short shorts and stockings that are great for men. Looking like this, the appearance of the saint is gone, and she looks like a student from the same school. A role like a sister.

"Not only clothes, but also sleep. For a servant, this kind of behavior is completely unnecessary, right?"

Bai Ye paused and looked her over again, "Besides, in your current state, are you possessing a living person?"

Hearing this, Joan of Arc also sighed helplessly, "Originally, if I were to descend directly, of course I wouldn't need to sleep or eat. However, I don't know why, this time my descending method is similar to Hakuno, you sub-servants are possessed by you."

"I am like a membrane placed on this girl's body, so whether it is sleeping or eating, these are necessary behaviors."

Saying this, Joan of Arc counted the same things again, "Moreover, money must be used very sparingly. Things like air tickets and travel expenses are still a relatively big burden for a high school girl..."

If the previous Joan of Arc just lost the appearance of a saint, then the current Joan of Arc is completely like a village girl, starting to carefully calculate the family's worrying financial situation, thinking about how to save, etc.

g. Bai Ye was stunned for a moment.

"Yes...really? Do you want to buy the clothes again?"

Jeanne was stunned when she heard this, then frowned, and after thinking for a while, she shook her head, "Forget it, for me, this set of clothes is enough. At best, I will only stay at night." You will only need Leticia’s clothes when you eat at the hotel and three meals a day in the restaurant, but at other times just use my spiritual clothes.”

"Don't ask me to help you pay for it, I won't accept it."

I don't know why, but when talking about these things, Jeanne always has an inexplicable strong aura about her that makes it impossible to refute.

"Don't always talk about me. Your problems are bigger, right, Bai Ye?"

Joan of Arc said this, her expression gradually becoming serious, "You are not the heroic spirit summoned from within in this Holy Grail War at all, are you? But you still intervened in this Holy Grail War. To me, this is a violation of the rules. ”

"Not only that, your injuries are also very bad, right? Why did you get injured like that? Did you encounter some powerful enemy when you were saving humanity..."

Joan of Arc still has worries about Bai Ye, not only because she is an acquaintance with Bai Ye, but also because Bai Ye is the main force in saving humanity in another world, and she cannot sit idly by.

The reason why the two of them did not separate last night, but found a hotel to stay together, was partly due to this.


"Well, it's just like what you said."

Bai Ye spread his hands and said with a helpless smile: "I suffered some injuries for some reasons, so I want to get the Great Holy Grail of this world to recover from the injuries..."

Saying this, Bai Ye paused for a moment, and then a teasing smile appeared on his face.

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