It is true that Jack will not mistake his father...but he will mistake his mother.

"We will not mistakenly identify our father!"

However, before Bai Ye could say anything, Jack, the pure and somewhat transparent figure, confirmed and definitely denied it, and then turned his eyes to Bai Ye, his emerald-green pupils flashing with anticipation.

"We only have one daddy! Are we right, daddy?"


Bai Ye snorted, couldn't help turning his head and covering his face, "Please don't call me this name, my heart can't stand it!"

Unfortunately, according to his mental age, Bai Ye is already in his twenties, but he is really not prepared to become a father.

Suddenly he had an extra daughter, and she called him daddy in such a cute manner... It was really a big irritation to his heart.

Jack couldn't help but feel a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

As the weapon spirit of the Seventh Holy Code who recognized Bai Ye as his master, she had all her resentments washed away, leaving only pure truth, goodness and beauty, and she had the purest and direct admiration for Bai Ye.

"Jack...Jack, do you remember mom?"

The sixth director, Lingxia, finally couldn't help but stepped forward and looked at Jack with a hint of anxiety and expectation.

"Yeah! We always remember mom!"

Jack looked at the sixth director Lingxia with a very bright and happy smile on his face.

It’s different from the previous ‘mom’.

For Jack the Ripper, ‘Mother’ was a very special being.

As the collective resentment of countless babies who were aborted and thrown into the river by prostitutes during the Industrial Revolution in London, Jack's feelings for his mother are very twisted.

They long to return to the warmest place, which is their mother's belly.

Therefore, if she recognizes a certain being as her mother, she must be careful. This lovely daughter may use that knife to cut open your stomach at any time with an expectant look on her face, and then jump in.

This is the love that Jack the Ripper, a vengeful spirit, has for his mother.

But Jack, whose resentment has been washed away, has abandoned all this distortion.

Now, she is just like a really cute ordinary girl, admiring her parents, and there is nothing weird about it.

Not only that, she still remembers what happened in the FA world. After all, she only had her resentment washed away, but her personality and memory were not erased.

But now, she seems completely different from the one who could easily disintegrate people in the past.

According to her——

"That kind of approach is really too much. It's hard to imagine that it's me before. I can be liberated now only because my father saved me!"

With that said, Jack cast a look of admiration and admiration at Bai Ye again, as if he had completely transformed into Bai Ye's little fangirl.

When Bai Ye heard this, he just covered his heart and tried to calm down.

The purification effect of [Saint] seems to be too strong... not only the resentment, but also all the malignant characteristics in Jack's body were completely removed, making her seem to be an angel, becoming extremely pure and pure.

"All in all, it was a success."

Bai Ye clapped his hands and changed the topic, "From now on, Sixth Director Lingxia and Jack will stay as Chaldea staff. I will take you to register later..."

Sixth Director Lingxia can do some logistical work.

Although working in this Chaldea will be very busy, it is better than continuing to be a prostitute.

And Jack's words...

Chapter 874 You know nothing about the real way of swordsmanship

At night, in Chaldea's room.

Bai lay on the bed, finally relaxing.

Raising his hand, Bai Ye looked at the silver ring on the middle finger of his right hand and sighed again.

"It's really an unreal unfolding..."

Not that I hate it.

To be precise, after being purified, Jack is indeed in line with the character of a good daughter. Not only is she very cute, but she is also very mature and sensible, and she is also very close to and admiring Bai Ye.

If you say you hate such a daughter, you should be sprayed to death.

"It's just too sudden..."

Bai Ye said to himself somewhat melancholy.

His past and present lives totaled more than twenty years, and he had no precautions. Suddenly he had a daughter, and his always calm and calm temperament felt a little broken.

Jack is not in the ring right now.

Although she has now become an existence similar to the spirit of the Seventh Holy Scripture, she is still the etheric body of a servant after all, possessing the ability to materialize.

However, there are certain limitations to this kind of materialization. For example, she can only use materialization around the Seventh Holy Scripture. Once she exceeds a certain distance, she will be forcibly transformed into a spirit body and return to the Seventh Holy Scripture. .

But fortunately, this distance encompasses Chaldea, so Jack can move around within Chaldea at will.

Tonight, she just went to the room of the sixth director Lingxia to stay overnight - it was impossible not to go, Bai Ye was really not ready to sleep in the same room with Jack, even if Jack could completely return to the Seventh Sacred Scripture in spirit form.

"Forget it, the boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge. It's better to take a good rest now!"

Starting from tomorrow, Bai Ye plans to devote himself to training. It is better not to think about such strange problems tonight and recharge his batteries.

"But, my daughter..."

Jack cannot leave the Seventh Sacred Code for a long time, so Jack and Sixth Director Reika may be separated, but she must stay with Hakuno.

And all this time, Bai Ye has been traveling around the worlds alone. People are social creatures. No one can live alone, and Bai Ye is no exception. However, he is in various places. There are bonds everywhere in the world, and since he is strong-willed, he generally doesn't feel negative or lonely.

However, if there is such a person who can accompany you to travel between different worlds——

"That's not bad."~·ō

Bai Ye thought so, and then gradually fell into sleep.

Pink petals are flying in the sky, making the whole world seem extremely romantic and unreal.

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