The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 17: Moving Forward

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 17:

Moving Forward

Benjamin Blake / Super Fast Semi-Functional Moron / Genius / Hero’ish

I woke up from my meditations since I could no longer sleep a full eight hours. Being supercharged with the Speedforce had enhanced all of my senses soI heard the sounds of light ghostly footsteps around me. hen I opened my eyes from my meditative posture, it was no surprise for me to see Natasha walking by towards the kitchen. She was flexing her fingers back and forth, which lead me to believe Natasha was trying to figure out her current situation. With a smile, I sent a bolt of lightning in her direction, although with no surprise to me. The lightning bolt was instantly dodged by Natasha.

"Good to see that your awake Nat," I spoke while moving to stand under her. "Was that necessary?" She asked me with a frown. "No, but it helped me confirm you had the spider sense reflexive ability." And with that, I reached out towards her to help her down. Natasha frowned at me, then she jumped down behind me, turned around, and smacked me on the rear. "Yes, well show and tell is for later. These powers that I have means you're a man of your word. So tell me what's first on the agenda?" She asked while going for my secret stash of hot chocolate. Damn, when did she have time to figure out where my stash was?

"Let's pump the brakes. We can always pile up the bodies later, and it's the first impression you have to worry about right now. First, it's to my place to greet the family, and then to the company, to get you settled in. While we are there, Alfred will scrub you from all known databases." I replied while hip checking her away from my stash and pushing her towards the coffee maker. "Taking me home to meet the parents already?" Natasha asked while raising a single eyebrow with a smile on her face. "Not like that, just an introduction," I replied, rolling my eyes at her. "I spent the night in your bed, and here I thought that little ole me was finally landing a multi-billionaire." Natasha quipped while she started the coffee machine.

I could only shake my head at that. "Enough play, tell me, how are you feeling?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at her. I already knew that her powers had settled. I wondered what her version of Spiderwoman will become. And with that thought, I realized I already knew the best hero suit for her. The Silk suit would look best on her, with the half face mask allowing her hair to flow free. Although I would also have to include a static cling, to keep her hair from shedding and giving away DNA samples.

I wouldn't want those stubborn mad scientist that I haven't found yet for the liberation of their souls to start making clones, and there is HYDRA to also consider. Natasha looked at me with that winning smile of hers, "I think I know how Captain America felt after his serum. I feel so supercharged, and my spacial awareness is at a level I've never imagined before. Even that reflex to dodge that lightning. I have never been that fast before." I raised an eyebrow at that, "Can't you already dodge bullets." I asked with a smile. "That's from extensive training to being able to predict movement patterns and how someone will react. These powers change everything." Natasha replied while pouring a cup of coffee for herself, while I had a hot chocolate from my stash.

"Spider-senses," I spoke up. "Spider what now? That’s what you called my dodge from earlier," she asked. "Spider-senses, it's one of the abilities you gained. That's how you're able to dodge my little lightning bolt. Also a very overpowered ability once you realize its potential. I'm sure you will be able to exploit it after today. Since you are The Black Widow." I told her while heading for my shower.

"And all these abilities came from that spider bite. I mean, how is that possible? And what about your friend that got bit yesterday? Will he have all the same abilities that I have?" Natasha was asking my questions at a mile a minute. That's strange she was never this talkative yesterday or in the movies, but I guess she would show more interest since it does affect her body. "No, the fate's only gave him the standard stuff. What I gave you was a whole lot more. That particular spider comes with a cloaking ability and bioelectric hand blasts." I replied to her assault of questions. 

She stopped and raised an eyebrow at me, "I wasn't even aware I had these abilities." With that, she gave me a slow smirk.  Yeah, I guess I walked right into that one didn't I. “I am faster than you." I told her. "Not something a guy should be proud of." She quipped at me. Figuring I had enough, I just ignored her smile and got myself ready for a shower. Natasha never stopped following me around until I stopped at my master bathroom door.

When I stood there and looked at her, Natasha only quirked her eyebrows at me and smiled. "I know what you're doing, and it won't work." I told her looking her up and down. "And what am I doing exactly?" Natasha asked me back with a sweet and innocent tone of voice. "Trying to see how much you can get away with tempting me. You're also poking around to see what else I might let slip. And a few other things I can't place or figured out yet." I replied to her and getting a slow lazy smile out of the red-headed temptress.

