O'Neal's sudden car accident shocked everyone.

Including Tracy on the helicopter and the audience in front of the TV.

Dominic and others were all stunned.

The ratings soared to 27%!

The scene of such a tragic car accident naturally attracted countless people to watch.

Some clever ones had already taken out their cameras to record and captured the whole process.

This is what street racing should be all about.

It would be embarrassing to call this a street race without crashing a few cars.

It's like watching an action movie in the theater, every audience member is hooked!

"Cool, hit a few more cars"

"i like this scene"

"He will definitely win this game"

"For someone who can conquer even the death track, winning the competition is a trivial matter."

Everyone was optimistic about Li Ang, and O'Neal, who was eliminated, was teased and ridiculed.

Everyone yelled that he was stupid like a pig.

The tide was turning.

Li Ang smiled slightly, gave up the trick again, and stepped on the accelerator.

The silver thug roared passionately, Smoothly exiting the corner.

This speed scared Dominic almost to the point of losing his grip on the steering wheel!

It was the first time I saw someone modifying a car to be so fast.

It was no longer a modification, but an invention of a new car..

He gave the car a new heart, which was more powerful and structurally more optimized.

How come he had never heard of his name before with such terrifying car modification skills ? What confused him the most was that he had heard the names of all the big and small people in the circle.

It was impossible for a person to rise quickly, and he had to go through accumulation and accumulation.

But Li Ang broke the rules and surpassed all the veteran riders.

He was slapped hard on the face.

No one knew who he was.

This was so strange.

Dominic frowned and stared at Li Ang, as if he was covered in a thick layer of fog.

There was a sense of mystery.

Dominic was in a complicated mood, but Li Ang didn't have much thought.

He stayed focused and kept his spirits up, because the real opponent was ahead!

"Warning Warning: Dangerous convoy is approaching, please prepare your defenses."The on-board system emits a red explosion.

It's finally here!

Li Ang stepped on the clutch to shift gears, then stepped on the accelerator to further increase the speed.

This is what he was waiting for.

Then a large area of lights appeared in front.

The four-wheel off-road vehicle in the middle stood vertically. Arranged in a straight line.

On both sides are black Kawasaki H2Rs, five on the left and five on the right.

The heavy motorcycles have been modified, and the muffler has been removed from the front, making the sound of the explosion louder.


After seeing the silver thugs, they all turned on the accelerator, released the clutch and shifted gears.

The front of the heavy motorcycle suddenly accelerated!

The ten heavy motorcycles rushed towards Li Ang and them like lightning.

They are all well-trained killers who know how to kill people easily.

As expected, the ten people spread out in all directions like beautiful flower petals.

Then the car turned around and pointed all the headlights at the silver thug.

What a wonderful move.!

The high beam is very dazzling.

Once it is directly illuminated, it can make people temporarily blind and unable to see the road ahead clearly.

It can also make the target confused and worried.

It 's a shame to underestimate the technical content of the Silver Thug.

"Strong light is detected and filter mode is being turned on."The car system switches automatically without Li Ang making a sound.

The color of the glass changes automatically, the light intensity drops sharply, and you can look directly at the car lights.

And it also maintains the night vision function.

It's so cool.

Li Ang showed a sarcastic smile, this group Idiot, maybe you don't know that the silver thug has high technology?

His speed remained unchanged.

The motorcycle killers were a little surprised, but they didn't expect that Li Ang was still not slowing down when he was hit by the high beam. They raised their heads and fired wildly at the silver thugs.

The fire was spitting out, and the bullets hit the soil, causing a sudden explosion of sand.

Dominic, who was behind him, frowned and stepped on the brakes. He hurriedly turned the car around and rushed out to avoid harming Chi Yu.

Anyone could tell now that these people were looking for trouble.

If they didn't want to die, they should stay away as soon as possible.

Tracy on the plane also covered her mouth in surprise. Don't let yourself scream.

Oh my god, who would have thought that such good news would turn into a gun battle?

It was so exciting

, and there were still five off-road vehicles in front of him.

Did he have any hope of escaping? ?

The photographer also got excited and took a close-up of the firefight.

Unfortunately, these people were wearing black helmets and could not clearly see their faces.

"Holy shit, street racing turns into a gangster fight in an instant?"

"Is this really not a movie?"

"Reverse quickly, retreat quickly!!"

"It's cold, it's dead, there are so many guns, it's impossible to run away"

"As soon as he became famous, he fell into disrepute and was shot out of his head."

Some are gloating and some are regretful.

They don't think much of Li Ang and think it's impossible for him to escape.

It's going to be cold tonight!

(Continue the passion, ten updates today!)

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