——The result of data detection is to die together.

Chapter 910 A meaningless death?

Bai Ye was indeed dead, and he died very cleanly.

After he fell into a coma due to using the third ability of [The Savior], his body was completely evaporated by the explosion of the human cannon.

Defenses such as the Twelve Trials have no effect at all, and cannot even block it.

Death was extremely crisp and clean.

But he also killed Solomon just before the explosion, which was considered a valuable death.

In view of this, Chaldea's detection device made the judgment of "die together", and all the values ​​​​of the two people have disappeared.

"How could that guy die so easily!?"

Although the detection result was like this, at best it was just the result of machine detection. Without actually seeing that scene, Fujimaru Ritsuka's heart was still filled with strong disbelief.

In other words, she didn't want to believe this result.

From Fuyuki City to London, Bai Ye gave her a strong feeling of omnipotence, as if nothing could trouble him, as if no enemy could stop him, as if repairing the singularity was important to him It was just a piece of cake, but it also saved her life several times, helped her become stronger several times, and gave her precious gifts... Unknowingly, it occupied a pivotal position in her heart.

But he was so abrupt that he died like this without even saying hello?

"You are his servant, right?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka immediately cast his gaze at the somewhat lost Black Jeanne, with the last glimmer of expectation in his eyes, "Then you should be able to feel his presence..."

The detection results of the machine may indeed be wrong.

But as Hakuno's servant, there is a causal connection between Black Joan and Hakuno, and there is absolutely no error in her perception.

After hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's words, everyone in Chaldea, including the staff, Roman, Da Vinci and others, were stunned and turned their attention to Black Joan.

Black Joan raised her head and saw the eyes of everyone around her.

Without exception, they all had a trace of expectation, hoping to get news from her that would deny the news of her death.

Chaldea is indeed warmer than she imagined. Everyone here can think about each other and the overall situation.

If it was her before, she would definitely be dismissive of their expressions and eyes...

"I can't feel it anymore."

Black Joan lowered her head again, her white hands trembling and clenching with resentment.

"The causal line between me and him was severed just now..."

There are two lines between servants and masters.

One is the connection line of the magic circuit, through which the master provides magic power to the followers.

The second is the causal line that symbolizes the contract between the Master and the Servant. As long as the Servant and the Master sign a contract, regardless of whether the magic circuit is connected or not, there will be this causal line between the two, and this kind of causal line generally They are all maintained by command spells.

It is very rare that the line of cause and effect is not sensed. Either one of the two parties is not in this time and space, or the command spell has been transferred to someone else...or the master is dead.

There is no time and space relationship between the outside of the world and the world. With Hakuno's strength, it is impossible for the Command Seal to be taken away by others. He himself also said, 'Black Joan is the person he intends to be responsible for,' so it is impossible. Transfer Black Joan's Command Seal to someone else.

So, after excluding other options, no matter how reluctant you are to believe the rest, it is the only possibility.

The only hope was shattered.

Chaldea fell into a dead silence.

Black Joan lowered her head, hiding her pupils under her bangs to prevent others from seeing her expression.

But on her face, which was hidden under her long white hair, she gritted her teeth fiercely. Her eyes and expression revealed deep reluctance and anger...

"How could you just die thinking about yourself...this bastard!"

In her mind, the last words Bai Ye said to her in London came to mind.

"You can't keep up with my speed, can you?"

Can't keep up.

Really can't keep up.

Completely unable to keep up.

"Not only in terms of speed, but also in terms of strength, I can't keep up."

If you can keep up, you can at least die with him, instead of being here alone and experiencing the torment of unwillingness.

Just when there was an atmosphere of sadness everywhere in Chaldea.

El-Melloi II, who was wearing a red trench coat, suddenly stood up and said: "Doctor Roman, what is the current situation of the singularity?"


Roman was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

Although he knew that he shouldn't think about such things when Bai Ye just died, he still returned to the console and checked the relevant data. After all, this was a major event for all mankind.

However, it was a good thing that there was no search. As soon as he searched, Roman's eyes widened instantly, and his face immediately became extremely ugly.

"There are still...the remaining three singularities still exist!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Black Jeanne shuddered together.

"Still exists?"

In other words, the mastermind behind the scenes is not dead at all?

"Doesn't that mean——"

Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes were fixed on the screen in the sky, and the expressions in his pupils changed rapidly, "Is Hakuno's death completely meaningless?"

Not only dead, but even dead meaninglessly.

The enemy still exists - the enemy that even Hakuno cannot defeat, still exists.

In Chaldea, everyone's expressions became extremely complicated.

Chapter 911 It’s just a piece of cake

Dark and boundless.

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