The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 36, The Longest Night Prt 2

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 36

The Longest Night Part Two

The head of Scott Summers slowly fell, sailing through the air with all eyes watching it. Some of the people that came out of the facility with us had wide-open eyes as they watched my display of swift judgment. With a daft swing, I sliced the head into two parts and used my gravity manipulation to pull the odd left eye out.

Slowly I examined the eye, but then my attention was pulled from my ministrations.

"What did you do!" Peter yelled as he came at me hard and fast with a swing.

With a flick of my finger, I held Peter frozen in the air with my gravity control. Taking my attention to the apparent cyborg eye, I faced Peter as I had the eye floating in the air.

"No, the question is what are you doing?" I asked him as I stepped towards Peter.

SNIKT! With that sound, Laura took a step towards the confrontation of Peter and myself, but Ororo stood in front of her and shook her head at the angry little girl.

"This is between them, and you shall not interfere," Ororo said as she stood before Laura. "Although I, too, would like to understand what is going on."

"Yes, I second Storm. I would also like to understand what's happening." Jean said as she looked down at the body. "I was the one that invited him after he saved my life."

Natasha didn't even bat an eye at the body of Cyclops, but she did shoot me a look before going back to eye the people that we rescued. Felicia was leaning against the batmobile while Salt was on the edge holding a lookout position.

"First, Peter did we not talk about this down below?" I asked my best friend/bother as I brought him back down to the ground.

You just killed that guy in cold blood! Why?" Peter asked heatedly.

"A clone, a spy, and a mole planted into our circle," I replied with a shrug. "Take your pick, but anyone of those deserves death."

"No one deserves death, Heroes save people regardless of what they are," Peter replied swiftly stepping up to me. "And how would you know he was a clone, we only met him today."

"You're right on that, Hero's do save people, but I'm not here as a hero," I replied heatedly. "Tonight, I came out here to save my family from going through what happened to me when I was first captured. I walk through this night as a soldier on a mission, not some hero that will release the enemy back into the hands of people from whom they can escape."

"You do not know that!" Peter yelled.

I could not help but scoff at the pure naivety of Peter. "You think that they could afford such a facility and location on American soil without some backing Peter? Use that brain of yours and crunch the numbers. How many people go missing a year? How do you think they can get around without anyone noticing them?"

"Then we release the evidence of everyone and let them get taken down that way," Peter replied.

"But you forget something very critical about this entire situation," I said as I brought up my wrist computer.

"Yeah, and what's that?" Peter huffed at me, and I was trying very hard not to roll my eyes at him. No, not because I was wearing my helmet still but because it would have been a useless act.

"You were carried in here without a mask, and they drew blood, you dolt. That means they will soon know who you are." I said as I brought up the information that Alfred gathered from the mainframe. I watched the panic set into his features before I decided to give him the good news. "Everything connected to your name that has left this premises is being tracked down and removed from the equation."

I watched the relief drain into Peter's face once he heard me say those words, then a crow came out of the air and landed on the body of Cyclops.

"Also, the reason why I know that a cheap clone rip off right out of Star Wars is that the real Scott Summers died in front of me the same day I decided that I would become a soldier in this war against those who prey on meta-humans," I told him as I held a hand up for everyone to see. "There are only three summer brothers that have laser abilities. Scott has optic beams. Alex has beams from his hands, and the last is Gabriel. Gabriel can use his beams from anywhere on his body and absorption; also, he is the youngest."

"That still doesn't prove why you had to kill him," Peter replied with his hands folded across his chest.

"Ohh that's rather simple really," I replied with a smile, "The answer to that is because Nathanial couldn't resist the chance to lay his eyes on a certain someone and had a cyborg eye implanted inside the clones head. Almost fooled me too."

"And your purpose or having that eye float is for what then," Natasha asked as she stepped up between us as she gave a nod to Ororo who in turn pushed Laura towards Peter.

"Ohh I thought it might be rather rude of us not to say hi to Nathanial Essex otherwise known as Mister Sinister," I said as the image on my wrist changed to the control room that Sinister was using to watch us from with the eye.

Mr. Sinister looked very much like his comic book counterpart. Pasty white skin with red eyes and a red diamond in the middle of his forehead. Sinister was wearing an all-black skin-tight suit with a frayed cape hanging over his back and seat. "Why hello there Nathanial, I do hope your preparing for my visit."

We all watched as his face changed into a variety of displays before he pressed a few buttons on his control console. As we watched, Sinister enter the access key, the eye before us exploded.

I was the first to react to the explosion with my speed still active so, with a casual wave, I had the gravity surrounding the eye increase pulling all of the shrapnel and explosive force back into itself.

"Tsk, tsk, That was not very nice Nathanial," I replied, allowing the mirth to travel through my voice.

"Child, you will pay for your insolence." Sinister roared back through the holo chat.

"Tch, can you be any more cliche than the typical mad scientist," I replied to the man.

"When do we remove this stain," Ororo asked as she narrowed her eyes on the form of Sinister.

"This one is all mine ladies," I replied as I look at Jean. Before Jean could answer though Peter spoke up again, with a press, I turned off the holo before Sinister could speak any more, cutting him off.

