The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 38

[Oakland, California…]

Natalia relaxed on the love seat with a leg crossed over the other as she watched the General that Ben had used the genetic material and information to make. Ben had called them Astartes, which she had no idea where he got the idea from. But she was seeing the utility to these soldiers and their usefulness. Grudgingly, Natalia gave a nod of recognition and acknowledgment to the skills of these Astartes.

Now seated across from Natalia sat the peak of what these soldiers could become. In the lounger across from Natalia sat Faora.

"Tell me, Faora, what do we know about the target?" Natalia asked as she sat on the couch. The soldier behind her seated location shifted slightly but stayed silent as she waited for Faora to answer the question.

"Our target is from a shadow unit of the United States Army, JSOC. Code Name Killmonger, real name Eric Stevens," Faora replied as she talked about the ticking points with all that was discovered, including the items which were now redacted and even those on the C.I.A's servers before redaction. "From our nano-spies, we have ascertained he has racked three hundred or more kills from the scarification bumps we were directed to count."

Natalia waited for more information, but it seemed that was it, and there was no more. Natalia raised an elegant eyebrow at the General, "No love life?"

"No, ma'am, Steven's refuses to keep any relationship for longer than six months," Faora replied stoically.

"So, we won't have any leverage to use against him, is what you're telling me?" Natalia asked primarily, trying to push the General off-kilter.

"Incorrect ma'am, we know that Steven wants his revenge, and we have the only ticket to said revenge. We also have the means to keep a leash around his neck if necessary," Faora replied as she brought up her halo-tablet to show the current plan she and her brother had developed for just such a contingency.

[ Target has entered the building. - Spartan 03 out ]

With that call over the earpieces, everyone quieted down while they waited for their target to enter the zone of engagement. Natalia turned the TV on and relaxed into the couch with the practiced, graceful nonchalance that any noblewoman anywhere would envy.

The time passed swiftly but, to the Spartans that stood around as guards, the time felt as if it moved at a snail's pace. Before long, the sound of keys jingling at the door traveled to Natalia's ears, causing the removal of the smirk that played at the corner of her lips.

The sound of the door opened and, then came the slow, methodical steps of a born killer. Nothing was said, but Natalia could feel the sharp, appraising eyes boring holes into the back of her person. It said something about their willingness to listen to orders as none of the Spartan's fished for their weapons or moved to intercept. Her soldiers stood at parade rest, watched, and waited while Eric took his slow time to head to the bar and poured himself a drink.

Natalia watched out of the corner of her eyes as Eric pulled one of his barstools over and sat down on the other side of the couch where Natalia was so casually seated.

"So, you mind telling me why y'all are here at my house?" Eric asked after taking a drink from his cup.

Natalia looked at Eric Stevens for a moment. She took in the lean predatory stature and how he sat on the stool. Under the long black sleeved shirt he wore, Natalia noticed the scarification from the intel their spies had gathered.

"I have come with an offer from my employer that I have been told you would jump to agree with," Natalia said as she stared into Eric's unwavering gaze.

Eric paused with the cup at his mouth before bringing it back down without taking a drink, "There is nothing you have that I would want."

"I would think you would want a ticket into Wakanda since you're the son of N'Jobu," Natalia said, but the smile never crossed her face when she noticed the twitch that ran through his body. Eric's body was locked as his muscles coiled, ready to pounce. Then the shift of his body would make anyone think he relaxed, but Natalia knew better.

"I don't believe you on that one," Eric replied as he placed his drink down on the table behind him.

Faora didn't say anything, but she did pull out her datapad. On it was the video of Klaue, who was currently in the prisoner's chamber on the VTOL.

"This is your ticket," Faora said with a measured, cautious, but casual stride in his direction, ignoring the surprised look on Eric's face. The apartment was silent as everyone watched Eric's reactions to the video of Klaue, but Natalia wasn't paying him any attention. Yes, she had him in her sight, but she paid him no mind as she watched the news on the TV.

"Okay, and how is Klaue my ticket?" Eric asked.

"The question is, would you like our help?" Faora said with her arms folded across her chest.

"I would have to think about your offer," Eric replied as she scrolled through the information on the datapad.

"There will be no call us later and give an answer. It's today or nothing, so let the chips fall where they may." Natalia replied as she stood up.

