Bai Ye suddenly realized, "Rama and Sita, so it turns out that you are the protagonists of "Ramayana", one of the two major Indian epics, right?"

The two major Indian epics are Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Among them, "Mahabharata" is a group drama that brings together many heroes, including heroic spirits of Karna and Arjuna, while "Ramayana" is a unique performance of the Indian hero Rama.

The hero Rama, regardless of his origin, achievements, legend, etc., is undoubtedly at the top of human history. As a servant, there is no doubt that he is at least the top servant.

According to Sita's wishes, Rama and her were summoned to this era as free servants, but the two apparently did not come together, but were forced to separate.


In order to check and balance the great Indian hero Rama, the Celtic side specially captured Sita in order to restrain Rama. Beowulf was sent to guard Sita.

"How do we get off the island and into the interior?"

At the edge of the island, looking at the coast two kilometers away, Sita's face showed a little sadness, "How did you get here?"

"That couldn't be easier."

Bai Ye raised his brows slightly when he heard this, responded like this, and then stretched out his hand and put it on Sita's shoulder.

Sita was stunned for a moment, and then the scene in front of her changed rapidly.

The next moment, the vast ocean disappeared before our eyes, replaced by a golden beach.

"That'll be fine."

Bai Ye let go of his hand, looking relaxed and casual.

"...Space transfer?"

Sita's face looked a little uneasy.

Space transfer is an amazing technology no matter where it is.

"Where are you going next?"

Bai Ye was very calm. He was very used to this kind of thing. He just said: "I have to do something next, and I'm afraid I can't go with you... You won't be captured again by yourself, right?" "

From a moral point of view, the other party told him a lot of things, and Bai Ye should also take care of her.

"Thank you for your kindness. I will go to Lord Rama next."

Sita shook her head, "As long as I join Lord Rama, I will not be afraid of any enemy, and Lord Rama will definitely be able to defeat him."

"Okay, let's separate here."

Bai Ye shrugged, not commenting on her strong confidence in Rama, "My name is Bai Ye, if you meet someone from Chaldea, please help me convey it, just say 'I am still alive' …”

Chapter 925 Queen Maeve and Mad King Cu Chulainn

Although he reacted with the spirit son of Chaldea, Hakuno could not accurately judge the time and place of Chaldea's arrival, and the entire United States was too huge, so it would definitely take a lot of time to find it.

Before that, Bai Ye was going to finish some personal matters first.

On the coast, Bai Ye quickly said goodbye to Sita, and then walked quickly towards the east coast using the divine foot power.

Eastern United States, formerly the capital of Washington.

This was originally supposed to be the capital established after the founding of the United States of America, but after the first president, George Washington, was killed by the Celts, it became the headquarters of the Celtic side.

Celtic warriors and followers all gathered in this city, and not surprisingly, the king who commanded the Celtic warriors also lived in this city.

Washington in this era already has a hint of a modern city, but it still retains strong European architectural characteristics to a certain extent.

There is not a single American in the entire city.

Some are just Celtic warriors who are fully armed and look extremely tough.

"It's like all the local residents were killed..."

Bai Ye looked around, and with his excellent perception, he was naturally very keenly aware of the bloody smell surrounding the city.

Not only that, after Bai Ye appeared on the street, the Celtic soldiers around him in twos and threes still cast their eyes over, their eyes full of suspicion and preparation for action.

Bai Ye frowned slightly and ignored these minions. Instead, he stepped on them and disappeared again, rushing towards the direction he sensed.

Just ten seconds later, Bai Ye arrived at the target location.

On the wide square, a white palace sits there, surrounded by rows of green trees, and a large number of Celtic soldiers guarding it like guards.

"The White House? It's like it turned into a magical place."

Bai Ye took a look at the White House in front of him. The atmosphere around it was extremely dark and ominous, as if the leader of a country living here was not a leader, but a demon from a demonic realm.

Bai Ye didn't hesitate and went straight past these Celtic soldiers and entered the White House.

In the dark palace, Bai Ye quickly found his target and entered the palace hall.

The hall is very wide and empty. The huge space is empty, as if it symbolizes the empty heart of its owner. The whole hall looks unusually dark.

At the top of the hall, there is a throne, with a ferocious tall figure sitting on it. It is a figure that exudes an astonishing violent and cruel aura like a berserker, with carved patterns on its body and face. He had strange marks on his body and was wearing a long black topless dress.

Beside the throne, there is a scarlet magic gun... Although it is made of the same material as the magic gun in Hakuno and Scathach's hands, its body is covered with scarlet thorns. , the whole exudes an ominous atmosphere like a nightmare.

At this moment, he had his eyes closed and his breathing was steady, as if he was sleeping.

However, with a slight breath, the brutality in his body still did not decrease at all. Instead, he was like a dormant lion. As long as he woke up, he would kill all the creatures around him.



Bai Ye walked into the hall.

The footsteps were not hidden or restrained at all, causing the crisp sound to form a cheerful echo in the empty hall.

While Bai Ye looked up at this fierce scarlet figure, he walked into the center of the hall and approached the throne without stopping...

"Stop it!"

However, before Bai Ye could get close to the throne, a voice came from the side.

Bai Ye paused and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful female figure walked out from the darkness on the side of the throne.

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