"You guys are okay with him killing all these people?" Peter asked incredulously.

"Yes, this is war, and one of the tried and true tactics is to deny your enemy their resources," Natasha replied instantly. "You would know that if you had paid more attention during my lessons."

That got Peter to back off, but I knew better. Peter was one of those people that wouldn't let anything go once he got it in his head. He would learn, I just hoped it wasn't the hard way like in the comics.

"We have no need nor do we want these people to get into the general jail population for them to accidentally get lost by some government agency," Felicia said from her position leaning on the Arkam Knight-styled batmobile.

"Then I will head to Genosha and get rid of this vermin, and I would like you guys to deliver these people to Salem," I said as I waved my hands towards the group of prisoners that I rescued from this horrible place.

"And what will we do with the second Facility?" Ororo asked me after getting out of the way so that Laura could take Peter up into the hovering VTOL ship which still had its back ramps down.

"Overwatch already infiltrated the systems and shut them down while the spider bots cleaned out the place. I was hoping that you would make a pit stop and pick up any prisoners before you get to Salem and I will follow up and destroy the place the same way I plan to do with this one." I replied with a shrug.

"When did you send spider bots to that location?"

"I had Overwatch hack and use the portal to send a few things as we tore apart his place," I replied as I turned to look at Natasha

"Okay, then I will come with you and watch your back," Natasha said with finality as she walked off to speak with the ones we rescued.

"Storm, do you mind taking them to get a check-up and see the professor?" I asked since Nat had already decided to tag along as my back up.

"Is there a reason we do not send them to the island?" Ororo asked as she looked over the crowd that was trying to act like they weren't listening to our conversation.

"For now we don't have anything larger than the school and a few buildings built on the island. For now, only the north side is being developed because it would make for a great port city." I replied to Ororo. "Maybe I can forward some plans and have many more living quarters built on the island since I have plans for it being the main country of meta-humans on earth."

"I volunteer to help build or help with keeping the rabble in line."

Everyone in our group turned to look at the sudden new speaker. She was on the short side, but her skin was all silver in color. Looking her up and down, she wore one of the prison jumpsuits. Instantly I knew who this was from taking a look at her, not only that, but I also fought what they used samples of her skin to create.

"What is your name, young lady?" Ororo asked as she took a step towards the girl.

"My name is Cessily Kincaid, but people call me Mercury." The girl known as Cessily said as she then turned her hands into different shapes. "I would like to go to this country you are building. I don't want to go to Salem."

"Why is that?" Felicia asked, speaking up as she eyed the girl with the liquid metal body.

"Salem is still within the bounds of the United States. I heard the conversation that the guy in the red helm was talking about, and he is correct. All of this couldn't have happened if someone didn't turn a blind eye." Cessily said as she waved her hand towards the facility. "I would rather go somewhere outside the bounds and grasp of people willing to capture and experiment on me than stay within a country that's willing to look the other way."

"Well, things can be arranged, but the place we will send you too has our security in place, so you don't have to worry about a thing," Jean replied to the metal lady with the orange hair.

"Then we will go to this professor and Salem, but I can speak for us all when I say that we would like to go to this island and country that you are building a lot sooner than later," Cessily said as she walked back to her group. "I no longer feel safe within the borders of America."

"You also need to understand that the island will be open to both meta-humans and normal humans. I refuse to prescribe us to the whole segregation bullshit." I said looking at them. "We are all human even if we were born with powers and abilities, so understand that everyone that decides to move to my island will all be equal in the eyes of the law and courts. This also includes people without powers like ours."

Some of the ones that were listening nodded their heads, and some of the others shook their heads. I made a note of the ones with disgruntled expressions for later in case I had to do some weed removal since the prison system wasn't up and running yet.

With our discussion out of the way, everyone loaded up into the Flying Fox to head back to New York. The VTOL hovered more than a few hundred feet off the ground while I had Natasha on my back since I was still holding my shape roughly at over ten feet tall. With a mental command to Alfred, the triggers were hit, and the first facility was both blown up and shrunk down to atomic size.

Not too long after we watched the place get dismantled, I received a message from Alfred that he was able to trap and capture Adam Karkins from the other facility in the alpine mountains. With a nod towards the VTOL, they took off while I changed headings and blasted towards San Francisco to make a pickup.

Ohh I had plans for him alright, I had plans for him and Nathanial Essex. In the middle of my brooding and master planning, I felt a husky breathe on my ear as Natasha pressed the release button removing my helmet so that she would get to me and provide a distraction.

"Brooding is not cute while you have a lovely lady like myself around." Natasha teased as she nipped at my ears pulling me out of my head.

"Hmm, Natalia," I purred out her name before I felt a small shiver coming from Natasha on my back. Then I felt her lean back into me as her arms came to wrap around my front.

"You know, that is the first time you have said my name," Natasha whispered into my ear as we flew through the air towards the west coast. I could only sigh at her.

"It's hard to understand you sometime's Nat. One moment you're all business and the next it's all flirt and smile," I replied with a shrug while we flew over another city.

