In the restaurant.

Li Ang, Giselle, Heidi and others took their seats one after another.

They have moved on to Martha's.

Although Dietrich is bankrupt, his high-end consumption is not low.

Minimum USD 1,300.

It’s normal to eat something good casually and reach 5,000 US dollars.

Including Kobe beef, foie gras, caviar, and truffles.

The world is absolutely delicious.

But these are not the signature dishes here.

But beetroot

"This is beetroot, please try it." Giselle greets everyone as host.

This beet from the Black Swan garden is cooked in butter for hours. It is then carefully decorated with sheep’s curd and linseed biscuits.

In addition to the beetroot, there are also roasted 6 weeks of black garlic venison.

There is also Dexter's beef. It is said that this kind of cow drank 4 pints of beer every day.

, and a delicious ice cream sandwich with local damselfly fruit.

An unexpected highlight was that one dish was actually sour butter on sourdough bread. The limit of life.

Tastes so good that the napkin is edible.

"I didn’t expect there to be such a delicious place in a bankrupt city. Li Ang sighed

"You may not be able to eat it in the future."Giselle seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Eaton was bombed by you, and the people above it lost a hand. They want money to spend, and it’s not that easy anymore."

For Dieter's senior management, Eaton is the hen that lays golden eggs.

Now that it has been bombed by Leon, there is no money left to get away with.

Moreover, if the base is exposed, I'm afraid Aideen behind it won't be able to hide for long.

Soon. If it's exposed, it's all over.

If there's no chance of a big purge, I'm afraid Dietrich will have to be replaced.

"It's too dangerous for you to do this. Heidi can't stand your torture."Xiao smiled bitterly and drank coffee.

He never expected that Li Ang would be so bold! He went to challenge the entire Eton alone.

Fortunately, the virus was taken out in the end.

Otherwise, if there was something wrong with Heidi, he would not be able to meet him. To the mother in prison

"If I dare to do it, I will naturally be sure of it. You are the only one who panics."Li Ang glanced at him.

This is the so-called care and chaos.

Seeing Xiao's embarrassment, Hobbs laughed loudly and patted Li Ang on the shoulder,"You are very suitable to my taste. Do you want to come back to Washington with me to work? ?"

"If you don't go, I'm afraid I'll blow up your headquarters."Li Ang decisively rejected it. Being a cop is not as fun as being a thief.

Li Ang prefers a life like Xiao's, carrying two grenades to go shopping when he has nothing to do.

When racing, he will blow up whoever is unhappy.

Occasionally racing on the road.

This is what Li Ang is. The life he wanted.

Hobbes had no choice but to let go.

With the conditions of the headquarters, it was impossible to attract the great master Li Ang.

He knew in his heart that he was just trying.

"Dear viewers, emergency news is now playing……"Another piece of news also showed a video of a thermal power station.

This video is different, but a short video of a cooling tower collapsing.

Unprocessed images purely show reality.

Even so, I can already feel the despair that fills the screen.

A scene like the end of the world.

The scene was comparable to a doomsday collapse.

The Hollywood-level pictures gripped people's nervous hearts.

There's just the right amount of camera shake and boulders falling.

Show the earthquake vividly.

Increase the tension!

Elena, Heidi and Leon looked at Dr. Dog strangely.

I didn’t expect that the short video this guy just shot would go viral?

Was it even in the news? ?

"This is a short video uploaded by an enthusiastic netizen on Twitter……"

"It is obvious from the video that they were at the scene of the incident"

"The heroic scenes depict the end of the world!"

"This is not a simple underground cave collapse, but an unknown and mysterious magnetic field."

He was slapped in the face by saying he was an expert on cave collapse.

It just showed that he had no brains and was making wild assumptions.

There was no basis for what he said.

"As for the nature of this unstable magnetic field, experts have not yet reached a conclusion."

This news report is pretty reliable.

Andrek was stunned and took out his phone to look at it.

Oh my god, there were almost 100,000 comments.

Andrek's hands were trembling with fear and he almost gave up his phone. It didn’t take long, and there were more than 20,000 comments in one day.

It was like a dream, and Xiao Hebo’s Twitter account was completely popular.

Si and Giselle, their eyes widened, stared at the picture on the TV.

It was one thing to hear it, but it was another thing to see it with their own eyes.

The huge rocks falling on the picture were right next to Li Ang.

While racing, a huge concrete stone suddenly fell from above his head.

Xiao's brows jumped and he became nervous.

Giselle was also frightened by the sudden boulder.

Fortunately, Li Ang's driving skills were good, and he was able to escape the danger in the end.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The next second, Xiao, Hobbs, and Giselle looked at Li Ang with strange eyes.

After watching this short video, the three of them looked at each other.

People's emotions are very complicated.

Car skills are something they have always overestimated.

They all have their own unique skills and advantages in racing , but the gap between them and Li Ang's instincts is too great.

You can see the reaction.

If it were them, they would have stepped on the brakes and turned the steering wheel.

This would appear to be more confusing.

If the angle is wrong, it is still a question whether the vehicle can come back.

Li Ang broke through calmly, and Xiao and others were impressed by his calm nature.

"It was so thrilling, how did you drive there?"Xiao was greatly shocked.

The boulder was right in front of him.

Everyone who saw it was frightened.

Not to mention Li Ang.

In that situation, Xiao didn't think he could calm down.

"It's very simple, if you know how to apply the brakes, don't panic."Li Ang teased.

The devil knows how he is calm.

The more times like this, the more calm his mind becomes.

It may be considered a kind of talent, but it is difficult to be upset anyway.

Everyone present is smart. They obviously know that Li Ang is joking..

It must have gone through millions of times to reach such a state.

I can't help but look at him with envy.

The boss is always so calm.

"By the way, who is the strongest driver on the East Coast?"Leon turned to ask Giselle.

Although Hobbs is from the East Coast, he doesn't know much about this kind of thing.

Giselle is different.

She lives in the darkness. She knows all these things very well.

All kinds of information in her hands. All.

Sure enough, Gisele immediately said:"In our East Coast, the car god has been decided."

"Toby Marshall, fresh out of it, didn't take long to get his revenge and ascend to East Coast godhood"

"Who is your West Coast car god?"Giselle asked curiously.

Then everyone at the scene looked at Li Ang...

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