The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 33


[Vega HQ]

It was another bright and sunny morning as I sat in my office going over my evening plans while also fleshing out the infrastructure of the island. Suddenly my office doors were thrown open with a very excited Susan Storm barging in. In her hands was one of the gold and purple plants that Gwen had brought back from the island.

With a wave of my hand, I closed down the holograms I was working on as I raised an eyebrow. Susan Storm stood at a smooth five feet six inches with long flowing blonde hair. Susan was currently wearing a lab coat over a nice pair of jeans that hugged her shapely curves.

"Dr. Storm is there a need for you to come barging into my office early in the morning?" I asked as I looked her up and down. I noticed the bags under her eyes and her haggard look from being in the labs all night working on a project.

Leaning back into my seat, I watched as Susan Storm paced a nice little trail in front of my desk as she put together what she wanted to tell me in her head. She paused, about to say something but then went back to pacing. I didn't have time for this.

"Dr. Storm, would you like to start now because I do have a meeting with Ben after this," I spoke up prompting her to start whatever she was going to present.

"Oh sorry but this plant that Gwen brought back, do you have any more? It has progressed my research against Alzheimer's by leaps and bounds! Boosting the connections between the brain cells and producing regenerative tissue! If we can synthesize more of the properties this plant produces, we can cure most of, if not all the most hideously debilitating mental deficiencies known to man!" Susan Storm rambled on a mile a minute, and the only thing that saved me was my accelerated hearing and understanding.

"Okay, and why can't you use what you already have within the labs?" I asked her as I stapled my fingers together on top of my desk.

"Gwen didn't bring back enough of these flowers, so I would like to go and gather more!" Susan stated as she leaned over my desk in evident excitement.

"Denied," I replied instantly. "The place we recover these from is protected, and I don't need the FDA killing this or the world forcing their way into the area for monetary gain."

"I'm not doing this for monetary gain! This is for science and the advancement of humanity! Think about the number of people we can help save with this cure!" Susan huffed indignantly as if I insulted her.

"As a scientist, that's your prerogative: but the world does not conform to what you would like, does it doctor? I have to make contingencies so that our discoveries or other problems don't bury us as we concentrate on bringing them to the world." I replied as I watched the emotions play across her face. Susan stood up from my desk, and I watch her pace some more as she thought about what I just said.

"I can't say that I disagree with you on that one," Susan said as she paced back and forth.

"I can make arrangements for you to receive more of the plants, but you have to keep it under wraps until we figure out a way to get it to market without having the entire world finding the source and destroying the ecosystem," I told her, shutting down any more of her advances for information.

"I would like to make a trip to this ecosystem to see what else we could discover," Susan replied with hope in her voice.

"I will think about it doctor," I replied as I got up from behind my desk to show her the way out of my office. "Also, doctor, don't forget to show up for Allen's training session."

"I already know how to use my abilities," Susan replied as she left my office.

"Mind over matter of course. That doesn't mean you won't be tested below . I refuse to allow anyone to stagnate while in my employ." I replied with a shrug.

"Hey, Sue, I see you're talking with the boss man." A gruff voice sounded out from the reception area. Turning to look behind Susan, I found the big orange rocky form of Ben Grim patiently waiting for his turn near the door.

"Hey, big guy, how's it going?" Susan returned as she headed for the door.

"It's going okay, but I'm still getting used to this new form," Ben said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Don't worry big guy, we will figure out how to change you back," Susan replied as she hugged Ben before getting in the elevator. While Susan went down in the elevator, I directed Ben towards my office, but he took a moment to look at the knives that Natasha had displayed up behind her desk as personal art.

With a grunt, Ben walked into my office and I directed him towards one of the couches to the left of the room as I took a seat across from him.

"AAhh, I don't think it will hold me," Ben stated as he looked at the couch I had directed him to use.

"Don't worry, everything in here is reinforced," I replied to him with a shrug. Then with a wave of my hand, I brought up what I wanted to discuss with him. Ben stood there for a moment as he looked around for something sturdier for him to use or to stand but with my eyebrow raised at him; Ben sat down.

For a moment, I watched him hold his breath and then let it out as the couch I had him sit on didn't collapse from his weight. Honestly, I felt bad for the man, because overall every single iteration of the multiverse he was the one that got the rock powers and none of them ever got their human forms back.

Well, there is that one Ben Grimm that Dr. Doom cured just to piss off Reed. That was a taking of his powers, though and Doom did it because he could, and it was only to spit in Reed's face. This Ben would need to be cured in my life but also be able to retain the ability to transform back or at least use the powers in his human form.

"So why'd you call me up here, boss?" Ben grim asked me from his position from the couch.