"But what's a lady to do," Natasha whispered in my ear as she nibbled on my ear lobe

Sighing again, I was greeted with her sultry laughter as we flew over the San Francisco skyline to our quick pit stop. Waiting for us on her balcony was one Emma Frost, the leader, and president of Frost International. Without a pause, I went from moving at over one thousand miles per hour to zero and hover over the balcony.

With a light touch down on the balcony, Natasha hopped over my head before I could kneel for her to get down. With swift and daft movement, Natasha had Emma wrapped and ready to go in a jump harness. I took a good look and found Emma in some long white pants and a skimpy white shirt.

"What is the meaning of this. Unhand me now you cretin." Emma snarled at Natasha, but I was having none of this tonight. My patience had been stretched and tried too far today.

"This is not up for debate Emma; you will leave with us because what comes next you will witness," I said as I stepped into her personal space and the look on her face told me that she knew that this was non-negotiable. "Will you come willingly or will you stay?"

"You ask as if I have a choice," Emma replied with a snide remark.

"If you want my help, then you have no choice because you stay and you get nothing," I replied as I walked back towards the edge. Natasha didn't even give her a second glance as she hopped up on my back. I turned and waited for Emma to make her choice after tonight; everything will change, and my enemies will fear my retaliation.

"Fine, damit! Fine! I will go with you, but I want Shaw dead sooner." Emma said as she walked towards me. Natasha held out a hand to help her up, but Emma brushed it away. I turned around for her, and with a huff, Emma hopped up onto my left side. With a mental command, I open up some of the nano latches for Emma to connect with her harness.

With a tap on my right side from Natasha, I crouched slightly and took off with a strong jump into the air and we shot off towards Genosha. Hopefully Sinister would have a nice welcome party-ready for my arrival.

The flight was nothing for me, but this was the first time that Emma was flying faster than sound and relative reality. We were somewhere over the Pacific when we flew past a plane that looked to be stationary in its fight.

That was a wide awakening for Emma, and she hunkered down closer to my back and tried to play nice with Natasha who in turned humored her. Ignoring the two, I focused myself as we flew over the Pacific Ocean, what came next was going to define the future with one of the biggest villains taken out the game.

Within moments we were over the ocean and rapidly came upon the Island of Genosha. The air was tranquil, and the spray of the ocean was stilled as we flew along the coast towards the hidden manor on the island.

"Everything is so frozen in time," I heard Emma whisper from her position on my back. We flew like that for a little longer before we came up upon the manor where Nathaniel Essex was hiding.

On the roof were three of the marauders who were the famed group that roamed the world and did the bidding for Sinister. The one in the middle that was going to die first and was some oversized lady with tiger stripes along her side. On the left was a hammerhead shaped guy with his leg up on the railing in a mid spit motion. And the last guy on the right was large and fat like the blob, and I would have thought he was if I wasn't so certain that the blob only followed around Magneto.

They never knew what hit them and I mean that more than figuratively. The lady in the middle took a superman fist to the face removing her head and torso from her upper body from the speed and force with which I hit her. The man on her right was met with a backhand that also disintegrated his head. With the follow up on my rotation, I spun, swinging myself around into performing a clean uppercut on the right-hand goon, popping his head like a watermelon.

Blood, bone, and brain chunks floated in the air as their bodies came into quick contact with my speed force aura and then was returned to normal time only to freeze as we were moving to fast.

With a quick inspection, I verified there was no one else up on the roof other than us: but there was an access panel for the electronics that could be used. Yanking the panel off the hinges, I pressed in one of the universal USB's that I'd brought with me. With that installed I brought us back to normal time as I let down Natasha and Emma from there perch on my back.

Before I could take up going into the building, Natasha tugged me to face her.

"Leave me three alive to hunt," Natasha said as she looked up at my face with a grin that promised cruelty to those in her path. "They should not have planted someone in our home. I will bring Emma along with me."

Looking down at Natasha, I could spot Emma pout her lips at the corner of my eye, but I only returned a nod in confirmation to Natasha now that she was in full Black Widow mode. Without a second look behind me, I took off down the stairwell to remove all opposition between myself and the man who called himself Mr. Sinister.

The monster inside me was released, and I was on the hunt down the halls of his manor. Those in my path were met with a knee or a punch removing heads or completely annihilating a person with a savage blow as I made my way towards the central room where he resides.

Four were left alive for Natasha to have her fun as I grabbed the face of some nameless guard and smashed him into the floor. He grabbed my wrist in retaliation, but I picked him up by his head and slammed him one more time into the ground, breaking the marble tiles beneath his frame.

His legs kept kicking so I slammed his head into the ground again and again as he screamed under my palm. I noticed the slight blip of red and looked up to face the camera on the door leading into Sinister's safe house.

Again and again, I smashed the goon head into the ground, before long he began to cry, and I could smell the tell-tale sign of him urinating on himself, but my sight never wavered from the camera that was watching us as I smashed the goons head in repeatedly. As we came to a round number of twelve, I smashed the goon beneath my hands, and finally, I felt his skull break beneath my palm as I again upped the strength I was using.

