But looking at it from another perspective, can the monsters on this level last for several rounds under the adventurer?

"It seems that this is the floor of the floor master!" Bai Ye deduced.

The so-called floor master is a specific kind of monster that appears every few floors in the dungeon.

There is only one monster on this floor, the floor master, but relatively speaking, the floor master is very powerful, generally about two levels stronger than the monsters on the corresponding floor!

Seeing that the Minotaur's level is lv.2, then the level of this floor master should be lv.4.

The one who can kill it with just a few moves must be at least a first-level adventurer, that is to say, at least level 5!

"This adventurer, I'm afraid I won't be able to sustain a few moves in a white-handed battle!"

Judging from those traces alone, it can be said that this adventurer is very skilled in the use of swords. It is not something that Bai Ye, who has only practiced for a few months, can stop him.

Of course, this is all based on the premise that strength and speed are equal, and Bai Ye's current speed and strength, under multiple increases, are really strong, and he has never tried it himself!

The magic stones on this floor have been taken away, and the floor master's magic stones should be able to be exchanged for a considerable amount of money.

Without lingering here, Bai Ye quickly passed this level and walked into the downward passage.

What is more criticizing is that the passage here is actually a pipe type. It requires people to slide down all the way. If one does not do well, he will be thrown down and eat shit. It is very unsightly.


After passing through this passage, what appeared in front of Bai Ye was a green world that went against common sense.

Most of the underground city looks like the underground world in gray and white. Only the safe level will have green grass, rivers and lakes, and there is sunlight-like light shining down from the sky, creating an effect similar to daytime.

This layer is exactly like a world with spring flowers blooming.

"Wow!" Bai Ye stood up from the ground and couldn't help but marveled at the scenery in front of him. "It's really amazing to set up such a scene underground!"

This layer not only has beautiful scenery, but also a very wide area. It seems to be at least several thousand meters in radius, including mountains, rivers, and plains.

On the plain near the river, Bai Ye saw the houses there at a glance.

The whole thing is made of wooden boards, and dozens of houses are arranged like that. In front of almost every house are various things, including red and blue potions, various equipment and armors, and so on.

It looks like a market.

But this is the function of the market.

It is not only used to allow the adventurers who come down to clean up their harvest, but also to buy supply potions and so on. These houses here have such a function.

But also because of the monopoly and uniqueness, the prices here are generally very low.

"Okay, let's buy the map here and go back to the ground first... although there are a few fragments down here that make me reluctant to let go!"


In this world, Bai Ye sensed a total of 4 fragments, one more than in the forbidden world.

Among these four pieces, this dungeon has two exclusive pieces!

However, the location of these two fragments seems to be very deep. Without a lot of hard work, I'm afraid it's really easy to return empty-handed.

Don't underestimate the monsters in the dungeon. There are not only a large number of monsters here, but also extremely diverse types. Many of them are types that you have never seen before, and no one knows what special abilities they have.

If you really underestimate them, it is very likely that the boat will capsize!

You know, even the powerful Loki family in the original work can only advance to the 59th floor at most before the plot begins!

The Loki Familia is one of the two strongest Familia in Orario, with three lv.6s, several lv.5s, and a large number of second-level adventurers. Together, these people can only reach the 59th floor. Although Bai Ye is strong, he is really not as good as a large army on his own. If he goes down alone, he will be driven back at who knows how many floors!

Therefore, the top priority, Bai Ye felt, was to return to the ground first and get the two fragments on the ground.

If those two can be obtained, Hakuno's fantasy materialization may be able to advance again!

While thinking this, Bai Ye hurried towards the market.

At the gathering place, the place was very lively, with adventurers coming and going in an endless stream, bargaining at the stalls on both sides of the road, and from time to time, loud and angry voices would be shouted out.

When Bai Ye came here, he didn't attract much attention.

It was just their whispers about Hakuno that made him very concerned.

"Hey, which family's little boy is that? I really want to step on his face a few times!"

"Who knows, maybe it's 'that' pretty boy from the Apollo Familia, hehehehe..."

The malicious speculation reached Bai Ye's ears, causing him to stop instantly.

Chapter 79 The pretty boy from the Apollo Familia (Chapter 7)

"Hey, you two, did you say something strange?" Bai Ye turned around, looked at the two people in front of him, and said in a very unkind tone.

"Hmm, huh? I was heard..."

The person who said this was a strong middle-aged man from the human race. He looked a bit older and had well-developed muscles. He seemed to be an adventurer specializing in strength.

He was the one who said strange things like 'the pretty boy from the Apollo Familia' and used malicious speculation to speculate on others.

However, there was a strange blush on his face and his eyes were a little wandering.

Seeing the man's state, Bai Ye couldn't help but frown, "Is this man drunk?"

"What, what's wrong?" Several adventurers gathered around, showing full interest.

This made the middle-aged man's companion feel a little unsure, so he pulled his sleeve and said, "Hey, Isius, you drank too much, forget it, let's apologize..."

"Oh! What, Isius, do you want to bow your head?"

"Teach the newcomer a lesson and show us!"

"Don't let us look down upon you! Come on!"

However, all the people gathered around him were his companions, smelling of wine at this moment, and they kept encouraging: "Don't you want to become a lv.3 man?"

"lv.3?" The middle-aged man Isius couldn't help but feel dazed when he heard this word, but what appeared in front of his eyes was Bai Ye's younger face.

"How come this kid is here at this age? How much time did I spend to get to this lower level? How much work did I spend to become lv.3? And I haven't reached it yet..."

Just looking at Bai Ye, this thought appeared in his mind uncontrollably, making him even more irritated. Driven by jealousy and alcohol, he impulsively said something that he would regret for the rest of his life. .

"Why, I just said you are a pretty boy! I just said you are a member of the Apollo Familia, so what?!"

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