The spirit of words quickly chanted and passed by.

The power of the spell surged in his body.

In the Great Holy Grail within the body, a soft light symbolizing the power of the [Saint] flashed.

The golden protection flowed from their lips, entered the body of the orange-haired girl, and flowed into the limbs and bones in her body.

The power of grace is being wrapped up in this protection.

The moment the protection flowed into the girl's body, the favor also flowed and took effect in her body.

Fujimaru Ritsuka was also the first to notice the power flowing into her body, but before she had time to experience this power——

"Hakuye, someone is looking for you - I'm sorry to bother you!"

A transparent image appeared around the two of them. The smile on Dr. Roman's face stiffened instantly, and then he closed the image with lightning speed.

Needless to say, the scene here has been seen by him.


Fujimaru Ritsuka was stunned for a moment, then reacted suddenly, his expression suddenly changed, "Hey eh eh eh -!???"

Chapter 879 I strongly support your love relationship

The mentality is broken.

If you do this kind of thing secretly and without being discovered by anyone, then Fujimaru Ritsuka can still accept it.

But if someone sees it, then——

"What a shame!"

The shame that was several times greater than before surged into his heart, causing Ritsuka Fujimaru to squat on the ground extremely low, covering his face, and his fingers were all red.

Beside her, Bai Ye was standing there with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

He didn't expect this kind of thing. Who knew that Dr. Roman would suddenly connect with him without any warning, and he had no way to prepare for it.

"Don't worry too much. Only the doctor should know about this matter. As long as you explain it clearly to him, he should understand if you say this to improve your strength, and it should not be spread outside..."

Bai Ye could only comfort her like this.

"That's good..."

She is not ready for love yet.


Fujimaru Ritsuka recalled what Hakuno and Black Jeanne said at the third singularity.

"The responsible person...?"

The girl murmured slightly in her heart.

There must be feelings similar to hers between Hakuno and Black Jeanne, right?

Just as he had saved her life at singularity points several times, that unruly Dragon Witch must have obeyed Bai Ye's words obediently because of something that happened between her and Haku Ye, right?

Otherwise, with the personality of that dragon witch, it would be a shame not to cause trouble.

Fujimaru Ritsuka became a little worried.

Later, after working with Dr. Roman, the situation learned from him was indeed the same as Bai Ye had guessed.

Because Roman cut it off in time, no employee in Chaldea saw it except him.

After the two explained to him the reason for the kiss, although Roman was surprised, he accepted the reason.

At least the scandal between the two did not spread.

Otherwise, there is no guarantee what will happen to Mashu, and there is no guarantee whether Black Joan will burn Chaldea with fire.

? J

"By the way, besides me, Lord El-Melloi II also knows about this."·0

The information revealed by Roman made Fujimaru Ritsuka's thoughts arouse again, "But don't worry, he told me that he is not opposed to it at all. It is better to say that he is very supportive of your love. What can I say, if there are shackles of love? If Bai Ye is restrained, he will definitely think twice before deciding to leave Chaldea..."

An answer very characteristic of Zhuge Kongming.

Wanting to use Fujimaru Ritsuka to restrain Hakuno... He is as rational a monster as ever.

However, El-Melloi II is not a loudmouthed person, so there is no need to worry about rumors.

"Okay, you can rest assured, right? Then just devote yourself to practice!"

Hakuno said to Fujimaru Ritsuka: "As for the favor, although it has been given to you, you have not yet grasped the essence of this power..."

Just like when he explained the favor to Hakuno in the dungeon world Hestia a year and a half ago, Hakuno explained the nature of the power of favor to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The essence of grace, summed up in one sentence, is to tap the potential in human beings and give them shortcuts to progress. As long as they keep fighting, they can extract the experience value from the battle and turn it into their strength and settle it into their bodies.

If you want to quickly become stronger through the power of grace, the only way is to keep fighting.

Fortunately, there is a place like the Reiko Simulation Room in Chaldea, which can provide an endless supply of enemies to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

As for Chaldea's energy problem, with a wave of Bai Ye's hand, there was no problem at all. There was no need to save at all, and electricity and other resources could be used luxuriously.

It can be said to have a very good environment.

And Fujimaru Ritsuka himself was indeed very hardworking and diligent. He spent most of the day in the Reiko simulation room, fighting against simulated enemies.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is a person with a class card. After dream summoning and obtaining the power of Hundred-faced Hassan, he can quickly defeat powerful enemies, which is also very helpful in improving the favor.

According to the standards of the dungeon world, she is considered a genius in terms of favor, even though this genius was obtained through cheating.

In comparison, the movement of Bai Ye's cultivation was much greater.

“Boom, boom, boom—!!!”

The earth is roaring.


The wind was howling.

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