It is late at night and there are few people watching TV.

Originally, the TV station's ratings were only 0.1%.

But when it was broadcast that Li Ang was racing on the mountain road, the ratings instantly soared to 1%, and it continues to grow!

Trish is overjoyed, and any fool knows that the audience loves to see this.

She would be a fool not to dive into the live broadcast.

Fortunately, she is familiar with this track and can tell a lot about it.

What this road is famous for is challenging the limits.

Challenge the vehicle's driving route limits, turning limits, and car's ultimate performance.

Especially the last ten meters wide cliff made the riders suffer a lot.

How many vehicles fell from here because they were not fast enough or their performance could not keep up?

"There are many drivers who challenge the death track every year, so many people die, but no one has ever succeeded."

"The charm of this track is that it places high demands on drivers. Just walking on the slope is the biggest problem."

"Please see, the tires of the vehicles below have reached the edge of the road."Tracy pointed at the silver thug in the distance.

The photographer quickly zoomed in and took a close-up of the tires.

Indeed, as Tracy said, this road is just big enough for vehicles to walk on.

If you had turned a little more direction, you might have crashed.

"It's really awesome."Even the photographer had to marvel and was extremely shocked.

The ratings soared to 1.5%!

The trend is gratifying!

Tracey was overjoyed. She came out tonight and made a lot of money!

She calmed down and remained calm on the surface,"The second largest The problem is the minimum radius turn."

In front of the Silver Mob, there is a small curve. It is just small enough for a carriage to pass by.

And it is a 180-degree U-turn.

It is okay for this kind of mountaineer to walk, but driving up it is going crazy..

No wonder the mountain road is so famous. Those who can drive up it are all good people! It is difficult for ordinary drivers to drive up here, let alone go up it.

"What is he going to do?"Tracy held her breath nervously and stared at the silver thug.

At this time, everyone in front of the TV stared at the screen with their eyes wide open.

They were all expecting him to fall off the cliff!

That's right, no one expected him to succeed!

Every year More than 100 riders have taken the challenge, and the mortality rate is as high as 40%.

Those who do not die are either paraplegic or have severe fractures.

They will have to stay in ICU for at least six months.

The cost and cost are huge, but the riders are still unable to stop. It's a challenge, and it's a challenge with life! With so many people having accidents every year, how can Li Ang succeed?

How could such a trashy and unknown driver be possible? Within a few seconds, the car showed up!

The thug's tail sprayed blue, and the nitrogen boost started! How is this different from seeking death?

Who wouldn't immediately think of slowing down when encountering a turn, and everyone who saw it would open their mouths in shock ? Gotta hit it.

The ratings skyrocketed to 2%!

Then the silver thug flicked his tail.

Didn’t this flick fly out? Everyone covered their mouths in surprise and stared at the screen with their mouths wide open.

He didn't even dare to blink, for fear of missing the most exciting scene.

As expected, the rear of the car did not fall off the cliff!

Instead , it was half in the air and half on the mountain road!

With his superb driving skills, he was able to stabilize the vehicle!

Immortal skills!


the vehicle's exhaust pipe instantly sprayed out eight streaks of blue flames that stretched over ten meters in the air!

The avenue of blue flames!

Nitrogen boosts the speed and runs at maximum power!

Using the principle of jet aircraft to keep flying, the silver thug showed off his turning skills to a new level under the gaze of millions of eyes!

Eye- catching.

So cool!

With its super powerful impact, the silver thug quickly drew an arc!

The whole process was extremely smooth, and his skill of floating in mid-air shocked millions of people.!

"So scary!!"

"Who is this guy driving the car?"

"It's the first time I've seen someone turn like this"

"None of this will fall? ?"

The people watching the TV were shocked. It was obviously unreasonable!

But the facts were right in front of them. They were all curious, how did Li Ang do it?

The ratings soared to 5%!

Just like watching a blockbuster movie, Li Ang's drift caused the ratings to skyrocket.!

This is real car body technology! It’s refreshing, unheard of, and so cool!

When Tracy saw the ratings, her face turned red with excitement. The ratings jumped by 50% in a short period of time. Times!

It proves that the audience loves watching this car!

It's enough to track this car tonight!

"Audience friends, the first death curve has passed, and this challenger has completed the challenge in a brand new way."

"He is creating an unprecedented path. We will wait and see how he performs in the future."

"Oh, look, he's speeding up!"Tracy's voice was excited.

There was another curve ahead. Just like before, the silver thug didn't slow down at all.

Instead, he accelerated and rushed forward!


Eight blue flames burst out!

With a brilliant light, they flicked like crazy!

No! The road is created!

The blood is boiling!

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