Within Aideen, not everyone is united.

Because there is so much collusion of interests, cliques are a serious phenomenon.

Basically, those who have some ability think that I am the best in the world.

Even if they are sent out together to perform tasks, they are still dissatisfied with each other.

Wadia originally wanted to play as a forward and take over from Kielon.

This way he can get more glory.

As a result, Keelung robbed him first.

Wadia felt that he did not get in through ability, but through connections.

Wadia felt unhappy when she saw him commanding triumphantly.

And he was also placed in the rear position by Keelon.

It is said that its name is the final pass in defense.

In fact, he sent his cronies to the front.

Let them take the credit while Wadia collects dust from behind.

He was very dissatisfied. His marksmanship, strategy, fighting, etc. were all superior to Keelung.

But they can only smoke and chat in the back.

Anyone else would be unhappy.

I thought Li Ang was dead in the front, but he didn't expect that he would receive the notice.

Let him act as planned, Li Ang is coming.

Wadia is surprised that Li Ang can come here, which is unexpected

"It seems that Commander Keelung is not very capable and even a car repairman can't stop him."Wadia sneered.

On the surface, he was laughing at Kielon's incompetence, but in fact, he was mocking Li Ang for being a car repairman.

"That is, how can Keelung compare with you, the boss?"

"What a bullshit West Coast car guy, he's just playing house"

"We at Aidian have more of these kind of car gods."

"Boss Wadia didn’t even know how many car gods he had killed."

The younger brothers kept flattering and taunting Li Ang.

In their view, passing the previous checkpoints was not based on ability.

It was Keelung's arrangement error that allowed him to pass.

If he met Wadia, he would never have passed through. Maybe.

Wadia's ability is not comparable to that of Keelung.

He dares to say that no one has ever seen the number one in the universe.

Wadia feels very happy and comfortable when being praised by his younger brothers.

"Hey, let's see how he can pass me! Hahaha!"Wadia looked up to the sky and laughed.

He felt that he was so awesome. No matter how capable he was, he would not hit the roadblock truck with triangular nails.

Even if he hit it, he would still be dead.

"A garbage mechanic, not everyone can play racing!"Wadia is arrogant!

In his opinion, Leon is just a maintenance worker. He is only qualified to do menial and despicable jobs.

How can he be qualified to be Aideen's opponent?

It has simply lowered Aideen's net worth, which is embarrassing.

Very embarrassing. Come on, everyone here can hear the engine, like a wild beast rushing over.

"It's coming, get ready."Wadia braced himself, stood behind the car with his gun in hand.

More than a dozen boys were holding guns and staring ahead vigilantly. They were ready.

I guess the repairman's speed must not be fast, right?

They thought naively.

Next step In the second

, I saw a car coming out of the corner.

Unexpectedly, it just happened to be in the middle position. After rushing out, the black car accelerated again!

It was too fast! The speed of the bullet could not match that of a missile!

They were so stunned that they forgot to shoot.

I looked at the black car in a daze, feeling extremely shocked. Just now

I was mocking Li Ang for driving like a turtle. I didn't expect him to actually drive the car.

It turned into a missile!

It shot straight towards them!

Once it was hit by him, it couldn't stop until it flew a hundred meters away!

"Oh my god, is this an emergency landing?"

"Me, me, my legs are weak"


"How to intercept this?"

At this time, the people were crying and wailing. Even before they started fighting, half of their fighting spirit was gone.

Facing the charging Diomas, few people could muster the courage to stand still.

They were all so scared that their legs were shaking.

"Bastard, shoot, fire quickly!"Wadia yelled.

His subordinates who were so awesome just now have all turned into cowards.

How could he have such useless subordinates!

It's really embarrassing!

I've lost all my face to them. I feel ashamed for them. panic

"Fire!!!"Wadia yelled, and was the first to pull the trigger.

The powerful submachine gun spit out fierce tongues of fire, and bullets kept firing like rain.

The other men reacted, and then they started to fire.

Click, click, click... the gunshots kept coming. The shells kept falling.

The barrel was getting hot, and the bullets were almost finished!

But Diomas didn't slow down, there was no damage at all, and there was not even a crack in the glass.

"impossible!!!"Wadia was dumbfounded and lost his mind.

Even if it is the best bulletproof, it is impossible for there to be no cracks even if it is continuously fired by ten submachine guns.

Even the glass of a tank and armored vehicle cannot be intact.

What they are facing is, in the end, What kind of car is it!!

Wadia wailed, raised his gun and fired wildly

, then pulled out his pistol.

"Howitzer, use howitzer!!"

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