With a quick flick of the wrist, the brain matter and blood were flicked off onto the walls as I made my way to the final door at the end where my prize awaited me. As I slowly rounded on the door, it was blasted off the hinges as my hands touched the knob. Catching the door, I allowed it to carry me back a few feet.

"You have slighted me, boy!" Someone yelled from beyond the door frame. "You have slighted me for the last time."

Pushing the door off of me, I showed that I was completely unscathed from any type of damage. In the room, I found six more forms of that fucking bastard Summers surrounding Sinister as he sat on his throne watching me imperiously. There was a slight twitch to his eye, and I knew he noticed that I was unharmed.

The clones of Summers that surrounded the man all had on that black spandex unitard, and they had none of the visors on their faces. That could only mean that they could use their optic blast without that crutch that the Summers from the six one six universes had to rely on because he was too much of a shit heel to learn about his powers.

Sinister's wrist twitched, and I was already moving before the others could even register whatever commands they were sent. With my first step, a crater was made from the stomp I placed commanding the earth to restrain Sinister, then I flowed into the room as if I was death herself.

Flying out of my body were constructs shaped as arms holding swords, removing the heads of each of the Summers' clones. With the heads frozen in the air, I pulled a nano restraining patch out from my utility belt and slapped it on the back of Sinister's neck.

With a smile, I sat within Sinister's throne and watched as regular time took over, and everything played itself out before my eyes. I sat and watched as Nathanial Essex was restrained against the far wall of his own chambers. Then out of my jacket flowed my nanotech as they turned into spider bots and plugged themselves into servers and other things that he had in his room of last resort.

Placing one leg over the other, I leaned back in Sinister's throne and waited for Widow to come and join me since I was notified that her fun was over with. As I waited, I looked him up and down from the all back spandex he wore to that ugly ass cape on his back. The pale skin and the black lipstick and eyeliner with the red diamond in the center of his forehead made an intimidating vision to look at.

There was the sound of a small shuffle and then I heard the sound of a stiletto heel as the person who wore it walked their way down the hall towards us. From my left, an arm touched my shoulder as Natasha took a seat on the arm of the throne while Emma stood on my right.

With a casual toss in front of myself, I enlarged a chamber that I had completed a while back but didn't see a need for it because of how dangerous and evil it was, but now I found and understood why I created something like this in the first place.

"What is that, and who is he?" Emma asked as she examined both the man and the new four by four-chamber that unshrunk itself before us.

"His name is Nathaniel Essex, and he sent a fucking clone to our home," I replied with a snarl as I commanded the earth to break away and then to catch him in a gravity grip. "Lord Essex here is over a thousand years old and the world's greatest geneticist."

"And how do you know about him if he is a thousand years old, wouldn't he learn to hide pretty well from the world living that long?" Emma asked as she turned to face me as I held Sinister up with his look of defiance on his face.

"That could only save him if I didn't make it my business to learn and snoop out all of the hidden dangers that live here on earth with us," I replied as I slowly lowered Sinister into the chamber.

"Then what is that chamber for then, why not kill him and get it over with," Emma replied as she looked me in the eyes. "Why prolong so much?"

"Because this is to be a lesson," I replied as I looked her back in the eye. "First, I wanted to remove his head from his body. Then I wanted to make his death slow and painful, but then I remembered something. Nathaniel Essex is one of the greatest and oldest minds on the planet that dates back over a thousand years.

His death will not be swift, and it will not be painless. I will place him in the chamber and fill it with the latest nanotech that I created. These nanites are specially made for certain people." I said as I continued to look her in the eye. "They will invade every nook and orifice of his body and connect to this brain. Then the nanites will remove all bodily functions trapping him within himself, no telepath will be able to save him, no telekinesis will save him and no super strength will save him.

The man known as Nathanial Essex will be placed on a shelf as I milk his brain for every drop of knowledge that he has amassed over the years. I will gather every one of his clones from BarSinister and place them all within chambers to build up my think tank. With his immortality, he will never die and live his life being drained of every thought and passing idea until I chose to give him death. That is the price he will pay from daring to strike at my home."

With that, I turned from the pale-faced Emma as I got up from Sinisters thrown. Waste not, want not. This was one of the greatest minds, and I was going to make sure he wished I had killed him. With a simple slide of my fingers, I brought the pain receptors to ninety percent and left it there.

"Every clone of you, every backup data and storage I will drain from your head and place on a shelf right beside you. Fuck your plan for the ultimate meta-human and fuck your plans for a clone of my Jean. You should have kept your head down like you've been doing and I would have made your eventual death a lot less painful. Now you're going to sit on the shelf like a jar of pickles for the rest of your unnatural life."

Slowly Sinister's eyes widened, and he tried to scream out and thrash around inside the chamber, but his fate was sealed. I watched the last will of defiance drain from the great Nathaniel Essex as the chamber filled and the nanites went to work on him.