"I didn't even get your name?" Eric replied as he tried to give a charming smile.

"Widow and they are Spartans. So you can stop barking up the wrong tree," Widow answered before turning off the TV and began preparing herself to leave. "So will you be leaving with us and getting some revenge, or do you plan to stay here?"

Natalia didn't even look back; she walked out of the apartment and heard the steps of her people follow right behind. Before she got to the end of the hallway, a person's shadow came running up behind them. When she turned around, Eric Stevens was right there behind them with a smile on his face.

"I believe I will be tagging along with you," Eric said as he came up beside the group.

"Good, our rides on the roof," Faora answered as she waved an arm towards the stairwell.

"I don't know about you, but there ain't no exit up that way," Eric answered.

"That's true, but that doesn't mean we can't create our own," Natalia said as she breezed by with two Spartans at her back as guards.

O.o.o - o.O.o - o.o.O

Eden…. Paradise Lost

Sitting in my command chair, I watched the video playback of the retrieval of Klaue and the Vibranium. The command center where I was located was on the southern part of the island, which was quickly turning into my military power base. In the other four cities that are currently under construction, I had more minor military assets: that way, I didn't keep everything together, but this location was rapidly becoming the central point of my island's military might. I also had the island make way for the roads that I had then paved with a more bio breathable material with zero pollution. Honestly, I wanted to create a floating road system amongst the trees for flying cars, but I decided against it. The same precautions were made for the underground rail system. It was great to have a living island that could move with my intentions.

The underground magnetic rail system ran to all four main cities, but I also had an above ground magnetic system for those that preferred to see the light of day. That rail system ran from city to city but also had tighter security. The subway was built to earthquake standards and for longevity, and so was the sewer system which I had built away from the subway tunnels, it would suck for them to cross during the rainy season. Shaking my thoughts out of my head, I took a look around my command deck and took in the sight of the monitors and holo-screens as data from all over the island came back into the command center.

My Astartes idea came from Warhammer, but the suits of armor my soldiers wore came from Halo before my death. For now, I was certain that there was no army on the planet that could stand up to my soldiers. As long as I kept my tech upgraded before I launched my attack on Wakanda, I figured I couldn't fail. The things that did still worry me, though, were the Savage Lands, Atlantis under the ocean, and the lands of Kun Lun that leads to the home of dragons. Then there is Atlin on the moon with the Inhumans. I wonder if Harry Potter was real here somewhere also. I pondered before shifting my thoughts. So many shades of humans on the planet and moon combined. This was before we have even reached out beyond earth. Yet, even when we are able to reach beyond Earth. I will have to lock down the system from any travelers or invaders and check Venus to see if it's the same Venus from the Marvel six one six universe and if it is. Then maybe rip a few pounds of flesh off the Olympians.

Signing off on a few more orders for the island, I was distracted when my phone pinged, and I noticed the reminder for the Fireman's Ball scheduled for tonight in Los Angeles. Ororo was busy doing her headmistress thing for the school, and Jean and Gwen had a hero gig slash date tonight, so they weren't on my list. That means the only ones available would be Hardy, Frost, or Raven because Natalia wanted to keep an eye on our new guests. Tapping a finger on my chin, I sent back a confirmation and sent out a notification for my plus one.

Getting out of my seat, I made my way towards the civilian entrance of the base and headed into the subway entrance. In the entrance, a scanner read the smart band on my wrist and allowed me entrance into the lower levels where the mag trains waited for their riders. With a quick look on the map, I took the left side that leads to the city of Rivendell. The military post was located on the south side of the Island in the city of Vinyamar. Most of, if not all, of my cities, was named after Elven cities. This was because of the nature of how the cities were built in coordination with the forest. The goal was to keep things with a blend of tech and nature to keep the earthy tones and feel of life. The last thing I wanted my cities to become was another concrete jungle like Manhattan. I would never give up that city because that's where the heart was from: but there was no way I was going to allow my legacy to become paved over with harsh grey concrete and little green.

[ Please Stand Clear of the closing doors. ]

I smiled as I heard the overhead announcement as the train slowly shifted up along the magnetic cushions underneath. The interior of the train was clean, with chairs seated in doubles. Some of the other seats were single with more space for mothers with bags and such. The seats were comfortable but not overly large, and along the floor and ceiling had vents that helped to regulate the temperature. The smile on my face greeted the rider at the next station as I got off at my destination. The ride was smooth, fast, and that was all a man can ask for. Later I would have to think of adding in some ads and distractions for people and kids that ride. I know the side panel had a halo-screen display with the map and help sections and contacts, but scrolling ads and other things would go a long way to update people and let them know they lived within a connected world.