"Guest showers are in the other room, that way." And with that, I locked the door behind me. I refused to admit that I might have bitten off more than I could chew. Though, as long as she is loyal, I will figure out some way to live with her brand of teasing.

Natasha / The Black Widow / Ex-Assassin

Natasha looked at the young man that extended his trust to her without a second thought. He gave her a chance that no one had ever even attempted to extend her, not only that, but he depended on her to protect the most precious people in his life. Family, Natasha only had briefs memories of such people, though they had been far from her mind for years. Natasha looked from the closed bathroom door down to her hands, and with a small amount of focus, she brought out electricity between her fingers. Her target had turned out to be one interesting man alright. 

Completely different from the usual marks her job had her rubbing elbows with. When she had killed her handler for using her as he did, Natasha had given up hope of ever finding redemption. She was not only far too damaged as a human, but she was also the monster in the night that parents would warn their kids about. Natasha was a monster, and she would never deny something like that, not after all her life experiences; but maybe this was her second chance, like he said.

Natasha examined her hand again and watched as it slowly faded in and out of view. These new abilities of hers were reacting to her emotions and also her actions. Since he has been a man of his words, maybe he can find a cure for her.  She would also have to get in touch with a few contacts, to see if she can find what hole Maya Hansen is currently hiding in. Natasha brushed those thoughts aside and contemplating more fun things like teasing her boss.  He wasn't going to know what hit him. With a smile, Natasha headed for the guest showers.

Benjamin Blake / Super Fast Semi-Functional Moron / Genius / Hero’ish

After a nice, and very cold shower, it was time to get dressed, meet the family, and then show my face at Star Industries.  I noticed that Natasha was back to her silent observational self while I was on the tablet following the footage from a nano-fly. I had left it there whent I dropped Peter off the night before with his family. When he woke up, he was buff, not muscle builder buff but he was gymnastics buff. Good for him, now I have to keep him from chasing M.J.

Natasha looked at my tablet and raised her eyebrows at me, "Is that why you're not interested in all of this?" When she said that Natasha gave herself a flourish with her hands and the bellboy that was walking by ran directly into the table.

Rolling my eyes at her, "No, he is my friend and a recruit for my Guardians program." "He is the other one that got bitten by the other spider yesterday?" Natasha asked me showing a lot more interest now. "Yes,  he is. But he lacks self-confidence right now. That is something I plan to fix." And with that, Allen finally arrived with the car.

While seated, I brought up my files on the Silk hero suit now called the Black Widow. Natasha smirked at the costume. "So it's from your bed to spandex, huh. I thought you would have been a leather type of guy." Allen almost had a choking fit from the driver's seat up front. Sighing to myself, I clarified. "It's going to be your hero suit when you're helping me as a backup or when major shit goes down. We can't have you out there in some assault gear." I told her while going over the suit. 

It had a black under-layer with red sole shoe bottoms. The chest and back were silver in color with red web lines along both sides. The Black Widow symbol was front and center on the chest. Since that was her moniker and since it is not broken, I had no plans to fix it. Although I did add in my protections and improvements, the back had a spinal protector, and I also had added flexible, bulletproof inserts. Granted the suit was already bulletproof and with her spider sense she could easily dodge bullets, but it was better safe than sorry.

"You're going all out with this." She stated from her location looking over the holograms I had up for her to examine. "Alfred, make a note to create an upgraded vehicle with holo-tech," I spoke out to the air. "Of course sir," Alfred replied. "And to answer you, yes, I am, and you should be too. Today is not only a new day but also a new day for Natalia Romanova. The bad guys will tremble, and the people will cheer, that's what I plan for the name of BLACK WIDOW." I stated with maybe too much passion in my voice. Natasha sat back in her seat and went into what I thought was her quiet contemplation mode.

We got home just in time for breakfast. I was starving.  When I opened the door to my house, I found the most bizarre scene ever. Alfred's drone body was sitting on my dad's lap while they were both reading the morning newspaper. That would have been fine, but what was strange was the outfit he was wearing. Alfred was wearing what appears to be a custom made panda outfit. 