There was a ping from my wrist communicator, and I pulled up the holo as it displayed the top shelf archives of one Nathaniel Essex and one Adam Harkins the mind and director behind the Facility. On the holo, there was a tab that I could press that brought up a catalog of every idea and stray thought of the two while also having every experiment and discovery and action being collated and uploaded into my servers.

Good, good! This was the start of my think tank, and it was time to use the island to its full advantage. Later I would have to create a set of nanites that I could inject into myself and allow me to absorb all the knowledge that I have downloaded from the think tank, but for now, I can settle for a little light reading.

Turning my back on the chamber with the man who no longer meant anything to me but a footnote in my path. Now it was only Emma and Natasha here with me.

"Nat, I will be sending heavy firepower with you when you go and take down the rest of these clones." I stared as I received a nod from Natasha as she sat on the arm of the throne, sharpening her knives. "So tell me, Ms. Frost, will I have to worry about my back with you around?"

For a moment, Emma Frost shook slightly, and then I watched as she forced herself to be calm as she looked me in the eyes and I would have been fooled if I was an ordinary man. Hell, I would have felt sorry for her, but that defiant nature and what I knew from the comics had me keeping her at arm's length and one step away from removing her head regardless of what I agreed upon.

"I have agreed to work with you; so there shall be no betrayals from my end," Emma replied defiantly as she looked me in the eye.

"As much as I fight for equality, I don't play with my food," I said as I waved an arm towards the chamber of clear nano goop. "I'm not Shaw, I will not give you a rope to hang yourself and then rub it in your face as I do something foul to your body or mind. Betray me in any form, and there will no longer be an Emma Frost in this world. The things I wish to accomplish are many, and I refuse to worry about who is at my back."

"Are you threatening me?" Emma asked with a quirk of her eyebrows.

"No, I'm drawing a line in the sand right here and now. Pick, and we move forward but know that betrayal has it cost."

"Then, I pick your side," Emma said after a moment's hesitation, she then stepped towards me.

"Good then let's go, the cleanup crew should be here now," I replied as Natasha got up from the throne's arm.

With Natasha in the lead, I walked along the corridors as Emma took up the rear of our little march. There was nothing but silence from Emma, but that was okay because what comes next will change things again for her perspective. As we silently walked down the hallways, we passed and walked around body parts dismembered during my rampage towards Sinisters last hold out. Heads lay without bodies and bodies lay smashed or broken from my strength.

"You need to take better care of your toys," Natasha quipped at me as she slapped the boot of someone that I punched so hard he was embedded into the ceiling.

"They come with no curves nor do they come with little gizmos to keep me happy," I replied with a shrug.

With a smile and sway in her hips, Natasha pointed out one of the ladies that I performed a pile driver on. Granted I flipped gravity and was running on the roof before snatching this one and smashing back down into the ground but still wasn't going to touch anything that hung around Sinister.

"Enemy women so they get fair and equal rights to an ass-kicking contest for the receiving side," I replied with a shrug that got a chuckle from Natasha. With a shake of her head, Natasha took the turn that leads back to the outside, and we made it right on time because right above us was a descending hovercraft with a few spider bots already on the ground.

"How, how did they get here so fast?" Emma asked astonished as she walked out onto the porch, right behind me.

"They were shot out of an electromagnetic railgun. Can reach any side of the planet I want within three minutes." I said with some pride in my voice. "Working on cutting that down to sixty seconds tops."

"That's impossible! Electromagnetic weaponry hasn't even come off of the Navy's test bench yet." Emma replied incredulously as she looked back and forth at the spider bots as more and more began to drop from the sky.

"You have seen my tech, and you think something as simple as an electromagnetic rail gun is going to stump me? Bahh! That's a toy compared to some of the things I will create and have created. Now get into the hovercar." I said as I wave an arm towards the vehicle. I held the door open for them both as a gentleman should, but Natasha decided to jump over and into the driver's seat.

I made sure to have my seatbelt on with the look I noticed in Natasha's eye. With one quick glance in the mirror, we took off with Natasha whooping at the top of her lungs.

With all things considered, the flight was smooth even with Natasha performing some crazy aerial maneuvers, what I didn't expect though was that Emma was a little speed freak. There was a moment or two when I caught the flush on Emma's face when Natasha revved the engine a few times before performing a stunt. That I would have to file away for later use when I had some free time to enjoy some of her company.

As we arrived at Eden one of the spider bots started to march back through a portal that they had set up and planted in the back gardens of the Essex manor. I sat in the hovercar and watched as hundreds of thousands of genetic material from meta-humans throughout the ages were moved from the manor into the heart tree and fed into it. I had plans for all of that and more. What I needed was two people of absolute loyalty that could get things done on the island when I wasn't around, so it didn't involve Alfred all the time.

There were a few thoughts and ideas I had swirling around in my head, but there was one thing I was certain of that they would not be some fucking clone of someone. Maybe I might use someone's genetic material, but I refuse to just create a clone of a person. So it was going to be mix and match time. These two were going to be the leaders of my Astartes program.

Looking up from my musings, I found Emma's face a mix of surprise and awe as she looked around us at the island and the mix of modern architecture and jungle.