When I got out of the subway exit at Rivendell, the sight before me was breathtaking. The buildings were tall spires of glass, and the air was clean. The road along the ground had a raised median of grass that carried trees but also a floating waterfall that was held up with ani grav-tech. The sidewalks were large for pedestrians and festooned with the occasional coffee table. No stop signs were located at street level, but I noticed some in the air thirty feet up. The red lights caught my eye, and when I floated myself up to take a closer look, I was stopped with a force field. This was ingenious; the fact that we had a flying car lane in the city was one thing, but the moment I noticed it, my mind went to what happens if someone loses control. Yet, the answer was already here and implemented before I could say anything. With a close look around me, I noticed that all of the buildings carried a small blinking blue device roughly a foot tall. From the appearance that would be the shield generator for the sky lane and the buildings.

Pulling out my own datapad, I checked and found that the buildings ran on the main island power grid of the large arc reactor that we had installed underground. The shield tech ran on their own redundant power source even though they were built into the building proper. Each lane was separated with incoming traffic above the outgoing traffic thirty feet above my head. That means that both were allowed to flow without interruptions. With a nod, I touched back down on the ground and went about my stroll around my city. After roughly twenty minutes of walking around the city, I came across an ice cream shop, and it gave me an idea. With a smile, I did a step point teleportation over to the west side of the island where the school was located to find my little fire princess. If someone had told me I would have a child with Gaia via Ororo, I would have taken them to the hospital to get checked in because they would be certifiably crazy.

A smile bloomed on my face as I arrived onto the school campus grounds. The place was lively, with kids running around everywhere. There was no holding back the chuckle that escaped me. The kids flew around with their powers while some ran about with enhanced speeds.

"Pass the ball."

"No fair, give me back my book."

So many voices and so many colors of fun and joy.


A bright flaming missile came rocketing towards me. I had to relax my muscles to keep my princess from crashing into me and hurting herself. Relaxing my body and dumping some of the power within myself, I accepted my daughter's embrace as she barreled into my chest. There was no helping myself as I spun my daughter around. Coming to a stop, I hoisted her up onto my shoulders.

"Hey, princess," I said as I held Maya up on my shoulder as I walked through the crowd of kids and teenagers. "So, what did you do today?"

"I made a friend, I went into the forest and found a cool flower. Ohh, and mommy took me flying." Maya said while she waved her hands around animatedly.

"Ohh, and who is this friend?" I ask cheerily as I walked through the gardens in front of the main building. The front of the school had a garden the size of a professional football stadium, but it was split in half with different flowers and places to play and picnic. Not only that, but Ororo had a large lake placed in the center with water fountains that flowed in artistic designs courtesy of the graviton technology that we used around the island.

"Maya over here."

Pausing mid-step, I turned at a forty-seven-degree angle to notice the path of flowers leading back to a group of kids on what appears to be a picnic. Next to the checkered blanket on the ground stood a tall towering man clad in steel. At the man's knee was a little girl cuter than a doll. This was going to be a very interesting meeting because this was another one of those that I would consider an idol. Colossus was a man of peace but was never afraid to stand up and crash skulls for his ideals if he had to.

Colossus stood there eight feet tall, combat pants and a red shirt and looked damned impressive. Without breaking my stride, I proceeded towards the picnic area with my daughter on my shoulder.

"That's my friend, daddy," Maya said from my shoulder as she pointed her hand towards the little girl that was standing next to Piotr, aka Colossus. "Her name is Anna, and I met her at Mommy's house."

Before I could say anything, there was a flash of flames, and Maya flew off of my shoulder as she left to go be with her friend.

"Daddy, come on!" Maya said out loud as she grabbed the little girl's hand while waving me over.

With calm, smooth steps, I walked over to the small distance to the location with an outstretched hand. With a solid shake and sharing of pleasantries, it was time to get to the things that I came here for.

"Well, I'll be honest with you, Piotr. I came to pick my daughter up to go get ice cream, but since she has made such good friends with your sister. I believe I would like to invite you both also." I said as I stood at parade rest while looking at the girl's play.

