As for Bai Ye, if he can make up for his own shortcomings, he is also very willing to learn.

"But is this really good?"

Although Hakuno was happy to learn this skill at 22, his eyes became serious and he looked at Chiron with a very serious look, "Is it really okay to hand over this skill to me as Hercules?"

Hakuno's spiritual base is Hercules.

Originally, Hercules was Chiron's proudest student. If this skill was taught to Hakuno, who had his spiritual power, Chiron would definitely be very willing.

But there was a barrier between Hercules and Chiron.

Under Bai Ye's inquiry, even Chiron fell silent.

——After all, in Greek mythology, Chiron was killed by Hercules.

That's right, Chiron, the great sage, was actually killed by his favorite student, the Greek hero Hercules.

That was when Hercules was chasing a Centaur thief. He chased his opponent into the territory of the Centaur clan and aimed at the thief with the arrow in his hand.

While the arrow penetrated the Centaur thief, it also hit Chiron, who was resolving disputes among the Centaur clan at the time.

If it were an ordinary arrow, Chiron wouldn't care. After all, he is a pure god with unimaginable immortality.

But no matter what, the arrow was actually coated with Hydra's poison.

The poison of Hydra eroded his body, making him miserable, but because he was a god but could not die, Chiron fell into endless pain.

Finally, as a last resort, he returned his immortality to his parents who were gods, and then he died successfully and was freed from the poison of Hydra.

It is precisely because he surrendered his immortality that Chiron could be summoned as a servant. Otherwise, he would be an orthodox god.

Therefore, although it was not intentional, it was Heracles who accidentally killed Chiron, which later became something that Heracles regretted throughout his life.

In other words, there is actually a subtle enemy relationship between Chiron and Hakuno.

In Hakuno's view, when faced with Hercules who killed him, Chiron was being polite if he didn't take action directly. Could he be kind enough to give him skills?

"Well, don't think too much."

Chiron said somewhat silently: "Although I am personally saved, I still can't feel relieved about this kind of thing. After all, my purpose of participating in the Holy Grail War is to get back my immortality... However, in the final analysis, that is not Hector's intention. It’s Raquel’s fault, now that things have reached this point, there is no point in dwelling on this issue.”

"What's more, even though you have accepted his spiritual power, you are still Bai Ye, right?" Chiron finally said with a smile.

Although he couldn't let go, as a sage, Chiron at least knew the difference between Bai Ye and Heracles, and would not anger Bai Ye because of this kind of thing.

Hearing what he said, Bai Ye also smiled.

"Well, if you don't mind, then I won't be disrespectful."

After a pause, Bai Ye raised the corners of his mouth and continued: "Please, teacher."

"Well, leave it to me."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after Bai Ye said the title "teacher", he inexplicably felt Chiron's eagerness to teach.

Sighisoara, the city where the red team’s base camp is located.

The girl with golden braids was wearing a high school girl's uniform, walking around the city, checking the situation of the city.

Because Bai Ye and others had a battle here yesterday, there are still traces of the battle on many buildings, and some buildings still show signs of being destroyed.

"There are also strange servant fluctuations coming from Tulifas where Black is. Is it a newly summoned servant?"

Joan of Arc frowned in thought as she walked on the road, "Besides, 120 this definitely feels like an illegal summons."

As a ruler, she can sense the existence of all servants within ten kilometers. Of course, she can also sense the avenger summoned by Hakuno.

However, because they have not met, Joan of Arc still does not know the true name of the servant who was summoned in violation of regulations, nor does she know that the person summoned by Gao Angqi is Bai Ye.

"We'll talk about things over there later. It's important to find the red side's master first."

With this in mind, Joan of Arc stepped into the suburbs of the city and found a tall white church located here.

However, what made her feel strange was——

"Strange, why is there no scent of any servant here?"

Joan frowned deeply, feeling that many things in this Holy Grail War tended to be beyond her control.

"Go and check first - this is it?"

The moment Joan was about to enter the church, a strange picture suddenly appeared in her mind.

Chapter 780 The huge fortress suspended in the sky

What appeared in Jeanne's eyes was an image that seemed to transport what was about to happen in the future directly into her mind.

Under the bright moon and stars, wars raged on the vast plains. Beings beyond human imagination were fighting to the death. Several followers fell, huge beams of light rose into the sky, and hidden behind this Holy Grail War, there was an attempt to plot. The figure of some young man.

"Is it about to start? No wonder there's no one here."

I don’t know if the other party was deliberately avoiding her, but the master of the red side perfectly missed her and was already embarking on a journey to start a battle with the black side.

Without any hesitation, Joan immediately followed the revelation from the Lord.

"Does it look like you've noticed it? You are indeed a ruler."

In the spacious and atmospheric space, Kotomine Shiro was wearing the same black priest clothes as before. He opened his eyes and spread his usual gentle smile on his face.

At this moment, this place seemed to have become the real base camp of the red side, with almost all the followers of the red side gathered here.

Karna, a red lancer with pale skin, wearing golden armor and holding a golden steel gun, was leaning in front of a pillar.

The red rider Achilles, who had short green hair, sat cross-legged alone, with his eyes closed and his head lowered, as if he was recharging his energy.

And, sitting on a high platform, wearing a black dress, a peerless beauty whose beauty surpassed countless women in the world, but whose temperament seemed inexplicably decadent.

"Then let's go, assassin."

Kotomine Shiro was on the floor below, looking up at the decadent beauty on the high platform, and said with a smile.

On the high platform, the peerless beauty in the black dress heard this, a smile full of the smell of wonderful poisonous wine appeared on her face, and she stretched out her hand.

"As you wish, my Master."

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