Fiore's pupils suddenly dilated.

Opposite her, on the back of Danik's hand, there were only faint traces of the three-stroke command spell that were originally bright red.

That means - the servant he used has disappeared.

Danik's eyes turned sinister in an instant, and his extremely bad mood could be seen from his face.

This is extremely rare. After all, Danik is a rare politician, and something that can move him represents something unusual in itself.


With his expression extremely gloomy, Danik turned his eyes to Fiore. The dark eyes made Fiore tremble unconsciously.

"We, the Yggdmirenia clan, have always been despised by the Magic Association and countless magicians. 'We can only be responsible for accepting some down-and-out magicians', and 'we are all second-rate magic users.'" , 'a fallen race that has long been deprived of hope, glory, and glory'... I have heard such comments countless times in the past few decades."

Darnic's eyes flashed with a strong desire for revenge, "Therefore, my lifelong wish is to strengthen and revive our Yggdomirenia clan, and take revenge on those magicians and magic associations who look down on us!"

The trajectory of Danik's life was extremely tortuous.

As a boy, he had outstanding magic talents. After being introduced to the Magic Association, countless magicians and even nobles with generations of bloodline came to join him because they were optimistic about his future.

However, within the Magic Association, there was a magician who made such a judgment on him.

"Yugdomirenia's bloodline is tainted and cannot be maintained beyond five generations."

After that, the sworn brother who smiled and patted his shoulder and praised friendship disappeared without a trace, and the woman who expressed her love to him also left him.

That kind of verdict and prophecy not only shattered his dream of becoming a noble, but also deprived all the hopes of his descendants. Even the dream shared by all magicians - to reach the source vortex was destroyed. give up.

Therefore, from then on, Darnic's only thought was to revive the Yggdomirenia family and take revenge on the magicians who betrayed him and despised his family.

"Therefore, the Great Holy Grail is something we need no matter what, even if it costs me my life!"

Darnic stared at Fiore with his extremely persistent eyes, "So, Fiore, give me Archer—Chiron's Command Seal!"

Chapter 798 Do you think you can escape with your life in my hands?


Facing the extremely unexpected request, Fiore was completely unprepared and fell into complete astonishment.

Not only her, but also Cowles beside her, her breathing was stagnant, and her face could no longer keep calm.

"Fiore, our black team only has your archer's last servant left." Danik said.

Siegfried committed suicide early in the morning.

Vlad III was killed above the Sky Courtyard.

Frankenstein exposed himself to death on the battlefield.

Astolfo was taken away by the enemy, and now he only has the last few minutes left to live.

Avisbron became an enemy directly.

Jack the Ripper was not within their control in the first place.

In view of this, Black has only one servant left, Chiron, which in itself is an undoubted fact.

"In order to fulfill our family's tragic wish, Fiore, I need the command spell in your hand!" Danik looked at Fiore with a persistent and sinister look.


Fiore subconsciously fell into hesitation.

Although, as uncle and clan leader, if Danik made a request to her, she should not refuse, but at this moment, Fiore still hesitated.

"There's nothing to hesitate about, right?"

Seeing Fiore's hesitation, Danik immediately lowered his gaze and continued to pursue: "Servants are just familiars in the final analysis. It is natural to obey the orders of our magician..."

When he said this, Danik suddenly forgot about his past of treating Vlad III as a king.

"I need to ask Archer's opinion on this kind of thing..."

Fiore still didn't agree to Danik's request.

That's right, to a magician, a servant is just a type of familiar, and the familiar should not oppose any of the master's ideas.

However, this is the magician’s idea after all.

As for Fiore, her thoughts are decisively different from the magician's, that is, she cannot achieve the magician's hard-hearted heart that does whatever it takes to achieve the goal.

In other words, Fiore's heart is kinder after all, and she is not on the same level as the cold-blooded magician.

Darnic only treats the follower as a familiar, but Fiore treats Chiron as a @person and a hero. Therefore, even if it is the order of her uncle and the clan leader, Fiore still cannot agree immediately. . "Really... Fiore——"

Danik's eyes flashed with anger and loss for a moment, "You let me down so much!"

It is unclear whether this disappointment is because Fiore did not transfer Archer to him, or because he finally realized Fiore's unqualification as a magician.

"If that's the case, don't blame me."

After his persuasion was useless, Danik closed his eyes. When he opened them, there was only coldness in his eyes.

For him, the revival of the family is the most important. For this, he can do it even if it means abolishing or even killing such an heir who is not qualified as a magician.

Having made his decision, Darnic immediately raised the magic cane in his hand, and the magic power inside it began to flow faintly, emitting the light of the activated magic base——


However, before everyone on the field could react, a black shadow suddenly passed quickly under the night and landed on Danik's wrist.


Danik immediately screamed in pain and subconsciously let go of the cane in his hand, causing it to fall to the ground with a crisp sound. Corless quickly picked it up and snatched it away to prevent him from hurting his sister.

Looking carefully, there was a steel nail embedded directly into the flesh of Darnik's wrist, penetrating his arm.


Footsteps sounded, and a young figure walked out of the darkness. His black hair was fluttering in the night wind, and his white shirt was very conspicuous in the night.

"Mr. Hakuno?"

As the savior who saved her life, Fiore had a very deep impression and sense of Bai Ye, and she recognized him immediately...

"Chiron-sensei is so lucky to have a master like you."

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