"We did not know that there was an ice cream parlor open," Piotr said, speaking in straight Russian.

"All of the facilities are already built; the only thing missing is people, but that's being filled out with the coming days," I replied to the large man before me. With a look at my watch, I noticed the time tick along as I waited for my people to finish checking the ice cream back at the tower. "I came to get Maya, but I think it would be a good thing to bring all of the kids a treat."

When I finished saying my piece, the sound system went loud and called all of the kids back towards the school. Turning towards the big man, I nodded towards the school, but we both waited for my daughter and his sister to come back to us first. With the kids with us, I placed Maya on my shoulders while little Anna went onto Piotr's. We walked and talked until we returned to the open area before the school that leads back into the dormitory where the children would be staying.

Once I was in sight of the facility, I was greeted with several Astartes that looked like they took over for the care of the kids and would be filling in the roles of den mother and father. They had wings, tails, horns, and all manners of different mutations that would help the kids not only fit in but feel like they are one with us on the island.

There was a buzz at my wrist, and I brought up my communicator to see that Ororo sent me a message saying that she was on her way. Within moments all of the kids gathered around. Out of the back double doors came Ororo with one of the little girls on her hip. The sight of Ororo took my breath away, she wore a charcoal black pants suit with a top to match. Ororo's hair was up in a bun but with loose curls with two hair sticks that offset the white of her hair. The curls that framed her face was alongside the smart glasses that she wore that gave her that sexy headmistress look. I was certain that she wasn't putting on a show, but the mature sexy look she had on made me wish I was one of the students that could get into trouble just to be sent to her office.

Ororo did a swift palm shift of her square-framed smart glasses as she shot a smile in my direction. Before I could say anything, there was a flash of red, and Maya flew from my shoulder. There was nothing else to do but shake my head at the scene before me. Maya was speaking rapidly, and from the look on Ororo's face, she had no clue what our daughter was saying. With everyone gathered, we made way towards the dining hall, but it was no ordinary hall at all.

The dining hall was a work of art, and it was also something I made sure to copy out of the Harry Potter books. The ceiling of the hall had holo screens built into it to mimic the ceiling of the great hall in the Harry Potter stories and movies, but not only that, I took it a step further. The ceiling not only showed the outside, but it was also directly connected to the school's mainframe, which allowed someone in charge to play movies or bring up the solar system itself. The hologram ceiling allowed anyone on staff a wide array of options to display. Even the school library was the same with floating books and smart displays.

Ororo stood at the door and waited for me as the rest of the staff directed the children inside and towards the tables. Each table was twenty feet long, and the hall had six tables with a staff table at one end, and at the other was a serving section for the cooks. Without the teleportation technology, I was still unable to send in the food like in the Harry Potter movies, but with the Ancient One on my side and getting my hands on the Facilities teleportation tech, I will be able to make a few improvements soon. If I was going to be in for a penny, I might as well be in for a pound.

With the kids and teenagers in the dining hall, I took Ororo over to the side and layed a devastating kiss on her lips. The whistles and caterwaul from the students rose up nice and loud, placing a brilliant blush on Ororo. With a pat on my chest, Ororo turned back to Maya, who was still afloat beside us.

"Go get the ice cream and stop stalling," Ororo said with mirth in her voice before turning back towards Maya and bringing her inside. Before I was able to walk inside the dining hall, Ororo had blocked me with her hand and pushed me back towards the outside. With a quick search, I had the Vega building cafeteria information pulled up and located the inventory menu and located the ice cream for this little treat for the kids.

With a smile and a bow, I vanished from everyone's sight before they could blink. The world slowed down around me, then everything froze as my speed went up and up. This moment of silence was mine alone as I made my way around the world. The water was my ground, and if I willed it so was the air. There were no limits on my powers if I placed my mind to bring my imagination to life. The ocean was blue, and the sky was vast, I ran across the oceans, I ran across continents. With focus and intent, there was no shockwave within my wake as I made my way across the world. I ran across the oceans and the waves, I ran across mountains and deserts, but nothing was able to slow me down. The very air couldn't stop me as I tread across vast expanses between canyon walls. This peace and solitude that came with running were more than a mere moment of indulgence, this was a time for self-reflection, but also a time to allow my mind to wander.

