Now there is no phenomenon that my mind is affected in other aspects, and there are no abnormalities at all in my daily life. Should I say that I am relatively lucky?

Although Bai Ye could roughly guess the whole story, there was nothing he could do.

He had just left the category of fighting against the five scum, so it was still a bit difficult to understand the situation.

If the pretty girl who was the guide hadn't disappeared, she should have been able to tell me something, but it was a pity.

Well, even so, this state is not necessarily a bad thing.

To a certain extent, this did help him get rid of the embarrassment of facing war in the future, allowing him to fight and even kill calmly.

Moreover, since there has never been peace of mind and will only occur when stimulated by murderous intent, then as long as you control yourself when it is time to control yourself... this is also a trump card!

That kind of murderous intention without any ripples, a certain emotion that converts disgust into murderous intention, as if he was a born murderer! Always comes in handy in battle.

So, strictly speaking, it's hard to say whether this is a side effect of rebirth or some kind of inherent talent.

However, after thinking about it, Bai Ye still tended to think that this was a talent.

To explain why...if this was really a bad development, no matter how anxious the guide lady was, she would not forget to tell him about the possible side effects of rebirth!

In other words, in her eyes, it is very likely that Bai Ye's mentality is beneficial. It is a talent acquired after rebirth.

In a short period of time, Bai Ye can only speculate on these results. Whether they are true or not depends on the subsequent development.

By the time Bai Ye wanted to understand this possibility, he had already arrived on the other side of the city, and had already reached the outskirts of the city and walked out of the city.

What appears in front of you is a small forest. At a glance, you can see the green jade and lush branches and leaves, and you can't see the edge.

Looking at the forest in front of him, Bai Ye frowned.

His intuition told him that this time it might not be as simple as the last time to find the location of the fragments.

The location of the fragments is somewhere deep in the forest. From just now, the feeling of vague movement has disappeared.

Bai Ye tensed up and stepped into the forest vigilantly, ready to take action at any time.

In the forest, under the sunlight, the light passes through the branches and leaves, projecting a mottled light and shadow on the ground.

The surroundings were very quiet, except for the chirping of birds.

Bai Ye slowly walked into the depths of the forest.

To his surprise, no one came to stop him on the road, and no one set a trap. Everything was normal, no different from an ordinary forest.

Bai Ye did not let down his guard until he saw the figure in front of him.

Suddenly meeting a person in this place made Bai Ye feel nervous at first, but after seeing this person, he became shocked.

It was a girl, but perhaps calling her a girl was incorrect. The girl was about 1.7 meters tall, which was much taller than most men.

The girl was wearing a white kimono with a corset around her waist, and her long black hair was tied into a ponytail at the back of her head, hanging down to her waist.

Not only that, her face is also very delicate and impeccable, with no trace of immaturity at all, and only calmness can be revealed from the purple pupils.

And her figure is unexpectedly good. Whether it is breasts or breasts, the curves are very well developed, and her figure is beyond imagination. Even a loose kimono cannot cover it up.

This girl is very beautiful. Even her calm expression can make people notice the beauty of ease.

But contrary to that beautiful scene, she was holding an incredibly long katana in her hand.

Although the girl was very beautiful, Bai Ye's eyes were focused on the long sword held by the girl.

On the handle of the long knife, there is a jade-shaped fragment shining with a dense green shimmer, tied with silk thread, and tied there.

That's right, that's one of the fragments.

Sensing a faint call from the fragment, Bai Ye thought for sure.

While Hakuno was sizing up the girl, the girl opposite was also sizing up Hakuye.

On the surface, he looks like a handsome young man with pretty cheeks, short hair, and ordinary clothes. He is very tall, half a head taller than her. Although his temperament is still a bit immature, his eyes are very intelligent. , seems to be a top student and activist in the school who is respected by students and expected by teachers...

On the surface, he seemed very ordinary, but in the eyes of a magician like the girl, this boy was too weird.

There is a very active magic power lingering around him, flying all the time... It is as if he is a natural user of magic power, a son of nature, with an unimaginable affinity for magic power!

This alone aroused her curiosity and solemnity about this young man.

This person with such magical qualifications is by no means an ordinary person.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Opposite Bai Ye, the girl spoke calmly, calmly and maturely.

Without showing any hostility, the girl seemed to have put all her doubts and other thoughts in her heart, and asked Bai Ye in a calm tone.

Bai Ye's wild intuition told him that this girl was not as calm as she seemed. The wind blowing from the opposite side made him feel the walls in his heart.

This is probably some kind of talent, extraordinary intuition and detection of human thoughts.

If Bai Ye felt murderous intent in this girl at this moment, he would take action without hesitation.

After careful calculation, he has gained a lot of talents after his rebirth.

Chapter 8 Amakusa Style Cross Sect

This talent of detecting the mind is not as powerful as imagined, 'seeing through the other person's mind like a mind reader'.

In fact, with Bai Ye's induction, he can only vaguely detect whether the other person has good intentions or kindness towards him, whether he is lying or sincere, whether he is defensive or accepting... In fact, it is like a high-level sense of words and expressions.

He didn't have this kind of talent before. There is no doubt that this is also the benefit of rebirth.

"My name is Bai Ye, and I'm here for the jade fragment on your sword!"

Bai Ye had no intention of hiding anything. He looked directly at the girl opposite him with burning eyes, his eyes showing firm will.

"That thing that was originally mine...could you please give it to me?"

He was born from there. The jade fragments are just like the sapphire platform. They are existences that are inevitably connected with him. It is not wrong to say that they are his things.

The unexpected answer made the girl in kimono pause. She glanced at the broken jade that was used as a sword tassel on the sword in her hand and frowned.

Then, after hesitating for a moment, she shook her head: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency, this is also something of special significance to me!"

Bai Ye's heart suddenly sank, but he did not give up and asked: "How special is it?"

"This is a gift from my family. It is from my heart. I cannot give it to you easily."

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