"I would like to know how you're doing because when I checked this morning, you had destroyed over one hundred and forty drones over three days," I replied as I leaned back into my chair.

"Sorry, I didn't know that I had destroyed that many," Ben replied sheepishly.

"I'm not worried about that, but I'm worried about the anger you're showing when you're inside the danger room," I replied to him as I brought up the video recording of the fights he had gone through.

I watched silently as Ben roared for hours as he kept on smashing everything in his way. Then the video showed Ben beating on a few drones while they were already down. When that showed Ben covered his face with his hand in embarrassment. "Yeah, I would be embarrassed if I was fighting an already dead drone in fits of anger," I quietly confirmed.

"I don't…. I don't"-

"That's fine," I said, cutting Ben off mid-sentence. "But I will need you to go see someone about your anger. I know being a large rock guy isn't sitting well with you right now."

"What do you know, huh. Look at me. I'm a freak!" Ben yelled as he stood up to tower over my seated form. I just sat there and watched as Ben huffed and puffed himself out. Once Ben was finished and took his seat, I waited for him to calm down.

"Sorry I-

I held up my hand to cut Ben off as I stood myself. Ben watched me as I moved to the middle of my desk table then pushed my seat back out of the way. Once I was sure the important stuff was out of my way, I turned to Ben as he looked at me perplexed.

"What happens must stay between us, deal?" I asked Ben who dumbly nodded his head. "I would like a yes or no vocalized please."

"Yeah, boss, sure thing. This stays between us." Ben replied slowly.

With Ben's agreement, I released that tight hold I always kept on my powers. Instantly I was a ten-foot-tall monster made of pure muscle, all while Ben watched me with his mouth hanging open. This wasn't all, though since the strength force came with control over the earth while the speed force gave me control over space and time.

Closing my eyes, I pushed harder, summoning the earth to me as I felt the warmth flow through my skin. With a little more pushing on the strength force, I was now an eleven foot tall monster of rock and granite with flowing veins of magma along my arms.

My voice boomed from my throat, full of the power unleashed within my body: "No one is a monster! There is control, and then there is a lack of control! My company is more than just releasing the cutting edge in the latest tech. What we do here is help people make peace with their powers and then learn control. You!" I said as I pointed my hand towards the now dumbstruck Ben standing before me. "Must learn peace, and then we can help you with that control. Take a moment and think about it. Reed has powers that he can control. Susan has powers that she can control, and Johnny has powers that he can control. So why wouldn't you be able to control your powers? Gain your peace, and then we can work on your control."

Ben stood there watching me for a moment, and then when he took a step forward, I realized what he wanted to do, so I waited for him. I was now eleven feet tall of muscle and granite just like Ben, who thought there was no one like him. I held up a rocky hand, waiting for Ben to do the same and once his hand was up I gave him a high five: The noise of the impact of our hands like the cracking of the earth during a seismic event.

Then, while I watch his face still full of amazement, I brought back a tight leash on all the power within me. As I shrunk back down to my normal height of six feet six inches, all of the rock and granite that I summoned fell away, leaving smooth sexy chocolate skin.

Frustration hit me when my pants almost fell from my hips. That was a sign that I needed to finish the unstable molecular fabric soon because normal clothes were not going to cut it in the future.

"So, I want you to see a shrink to help you out and then after that, we will work on your control," I told the big guy as he stood there gawking at me like it was the first time he saw a showgirl.

"Wait, can't we work on both?" Ben quickly asked.

"No," I replied instantly. "Once you're a lot calmer you will be able to focus on what we need to do to help you regain your human form. Right now, you're going to want it too much, and that's going to make you angrier and mess up whatever we figure out about your powers."

"I think Susie knows a friend I can go see," Ben replied as he scratched his head in thought.

"Good! Sort yourself out, and then we can sort out the issue you're facing by teaching you the control required to turn you back to your human shape," I replied to the big guy. Ben looked a little down before he nodded his head and went for the door to my office.

While showing Ben to the door, I was greeted by two very unexpected visitors. Raven and nonother than the White Queen herself, Emma Frost, were coming down the hallway towards my office. Well shit, I thought to myself as I watched the two femme fatales walk towards me. Looking down at myself I let out a groan because I was still in my torn up Armani suit.

"What's the occasion Raven?" I asked with a grunt as I watched them walk towards me. I watched them both carefully: Raven was on the right wearing a nice red colored blouse to match her hair and a matching skirt and heels but, besides her, Emma was just as I imagined her.

She was wearing what could have passed as a business dress but in all white with an overcoat. What was different wasn't the all-white, no it was the massive tummy window in what should have been a business shirt. The shirt in question that had the open belly window still had its sleeves. The shirt wrapped tightly around her waist like a corset to hold her up her ample bust.