I could only facepalm myself seeing this, Alfred is the most advanced sentient A.I. on the planet and who can take him seriously wearing a panda suit. Sigh, I could only ignore that and make the introductions. "Dad, this is Natasha my new secretary and liaison at Star Industries," I told him ushering in Natasha from behind me. Though he only raised his eyebrows at her appearance. Well shit, Natasha was still in her yoga pants. 

He had far more self-control than I did because his eyes didn't even move from her face, though I think that's his police training and my mother's training keeping his eyes up top.

"Hon have you seen my keys? I could..." Asked my mother as she walked into the room, but with one look at Natasha, she froze up for a fraction of a second.  Then everything burst into action and I realized I have been underestimating mom a lot. The purse she was holding went straight for Natasha's head which she didn't have to dodge because I snatched it out of the air.

I turned around to figure out what the fuck was going on. I turned to face my mother only to see her pulling the trigger on her custom .38, which I still couldn't figure out how she was carrying that on her person. I was not going to stay idle watching the drama so with a quick move I snatched all the rounds out of the air. It was best to disarm my mom and then find out what the hell was going on. Once I removed the .38 special from my mom's hands and made sure the .38 was disarmed and safe, I turned around to ask what the situation was. That was when my mother then pulled out a special forces karambit knife.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Do you even understand who you just brought into my home?" Was the first question out of my mother's mouth. "Yes, I do understand who she used to be," I replied, but before she could follow up with that statement. "You do, do you, well allow me to sit in and listen to this." The one-eyed bandit himself, FURY walked in from the kitchen.  My mother didn't even flinch, but my dad did grumble something about the fucking brother in law not using the front door or calling before dropping by.

"Nicky, did you know about this?" My mother asked automatically. I could only groan at the fact that she had no shame about using that nickname, but Natasha chuckled like this situation wasn't tough enough. "Someone sent me a message about how the Black Widow was now off limits, and all of her files were being redacted or deleted as we speak." Replied FURY to my mother while giving me the one-eyed stare.

"Long story short she is a product of being a child soldier, so I am giving her a second chance," I stated to the group. "And what about that explosion at Oscorp last night." Asked Fury standing next to my mother. "Osborn put out a contract on me, when I refused to sell a portion of my company." I shrugged.

"And that wouldn’t have anything to do with his OZ formula markers in your little medi-injector now would it? And what about your energy signature on the scene?" Asked FURY. "What about it? Alfred shut down all those systems and removed everything that could have connected me to that," I told him because I knew SHIELD systems would be first, so I started with them. "At least your not slipping, I'll need her working for me. If this is going to work, I have the perfect partner in mind." FURY spoke while going to sit on the couch.

"Its Barten isn't it?" I asked, but FURY didn't even break a sweat. "Yes it is, Coulson's busy." "How are you going to get her a pardon?" Asked my mother. "I recently got a nice windfall, and it came with some Senators names. I am already applying some pressure on them for one. I caught them attached to a black site, so I'm blackmailing them into approving what I need." "You're just going to say that in front of me?" Asked Fury.

"Yes, I am. Uncle Nicky," I said while raising an eyebrow at him. That caused Natasha to chuckle at the name again. We all turned to look at her and Fury was none too pleased having that bit of information about him out there in the wild. "Are you sure about this?" Asked my dad. "I am as sure as I was that day I carried the bombs away from everyone," I spoke with conviction to everyone present. "Alright then, Judith she's family now. We both know he isn't going to let this go after he decided to help her." Replied my dad giving his final declaration on the subject. Then he went back to reading his paper with Alfred in his panda suit.

FURY got up to go, only leaving behind a statement about how he will get in contact with us when a mission becomes available. I was sure that he was not going to let this go. That man could be stubborn as an ox. The breakfast was surprisingly a pleasant affair, what should have been a somewhat awkward breakfast was peaceful. Although when my dad got up from the table, I heard him whispering to Alfred about trying on my old junior cop outfit from when I was five. Ignoring them, I focused on Natasha, who was speaking to my mom in hushed whispers about her .38 special.  Great I went from the abnormal one in the bunch to the only normal one in the bunch.


One of the first things I did when I got to the H.Q. was a stroll through my labs. I had recreated the fake face from the Winter Soldier movie but with my twist to it. I had been trying to recreate the liquid geo crystals from the Man of Steel movie, and all I was able to succeed with so far was a programmable crystal sheet.