Soon I would have to take over the Hell-Fire club and root out the rotten corruption, then I would have to find the sentinels and kill the creator and his bloodline and backups. So many people to get rid of, to help nip a few problems in the bud before they become major issues. With the situation that happened earlier, there was no reason to keep on the back foot and leave my family on the mainland. I would have to speak to my dad and have him move to the island or more upstate to Salem and have him within my territory of control and not Manhattan, where anyone could be bought.

Midway across Colorado, I got out of my own head and launched myself into the sky and made the rest of the way towards Manhattan at greater speeds. Up the side of my building and into the cafeteria before anyone even noticed my entrance. Taking a moment, I noticed gallons of ice cream stacked to the side of the freezer waiting to be consumed. With a smile, four different tubs of ice cream were pulled towards my location with my gravity control. Each tub of ice cream was marked at five gallons; they ranged from classic vanilla to chocolate to cookies and cream, mint chip to snicker-doodle.

With a turn and a dash, I was back out the door and down the side of the building. I was moving at such a speed none of my after-images had faded from sight. All of my current afterimages were running up the side of the building. I willed them to disappear. With a smile, I took a leap back into the sky and made my way back to the island. Doing things like this helped reinforce the freedom that my life had now. Even with all my other responsibilities waiting for my attention, walking in the sky gave me freedom. With the tubs of ice cream on the table, I made another turn and ran back towards the city for more ice cream.

Back in the city, I ran across a mugger sticking up a lady outside her car. With a quick slide, I moved between the two while removing the weapon from the mugger's hands. With a toss, I sent the knife straight up into the stratosphere. The weapon was now out of the way. Taking a step to the side and yanking up the undergarment of the perpetrator. Without looking back, I left the man to his high-speed atomic wedgie; sometimes, it is a blast being superfast.

Running back into the cafeteria of the tower, I picked up the missing utensils that would be needed for a gaggle of kids. With everything packaged and ready to go, they were dropped off at the island. Taking a look at everything before me on the tables, I did a few quick nods before heading back towards New York. Before heading to my tower, I stopped by the house and found my mother sitting at the table drinking from a coffee mug. Removing the coffee mug, I picked my mother up in a princess carry and brought her to the island. Placing my mother down on a chair, I vanished once again.

Once again, I reappeared within my house and picked up Alfred's artificial body that was sitting at a children's high seat at the table. With my mother and Alfred now relocated onto the island, it was time to find my dad. Running around the city at speeds unable to be captured on camera, I found my father in the middle of a shoot out in the south Bronx area. There was no helping the scowl that came across my face when I came across the situation. Before me floating in the air where the bullets fired during this altercation. Without a second thought, I shifted the positions of the free-floating ammunition within the air as I made my way around the scene.

First, I shifted each round a few inches to the left or right, and then I got fed up with the whole situation altogether. Turning around, I sped to the alleyway and grabbed one of the free trash cans, and placed all of the rounds within. With a quick sprint around in circles and in between everyone, the perps weapons were gathered, and then I had the perps in handcuffs linked to their ankles. With that over and done with, I left a note within my father's front pocket and left back to the Vega towers. Running into the tower, I found Peter in his lab hanging from the ceiling, so I took him and the ceiling tiles that he was connected to with me as I made a reverse back to the island. When I got the island, I noticed the position Peter was in and decided to get some free hits in. Finding a permanent marker, I returned to give Peter a set of whisker marks before giving him a little goatee before heading back to the tower.

The other set of people I came up upon the location of the Octavius couple, Rosie was at the counter leaning back in her chair. Otto was standing at the marker board in an animated display, which looked like he discovered something new and was regaling his wife with his understanding. First, I took Rosie and placed her in the chair right next to my mother, and then I went back for Otto. Taking Otto with me, I placed him at the head of one of the tables and then went back for the wallboard that he was writing on as I didn't interrupt the exciting discovery he was talking about. With that taken care of, I made my way back to the tower to check for those I might have forgotten. When I looked around the tower, I found Sue in the bio labs, and I found Richards labs closed. Johnny was no were to be found so I let that be, and last I checked Ben was on a leave of absence to see someone about all that's going on in his head.