The pants were white bell bottoms that slightly raised to show off the all-white heels she wore. I looked at the tall blonde super hottie in front of me as she gave me her killer bedroom eyes while somehow keeping a straight face. Raven just pouted her lips.

"Since you helped me in receiving a pardon, I thought I would help you with a business opportunity," Raven replied smoothly as they both walked towards me.

"Yes I'm aware of Frost pharmaceuticals and Cold Steel contacting us recently, but if I recall I turned those down," I stated with a raised eyebrow. "What's going to change my mind?"

"I believe we can arrange something to benefit us both," Emma stated as she locked eyes with me. Blue eyes met grey, and I didn't budge even when I felt a small tendril of psionic force trying to find its way through or around my mental shields. I sighed at this and almost let a frown play across my face.

With a thought, I constructed a mental image of a post-it sign on the outside of my mental shields stating that.

:Only the cool kids allowed:

Emma had an ever so slightly shocked expression which she quickly replaced with her cold facade. With a wave of my hands, I directed them into my office.

"Drink?" I offered them both. Raven walked over and poured herself and Emma a drink. Raven had a scotch while Emma had a bourbon. I turned to ignore them both, going for my personal bathroom to change into something I could relax in.

Opening my personal closet, I noticed that all I had were extra pairs of suits. I released another sigh at the sight, all I wanted was a pair of nice jeans and a shirt to wear, but Natasha kept on changing out my wardrobe.

"Alfred, did Natasha leave any of my jeans in here?" I asked out loud, hoping he was paying attention. I waited and waited for his response, and then Alfred finally spoke up.

"Sorry father, I was playing with Maya with one of my little drones. From reviewing the records, I believe that Lady Natasha ordered three pairs of jeans for your office wardrobe and some shirts to match." Alfred informed from the overhead intercoms with a distracted quality as if he was busy.

"Send me an image please, Alfred?" I asked as I began to look through the closet for the jeans and shirt. On my wrist popped up an image of Maya playing in one of the roof gardens with a few of Alfred's spider bots. Maya was swinging from one of the spider bots while the others stood guard around her. One of the smaller bots had a screen up playing Dora the Explorer.

Maya was wearing a child's jumper white and a sky blue shirt underneath. I smiled while watching her sing along to the show.

"Thanks, Alfred," I said as I closed down the holo video playing from the communication beads on my wrist. I had finally found my jeans and t-shirts that I was going to put on, but the shirts made me pause when I pulled one of them out.

In bold stylized letters on the back was Natasha's little present. It read If lost return to Natasha and then she also left a note on top of the shirts for me that also read don't worry my shirt reads I'm Natasha.

"Alfred, how many of these shirts did Natasha order?" I asked as I facepalmed my forehead.

"All of them," Alfred replied instantly. "I have also notified her that you have received her gifts."

Releasing a sigh, I went for the black polo that had 'Natasha's' embroidered around the left bicep. On the front of the chest pocket was a lightning bolt with the words LightSpeed written underneath. With my shirt on, I looked over my jeans to make sure that Natasha didn't pull anything with them.

Everything was good, and now it was time to go deal with the massive new problem of Raven bringing Emma Frost and her issues here. I was really starting to get frustrated with this marvel-verse, but by the grace of Stan Lee's legacy, I wasn't going to quit now.

Walking back out into my office, I found Emma standing at my window overlooking the city while Raven was laid back on my couch relaxing. Pouring myself a drink, I took up a seat across from Raven. Raven, in turn, gave me a smile that sent a delightful shiver down my spine; bringing back memories of Russia.

Putting those thoughts aside, I turned to the Lady of Frost drinking her bourbon overlooking my city.

"So who is going to tell me the truth of why Ms. Frost is here?" I asked openly as I downed my scotch in one go. I felt another mental probe, stronger than the last, but I kept it out and left the same sign as I had up last time she tried to gain access. Placing my empty cup on the table, I leaned back waiting for either of them to break first.

"I'm here to do official business." Emma began as she stood in her location looking out upon the city. "You have amassed a large fortune and great influence on the world, Mr. Blake."

"Who's official business though?" I replied with a small smile playing at my lips. Raven gave me a smile while Emma kept looking over the city.

"I believe it would be in your best interest to form a partnership with Frost international," Raven stated as she got up to freshen her own drink. "The partnership could benefit Vega Industries with access to countries and markets that you haven't yet breached."

"As I said earlier, I turned down a partnership before: what makes this different?" I questioned as I watch the two.

"This comes with a recommendation to the most exclusive club in the world," Emma spoke up as she turned around.

"You're willing to give me a recommendation to the Hellfire Club?" I asked while wiping the smile off of my face. I didn't believe that place had anything that I couldn't kill or steal for myself. I was too much the smash and take type of guy and not the sneaky type.