They were wholly moldable and even replicated fingerprints with a ninety-eight percent success rate out of five thousand tests in a lab. These are on my unsellable list for sure, although when Natasha watched them in action, she took five faces.  I had to have her put 4 of them back because, with my nano-tech, each mask could be programmable with over one hundred faces.

I swear it was like bringing a kid to a candy store, she wasn't just asking what everything did, but every time I did a demonstration, she would request more than one of everything.  I sent a commission to Alfred while she was busy blowing up some test dummies with the SunShot. 

Lucky for me I had placed in the commission order last night because that smile on her face while she was making things go boom was priceless. I doubt she has had a genuine smile on her face in a very long time. Secretly taking pictures, it was time for the enjoyable stuff. We went to my personally created gym designed after the danger room at the X-mansion. The entire room had a one-inch thick coating of Adamantium, even the panels that held the hidden weaponry. Walking Natasha around the room, I gave her all the information about the place. Hard light constructs the next big breakthrough in my holo-tech; this was a combination of my nano swarm and hologram technology. The combination packs a punch or beautiful scenery, depending on what you want them to recreate.

In all the walls around the room, I had installed four M-134 miniguns spitting out 6000 rpm for my rescue training. Then I gave her the rundown on how to activate the nighttime operations or the weather feature and other excellent tools and gadgets. I haven't figured out gravity utilization yet, unfortunately, otherwise I would have been able to recreate the gravity chamber from Dragon Ball Z, but enough of my musings, it was time to spar with the Black Widow.

Showing Natasha where the changing rooms were, I went to get ready myself. The smile wouldn't drop from my face after I wrapped my knuckles and put my gloves on. Walking out to meet Natasha in the danger room mats, I was far too excited. I was about to face a Super Enhanced version of the Black Widow. "I know you're one of the best combatants around, so understand; I am going to push you. This is a power brawl, and I know you haven't figured out your own abilities yet. That's okay because everything is fair in love and war." I stated as I stepped back in a sprint. I ended with myheels on the back wall. With a charge, I blasted both hands of lightning at her.

I had a broad smile on my face because I was sure she thought I was going to start with fists. Natasha dodged them like the expert gymnast that she is.  Points for her then, while she was in mid-flip I ran up to her; latching onto her ankle going for the throw. No need to electrocute her so early in the match, but she was ready for me. Soon as I made contact, she tucked herself in and went right for the family jewels. My options were to let her go or take the hit in the holiest of holy shit places.

I didn't want to win that badly, so I let her go and retreated to the ceiling hanging from it with my molecular-cling. She smiled up at me from my position up on the ceiling, "I thought I was the spider," Natasha asked from her position down below. "Ha-ha! So you want to play dirty, huh." I couldn't help but ask from my position. "Don't dish it, if you can't eat it," Natasha stated with a smile. With my smile back, I bolted right towards her upping my speed some more. 

Natasha dodged the leg sweep, but from the look on her face, I knew that was all spider-sense. She kicked out mid-flip connecting with my chest. Natasha had a smile on her face like she just won a prize, but I wasn't done fighting her yet.  Raising my hand while I was falling back, I lashed out with more lightning. Natasha's eyes widened, "Yeah powers can be a bitch, can't they?" I yelled at her. 

She had a slow smile play across her face as her bioelectricity came alive in her hands. Then she slapped my lightning aside, "Yeah, it can suck if you can't use it properly even if you're gifted." She replied to me. I knew that was a dig at my manhood, but I wasn't going to be manipulated into a full-on fight. I was positive she was weak in a power dual, but as soon as I get close enough, her spider-sense was going to help her cheat even more. Oh, this was going to be fun! So with a smile, I stepped out of my self six different times.

Natasha frowned when she realized she was going to be facing six of my speed clones. I wasn't going to have them do anything fancy. Only fight so that I can watch how she moves. I watched as Natasha frowned and went to work on the force clones. She never backed down once, Natasha replicated my move holding the lightning in her multiple hands. Then each clone that came in her reach was getting a smashing lightning fist.

She slid from the back of a clone to up and around his neck then snapped it with her thighs all the while smiling at me. Granted, it was obvious which one I was since I was casually posted up against the wall. That smile of hers ignited the cheating, cheat, cheater in me. So, of course, I boosted all the clones, I even had two sprout my six arm buddha move.

