Kotomine Shiro's brows twitched slightly, and then he smiled, "How could that be?"

"It's just that my followers are better at this."

The smile on his face was as gentle and humble as before. If he was a less cautious person, he might have been deceived by his harmless appearance at this moment.

"The mask he wears is really exquisite."

Bai Ye secretly thought that under his telepathy, the other party's lies could not be established at all.

It was not his followers who noticed their arrival, but himself.

——As for why he knew this, it was because Bai Ye had already recognized the other party's true identity.

"Then what? Why did you come to me?"

Bai Ye was not in a hurry to expose the other party's mask. He just said this with an indifferent expression.



After hearing this, Kotomine Shiro seemed to have finally remembered the business, and the same smile as before appeared on his face again, even @a little more uneasy.

"Actually, I'm here to recruit you." "Huh?" Bai Ye paused.

"Eh?" Fiore was also stunned.

"What?" Chiron was also slightly surprised.

"...Are you so popular?"

Even Black Jeanne spoke to Hakuno like this through reciting words.

"How about it? Do you want to come to our place?"

Kotomine Shiro looked at Hakuno, his eyes full of eagerness and expectation.

That kind of feeling doesn't seem to be fake, he really hopes to recruit Bai Ye.

In fact, just for this purpose, he ran directly in front of several people.

But it is fair to say that, given the opponent's identity, it is not difficult to find out that Hakuno is the third party to break into the Holy Grail War. In addition, since Hakuno has the strength to overpower Karna and Achilles, the opponent will want to come. Recruiting Bai Ye is also very possible.

But what to say? The behavior itself is not only very direct, but also very bold.

"Your goal is the Great Holy Grail, right?"

As the kerosene lamp Fiore talked to Chiron and the others, Kotomine Shiro spoke again, "If this is the case, then join our side."

"In terms of strength, don't you think our side has a better chance of winning?"

Indeed, this is true, there are heroes of the level of Karna and Achilles on the red side.

As for Black, apart from Bai Ye, only Vlad III can take advantage of it...but he is probably no match for either of the two.

"Moreover, there are methods among us that are more powerful than the two of them."

Kotomine Shiro said this without any surprise, as if he would never stop talking.

A method stronger than both Karna and Achilles?

Fiore's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

If what he said is true, it is definitely the worst news for Black!

However, at this moment, the more important thing is——

"Mr. Bai Ye, this person's words have no credibility at all!" Fiore said to Bai Ye in a deep voice.

——Of course, it is to stabilize White Field in Black's camp.

If, as Shiro Amakusa said, the other party has stronger means, then Hakuno cannot be won over by the other party no matter what!

His strength can be used as Black's most powerful card.

Under Kotomine Shiro's expectant gaze and Fiore's somewhat anxious gaze, the scene did become somewhat quiet for a moment.

Both sides want to win over Bai Ye.

But the final choice still lies in Bai Ye's own hands.

Under the gazes of the two people, Bai Ye quietly raised his head and looked around the road, his eyes calm and deep.



Kotomine Shiro and Fiore were both a little unresponsive.

Then, following Bai Ye's gaze, they all tightened their gazes and became wary.


"I found you..."

"I will definitely kill you this time!"

"Tear the heart out!"

"Eat it!"

"Let you experience the feeling of despair..."

The childish voice formed an echo, flowing in the surrounding streets and alleys, and reached Bai Ye's ears.

At the same time, the gray-white mist also appeared like morning dew, wrapping the entire place from shallow to deep, wrapping everyone here in it.

The fog is poisonous, the acid fog of London.

——Jack the Ripper’s Noble Phantasm, Dark Twist, Level C.

Chapter 766 - The beginning of the chaos

London's acid smog is the product of the combination of large amounts of coal smoke emitted from London's factories after the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, and the cold fog in the air.

London's smog was very famous throughout the history of the Industrial Revolution.

Its interior contains a large amount of sulfide substances, which are highly acidic and corrosive, and can have a devastating impact on human organs and internal organs, resulting in the sacrifice of a large number of people in that era.

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