"Yes, Mr. Shaw has extended an invitation for a bishop position to start with." Emma said as she walked back towards where I was seated on the couch. The good ole Hellfire club was not only one of the most influential clubs of millionaires and billionaires but also one of the most corrupt places to mingle.

Slowly I thought about what the Hellfire club could do for me, and as I slowly mulled these thoughts over Emma took a seat beside Raven on the couch. I took in the sight before me and placed my schemes aside to enjoy the sight of the pair of beautiful women.

"How about you tell me what you would like out of these deals. I'm certain that Raven wouldn't bring you here if there wasn't something else besides a business deal." I stated as I sat up straighter in my seat.

"It is understood that you like to assist and give others second chances." Raven began with measured words. "I would be delighted if you could extend the same offer to Emma that I received."

"That is something Emma could ask for herself and, the last time I checked, Ms. Frost is a free woman and isn't in the same situation as you were Raven," I replied as I placed my hands together. "There is something else, and I would like to know what it is."

"I will not get on my knees and beg you for assistance!" Emma spoke as she got up to leave.

"Emma wait!" Raven started rapidly as she grabbed onto Emma's wrist.

"I refuse to debase myself with asking for assistance!" Emma spat.

With my fingers steepled together I began while eyeing her, "You did not beg nor did you ask. You made an offer for someone else, and then Raven asked for you. So how about you get off whatever high horse you're on because I don't need nor am I impressed by the prissy bitch routine. And by now you should understand the mental manipulation routine you have tried isn't going to work on me, so how about you shoot straight and stop with the curveballs. Also, you can drop the act."

"The only reason Raven would bring you here to ask for help is that maximum firepower is necessary," I said as I leaned back in my seat spreading my arms out across the couch.

"While your crass American firepower is much appreciated. What I need is something much more subtle. These opponents can't see the moves that are being made." Emma replied to me with a shrug.

"The sleek and rugged Mr. Todd would be great for this situation," Raven spoke up as she gave me a smile.

"I still don't see a reason for me to rub shoulders with these people when a sniper round could solve so many troubles for me."

She sighed, "Boys and their toys," Raven said as she began to transform. Crap! I need to finish the unstable molecule fabric very soon and get it updated with the shape change clothing tech from that Japanese scientist who was playing with it. "The prize is a very sweetened pot."

Looking back at me were two very identical versions of Emma Frost; killer bedroom eyes and pouty lips with nothing out of place. More and more honey traps, if I didn't know how the marvel verse liked to screw over the hero, I would jump at this chance, but I was always thinking with more than just my second head even if I was getting so much tail thrown at me. Crap again! I was beginning to feel like Spiderman Second Coming with all these women in my life bringing along their personal issues.

Why couldn't I be more like Stark and not give a crap or at least get more C list of groupies, my hands were beginning to get full with all the badass women popping up.

"I don't share, period. And are you not involved Emma?" I asked the duo before me. "The last time I checked the news was all up into that little fit about your latest boy toy."

Raven then transformed into a guy and back into Emma's twin all the while smiling at me. Well, I guess that answers the question about who Emma was dating, but I wasn't so certain about adding another lady to my already, ahem, growing situation.

"Since you have been in the club the longest there might be a few people I would like you to get information on for me." I started off slowly.

"Here," Raven said as she slid a USB stick across the table towards me.

"It would seem that the both of you came prepared," I replied with a raised brow while plugging the USB stick into the table before us.

"Preparation keeps our species from becoming savages," Emma said, placing one leg over the other. "So tell me, how are you able to block my mental examinations?"

"So are you going to admit you're wrong for trying to get into my mind without my consent?" I asked as I went over the information on my Sanskrit communication beads

"You can't prove that it was me, nor can you prove that I'm a mutant," Emma replied smoothly.

"The proper term around here is meta-human." I replied off handly as I looked over the file of Edward Buckman. Now that I had a lead to get close to this asshole, I wasn't going to let it slip through my grasp. Emma scoffed at my correction but, when she noticed me placing down the things at which I was looking, she met my eyes. "This homo superior bullshit and mutant bullshit needs to be left at the wayside. If you want me to cooperate with you, then you need to understand that I fight for equality, not for superiority."

"And what makes you think we will gain equality. Even with your grandstanding, the President still backtracked on his stance." Emma pointed out with a smirk playing on her lips.

"Monkey with a banana is what he is," I replied brushing aside the President and his bullshit. "Soon, I will have a monopoly over things that the world can't live without, and I will force their hands on the issue of equal rights."

"You speak of this as if it is a foregone conclusion?" Emma asked, but before I could respond, Raven spoke up.