"Welcome to Eden," I said with a flourish and waved my hands from Emma to around us. "This is the centralized area here besides the heart tree, the north has a city currently being built, and the south has another currently in construction."

"This place is beautiful, but there is more that I can feel…. Like a tingle at the back of my mind, that's eluding my grasp." Emma replied with her eyes closed in concentration.

"That's the island, and she is alive and an extension of the Goddess Gaia, so, for your own safety, don't go too deep." I returned as I lead her to one of the buildings that were recently built. This was one of the all-purpose buildings for scientists, relaxing and other political maneuvers that might strike my fancy.

As we walked into the building, I noticed Emma schooling her face in the brief reflection on the glass. Taking a seat on one of the loungers I waved for Emma to pick a seat of her own.

"So why did you decided to bring me here after that display at the manor?" Emma asked after a moment of silence.

"Would you like to be the minister of Finance?" I asked in return as I leaned back into my chair with a holo tablet in my hand. For a moment, Emma froze in her seat like a deer caught in the headlights.

Emma sat there and watched me while I watched her. Then she spoke slowly, as if she was testing each word before she spoke them.

"Was the situation earlier a forewarning before this offer?" Emma asked as she leaned forward in her seat.

"There is joining me, and then there is joining my cause," I said as I sat forward to look at her closely. " As much as I preach, equality don't mistake me for a fool. Meta-humans will need their own land and space even if we do not consider ourselves above our fellow man. A nation of our own will solidify us as one people like any other nation and grant them our protections."

"The United Nations would never approve of this," Emma said as she raised an eyebrow and cocked her head to the side.

"They will and can do nothing to stop me," I replied to her as I got up from the recliner that I was seated in. "They will beg for this nation to join them once they have seen the discoveries and cures that are going to be offered to my people."

"They will come and take them," Emma supplied as she watched me walk towards the window.

"They will try and fail like the slimy politicians that they are. Unlike them, I have not forgotten human nature, and I will use that against them. Cures for the common cold, extend the human lifespan, and soon AIDs and HIV, and many more cures to follow." I said as I turned my back to the window. "The people will scream and march in the streets and demand action while I slaughter any opposition that they send to invade these sovereign borders. There will be no big seven making demands because I will fan the flames of each countries people until they break, because unlike the fools in charge, I know the power of social media when wielded well and I have the guns to outpace the rest of the world."

"And you would give me a position of power within your Empire?" Emma asked as she got up from the chair she was seated on to stand beside me and look out the window.

"What else would I give my women," I replied to her question as I also turned around to look outside the window.

"Then I accept, and as your woman, I would like some of the defense and weaponry that I have noticed the others used," Emma said as she turned and gave me a brilliant smile.

"That can easily be arranged," I replied as I placed a hand around her hips and pulled her in close. There was a slight tremor and a hint of hesitation, then before I knew it, Emma grabbed my collar and pulled me in for a kiss.

With one leg raised up to hold me into place, our kiss was aggressive and passionate. Our tongues entwined and dueled. Emma's passion was fierce with fire, and I felt the hunger from her as we kissed. Before I knew it, I had Emma up in my hands with her posted against the large window.

With a growl, I pulled myself back from this delectable dish before my eyes. There was some more work to finish, and then I had to get my last two helpers that I had been thinking about creating for some time now.

Panting out as our foreheads touched, I pulled back while I had one of Emma's hands pinned above her head while my leg was wedged between her legs holding her up in the air. Not only could I feel the dampness on my thigh, but I would see the lust in her lidded eyes as she peered back at me.

"We… There are things that I need to finish before I can partake of such a meal." I whispered as frustration crept into my voice. This was one of those moments where I hate being responsible; I had one last thing to do before I could indulge.

"You can ignore your responsibilities for once can't you?" Emma whispered back sultry as she rubbed herself along my thigh, allowing me to feel the warmth of her core.

With a huff, I let Emma back down so that we would get ourselves decent before we separated and I went to get the rest of the things I needed to be completed. With a quick ruffle of my combat pants, I was ready to go about completing my to-do list.

Leaving Emma with a tablet to go over the island's finances, I left for my command room where all the magic was going on. Inside my command room were multiple spider bots going about their business, but upon the monitor was what I wanted. On the large monitor and other viewing screens was the status report for the over one hundred smart satellites I had ready for orbit around the earth and a few more that I was going to launch towards Mars and a few other lunar bodies.

With my quantum entanglement prowess turning theory into reality, I was able to create quantum comms arrays which I had paired with the satellites that I set for the asteroid belt and beyond. Vibranium fell on earth as an asteroid, and I bet my left nut that there are some still in the asteroid belt hiding somewhere. One of the great things was already knowing the properties of vibranium. So releasing a swarm of drones in the asteroid belt to ping and read for the right properties and report back findings was child's play.

Taking a seat in my command chair, I brought up the controls and watched as the monitors switched over to the massive rail gun that I created as a launch platform. Each of the satellites had next-generation processors and lenses with multiple positioning GPS units optimized for space travel. They were also covered from head to toe in a new nano solar panel with a larger than normal arc reactor as the heart.