With those four left in the tower, I made my way back towards the island. I was fine not inviting them because there was no way I wanted Richards on my island. Placing that out of my mind, I made it back to my island with record time, but when I looked at Peter, I realized I forgot someone special. With another turn, I made my way to Salem to the school of the gifted. Running along the open grounds, I found Laura in the back hanging in the air mid lung at Logan from the way they were positioned. Running up the tree, I pulled Laura along with me back to the island. With Laura taken care of, I went back for Logan, but damn would he have been heavy if I didn't have super strength.

With Logan picked up, I brought him to the island and placed him under the tree; with that completed, I went back for Laura, where I left her and placed her in the air over Logan. With those two taken care of, I did my last rounds to make sure everything was good, but then I noticed I was missing my Widow. The last I checked, she had made her recruitment and picked up some goodies to bring home. Natalia was flying in the Vtol back, so I had to make sure there was a place at the table. So being a cheeky prat, I made a name-plate with her name on it. Then I cleared a seat for Faora and her brother, my science chief.

With everything taken care of, I decided it was best to return to regular time. The grand chaos all happened at once. The yells the screams, and surprises all hit the fan all of once. Logan and Laura froze mid-air due to the stasis field that covers over the whole of the school grounds in case of invaders that get past our radar and outer defenses. The whole island defenses could be called overkill, but there is nothing that helps one sleep better at night knowing that very large cannons are ready and primed to blast invaders out of the air but also many more defenses on the ground in case of invaders surviving the ordeal.

A chuckle escaped my lips as I watched the chaos unfold around me. Rossie and Otto did a small yelp at their locations besides my mother. The kids and teenagers inside the dining hall jumped from the sudden appearance of so many people. Letting out a laugh at the diners, I exited the hall to take photos of a frozen Logan and Laura. The stasis field that captured them wasn't just for invaders. It also doubled as a safety net for the more rambunctious lot that might get into fights. Hundreds, if not thousands of kids with and without powers, will be attending, and teachers won't always be there to stop things from happening.

Shaking my head at the two, I turned off the stasis field around the two allowing them to drop, but Laura's reflexes allowed her to land on her feet. Peter, on the other hand, was stuck to the tree beside the fighting pair. There was a slight niggle at the edges of my senses, forcing me to turn around only to see the sight of the Ancient One. She was here directing some of her pupils from the Sanctum towards the dining hall. I decided to shake my head at the whole situation and locate the rest of my family. Checking in with a few people, I found Luke at work with Jessica off doing who knows what, but I had them agree to get to a location where I can have them stop by the island. Jean and Gwen were with Felicia, and they were doing a girl power thing as they took over Fisk's slice of the city.

Natalia sent me a message saying that she was already on her way back and would like me to save her some of the rum and raisin ice-cream. Putting my holo-tablet away, I checked the look on Logan's face as he began to sniff around. What I know did raise Logan's hackles was the smell that Laura and Peter were sharing, and I wasn't going to stick around with the look he sent Peter's way.


Yeah, there he goes claws popping. There is no need for me to stick around. Maybe, I'll have Alfred play the video of Peter running away from Logan later when I get some popcorn. Taking a seat next to my mother, I watched as Maya and a few of the other kids played fling tag as they flew around the holo-ceiling. One of the little boys were running on the air while two of the girls had different types of wings. One had an insectoid variant type with shades of green and pink. The other girl though, had a grey feathered variety. Shaking my head at the scene before me, I spied five astartes levitating themselves into the air to get a better position in case the kids need their help. Since the kids would be safe, I turned my attention back to Ororo and Rosie since the two of them were in a heated discussion on education for the little ones.

Ororo was of the mind that kids should be able to speak more than just two languages while Rosie was of the mind that math was the key to life. I just listened and nodded along with the two, but I kept to myself because the Ancient One decided to share her own input in the conversation.


My thanks were given to the server as she placed a bowl of cookies and cream ice cream before me, and I wasn't going to be rude because my people served me treats. A flash of red drew my attention, but I wished I didn't look up. What greeted me was a pair of big beautiful green eyes, a heart-shaped face framed with bright red hair. Her bottom lip quivered, and I gave in.

Picking my bowl up off the table, I patted the spot for her to take a seat. I was certain that my mother hadn't given her any sweets yet, and I knew Ororo was of the mind that treats are given with good deeds. Even then, the things Ororo called treats didn't contain sugar. Unfortunately for them, I'm Maya's dad, and I feel that treats should be shared with friends and loved ones. The smile Maya gave me said it all, and I knew that this was a bonding moment that I wouldn't give up for the world.