"Ben is riding a line between Eric and Charles," Raven spoke up in my defense before I could say anything. " I have witnessed his willingness to do what needs to be done while also not taking things beyond a limit."

For a moment, I watched as Emma sat there thinking about what Raven told her while I kept my own mouth shut.

"The deal with Frost International." Emma prompted me as she pushed her own agenda.

"What's in the deal for me? I know you're going to gain access to medical technology that will revolutionize the world, but I haven't heard anything being offered to me besides money." I replied as I got up to pour myself another drink.

"I would think that Raven transforming into me would clue you in on the prize," Emma said, and I could hear the mirth in her voice.

"Okay that's an interesting proposition but again why? And don't tell me it's because you have fallen for me because we both know that's not true." I replied as I poured myself some scotch.

"Am I not appealing enough for you?" Emma asked as she got up from the couch to approach me at the bar. I looked from her long lean legs to the flawless skin of her torso to her pouty lips. As my grey eyes met her blue orbs, I was greeted with sharp intelligence.

Standing at the bar, I allowed Emma to take my tumbler out of my hands and watch as she drained the glass dry. Raising an eyebrow, I watched and waited. Emma walked back towards the couch where Raven sat. Raven leaned back in her seat as Emma walked up behind the couch to lean over Raven.

Slowly Emma leaned down towards Raven as she slowly ran her hands down the perfect copy of herself. Then as Emma's hands reached Raven's chest, I noticed the pinch as I heard Raven released a moan which was, in turn, cut off with Emma's lips on her own.

Walking back over to my seat, I sat down and watched the show play before me. Emma and Raven slowly shared passionate kisses as I watched them. Emma came up from the kiss, locking steady eye contact with me as she kissed her way across Raven's exposed throat and worked her hands under the open corset shirt that Raven copied.

Ignoring the two, I went back to look over the information that was given on the USB stick. While I was doing that I got a ping from Peter sending me the work on the hovercar and I almost skipped in happiness, then I noticed the use of tachyon particles. That would need to be changed: it wouldn't do for some smart hot-roder to blast himself into space with no way to return.

I heard a disgruntled snort which caused me to look up at the two no longer in their make-out session. "Yes?"

"You're not making this easy on me, you know," Emma said with her arms folded across her ample chest.

"I have a genius, cosmic power, and mother nature itself in my circle of women and with an infiltration expert being mixed in with recent events," I replied with a shrug.

"You're missing a business expert," Emma said with a small smirk on her lips.

"I'm doing well enough on the business end of things."

"Ben, can you not be so difficult, please?" Raven said from her spot on the couch.

After messing around with them for this long, it was time to get back to making money and moves. "Fine, we have an experimental vehicle in the works so we will need an automotive company that's leading in electric motors but also failing. This way, we can snatch the majority in shares or buy it outright." I replied, thinking about being the sole company to introduce hover tech besides what S.H.I.E.L.D has.

"Tesla Motors, I already own seventeen percent, but they haven't been much of a return on investment," Emma replied instantly with a snap of her fingers.

"That couldn't be, doesn't Elon run that company?" I asked because I heard that name a few times.

"Genius, yes, but doesn't know how to run an automotive company properly," Emma replied with a shrug.

"Okay then get us more than fifty percent controlling interest, and we will return to the discussion about you being my lady," I said as I got up from my seat to prepare to go see Uncle Ben and then go out for a haircut. "Raven, show her out please and no stopping to go play with the toys."

"So tell me what you think." Raven asked, turning towards her companion. "I know you tried to get into his head."

"Who taught him how to shield his mind?" Emma asked in return.

"That I would not know. I'm certain that he doesn't allow Charles into his head." Replied Raven as she tilted her head to the side.

"To answer your question, I now know what you're after," Emma said with a smile towards her companion.

"So you felt it too?" Asked Raven as she drew closer to Emma.

"All that tightly controlled power coiled behind a force of will I have never encountered before," Emma replied breathily. "And I want some."

"I thought you might say that."

After leaving them to do whatever they did, I made my way to the garden to have lunch with the family. This time I had made sure that Aunt May brought Uncle Ben because I had a lot of questions for him about his sister.

When I was younger and first met Peter, I had learned that his mother, of course, was Mary Parker, a scientist out of M.I.T but there was no Richard Parker. Mary was Uncle Ben's younger sister and was on the fast track for greatness. Only that greatness was sidetracked when she became pregnant while getting her Doctorate.

Again it was things like these that had me shake my head at the sheer craziness of the multiverse because no matter what parent combination that Peter gets he always ends up with Uncle Ben and Aunt May in the end.

When I got topside to the garden with the picnic table that contained lunch, I was greeted with the sight of everyone here. Just great I wanted some schmoozing time with Uncle Ben to pick his brain, and everyone was here joining us.