There was no way I was going to send up one of my own power cores to hang above the planet, that would just be plain crazy. With a press of a button, I watched as the satellites get loaded and each was fired into orbit. This was a brief window that I had created after days of multi hacking, the United Nations, and other nations to create this chance.

Now, I had eyes in the sky all over the world, and nothing could escape my sight. I watch the satellites take their place in orbit and then changed the monitoring program to watch the two that went directly for Mars and the asteroid belt. The one for Mars will get there within the weak, and the one for the asteroid belt will get there within the month.

With those plugged into my networks, it was time to learn everything that Sinister knows because I need people on this island, and I had more than a few ideas on how to get the first thousand. With the automated system going in the background. I brought up the information that Sinister and Adam had in their heads.

Even with my speed and retention, it took a smooth five minutes to read and understand it all, and once I was finished, I went over the information all over again. Hell, I even added in questions and ideas to create genetic variations on new life and have all of the powers work uniformly. With everything understood, I sank into the ground and made my way towards the heart of the tree.

Within the heart of the island and heart tree were hundreds if not thousands of spider bots going about their business adding sensors and DNA banks along the walls. Each DNA bank had a vine going through it and back into the tree. Sinister had way over five hundred thousand DNA, and genetic material samples and I was going to use them and build a nation not of clones but of people with their own minds, looks, and feelings.

Before I started to create people like the printing press was going out of style, I would need to create myself lieutenants to handle things while I was away. So I found myself in the command chair with a holo panel before me as I placed my thoughts and commands into it, creating the twin brother and sister pair that would handle my endeavors.

The female I had modeled after Darth Talon the sexy red twi'lek Sith Lord and the brother I had the standard generic scientist type. The break down though was that Talon had a little bit of Raven's DNA in her for me to be able to get the exotic red skin color and the sith tattoos. There were so many genetic combinations and power I could mix in, I almost lost myself and made her beyond omega level.

So instead of breaking the bank, I kept her powers simple but powerful with a strong mind with adaptive learning, and knowledge manipulation tossed in to make her a deadly foe against my enemies be they in space or on land. Lilith form and add in a dose of spider-powers for added flexibility and senses, telekinetic powers and a dash of energy blast with steel skin and a few more surprises tossed in for my enemies.

The brother gets the intelligence of Richards tossed in and a few body powers to top him up, but I had to craft his intelligence adding in a bit of perfect memory and a few other things to boost him since he will be my science chief.

The leku that the Twi'leks had could be replicated, but I felt it best to keep her with long flowing onyx hair to match her brothers since she already had all red skin. Her height was going to come in at five feet ten inches, and her brother was going to cap at six feet easily. Adding in a few more features and simple things to give them an identity of their own, it was time to birth them.

Not too long after I pressed the confirm button, a side panel opened up for me to press my palm and add some power. The power situation would soon need to be rectified with one of the power cores but adding a jump start this once wouldn't hurt.

With all the preparations complete, I sat and thought about names for my new people. Not only names but soon I would have to bring Alfred's AI core down here and create a body for him.

While I was deep within my musing, the cocoons that the two new components to my family broke off and tumbled out, Talon landed lightly on her feet while her brother tumbled out uncharacteristically and very awkwardly I might add. Watching him almost made me want to facepalm: great, his personality was of a goofball while she was the serious one of the two.

"Master," They both said in unison as they bowed before me.

Turning to the taller of the two, I placed my hands on his shoulder and gave him a strong, steady shake to test his balance. No sway nothing, which was good in my book, and he held his head up high.

"Very nice," I said, "Your name is Alexander Jor-El. You shall be my lead scientist for our people and growing population."

Then I turned to my Darth Talon who stood before me with defiant eyes and a wicked spark of purpose, skin crimson red with Sith tattoos and long silky onyx hair. "You, my dear, will be the sword and shield that guards our people. The Universe will fear your name while our people sing your praises. For you shall be named Feora Ul General and Commander to all of my armies."

With that said and done, I pulled out smart nano clothing from my pack and gave it to them both to get dressed. Then I pulled out the unstable molecule structure and schematics for Alex to look over and then gave Faora the battle plans and training schedule I expect her to go through.

With those two taken care of, I went back to programming the command deck with what I needed in people because, before the week was over with, there will be more than a thousand born from this grove ranging from scholars to military types to artists. My astartes though will make up the bulk of my forces, and I made sure they had a proper balance of power. It was time I raised a formidable military force.

People were needed on this island, and the best type right now would be those who had absolute loyalty and will follow my vision into the future. With that plan in mind, I made sure to lock out certain genetic sequences because I refused to have a clone of Richards and anyone else for that matter running around this place and no, I did not plan to give Scotty boy another chance at life. He died once, and I plan to keep it that way unless someone from the future comes along and fucks things up big time.

With my commands locked in, I walked the twins to the surface to see the night sky for the first time. This truly was the longest night, and I was in and out of different time zones like it was nothing.

Now, though, I was at least finished and could get some proper rest. Not too long ago I got a notification that the tower was on lockdown and Alfred had a high alert with the rest of my family at Salem.

