Suddenly, as he was advancing, Bai Ye's feet seemed to have guessed something and made a crisp sound.

Bai Ye lowered his head, took off his feet, and saw the true form of the thing under his feet.

It was a purple gemstone, about the size of a thumb, which contained some strange energy.

Bai Ye frowned. He didn't know what kind of gem this was. In fact, there were so many gems in the world that he couldn't remember them all.

"Who dropped it here? Or did you throw it away?"

Bai Ye thought so and continued to move forward. This time, under his deliberate attention, he discovered more than ten such gems in front.

The shape of each gemstone is different, but the size is about the size of a thumb.

After thinking about it, Bai Ye put all these gems into the Millennium City.

"Huh? That's... a ladder?"

While wandering around, Bai Ye suddenly found a staircase leading down in a passage ahead.

Bai Ye touched his chin, thought for a moment, and quickly made a decision, "Let's go down and take a look. Anyway, we can't find a way out. It would be great if there is someone down there!"

Moreover, Bai Ye's intuition believes that going down from here is also an excellent way.

Following his feeling, Bai Ye walked into the stairs and walked down.

There was still nothing on the stairs, which made people feel bored.

Chapter 76 The monster born from the wall

After walking out of the stairs, another cave appeared in front of Bai Ye.

However, what is different from the upper level is that the color of the walls here is as white as frost.

Not only that, the scene on this level is also different from the upper level. The upper level is a cave extending in all directions, but here, it is a cliff surrounding a pillar.

It looks like a pillar reaching the sky, with a winding mountain road opened up on the side of it.

On both sides of this mountain road, one side is a wall with towering pillars, while the other side is empty, only a bottomless abyss.

"What is going on in this underground world?"

Bai Ye, who felt extremely strange about this scene, thought: "Anyway, let's pass here first and go down!"

Walking on this cliff road, Bai Ye walked towards the other side of the road. Although it was a bit far, with Bai Ye's eyesight, he could still barely see a small hole on the other side, and he should be able to go further down.

"Speaking of which, this underground world is just like a castle!"

As each level goes down, it becomes different. It is like a castle upside down underground. There are many levels, and each level is different.

"This kind of gem again? And there seems to be a lot of it!"

On the cliff road, Bai Ye once again discovered the purple gems that fell on the ground. The gems here were a little larger than those on the upper level, but the shape was still irregular, and the number was much greater than on the previous level. There are more than twenty!

Just like the upper level, Bai Ye still put all these gems into the Millennium City.

At a rough count, Bai Ye has picked up more than thirty purple gems of various sizes.


At the moment when Bai Ye was advancing, a sound of something breaking came from the side, which immediately attracted Bai Ye's attention.

Then, in his stunned eyes, a man-high gap gradually opened in the columnar wall!

Immediately, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the gap, and a monster appeared within the wall.

As the monster's eyes gradually became more fierce, it stood up, as if coming out of an eggshell, and walked out of the wall, looking at the only living thing here besides itself - Bai Ye.

There was only one gap in the wall, so the monster only appeared in this one.

But even if there is only this one, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can deal with!

This monster has a tall figure, at least two and a half meters tall. Its body muscles are swollen, and you can tell with your eyes that it has extraordinary strength. Its body is covered with light body hair, which seems to symbolize its strong defense power.

However, this monster's head is that of a bull, with its nose and mouth showing the characteristics of a bull. There are horns on its head, and its eyes are violent red and irrational.

This kind of monster looks very much like the Minotaur in Greek mythology—the Minotaur!

"Wait! The underground castle, the monsters born in the walls, and the Minotaur...could this be-?!"

When Bai Ye suddenly woke up, the Minotaur on the side finally showed its true nature as a monster. While roaring and waving its claws, amidst the roar of the wind, with huge power, it moved towards Bai Ye. Come straight to the attack!

There is no doubt that a claw containing such power is enough to tear a human body into pieces!

Different from the opponents Bai Ye has encountered in the past, this time the Minotaur is completely irrational. As a monster, it is a pure machine that only knows how to kill!

The astonishing aura it exudes is incomparable to Mugino Shenri and others in the past!

Moreover, what this monster sends out is purely physical attack.

Bai Ye immediately stepped forward and stepped backwards, missing the claw that was attacking.

But the next moment, the Minotaur, which failed to hit the target, did not hesitate at all, and directly chased Bai Ye!

In terms of pure speed, Bai Ye alone cannot match this monster.

However, fortunately, the reason why Bai Ye avoided it was to add status to himself.

In just one thought, a layer of intensely compressed nitrogen armor was wrapped around his body.

Hakuno has been promoted to the intermediate dream realization. The nitrogen armor he deployed has undoubtedly reached level 5!

During the retreat, Bai Ye suddenly stopped, exerted force on his waist, and immediately leaned his legs forward to help him stand firm.

At the same time, one of the Minotaur's claws had already clawed hard at Bai Ye's chest!


But after the fierce collision, what sounded was a harsh sound like the clash of steel.

Also, the Minotaur opened its mouth wide and its claws were trembling violently, as if it was in great pain.

Hakuno smiled indifferently. Academy City had not even made any calculations on how strong the level 5 nitrogen armor was. However, Hakuno was very confident that this layer of nitrogen armor could definitely stop Mugino Shimari. An atom collapses!

Under the shock, I grabbed this claw with all my strength. It is considered good if it is not scrapped.

Bai Ye seized this opportunity, immediately moved his legs and feet, raised his fist wrapped in nitrogen armor, and blasted directly towards the Minotaur's chest!


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