"..." Shokuhou Misaki remained silent, and even her smile disappeared this time.

"I will be back in a year at most, because this world - you are still here."

Shokuhou Misaki's eyes lit up, and he burst out laughing, "Then let's make an agreement, I will definitely come back in a year at most... By that time, I will definitely impress you!"

"Well, I'm looking forward to it!" Seeing the smile on Shokuhou Misaki's face again, Hakuno couldn't help but smile.

The barrier dispersed, and neither of them mentioned what happened just now. They still chatted and laughed, ate dinner, and returned to the research institute.

Only the two of them knew about the conversation that took place within the barrier.

Although there was a pair of eyes monitoring Bai Ye in the dark, but unfortunately, those eyes were expelled, and the other party naturally knew nothing.

In the research institute, after the two of them came back, there was nothing unusual, and naturally the people working on the props couldn't see anything.

Night falls.

At this moment, it is the day when the Academy City Daiha Star Festival has just begun. The eyes of the whole world are focused here. Countless students are reunited with their long-separated families. But in the research institute of the second school district, there is one person. People who care about each other are about to separate.

In the dead of night, Bai Ye left his room and came to the door of the next room.

He paused for a moment, then stretched out his finger, a trace of electric light overflowed, the electronic lock made a "click" sound, and the door was opened immediately.

At this moment, the room was dark, except for a small bulge in the center of the big bed, letting people know that a little person was sleeping there.

Hakuno walked to the bed silently and saw Shokuhou Misaki, who was breathing steadily. She was different from usual when she was sleeping. She was still cute, but very calm.

Bai Ye raised his hand and carved another Z-shaped rune in the air.

Orr, ranked 15th in the sequence, has the dual functions of expelling and protecting.

After finishing, Hakuno lowered his head and gently stroked Shokuhou Misaki's forehead, smoothing her frown.

"I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer when I come back next time!"

After saying that, Bai Ye gently retracted his hand... and a blue light flashed across the room.

Shokuhou Misaki on the bed finally opened her eyes, but the room was empty.

The next day, the four props learned the news of Bai Ye's inexplicable disappearance, and they were all shocked.

Later, Shirone's disappearance became known to more people, which depressed a young girl with brown hair who wanted to challenge him because she was not convinced. At the same time, it also caused an indescribable feeling in Aleister's heart who was hiding in the dark. premonition.

At this moment, no matter what the people in this world think, Bai Ye himself has returned to the narrow room of the world.

Remarks on the launch

This book is finally on the shelves, and I have a lot of feelings about it.

This is the third time it has been put on the shelves of Feilu, and I feel that it is much more familiar than before. I won’t talk too much about commonplace things, but I will talk about the status and problems of this book.

From a feeling point of view, I am very satisfied with the first part of this book. This is almost my stable work, and there are no major problems, unlike the previous book, so I feel very relieved.

However, the results of this book are not as good as the previous one. On the one hand, I wrote it in a more serious way, not just for the sake of showing off. I wrote about the protagonist’s experience, travels and feelings in the two-dimensional world. On the other hand, the theme of comprehensive comics may, maybe, probably... be outdated, at least, it is outdated in Feilu.

But I only write comprehensive comics, because I like anime, and I don’t want to and can’t write messy novels. Therefore, when it comes to this, I still want to thank my friends who have been with me all the way. Thank you all.

Secondly, perhaps some readers have already seen the problem with this book. The protagonist’s power system is relatively complex and difficult to tie into a straight line. I am working hard on this aspect, and I also hope that book friends can brainstorm ideas and send them to the book review area. Go ahead and let me see it, and I will definitely adopt it. If it goes against the setting of this book, then I have no choice but to say sorry.

Finally, I hope everyone can support the release of this book.

I am about to be a senior in college, and I can’t guarantee how long I will be able to write, but I still hope to write a book without flaws.

As a motivation for writing a book, I hope everyone can actively subscribe so that the daily subscription of this book can be as high as possible. I also hope that book friends can turn on automatic subscription. These are all supports for me. No flowers or anything is required. , as long as you subscribe, it will be a blessing.

So, finally, this book will be on the shelves tonight and will be updated tomorrow. I hope everyone will appreciate it and give me an initial order!


Like sunshine.

Volume 2: Is it wrong to seek encounters in dungeons?

Chapter 73 Returning to the World

In the narrow space of the world, this place is still full of strange things.

Standing in this space, Bai Ye once again felt the breadth and mystery of this place.

The broken sapphire platform under his feet was still the same as before he left.

The sky is filled with countless transparent stars, and each star is a world.

Among them, Bai Ye saw a world unique to the Demonic Forbidden City. It was relatively close to the sapphire platform, and the individual stars were very large. Among the stars in the sky, they were definitely the largest.

"Back here again!"

Standing on the only good piece of sapphire platform within a few meters of radius, Bai Zhi's various emotions alternated between each other, and he was filled with emotion.

He still remembered the scene when he woke up here four months ago, and the memories after that were still fresh and unforgettable.

"Huh... I'll always go back there, let's do business first!"

Shaking his head hard to drive away distracting thoughts, Bai Ye stretched out his hand and took out the two fragments he had retrieved from the Forbidden World from the Millennium City he carried with him.

There is also a fragment, because Bai Ye has no good way to retrieve it in the depths of the sea, so there are only two for now.

When he was in the forbidden world, Bai Ye tried various methods, but he couldn't make the fragments react, so he couldn't even get any experience points, which once made him very tired.

But at this moment, Bai Ye still wants to give it a try.

Try to see if the fragment still doesn't respond after returning to the sapphire platform, the parent body of the fragment.

"Buzz buzz-"

Sure enough, as soon as the two fragments came out of this space, they immediately started to tremble, showing a reaction as if they wanted to return somewhere!

Bai Ye's eyes lit up and he looked at the two fragments in his hands with some anticipation.

When the two fragments trembled, the sapphire platform under Bai Ye's feet also shone with cyan luster as if he was very happy.

During this process, perhaps because Bai Ye was born from the Jade Platform, he could clearly sense its excitement.

Immediately, the two fragments separated from Bai Ye's palm and headed towards the sapphire platform.

However, just when Bai Ye thought he was going to succeed this time, a strange golden light suddenly shone under the sapphire platform, as if he wanted to cause trouble, and the golden light spread to prevent the fragments from getting closer.

As the mischievous golden light lit up, the sapphire platform seemed unwilling to give in. It flashed a cyan light more intensely, trying to close the fragments.

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