Bert wanted to say 'Ais is mine', but when he felt Ais' plain but stressful gaze, he changed his words in time to 'belongs to our family'.

After saying that, he greeted Ais: "Let's go, Ais!"

Aisi nodded and walked out of the camphor forest, followed by Bert, and the two of them walked together towards the big tree in the center of this floor, where the downward stairs were.

Both of them are level 5 adventurers, and their main battlefield is further down.

Bai Ye, on the other hand, sighed in the woods and looked in the direction of the town, "I'm almost done with my business!"

Because he was blocked by a few third-rate adventurers who were about to go out as soon as he entered the town gate, Baiye didn't have time to buy a map yet.

However, after taking a step, Bai Ye stopped suddenly, looked at his body, and then touched his chin.

"It's necessary to disguise yourself first!"

Not only because I don’t want to get into trouble, but I also need to look like I’m following the locals.

Which adventurer in the dungeon is not wearing armor and carrying weapons?

And what about Bai Ye? He was still wearing the casual clothes he wore in Academy City, which looked weird.

The reason why he was noticed by those third-rate people is probably because Bai Ye's appearance is not normal.

After thinking about it, Bai Ye immersed his consciousness into the Millennium City and began to choose the type of dress.

It's definitely not good to be haunted by evil spirits, it's too alien; the blood armor of an evil dragon, eh, it's too cool...

In the end, Bai Ye chose a black cloak and put it all over his body.

Don't underestimate this cloak. In fact, it is also a precious phantom called 'NoFaceMayKing', which is one of Robin Hood's precious phantoms.

It is a magic item called "Heritage Defense". Its effect is complete transparency (assimilation with the background), and it has the same effect as Assassin's "Aura Shield" skill.

It is perfect in terms of optical invisibility and thermal invisibility. It can only be hidden when facing electronic waves. If you touch it, you will know where the person is.

It is naturally the best choice for concealment.

Putting the cloak on his body, Bai Ye did not activate the ability of the Noble Phantasm, but just used it to hide his appearance, and then walked out of the camphor forest and walked towards the town.

The costumes of the adventurers are similar. Although most of them are dressed in coarse cloth armor, there are also many people wearing cloaks.

Under the cover of the cloak, Bai Ye didn't receive as many eyes, which made him relieved and allowed him to wander around the town.

The impact of the previous magic has not stopped, and many people in the small town are discussing the commotion just now.

Chapter 82 Finally out (ten chapters completed)

This town on the 18th floor was formed voluntarily by adventurers and established as a gathering place on this floor.

However, the number of security layers is not actually completely safe.

As mentioned before, more than a thousand years ago, monsters in the underground city ran to the surface from the underground because they could not be restrained, causing considerable harm.

Therefore, the monsters in the dungeon are not fixed on a certain level, but can move on different levels, and may even come to the ground.

Therefore, it is possible if there are monsters below level 18 that come to this safe level.

In fact, this gathering place has been invaded by lower-level monsters many times in the past, and the gathering place has also been destroyed several times.

However, after that, this gathering place was built several times due to needs.

But because it is easy to be destroyed, adventurers are not so focused on building gathering places.

As a result, the wooden houses that Bai Ye saw were basically dilapidated and slovenly. Even the hotels and inns used to provide rest did not have a good environment.

This town is not big, after all, the entire layer is only a few kilometers in radius, and this town only has a few streets.

On these streets, Bai Ye easily found 650 magic stone exchange offices that could be exchanged for coins, map sales offices, food and water supply offices, potions and medicine sales offices, etc.

For dungeon adventurers, since there is no convenient independent space, all necessities must be carried by hand.

And if the next trip to the dungeon goes deep into the city, it may take a month to get back and forth. Carrying supplies is no small matter.

Even water and food need to be carried by the adventurers themselves, not to mention red bottles for recovering injuries, blue bottles for recovering magic power, etc.

Because of this necessity, materials here are generally very expensive!

He came to a street stall. On this stall were several books, bottles of potions, a few sloppy backpacks, etc.

"How do you sell this map?" Bai Ye hid in his cloak and asked the owner of the stall.

The owner of this stall is a dwarf man, who looks quite young. He glanced at Bai Ye lazily and said in a tone without any enthusiasm: "One hundred thousand Wallis!"

This vendor seems to regard himself as the customer's uncle rather than the customer's believer. His attitude does not seem like he wants to do business at all. ‘

.:/\u003e≯  Bai Ye’s face twitched, he had never seen such a pretentious businessman.

He stretched out his hand from his cloak, took out a money bag, and threw it in front of the stall.

The dwarf picked up the money bag, opened it and roughly counted the number of gold coins inside, and then slowly accepted it, "Take it!"

Bai Ye picked up the map and left the stall.

The currency in circulation in this world is a kind of gold coin called "Wallis". Because the currency value is different, it is divided into 100, 1000... and so on.

On the road, Hakuno spotted the Wallis paid by the person next to him who completed the transaction, so he created it out of fantasy.

Because things like coins are just general equivalents, there are no restrictions on their use when they are embodied.

Just be careful not to realize too much at once and circulate it into the market, causing inflation.

But in fact, Bai Ye doesn't need too many Wallis alone, so he basically has no worries.

After getting the map, Bai Ye immediately opened it and looked at it.

This map records the passages from the dungeon to the 36th floor in relatively detail, so it is barely worth comparing.

But considering that things here are generally much more expensive than outside, a map like this in the outside world may only cost about 20,000 Wallis.

After getting the map, Bai Ye no longer wanted to stay in the underground city, and immediately left the town and walked upwards.

Bai Ye just glanced at the floor master's room and didn't pay much attention to it.

I didn't think about it when I came here, but now that I think about it, the adventurer who fought his way down from above and even the floor owner was killed by a few moves must be the Sword Princess Ais...

The magic stones he picked up should also be dropped by the monsters she killed.

Seeing that she had no supporters, she naturally did not intend to take these low-value magic stones. She only took the magic stone dropped by the floor master. That magic stone should be worth a lot of money.

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