Like Shi Jie Jie Li, all the command spells in Fiore's hand have also disappeared.

Ten minutes later, in the study.

This was originally the study room used by Darnic, the head of the Yggdomirenia clan, and stored a large number of books and materials from various countries, even magic books.

After Darnic's death, this became the place where the family heir Fiore handled affairs.

"Really? Is this the ending in the end..."

Sitting in front of the desk, Fiore murmured to herself in a low voice, with a slight regret and regret in her eyes.

"In the end, Archer couldn't realize his wish. It's a pity."

Bai Ye remained silent.

"But there's nothing we can do about it. As long as Archer feels he has no regrets, it's enough. In the Holy Grail War, as long as he dies without regrets and hatred, then that's a good result, right?"

Sub-species Holy Grail wars often occur in this world, so Fiore is very open-minded about it and has no intention of pursuing it.

"...Although it's a little hard to say, Mr. Bai Ye, I have a request."

Chapter 837 Denying the past determination to pursue freedom

In the study.

Fiore raised her head hesitantly and made a request to Bai Ye.


Bai Ye raised his eyebrows and cast his gaze towards Fiore. He saw the melancholy look in the girl's eyes as she looked at her legs, and he understood immediately.

"I see, is it really the problem with your legs?"


Fiore looked down at the wheelchair under her, with sadness and helplessness on her brows, "These legs have become no different from being 'paralyzed' since I was a child."

"According to Uncle Darnic, this is because my magic circuit has deteriorated. If I want to stand up, I have to remove the magic circuit on my leg..."

Cutting off the magic circuit... would be no different than asking her to give up being a magician.

But that's impossible.

Not only has she lived as a magician since she was a child, but for her to not be a magician basically negates her previous way of living.

Especially because she is still the heir of the Yggdomirenia clan and has the burden of the entire family on her shoulders, so she cannot be willful.

In view of this, she held the hope of being able to stand up, but still had to succumb to reality and fear and sit in a wheelchair. Being able to stand up was just a luxury hope after all.

But the omnipotent Great Holy Grail gave her hope.

If she uses the power of the Great Holy Grail, she will be able to get out of the wheelchair and stand up without losing her identity as a magician, right?

"Indeed, with the help of the power of the Great Holy Grail, we can definitely do this, right?"

Bai Ye nodded, confirming Fiore's idea, but then he changed his tone and looked directly at Fiore opposite, his eyes darkening.

"But do you really want to continue being a magician?"

Fiore's whole body trembled when she heard this, and her eyes dodge as if her true thoughts were revealed, "This... this kind of thing... has nothing to do with using the Great Holy Grail to make me stand up, right?"

"But if you react like this, you really think being a magician is tiring, right? You want to give up, am I right?"

Bai Ye didn't pay attention to Fiore's change of topic, but pointed out what she wanted to hide very directly.

"There's no need to hide anything from me. I'm just an outsider anyway. I have no intention of interfering in your decision, so you can tell me clearly."

Fiore bit her lip, but fell silent.

Bai Ye is right.

Fiore is indeed tired of the 'magician' way of living.

No, rather, from the beginning, she was confused about whether she was suitable to become a magician.

As for the reason, Bai Ye already knew it.

Because Fiore has a kind heart that is completely incompatible with the magician.

The existence of magicians is basically the embodiment of being able to do whatever it takes to achieve their own interests. Most of these people have views that are completely inconsistent with ordinary people. It is difficult to see the characteristic of kindness in these people. .

Just give a simple example.

In order to complete his research project, a magician can easily kill pigeons and other small animals. As long as he can obtain materials such as blood, it is a very direct cause and effect of desire.

But Fiore would be heartbroken when a dog she owned died when she was a child, because she had the same feelings as a normal person.

Fiore is very aware of this personality of hers.

Therefore, she has always doubted whether she is suitable to be a magician... However, the chaotic situation of the Yggdomirenia clan no longer allows her to have such doubts.

The reason why she is now in charge of the overall situation of the clan is, after all, because of some factors that drive her to the top.

"I told you clearly, Fiore."

Bai Ye said very directly: "The Great Holy Grail is indeed with me, and it is indeed possible to use the Great Holy Grail to make you stand up... But unfortunately, I can't use the Great Holy Grail now."


Fiore's eyes widened immediately when she heard this, with an expression of disbelief on her face that even made her doubt her own ears, "You're lying, right?"

"I'm not lying to you."

Bai Ye was very decisive, and even his own face showed a trace of helplessness, "I really can't use the Great Holy Grail now... that thing doesn't obey my control."

Bai Ye did not lie.

The Great Holy Grail is indeed in his body, but just like what he said, Hakuno cannot control the Great Holy Grail.

Whether it is controlled by using magic power or controlling it with thoughts, the Great Holy Grail is like a machine that has lost its clockwork, motionless and completely ignoring Bai Ye's command.

Justisa's obedient appearance inside the Great Holy Grail was completely different from before.

Regardless of whether the Great Holy Grail has become the basis of Hakuno's new power, or it has fallen into a situation like Pandora's Great Curse that cannot be called out, in short, Hakuno himself cannot figure out the reason.

"So, choose."

Bai Ye waved his hands like a bachelor and said to Fiore: "If you don't have the courage to deny your past and throw away your burden, then continue to sit in a wheelchair like this."

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