Maya was sitting on Aunt May's lap with my mother and Ororo close by so I took my seat in between Laura and Peter forcing the two love birds apart. Instinct told me that I was about to get gutted, so before anyone could react, I went for the nerve in Laura's forearms that pushed the claws out.

Fighting with Logan taught me a thing or two about his physiology, so with a quick jab, I disabled her claws before they even came out. With Laura's claws stunned and forced to stay inside, I slid her over on the bench as I sat between the two.

"I call older brother dibs," I quipped as I tossed an arm around Peter while pulling the tray of fries away. "So tell me Petey pie what's the plan for date night?"

Peter's cheeks went red as I watched him all the while munching away at the fries I liberated from his tray. Slowly Peter floundered in his seat for a bit before I felt it was time to end my fun.

"There is a roller derby that you can go to?" I offered Peter with a shrug.

"Where is that?" Peter asked, perking up with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Brooklyn near Atlantic ave," I told him, bringing up the information on the derby.

"Sweet," Peter exclaimed as he brought my hand with the communication beads closer to himself so that he could get a better look. Taking off the Sanskrit beads, I gave them to Peter as I took the second burger that he hadn't even started yet.

With everyone here, I wasn't able to ask Uncle Ben the questions I wanted to so I relaxed and enjoyed my lunch. For the rest of the time I had here in the garden, I played with Maya.

After leaving the garden, I made my way towards Harlem to see its soon to be hero Luke Cage. With a smooth forty minute ride, I was finally at POPS barbershop. Walking up to the door with Allen by my side I was greeted with the sight of Luke sitting in one of the free chairs while Pops was in the other and Bobby was in his usual seat by the window hovering over the chessboard.

Pops barbershop was one of the longest clean businesses here in Harlem, New York. Pops had kept his business as the neutral grounds even when all the gang violence made the block hot. Henry Hunter grew up on the streets but was locked away when he was younger, never being able to meet his child and still can't find him to this day, but he did turn his life around when he was released from jail.

What Henry did when he was released was to open this barbershop of his He kept it as neutral ground ever since and somewhere along the way he gained the nickname Pops.

For me, Pop's was another Uncle Ben, a great man with a great soul with words that impact far beyond the moments that they are shared. Pop's quote was Never backward, always forwards.

Pop was another of the great men I would make sure swerves past what fate has in store for him, and hopefully, stick him and Uncle Ben on Eden and away from all this crazy.

"Good Afternoon, folks," I said as I held the door for Allen to follow me inside. There was no reason for him to stand outside and look like a G-man.

"Hey, young buck."

"Hey, kid."

"Hey, kid."

"Allen take a seat and stop looking like a G-man," I told him as I sat in Pop's chair. "Pops a low fade to clean me up."

"No problem, so Ben hot date tonight?" Pops asked as he flapped out the cape. With the cape around my neck and front, I slowly thought about how to reply as Pop's got his tools together.

"Yeah, I do actually I even have to wear a nice fancy suit," I replied as I looked Luke in the eyes.

"A suit?" Pop's hummed behind me as he started the clippers. "She must be special if you're going to wear a fancy suit."

"Yeah, gotta dress fancy when going out on the town with my lady," I replied, then added. "What about you Luke you tried out that fancy suit my designer got you."

Pop's paused over my head as he realized what I was saying, but then he proceeded as if there was nothing amiss.

"There has been no need, the blocks have been chilly," Luke replied as he leaned forward in his seat.

"Not for long Luke the winter always calls for heat," I replied with a shrug.

Bobby perked up from his position by the window as he was playing chess with Allen. "How much fun are you going to have on this date?"

"The biggest man in New York is hosting, and it's going to be talked about for months." I replied as Pop's turned my chair to get a better cut. "The party will extend to Harlem with its main party man partied out."

"Understood young buck, understood." Bobby returned as he moved his rook. Luke sat in his seat, thinking. After that, I sat and enjoyed my hair cut pleased that everyone now knew that the block was going to change with the fall of Fisk.

With a fresh cut, Allen and I made our way back towards the Vega building.

"Are you going to join us, Allen?" I asked my driver as I looked out the window while we drove through New York.

"No, I don't think I will. I hung up the need for adrenaline before you found me on the streets. Gunny can handle it with that team you have him going around with." Allen replied from his driver's seat. "Plus, I believe it is my night to babysit the little miss. And I wouldn't miss that for anything."

"Okay," I replied as we pulled into the garage of the building. Once the car was parked, I left Allen for the elevator that went down into my personal labs. The labs in the basement and below had their own separate entrance and exit which was an idea I pulled from Batman and Wayne Towers.

