(87 I am really helpless. The release is pending review)

The principle of laser weapons is high-energy beams. The irradiation concentrates the energy on a point to generate high temperature.

Destroy the target with instantaneous high-temperature burning.

This laser weapon highway can be large or small.

The most eye-catching laser weapon is the ABL.

Earlier, the ABL system of the United States shot down a ballistic missile traveling at Mach 6 from a distance of 160 kilometers.

The transmission power reaches 1MW level.

Mach one is 1,200 kilometers per hour.

Mach 6 is a speed of 7,200 kilometers per hour.

As a future weapon, lasers have high hopes.

The most powerful laser weapon can drain a city's power in an instant.

The power is as high as one trillion!

It is conceivable that such a terrifying weapon can have a range of thousands of miles?

Aideen's helicopter is small in size, so it is naturally impossible to carry such a powerful thing.

But his laser cannon is very eye-catching.

When charging, the muzzle is already flashing red.

Looking up from the ground, it looks like the blood-colored eyes of a devil in a dream.

Full of destruction

"High-energy laser is detected and the reflective laser mode is turned on."The car system issued a prompt prompt.

Click, click, click, click...

The metal outside the car body suddenly changed.

It was as smooth as a mirror.

"Releases sulfur trioxide smoke and oil mist."

Pfft... Thick black smoke continued to spray out from the sports car.

Like a squid spraying ink, a highway was surrounded by black mist.

In addition, Diomas was driving very fast.

In just a few seconds, it had enveloped a whole highway. two kilometers away

"Ahem, whose exhaust is bad?"

"Damn, this exhaust gas is running too much, isn’t it?"

"Oh my god, isn’t this environment too polluted?"

"Whose car is so choked? Is it scrapped?" This caused the drivers to complain.

Who is releasing the poison gas? It will poison everyone on the road.

This is no wonder the system. This is mainly done to weaken the power of the laser weapon.

When the laser passes through the atmosphere, it will be affected by dust, The influence of air humidity, fog and other atmosphere will cause the loss of laser energy.

In addition, the turbulence caused by the atmospheric turbulence will also affect the laser propagation.

Therefore, an effective way to deal with the laser is to use smoke when the weather is clear and windy. It's not haze or sandstorm.

It can only be defended by artificial sulfur trioxide smoke or oil mist.

Cavell also noticed the strangeness, but didn't understand the reason why he hesitated for a long time. He grabbed his collar angrily, glared at him and said,"Asshole, fire quickly!!"

Seeing that the prey is right at his mouth, but his companions are unable to help him.

This makes Cavell angry.

"Oh oh, okay."The pilot was stunned.

Seeing Li Ang firing smoke, he had a bad feeling in his heart. He pressed the launch button.

The laser carried terrifying energy and formed a dazzling straight line, heading straight towards the sports car.

Although Diomas was very fast.

But it was far from the ultra-high-speed laser.

The laser hit the roof of Diomas' car instantly, and Cavill was overjoyed, but after a second, his expression turned into shock, and he could not calm down for a long time.

The light beam passed through the weapon, and the color dimmed by two-thirds.

It hit the roof of the car again, but was refracted by the metal on the car.

The refracted laser hit another person next to it. The car was torn apart with a searing crack.

The metal in the tear shone fiercely, leaving a permanent scar on the car.

Even after it was weakened, its energy was still terrifying! The car owner heard a squeaking sound and quickly stepped on the brakes.

He rolled down the window and looked at his car. His scalp was numb and he saw a black ravine about three fingers wide and running through the front of the car.


The person inside will probably be torn in half.

This weapon is so terrifying!

Dioma can defend against laser cannons.

Si, even more terrifying!

Cavill looked at the vehicle in shock,"What the hell is going on?" In previous experiments, laser weapons have always been invincible.

Whether it is armor, aircraft or aircraft carriers, lasers can penetrate them.

It can be said to be the sharpest secret weapon.

I originally thought that lasers had no nemesis.

Until I met Li Ang!

This series of operations stunned him!

Not only did it weaken the laser cannon, but it also refracted the laser? Damn it, this car is too high-tech!

"Can we have another shot? Cavell asked the mutinous pilot.

The pilot immediately said with a sad face,"There is not enough energy to fire the second shot again.""

The consumption of the laser cannon is very huge.

One shot has consumed all the reserve energy.

According to the original idea, one shot can solve the enemy, and there is no need to fire a second shot.

So no more energy is added.

Who knows Diomas The laser cannon that was so difficult to defeat even the aircraft carrier failed?

The pilot was shocked.

At this time, the helicopter was transmitting the live broadcast, and the staff in the hall were equally shocked. Everyone opened their mouths and looked at the picture in disbelief. Who is the strongest team in surface science


"Look, it seems to be moving."One of them shouted, focusing everyone's attention on the screen.

From the rear of Diomas' car, a javelin slowly rose.

The silver reflected the cold light in the sun.

Steel head, steel body, The steel chain was made of fine steel and was filled with murderous aura, but it already felt chilly before it was launched.

"What is he going to do?" Cavill was shocked.

Leon didn't use guns or missiles, but he used something like a harpoon gun.


Cavill couldn't see through Li Ang.

Inside the car.

Li Ang showed a cold smile,"It's rude to come without reciprocating, try Test the power of this speargun."

The system does not recommend the use of machine guns. The speed is too fast and the accuracy is poor.

It is not worthwhile to use missiles. The opponent is already a sick cat without claws.

The best way is to use a spear gun. When robbing the container, this is the spear gun.

"emission!"Li Ang directly pressed the launch button.

The speargun popped out in the next second.

It shot out at lightning speed, and the eyes could not catch the trajectory.

Hearing the sound of tearing the air, countless people's scalps went numb.

This was too cruel. Thinking the helicopter was a whale? The pilot was shocked and quickly maneuvered the plane to dodge. Boom! The spear gun penetrated the bottom of the helicopter and successfully grasped it. It forced the helicopter to change course and flew half a circle in the air. It was like a kite being flung wildly in the sky! How cool is it to fly a kite with a car!

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