Bai Ye squinted his eyes and pondered for a while, then a smile appeared on his face, "Girl, if you are 16 years old and can only live in a dream from now on, does it not matter if you can't go back to reality? ?”

During the ceremony, the pupils of the two men shrank slightly and their eyes flashed.

"Or do you think it doesn't matter no matter what I do in this dream?"

As soon as the words fell, the indifference on the two faces was broken, their expressions changed, and the eyes looking at Bai Ye became difficult to calm down.

"...Are you planning to threaten me?"

Lock her in a dream forever...or, use the special scene of a dream to do some strange things to her.

There was a thick haze in the eyes of the two rituals.

"That golden fragment is very important to me. It may solve many mysteries about me. If you are not willing to tell me, then I will have to do that!"

Bai Ye looked relaxed and happy.

However, he rolled his eyes fiercely in his heart.

"How is it possible? Even if I really want to do something, the root style will jump out and beat me to death before I can do it, right?"

After all, this is a dream space created by Genshi, and everything is under her control...

Of course it's okay for Bai Ye to just talk, but if he puts it into action, the end will definitely be very bad.

However, the two rituals didn't know about this.

In her mind, Bai Ye was indeed a weird magician who came to approach her with a purpose, and there was indeed a possibility of doing that kind of thing.

But she couldn't beat him, which was very helpless.

When the two rituals were entangled in their hearts, opposite her, Bai Ye spoke up again.

"Well, if you are willing to tell me the information, I will not take advantage of you."

Bai Ye shrugged and raised the Seventh Holy Book in his hand, "My swordsmanship is pretty good, right?"

"If you are willing to tell me the information about the golden fragment, I can teach you!"

Hit a stick and give a sweet date. Bai Ye has already mastered this trick.

The two men's eyes suddenly moved slightly.

Teach her the way of the sword?

As for Bai Ye's swordsmanship level, she had already experienced it from the fight with him just now, and she had no doubt that if she could get 5.9's guidance, her own skills should also be improved to a certain extent.

"...Won't you regret it?"

After the two men were silent for a few seconds, they raised their delicate little faces and looked at Bai Ye with provocative eyes, "If I learn your sword skills, don't blame me if you lose to me in the future!"

A slight smile appeared on Bai Ye's face.

To say this means that this girl has compromised somewhat.

"If that happens one day, I might be happy."

Bai Ye shrugged, "After all, masters are lonely!"

"Tsk!" Liang Riyi clicked his tongue in displeasure, feeling that he shouldn't have made such a superficial provocation.

Chapter 876 The trouble of being too strong

The human foundation value of the third singularity is A. After all, it involves the Age of Discovery that connected the various continents on earth, so it cannot be lower.

As for the fourth singular point, according to Dr. Roman, although the foundation value of human psychology is not as good as the third singular point, it is not much worse. In numerical terms, it is also A-.

Therefore, for the fourth singularity, data monitoring will need to be carried out for a long period of time before Hakuno and Fujimaru Ritsuka can be allowed in.

This deadline is similar to the previous one, a little more than a month.

Bai Ye is planning to hone his new power during this period of time.

In front of Chaldea's central control room.

The steel gate sensed Bai Ye's arrival and automatically opened it, allowing Bai Ye to walk in.

Not surprisingly, Dr. Roman and El-Melloi II were both busy here, typing in front of the transparent screen and checking various data.

Even now, Chaldea is still very busy.

Not only do we need to check the data of the next singular points to eliminate dangerous situations, but we also need to monitor the repaired singular points to prevent unexpected situations from happening.

Even many facilities in Chaldea have not been repaired yet.

"Bai Ye, have you rested? What are you doing here?"

When Dr. Luo Man saw Bai Ye coming in, he temporarily put down the work at hand, turned to look at Bai Ye, and asked doubtfully.

Among the twenty or so people remaining in Chaldea, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Hakuno are the most idle people.

After all, while others, including Matthew, were doing various kinds of work, the two of them were ordered to rest and relax, and they were not given any work at all. The staff in Chaldea would also treat them badly. Asking for help, for fear that they would be in bad condition.

There is no other way. After all, repairing the singularity itself is an extremely heavy task. Although it is their only job, what falls on their shoulders is the burden of an entire world and seven billion human lives, as well as the burden of every Every time they go to the singularity, the "meaning disappears" that may threaten their lives.

Most people would have collapsed long ago. It is a blessing that Fujimaru Ritsuka persisted and did not give up. How can we ask her to do more work?

The same thing was said for Hakuno and the others... although it was not actually necessary.

"Well, doctor, I'd like to borrow the spirit simulation room for a while."

Bai Ye replied to Roman.

The so-called spirit child simulation room actually refers to Chaldea's simulated combat training department.

But because the employee in charge of this department had been killed in the big explosion, Roman was also in charge of this department.

The main job of this department is to simulate battle scenes through Chaldea's spiritual calculation device Trismegistus so that personnel can conduct battle drills.

This device can not only simulate various terrains, but also biological enemies. Although there is a certain deviation from a truly rational existence, it is still a very powerful and practical function.

If you fight in this simulated scene, as long as it does not exceed the tolerance range too much, it will not cause any impact on the outside world. It is a very suitable training venue.

This was the reason why Bai Ye wanted to borrow the Reiko simulation room.

"I don't think this spirit simulation room can withstand your destruction."

After listening to Bai Ye's narration, Dr. Roman complained in an unknown mood: "The thunder and lightning you used in the third singularity was finally calculated by the computer familiar Laplace. Next, the value of its power reached more than two million, close to three million... With all due respect, the spirit child simulation room is not that hard!"

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