Although the opponent is only a human being, and taking away his God-killing Gear, there will not be much strength left, but facing the current leader of the Disaster Group, the leader of the Hero Faction, Achuka obviously will not be careless in the slightest.

In the dim room, Bai Ye immediately saw Cao Cao sitting at the table with his eyes closed and concentrating.

Even though he was captured, the descendant of the hero still showed no signs of panic, and his demeanor remained calm and collected.

However, at this moment, Cao Cao seemed to have encountered some incomprehensible problem. He frowned and thought, and his whole person seemed to be deeply confused.

"What are you thinking about?" Bai Ye asked.

Cao Cao raised his head from his deep thoughts and saw Bai Ye at a glance, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

"It's you... Just in time, I have a question that I can't figure out no matter how hard I think about it. Can you help me solve it?"

"Any questions you don't understand?"

Bai Ye also raised his eyebrows, "Okay, but it's too unfair to solve your doubts unilaterally. If I can help you solve your doubts, you have to answer my questions."

"No problem. As long as your answer satisfies me, whether you want to ask for information about the Disaster Group or you want me to surrender, I can agree to it."

Cao Cao readily agreed to this condition, but then he laughed again, "But first things first, I also asked the two governors of the Demon King and the Fallen Angel before, but unfortunately their answers were not satisfactory. I'm satisfied..."

There was a hint of surprise in Bai Ye's eyes.

Is there a question that Sirzechs and the others can't answer?

That's kind of interesting.

"Without further ado, let's get started - Bai Ye, let me ask you, where are the limits of human beings?"

Cao Cao threw a complete problem to Bai Ye with a smile on his face.

"I have been thinking and exploring, where are the limits of human beings?"

"Humans are a very weak race. They are not born with magic and light talents like demons and angels, nor do they have the power of dragons. Their lifespan is only a short hundred years. Compared to gods with unlimited lifespans, but It’s a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning at all.”

"However, this kind of human being is now the master of this world."

Cao Cao's eyes shone with light, "Humans like this have made many brilliant achievements that even the gods are amazed by. The heroes in history have exterminated monsters and defeated dragons. They are clearly human beings and have made great achievements." But it puts most demons and gods to shame."

"So I want to know, where are the limits of humanity?"

"In order to explore the limits of human beings, I joined the Disaster Group and led the Hero Faction to repel demons and monsters——"

This is why Cao Cao joined the Disaster Group - to explore the limits of humankind.

"Can you give me a satisfactory answer? Bai Ye?" Cao Cao finally asked Bai Ye.

"I see, is this your question?"

Bai Ye nodded clearly, with a slight smile on his face, "No wonder Sirzechs and the others will dissatisfy you with their answers. After all, they are not human beings, so they cannot understand human beings' delusion——"

"Cao Cao, before answering your doubts, please answer me a question first."

"Let me ask you, what is 'human'?"

PS: I’ve finished writing the third chapter, but I’m really not satisfied with it. It always feels like I’m trying to force the truth. I’ll continue to revise it, and there will be two more updates tonight.

Chapter 1117 Cao Cao, you are too arrogant

"Let me ask you, what is 'human'?" Bai Ye asked aloud.


Cao Cao was stunned when he heard this, and then frowned slightly, "What does this mean?"

"Don't you understand? Then let me give you an example."

Bai Ye said very calmly: "If Azazel abandoned the body of a fallen angel and made himself a human body, do you think he is a human?"

"How is that possible?"

Cao Cao immediately answered in the negative. He shook his head and said, "Even if he changes into a human body, that guy's heart is still the Governor of the Fallen Angels, not a human being."

"Well, let's give another example."

Bai Ye paused and then continued: "A few years ago, I was still a human being. I spent twenty years as a human being. But one day, my body was destroyed and someone else made it for me. I have the body of a foreign race, but I have always firmly believed that I am a human being - so the question is, am I a human being?"

Cao Cao hesitated slightly.

Different from the straightforward denial before, this time, he was obviously hesitant.

The example of 'I' cited by Hakuno is that this 'I' has always thought of myself as a human being, and has always been a human being in my heart, but my body has been helplessly replaced by another race.

So, should he be judged as human based on his psychology, or should he be judged as inhuman based on his body?

If ‘I’ are judged as a human being psychologically, is the limit reached by this ‘I’ still the limit of a human being?

If ‘I’ are judged as non-human based on the body, then there is no point in denying ‘Azazel’ before.

"I also have a master who killed many gods as a human, but she herself became an inhuman body because of many curses. So, the question is, is she considered a human? If not, Are the limits she reaches human limits?”

Cao Cao frowned, feeling a little unsure.

If the previous question only made him think deeply, then this question made him confused.

Because she killed many gods and became an inhuman body, is the limit she reached considered the limit of human beings?

Cao Cao was struggling.

Faced with such Cao Cao, Bai Ye did not stop his narration and said something like a summary.

"The concept of human being itself is both strict and ambiguous. The questions of self, id, and others are unsolvable. What the answer is, in the final analysis, is just a personal idea. There is no answer that everyone can agree with. .”

Because Bai Ye has read many books, it can be said that he has dabbled in this kind of philosophical issues. It is just right to bring this up at this time.

"And in the final analysis, those heroes in history, human beings themselves, other races...Cao Cao, you take these too lightly, and you take yourself too seriously."

Bai Ye said: "Just like what you said, no matter how powerful the talents of demons, angels, and gods are, or how long their lifespans are, humans are still the ones who dominate this world."

"But all races are not eternal. The first four demon kings among the demons are dead, but the new four demon kings are better than them, and humans are well known to be constantly making progress under the wheel of history. Now... the so-called limit refers to the best situation that can be achieved within the current scope of ability, but in this case, you would actually want to test the so-called limit. To be honest, I even think You’re a little superficial.”

"Even if you can reach your current limit, there will be someone who can trample your limit in the future and rise to a new limit. As long as mankind does not perish, this is the eternal truth."

"If you don't realize this and want to give human beings a constant limit, it only means that Cao Cao, you are too arrogant."

This last sentence was like a sharp arrow, piercing Cao Cao's heart and making him lose consciousness.

"Constant limits, trampled limits..."

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