"We demons also got a lot of information about 666 from the captive Euclid."

Sirzechs said: "Beast King 666 was discovered by Rizevim. In the process of taking away the Holy Grail of the Netherworld and resurrecting the evil dragon, he accidentally noticed the life breath of Beast King 666, which was sealed by the God of the Bible at the end of the world. , overjoyed, he transferred it from the end of the world and placed it in the headquarters of the Disaster Group."

"Colluded with Hades to attack Akureas and steal the purple crystal, and attacked the heaven to steal the fruit of life. All these were preparations made by Rizevim to resurrect the Beast King."

"Not only that, he even bound his soul to Beast King 666. Once he dies, his soul will be turned into 666's nourishment, and he will awaken it directly regardless of all preparation stages, and evil dragons will plunder it everywhere. The vitality helps it destroy the seal, which is what leads to the awakening of Beast King 666."

Everyone understands the origin of the Beast King.

"But, facing this kind of monster, we simply can't win, right?"

Some of the gods already showed expressions of despair, "That is a monster that can rival the Infinite Dragon God. It is absolutely impossible to defeat even the main god-level figure who gathers all the mythical forces!"

Odin stroked his beard. Although the expression on his face was not relaxed, he still remained calm. "Speaking of which, where are the White Savages?"

"If he can fight against the Infinite Dragon God, or even take him as his kinsman, he must have a way to fight against the Beast King, right?"

"Yes! Yes!"

The eyes of all the gods who were on the verge of despair lit up one after another, as if they were grasping at straws, casting fiery and expectant glances at Sirzechs and the others.

"Where is that person? Why didn't he show up this time~々?"

Bai Ye's strength has been proven after he easily defeated Hades last time. If it were that person, he might be able to compete with the Beast King——

Facing everyone's anxious inquiries, Sirzechs sighed softly and said, "Everyone, calm down."

"It's just because I want to fight that monster that Bai Ye is not here."

The eyes of all the gods showed surprise.

Seeing that everyone calmed down, Sirzechs spoke again.

"Hakuye has the ability to predict the future. He had predicted the possibility of the Beast King breaking the seal more than half a month ago, so he had been secretly preparing to fight against the Beast King early in the morning."

"Originally, he was preparing underground in Kuoh Town, but after Kuoh Town was destroyed by the Beast King, he disappeared from there. Even we don't know where he went."

After a pause, under the gazes of the gods, Sirzechs spoke again, "However, he has already contacted me and sent me a message - 'No matter what method he uses, give me I’ll last three days!’, that’s what he said.”

Three days?

Is this the last time Hakuno needs to complete that preparation?

"Hakuye has already told me the targets that the Beast King will attack in the next three days through predicting the future. Therefore, in the next three days, I hope that everyone will unite and do whatever it takes to minimize the losses. Make it through these three days!”

Sirzechs finally said decisively.

"no problem!"

"It only lasts for three days. It is much easier than being destroyed in the hands of the Beast King!"

"We are all gods too!"

After learning about the possibility of fighting against the Beast King, the morale of all the gods was boosted.

When faced with a life-and-death crisis, even gods are as cowardly and brave as humans.


first day.

The Beast King crossed dimensions and came to the underworld under the guidance of Apophis and Az Dahaka.

However, their purpose is not to destroy the demon clan.

Those who live in the underworld are not only demons, but also fallen angels, and the central organization of fallen angels built by Azazel, the world's leading intelligence agency - the Son of God Monitor.

What the Beast King wanted to destroy on the first day was the Son of God, the central monitor of the fallen angel clan.

Under Bai Ye's advance notice, all the weak Fallen Angels had been evacuated. Each mythical force sent their top soldiers to gather in the underworld to form a coalition of mythical forces, hoping to stop and delay the Beast King.

However, no matter how many fallen angels, demons, and gods died one after another, they still could not stop the Beast King and thousands of evil dragons.

Countless lives were lost, died under the beast king's fireball, and died under the evil dragon's breath.

Blood filled the sky of the underworld.

One day later, the Son of God's spy was revealed.

The allied forces of the mythical forces retreated, and the territory of the Fallen Angels fell into an endless sea of ​​fire and became a wasteland.

the next day.

The Beast King came to heaven.

Perhaps out of hatred for the God of the Bible, the Beast King, with a desire for revenge, extended his ferocious claws into this holy and bright world.

After another day, all the first six days of the heaven were broken.

A large number of angels died, and countless ancient beings who had survived from ancient times appeared one after another, but they all died at the hands of the Beast King and the Evil Dragon.

Michael led Gabriel and several other archangels and a coalition of mythical forces to defend the seventh day despite heavy bloodshed.

Finally, the third day arrived.

And this day——

The Beast King extends his claws to the human world.

"When humanity is finished, we are all finished!"

"Defend to the death! Defend to the end!"

All the mythical forces went crazy and sent a large number of troops and gods to the human world, determined to fight the evil dragon and the Beast King to the death.

——This day is already destined to be the day that determines the fate of this world.

Chapter 1162 The beginning of the final battle

human world.

Over the Pacific Ocean.

The calm sea surface reflects the blue sky. The sea water and the sky are almost connected. White seabirds pass over the sea surface, flying carefree.

at some point.

Huge magic arrays appeared one after another on the sea surface. Under the flickering lights of various colors, the huge group of evil dragons appeared here extremely unexpectedly.

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