With that out of the way, I was in a very hot shower trying to get my muscles to relax. There was nothing but the sweet bliss of the hot water sloughing its way down my back. There was a slight draft and a small smile played across my lips as I felt a pair of smooth firm arms wrapped their way around my waist.

"You have been very naughty," Came the sultry whisper in my ear. Before I could reply, I was swiftly turned around and pushed against the wall as her lips met my own. The kiss was heated and full of hunger and passion, and before I knew It, it felt a hand slowly stroked my shaft.

"My, my, my what is going through that head of yours."

I couldn't stop the surprised gasped that escape my lips when I found a head full of red before me, looking up at me teasingly as Natalia whispered in my ear as she slowly stroked me back and forth.

"Look at you all riled up, I bet you were planning on fucking her with this monster between your legs," Natalia whispered before forming a ring with her thumb and index finger to squeeze and stroke me with applied pressure. "Tell me what were you doing to her with this?"

"Ah, ahh, I, I was going to bend her over, pull her hair and paint her walls white," I replied breathlessly.

With fluidity and grace, her leg came up and over to sit on the soap ledge as she held me firm in her hands.

"She will have to get in line," Natalia whispered to me as she slid her way down my shaft as I slid into her molten depths.

This little taste of Natalia broke the damn of my mental fortitude. I've been holding to for the last years of my life. Not only was I a starving man given water for the first time in years, but I was also enraptured with the mind of the lady before me.

Natalia is beautiful anyone that has taken any kind of glance could tell you that, but no it wasn't the beauty that made me want her on my side. It was the sharp mind and killer predator that lurked underneath the surface that she didn't want others to see.

A growl escaped my lips as I applied a little bit of my speed and got both of Natalia's legs up and over my shoulder as I planted her against the wall pushing in deep.


I grinned at the escaped moan that she released as I watch her flutter her lashed through the pleasure. Before she could get her bearings back, I pulled back then slowly pushed in eliciting another moan from her lips.

Her eyes snapped open as her hands came up and pulled me into a fierce kiss, and there was nothing but hunger as she devoured my lips in her quest of passion. My cock was hard and throbbing, and her depths was hot and tight. Each thrust granted me a moan, but each time I pulled back, I was granted sweet sweet torture from her sensual ministrations.

Mid stroke Natalia gave me a demonstration of her impressive flexibility by bringing the leg that I was holding up with one hand around my neck and the other to around my hip within on fluid motion. The slowed me down mid stoke, but with a sly smile on her lips, her legs flexed and I was pulled deeper inside.

There was nothing to say because this was beyond amazing.

"Hmm, that's the spot, nice and deep," Natalia moan before fluttering her eyes at me as the leg behind my hip gave me small tugs. The sly look on her face said it all and that I was dealing with the Black Widow, the man-eater.

She wanted deep, then she can have it deep, but no one didn't say I couldn't cheat. With swift and deft movements, I brought one hand up and planted it up against the wall behind her back and the other one charged with my powers low yield and for something special.

"I believe I have something you might like," I whispered as I began to pick up the pace beyond what any mortal man could do. Then with a smirk on my lips, I ran two fingers down Natalia's stomach until they were right over the bulge that was my tool plowing home deep into her depths.

The reaction was instant as her womb reacted to the stimuli and Natalia spasmed with her first orgasm, but I did not let up as I drag my fingers lower to her rosebud.

"Wai… wait let me catch my breath,"

She breathed out, but there will be no mercy as I played my power across her clit earning me a fountain of spray as she fired off another orgasm. There was a slight opening that I felt as I was sleuthing in and out of her at incredible speeds, but I was not going to let her get back the high ground.

"I'm going to paint your walls, but I think you will like cream instead of white."

With a grin on my face, I grounded her clit against my pelvis as I ran my finger back across the bulge where my head was poking. With a spark of power and a pop, I was in and seated within her womb.


Natalia screamed before latching onto my neck as I pound my way into her womb. With my speed and powers, she was being pounded with at least one hundred strokes per minute. Cheat powers for the win.

"I believe," I started to say as I felt that drive for release slowly creep it way down my spine. " That we should test out the gift that Gaia has given you."

Licking her lips and locking her eye with my own, I could see the heightened extasy that play through her mind as she realized what I just said. Before she had anything to say, I sealed her lips with my own as I felt myself release deep within her core as I paint her insides.

Natalia moaned, and then her eyes got wide as she witnesses her womb stretching to hold my prodigious load.

"That's, that's a lot, and I feel so full." Natalia moans under my ministrations.

"Yes, and three more holes to go," I replied using my gravity control to turn off the water and own the door. "Let's continue in the bedroom."

So Ben is finally making his move towards building up his kingdom / Empire. I wonder where that will lead and what repercussions this might lead towards. Ben is ruthless but there are plenty of other Omega Level Meta-Humans on earth that might want his thrown. So who saw the Sinister getting the brain drain treatment.

Everything is posted early on the . Also, there is a new story that is also posted there that won't be here for some time.

Authors Notes - Removes the - for the internet links

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On the you will find artwork for The Fastest Man Alive and Side Stories.


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