The fight picked up pace from then on. Natasha was no longer fighting on a two-dimensional field, my clones forced her up the wall, even onto the ceiling. I was itching for more so I charged right in while she was on the ceiling. With the other clones dissipated it was only Natasha and me now.

I charged right at her from her blind side, but her spider sense helped her evade under me. While I was heading over her, I rotated and dropped a heel kick towards her. Natasha took the kick to grab my extended leg and blasted me point blank range with her bio-electric blasts. For a split second, there was a small tingle in the back of my head, but I ignored that to yank my foot away before she could move her way up to my knee.

We stood apart separated for a moment sharing smiles for the enjoyable match we were having. With a wink, I brought out my own six arm constructs, which caused her to frown. "Ha-Ha! Versatility is the spice of life Natasha!" Then I took a deep breath and let it rain lightning in the danger room. Natasha jumped up vanishing mid-air while doing a dodge from one of my raining lightning bolts. I slowly approached the middle of the danger room while keeping my arms and lightning active just in case. I walked into the center and couldn't find any trace of Natasha.

Then as I was making my rounds, Natasha came from nowhere to wrap herself around my head. "Slow and steady makes the toes curl," She whispered into my ear, and with that, she tried her signature hip throw on me. I fucking panicked, because going out like some two-bit movie extra was not how I wanted this fight to end. As soon as Natasha tightened her hips around my neck, I grabbed her by the booty and tossed her over my head before she could get a proper grip.  Natasha was ready for me though because her arms came around my waist while her legs wrapped around my neck like a vice.

So I cheated again, I went right for the thigh meat. I bite down hard on Natasha's inner thigh. She screamed and released her hold around my head but not without her revenge. 

Natasha took a bite right out of my back before we separated. "You know, that's very unprofessional for an assassin of your caliber," I growled out while rubbing my back.

"Speak for yourself, mister multi-billionaire," Natasha replied while rubbing her inner thigh.



Natasha cocked an eyebrow at me while a slow and lazy smile started to show on her face. Sighing to myself, great bane of my existence is here, my cousin Michelle. Shrugging to Natasha, "Let's just call this a tie then?" I asked her. "You want to call this your premature win." Asked Natasha while smiling at me. With a facepalm, I decided to leave, and I deserved that since this was all my fault in the first place. Though I was pretty sure I could hear a chuckle from the intercom.

My bite mark stopped hurting before I even made it to the showers. That was fine with me because I was not expecting a retaliatory super enhanced bite.

Outside of the ladies locker room, I found Gwen, Jean, and Laura waiting around. That was strange since Gwen was generally in her labs with Dr. Kenny and Jean was regularly reading some weird obscure book she found and bought. Laura, I was not expecting, but since her mother was here, I should have seen it coming. Strange, she was hanging out with the girls today though. I guess that was why Michelle was on the P.A.; maybe she was trying to get it for her.

"Hey ladies, can I help you?" I asked while walking up to them. "Who is that? She smells of death." Was the first thing out of Laura's mouth. I raised an eyebrow and decided to put a stop to everything now before the girls started. "No one was there to rescue her from the same situation you had to go through, but worse," I stated while looking at her. That was when Natasha decided it was time to exit the changing rooms. "Nat meet the small stabby daughter of my older stabby mentor, Laura, next to her the the cute one is Gwen and next to Gwen is Jean, our resident librarian." Jean and Gwen looked uncomfortable standing there, but Laura looked interested. Yeah, I was pretty sure they weren't expecting that also or this next. "Natasha will be my new secretary and liaison when I am not around. And with her skills, I believe she can help you both learn self-defense. Not you though Laura, Natasha is going to help you learn social skills."


"I have social skills sparkles." Growled Laura while trying to threaten me with her claws. "What do you mean self-defense. I thought I was going to get powers?" Asked Gwen. "And what about me, don't I get a say because I want powers also." Spoke up Jean from her spot. I could only rub my forehead from all this. I set myself up for all this, fuck.

"Look everyone is going to get powers once we figure out the genetic markers, and when Dr. Kenny and Gwen can create a stable serum that won't mutate anyone. Until then, you are all going to have to learn self-defense." I spoke, putting my foot down but Gwen gave me puppy eyes with Jean following right behind her. 