First, I made a stop at the danger room to pick up Felicia since that was where my Sanskrit beads showed as her location. When I entered the danger room, I found her down in a split as she stretched out her muscles. Standing at the viewing port, I watched as Felicia went through her routines before launching into dodging the projectiles launched from the walls.

While I watch her go at it, I walked up to the control console and started to up the tempo. Felicia kept up the pace as I slowly ramp up the danger.

After thirty minutes of all-out action, I noticed the first signs of sweat. I turn the system off. With everything turned off, I walked into the room.

Felicia was gathering her things, but I stopped to take a moment and drink in the sight of her. Felicia was wearing a pair of black lulu lemon yoga pants with a white striped line going down from her hip on the outside of each of her legs. She was also wearing a medium-sized t-shirt over her black sports bra. On the front of the shirt was her moniker of a black cat.

"So are you ready for tonight?" I asked as I helped Felicia pack the rest of her things.

"Yeah, I believe I'm ready for answers," Felicia replied as she picked up her bag. With a nod of my head, I took the bag from her hand and then walked Felicia out of the danger room towards the showers.

When we arrived at the locker room door on the other side of the danger room, Felicia turned as she wrapped her hands into my shirt, pulling me towards her. For a moment, we stood there together.

My fingers slowly played through her hair as Felicia looked up into my eyes. I could see the slight flush on her cheeks as I felt her nipples harden against my chest. Slowly I leaned into her as I stepped in closer; with our lips barely centimeters apart, I could feel the rapid thrum of her heart speeding up.

With my hand within Felicia's hair, I pulled her in claiming her lips for myself. The kiss was raw, hungry, and filled with want. Before I knew it, I dropped the bag in my hand as I picked Felicia up posting her against the wall.

"Uhh," Felicia grunted as her back hit the wall as I pushed myself into her more. When we came up for air, Felicia laughed at our position with her legs wrapped around my hips. With a quick tug, the black shirt she wore in the danger room was ripped apart, leaving her large breasts in the sports bra showing as her nipples tried to poke through the fabric.

A pinch to her nipple caused her to start a moan which I silenced it as I claimed her lips again. Felicia's fingers dug into my back as she pulled outwards ripping off my shirt. Pulling back, I chuckled at the display of my shirt in both of her hands as she gave me the oops face.

With a shrug of my shoulders, I pulled Felicia off the wall onto myself. A moan escaped Felicia's lips as I felt her heated core on my shaft poking into her yoga pants. With Felicia in my hands, I kicked open the door leading into the locker room.

"Ohh, that looks exciting but don't you think you should wait until after we get back before you enjoy your victory meal?"

Growling, I turned to the sight of a half-naked Salt in the locker room. Standing at one of the lockers Salt was topless with combat pants on. "Come on boss-man you can pump her guts after we get back,"

"Just… just the tip. Before we go." Felicia whispered into my ear.

"Girl, I know what the tip leads to." Salt replied as she pulled her shirt over her head. "It starts with the tip and then a few strokes and next thing you know, you're getting your cervix blown out while screaming to high heaven."

"Not helping marine," I said to the mean spirited woman.

"Doesn't matter boss-man if I had to turn down dick from my husband to be here tonight, you can turn down some pussy and get your head in the game before the big show." Salt replied as she came over to stand next to us. This time Felicia growled at Salt which in turn got a shrug out of the female marine.

This time Salt just held up her cybernetic left arm that we installed for her and waved her hand in a hurry-up motion for us to move along. With a sigh, I reluctantly put Felicia down but not before pulling her in for one last toe-curling kiss. Felicia was pulled in tight to my body as I palmed her cheeks firmly holding her a few inches off the ground.

After a while, I placed a thoroughly kissed and flushed Felicia back down. Turning, I gave Salt a nod who in turn gave me a raised eyebrow as her eyes lowered to my hardened package poking out before me.

With a nod to Salt, I turned around and walked away to get my own cold shower.

Peter was super excited to go on a date. It had been a while since it was just him and Laura. The last time they were together, almost everyone was over to hang out in the training rooms now though they were on a date to the roller derby.

Laura was wearing her typical black, but it still took his breath away. Peter himself was feeling dashing in a new pair of jeans that Natasha had gotten him when she found out that he had oversized clothes. The shirt was another one that Natasha had gotten him, but for some reason, the shirt's decals said If lost return to Natasha. Natasha had even left a note that said her own shirt, that said she was Natasha.

That was always a paradox to Peter, Natasha was one of the nicest people he met just like his Aunt May or Auntie Judith, but with a turn, Natasha easily becomes a drill sergeant in the training room. Putting those thoughts aside, Peter held the hand of Laura as they entered the roller ring.

