"Your information is correct. I did fight against Ophis, and I have the strength. The four demon kings and the fallen angel governor can all testify for me."

As Bai Ye spoke, Sirzechs and others nodded, acknowledging Bai Ye's statement.

"Because some people secretly use the method of stealing chickens and losing money, Ophis has indeed become my subordinate god now——"

When saying this, Bai Ye also looked directly at Hades sitting in the corner with cold eyes.

As soon as Bai Ye said these words, as expected, it caused an uproar among the gods.

"Is that kind of news true?"

The eyes of the two transcendent gods from Egyptian mythology and Celtic mythology flickered, filled with horror.

There is an existence that can fight with Ophis. In fact, before Bai Ye admits this, it is difficult for them to believe the authenticity of this information in any case, whether it is subjectively unwilling to have such a monster override them, etc. On top of human beings, it is still objectively impossible to accept the birth of a powerful person who can rival the infinite.

But now, Bai Ye took the initiative to admit it in front of so many people.

No one would think that Bai Ye was lying to them. After all, they had lived for countless years and could not even see some lies clearly. What's more, if Bai Ye was just lying, then as long as anyone challenged him, this kind of I'm afraid the lie can be exposed casually, and it's too untenable.

As for Di Shitian, who had been targeting Bai Ye from the beginning, the atmosphere around him became even more thorny at this moment.

Bai Ye didn't care about his attitude. Emperor Shitian was originally a very domineering person, and the more he dealt with things that he couldn't control and was afraid of, the more he would treat the other party with this thorny attitude.

Hades still sat there without saying a word as at the beginning. Completely opposite to his previous attitude of actively releasing hostility to Bai Ye in the corridor, he was too calm.

But relatively speaking, he is probably the only one among the gods who has confirmed that Bai Ye has that strength. In any case, his conspiracy with the Hero Faction was destroyed by Bai Ye's hands.

Among the gods, the only one who showed an excited expression was Shiva, the second-ranked Hindu God of Destruction. This beautiful boy looked at Bai Ye with eyes that were not shocked at all, but became brighter and brighter.

Moreover, what is more surprising is that even though all the gods were very unbelievable and shocked by the news, none of them showed fear or shrinkage on their faces.

Almost none of the gods are afraid of death. Rather, it is something new that there are people who are afraid of death among the gods.

They are all old guys who have lived for countless years. They are used to seeing the birth and passing of life. Death is not a thrilling thing to them. Even when facing Ophis, they dare to swing their swords and face Bai Bai. Of course there is no reason to be afraid.

Like the gods in the dungeon world, death is just a way to find fun and excitement for them. As long as it can calm their hundreds of millions of years of boredom, no matter how scary things are to mortals, they will only It just made them scream in excitement.

The gods in the Godslayer world have become extremely warlike and unafraid of death because they have deviated from their myths and become gods of disobedience.

Of course, only in this way can one be considered a god.

"I can basically guess some of your thoughts, so you can rest assured that I have no interest in doing anything to fight for world hegemony, nor do I want to get involved in your mutual grievances. As long as you are gentle and don't provoke me, then I won't I will be your enemy."

Bai Ye expressed his thoughts in this very simple and easy-to-understand way.

Chapter 1128 The Emperor Shows Strength and Betrayal (Please subscribe for the third update)

It must be said that some of the gods were quite relieved after hearing Bai Ye's statement.

What are they here for? Isn't it just to know whether a variable like Hakuno will be dissatisfied with the current world situation and intervene, thus causing his own mythical power to be damaged or destroyed?

Although these gods are not afraid of death, they do not want to die, and they do not want their power to become a meal for others.

And some of the gods with ulterior motives are certainly not in a good mood. There is no doubt that Bai Ye's strength is enough to suppress the thoughts in these guys' minds.

No matter how much they believed Bai Ye's words, they would never take any action easily.

Of course, it stands to reason that there are some people who have no intention of giving up their ambitions at all.

Hades looked at these gods with different expressions coldly, and at the same time he thought silently in his heart.

"It's almost here, it should be almost here..."

On top of the round table.

The smile that had always been on Di Shitian's face became cold and stiff, and he also fell silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What a beautiful answer. I don't hate such direct guys."

Shiva's face showed a very bright smile that was different from other gods.

"However, if it is just a verbal explanation, everyone must be more or less disbelieving or doubtful in their hearts, right? At this time, it is more appropriate to use actual combat to verify the strength of Mr. Bai Ye——"

After a pause, Shiva stated his intention in an extremely direct manner, "How about it? Mr. Baiye, I think if you can defeat me, who is ranked second in the world, then anyone should be able to defeat me." There will be no doubt anymore.”

Those words were almost the same as provocation. The moment Shiva said it, everyone understood his plan.

The so-called 'not believing and doubting Bai Ye's strength' is just an excuse. A battle with Bai Ye is Shiva's real wish.

After hearing this, Aton, the god of Egyptian mythology, and Luger, the god of light from Celtic mythology, looked at each other and nodded slightly without leaving any trace.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. No matter how frank Baiye admits, no matter how powerful the intelligence they receive is boasted, it is not as credible as actually seeing it with one's own eyes.

Of course Bai Ye wouldn't understand the truth that they understood.

Of course Bai Ye could see Shiva's fighting spirit, but he had to say that his statement was indeed very reasonable.

"Indeed, only by showing your true strength can you deter those with ulterior motives."

Bai Ye nodded in agreement, "Okay, I also want to see how powerful Shiva, the God of Destruction, is, who is ranked second on the list of the top ten strongest people in the world."

"Then it's a happy decision."

Shiva's face suddenly showed a smile of satisfaction and fighting spirit, "Then, without further ado, please find the devil Beelzebub to prepare a different space."

Achuka and Sirzechs looked at each other, and after exchanging opinions, they stood up, "I understand, and we can prepare immediately."

Showing Bai Ye's strength to the world, just like Bai Ye said, can scare some Xiaoxiao, and it will also be conducive to the development of demons who have good relations with Bai Ye. In any case, it is a good thing.

The other gods also stayed on the spot because they wanted to see Bai Ye's strength.

In the conference room, the originally tit-for-tat atmosphere had eased a lot.

And outside the conference room——

"The next step is to prepare for the finals of the Rias Familiars and Sairaorg Familiars ranking game competition! All the remaining families of both families will compete directly!"

In the venue, Rudiger, as the referee, announced the arrival of the final of this game.

From the previous battles, try to eliminate the opponent's family members as much as possible, and finally the remaining people will have a decisive battle. This is the special rule applied in this competition.

When it came to the finals, Rias, Koneko Tashiro, Rebel and Xenovia were all left among the Rias family members. Others included Kiba Yuuto, Himejima Akeno and others. The dependents have been eliminated one after another.

In contrast, Sairaorg's dependents only have him and another 'soldier' ​​whose identity has been concealed. They are already completely disadvantaged in terms of the number of dependents.

After all, not to mention Rias, who has been protected by Hakuno, after the misunderstanding between Tacheng Koneko and Kuroka was resolved, she had already picked up the power of magic and energy that she had never dared to use in the past, and was even manipulated by Kuroka. Teaching, the strength increases greatly.

Xenovia, on the other hand, was given the control of the Holy Sword by Arthur, a member of Team Vali, and gathered all the Holy Swords. After remaking them, she directly used Durandal and the King. These two holy swords are so powerful that they can even threaten some demon king-level experts.

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