Laura though swung her claws at Natasha, and I honestly thought she had a lot more sense than that but gotta give it to her she has guts. I didn't know if Natasha sensed it with her spider sense or she was just that good, but she caught the blades only by the tips in mid-swing. She then ran along the wall pulling Laura over into a throw within a matter of seconds. The girls jumped at that type of display, but I can only smile because whenever I have a spar with Laura, Logan likes to play a referee, so I haven't been able to serve up his little cub.

Now though, she has to contend with Natasha and Logan wasn't around to make anyone pull punches. Laura looked at her claws then back up at Natasha in awe.

Shit, of course, she would be in awe of an easy ass whooping. Natasha then smiled at her, then nodded in the direction of the danger room. "I will be doing small closed-door lessons later, and I will have Alfred send you a schedule on the classes and how you can contact me." With that, Natasha walked up behind Gwen and hugged her.

"EEPPP" squield Gwen.

"Don't worry little pixie. I will take excellent care of you. I notice that you and red here have dancers legs. I know a few moves you might like." Natasha spoke to Gwen while also putting her arms around Jean and pulling her in. I laughed at the deer in the headlights look that Jean and Gwen were wearing. I wasn't about to put my two cents in between them, because I knew Natasha was only having her fun messing with them. It was time for me to take my leave and commit some insider trading.

With one last look at them, Natasha winked at me, but I already knew what she was up to because Laura had a frown on her face. I knew she wanted to be a part of the group hug, but she didn't know how to convey that. That wasn't my wheelhouse, so I just left Natasha to her own devices. With Natasha's gear commissioned, I needed to write up the two main targets for her to locate for me. I needed Pym technologies infiltrated for Daran Crosses personal notes on Pym particles.

I also needed the location on Klaue so that I can help myself to liberate all of his misbegotten loot.

When I got to my office, I noticed that Alfred already had the holograms up for me, although I almost had a heart attack once I got to the end of the most recent updates. It had cost me a whopping fifty-six billion for only twenty-eight percent shares to get me onto the Stark Board of directors with voting rights.  That was more than eighty percent of all the money I took from STRYKERS. Even when he was gone and captured, I felt like STARK was fucking me.

With a bleeding heart, I drafted up plans to leave a paper trail implicating Senator Sterns, Obadiah Stane, and a few of the Generals I found on STRYKERS list. 

Since Tony was going to survive this, I might as well set it up that when Stane falls, he takes out a few roadblocks currently in my way. That nifty little HYDRA agent was my little jab at the timeline, I hope that I can solve Iron Man two before It happens. To be sure, I will add Ivan Vanco to the hit list for Natasha to clean up. I received a notification ping while I was updating my plans within the black server, but when I looked at it. It was good news because it seems that MR. GREEN and MR. BLUE are in communications now. When I had created Alfred, I made sure he had a few people under surveillance no matter what, and MR. BLUE was one such person. With more plans to snatch him up uploaded onto the black servers. 

It was time to check on DR. Kenny. I brought out my six arms and upped the hologram projection from my desk. It was time to cheat to win, baby. I was never going to be a genetics genius like Gwen, but I was brilliant in my way. With my arms and vastly superior processing speeds, I went through petabytes upon petabytes of data on the OZ. Spiders that were dropped off last night. I found the genetic markers for strength, speed, and reflexes. 

While I was isolating the rest, I decided to work on Peter's Spiderman suit. I had the perfect one in mind. Peter always went with the classic red and blue in the comics, but in the movies, I remember Stark had some micro actuators installed for it to become a one size fits all. So I was going to take that idea and apply it to all the other suits I made. And let us not forget the movable eye lenses. The classic red and blue will work, but it was time I advanced things a bit since I had near limitless funds.

I went with the Advanced Spider suit from the Spiderman game before my death. The giant white spider on the front with the white along his forearm sides. The spider suit was made out of my companies nanocarbon with web fluid coating to keep the flexibility, with a plates to help keep bullets out of vital parts. 

Since Peter was so injury prone I added some of the medi-gel into his utility belt because he is a Peter Parker, you never know what he might come across. It would also suck for my friend to die so early, especially since I watched Scott get snuffed out. I don't want the same for Peter. Another notification popped up in one of the mini holograms, ATTEN: SHOOTOUT KINGS PLAZA.

The police communications came alive letting me know It was time for the appearance of LIGHTSPEED, and this time I was going to bring the BLACK WIDOW with me.

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