They were enjoying the derby when Laura went rigid, pulling Peter's attention towards her. Before he could ask what the issue was, though his spider-sense went off. As he looked around to figure out what was happening and where the danger was coming from. Peter spotted a group of military types from the way they were moving in the crowd.

Peter had remembered a lesson from Natasha on how to get out while in a crowd and also how to use them as a cover while making his escape. Laura was still rigid, and Peter did the only thing he could think of, and that was to kiss her. Instantly Laura relaxed into the kiss but as quick as she relaxed, Laura was back on guard pushing him away.

"We need to leave," Laura said with urgency in her voice.

"So going to tell me why the G-men are here?" Peter asked as they made their way down the bleachers towards a quick exit as they mingled within the crowd.

"They are here for their escaped experiment," Laura replied as she sniffed the air then directing Peter along another path.

"Ohh so they aren't here for an autograph." Peter quipped as he ducked around a corner.

"Why would they want an autograph?" Laura asked, confused.

"Honestly, I don't know. Not many people know I'm the webslinger." Peter replied as he looked around for any followers. With no followers in site Peter and Laura made a dash for the back exit on the second floor. Peter and Laura made it out of the garage exit as they walked steadily through the parked cars.

Laura came to a rigid stop, because before her was Kimura. Laura flew into a rage and attacked. Peter wanted to stop her, he really did, but without his web-shooters he had no way to assist.

"Ahh, my little bitch is back," Kimura said as she pulled her hand back and then brought it forward in a devastating punch to Laura's face knocking her aside. "And who are you?"

"I'm her boyfriend," Peter spoke up with his chest puffed out.

"Aww she thinks she is a person," Kimura said as she pulled out a four foot long modified taser. Walking over to where Laura was recovering Kimura brought the weapon down shocking Laura. "You're nothing but the animal I raised. You kill who I say you kill and you fuck who I tell you to fuck."

Before Peter knew better, his body was already moving against his will. No, it was moving with his will to rescue his girlfriend. Peter knew that Laura was not going to be any help with the number of volts running through her body.

One of the things that Peter had discovered while sparing with Laura was that even though she could heal. Blunt force damage and electrical damage to the nerves always took the longest for her body to shake off and recover from. That's what he needed to do: get the big lady off balance and get that weapon out of her hands.

Peter's first lunge was to the nearest soldier to his left. With swift and daft movements, Peter was able to disarm the guy and used him as human ammo. With a toss, Peter threw the soldier over towards his friends.

With the soldiers scrambling, Peter launched himself at the wide-open Kimura. Peter wanted to hit Kimura with everything he had, but he couldn't. Killing was not his way, no matter how angry he was right now.

With a savage swing, Peter went for Kimura's head to push her off balance and to get her away from Laura. Before his fist impacted on the side of Kimura's face, his spider-sense went off, but it was too late.

With a resounding crack, his fist broke on Kimura's face. Peter could only look down at his hand, stunned. Yet, his spider-sense forced his body to move up and back to dodge a kick aimed for his ribs.

"Not bad kid that hit had a little power behind it. Now I will have to take you back to the facility with me. I'll let my little pet watch as I kill you slowly in front of her. Better, I can dose her and have her kill you herself." Kimura said with sadistic glee dripping in her voice.

Peter was more than shocked by what he was hearing, but he had to keep moving, his spider-sense screamed to him as he dodged more soldiers coming at him.

"Use the gas you fools!" Kimura yelled as she pulled on her own gas mask.

Shit! Peter thought to himself as he bolted to go and get help, but it was too late. His spider-sense flared to life one more time as he jumped out of the way only to get captured by a net. When he turned to follow where the net was shot from, he found the other end in Kimura's hands.

Before he could muster his strength to rip himself out of the net, Peter was charged with electricity as high voltage was pushed through the net. The last thing Peter saw before passing out was the resigned expression on Laura's face before she was also shocked in the net holding her captive.

Authors Notes - Removes the - for the internet links

You can come and find me here chatting with the server so come join us.

www - DISCORD - GG - p2QJNck

Now the news is that I moved and while moving broke the last computer desk while inspecting its sturdiness with my lady. Now that I have a new desk the story can continue. Also, this is the last of Ben getting blocked from the goodies

Already expanding upon the Mystique in Russia

Recently I launched a .

www - - com - TheToFu

On the you will find artwork for The Fastest Man Alive.

Now, most of you would wonder why join but let me tell you this.

This Fanfiction site doesn't go all Mature R18 as we would like it to. So to keep the story from being booted precautions were taken. The will contain artwork of the wink-wink nudge nature that I got made to follow along with the story with each of the encounters with the ladies.

For those that join yes, I've already got a few artworks commissioned but don't worry those who don't join because I will still post tamed goodness with the story as everything progress.

www - - com - TheToFu

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