The second flash of light made me turn my head to find my mother taking photos with her phone at the moment that I fed Maya with my spoon.

"Ahh yum," Maya went as she chomps down on the spoon.

The cute face with upturned eyes was a shot straight to my heart. With a smile on my face, I had my own scoop of cookies and cream. With one scoop to myself, the other went to Maya.

We share my bowl of treats like this for a moment before I decided to look around when things went a little silent. When I looked up, I noticed most of the kids were focused on their own bowls before them. Well, that was one way to make the little buggers go silent. Although the noise went down, some of it was still very loud. Not a minute later though, I activated the isolation fields over the tables to bring the noise back down. Ororo had complained about me placing isolation fields with each of the tables, but the relieved look on her face told me that she realized it was worth it. Each of the tables had their sounds isolated from outside interference. Anyone at the tables could still speak to each other. Now the kicker is that the main adult tables could log into any one of the children's tables and find out what they are talking about any time or listen to the conversation after the fact. Wouldn't want the kids to start killing each other over what's spoken at lunch or make accusations. Now things can be reviewed at a later date if any fights pop up later.

Right now, we were just using all the tables, and I didn't have the whole Hogwarts setup active. I gave the nod to the purple-skinned Astarte near the control panels for the tables before going back to my daughter and her cute dimples.

One scoop for me and one scoop for her, one scoop for me, and one scoop for her.

The smack on my shoulder drew my attention away from the cutie pie before me to look at the red face of one Peter Parker. Standing behind Peter was Logan and a pissed off Laura, I guess they haven't told Logan anything about their relationship yet.


"Ben, can you please tell Logan that there is nothing going on between Laura and me, please?" Peter asked in a pleading tone as if his life was on the line. Well, in a way, I guess his life was on the line when it comes to one of Logan's spawns, shit I will have to get rid of Daken once my people track him down.

"Nope can't do that, Petepie," I replied as I went back to sharing ice cream with Maya.

"Why not?" Laura asked as she stepped forward from behind Logan.

"Because neither of you can make me, and it's about time you both admit that you're in a relationship and stop hiding," I replied with a shrug to them both.


Both the claws of Logan and Laura popped but for different reasons. The sigh that escaped my lips put both of them on high alert. I was happy to see that their animal instincts were sharp as ever, too bad they both don't have any self-preservation instinct.

The sigh and glare that I gave them was a testament of how done I was with the three of them. I had to pinch the bridge of my nose because of the weirdness of the situation. Now though, it was time to tell them what I thought about their situation.

"Peter, you like the girl, so date her openly," I said as I glared at his sheepish look. "Logan, you're one of the toughest men around; there is no need for your alpha display. Peter is already scared of you. I would say something to you too, Laura, but you haven't learned enough about our society to make your own decision on the matter."

"Leave the kids alone Logan,"

We turned to the person that just spoke and found Ororo enjoying herself a bowl of strawberry ice cream and was standing nearby as Otto was going over his discoveries on the board I brought with him and Rosie.

"I agree with Ororo dear, they have a different kind of upbringing, and you can't just place your expectations on them now," Rosie said from the seat on my left.

"My issue is that she doesn't know any better," Logan growl out.

"And I have known Pete since he was in elementary school, and he will treat her right, won't you, Peter?" My mom asked as she looked at Peter from her location beside me at the table.

"Yes, yes, ma'am," Peter sputtered out with all eyes on him.

"See then there is no problem with them dating," My mother concluded for everyone with finality even to Logan.

Logan gave Peter one last I want to gut you glare, then took an ice cream cone and left the dining hall. Peter did a shrug and then slinked his way next to Laura, who, in turn, gave him a glare. Before Peter could say anything, Laura grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a kiss.

Rolling my eyes at the pair, I went back to sharing my ice cream with my little cutie, but she was nowhere to be seen. Scowling a little and looking around, I found Maya eating out of my mom's bowl of ice cream.

Trying not to pout at the fact that my own daughter turned coat for ice cream, I checked my wrist holo-com for the new notifications I receive. A small twelve-inch image popped up above my wrist, showing the island, but the current showing was the surrounding forest grounds to the school. On the image was a fast-moving red blinking light. With a few pinches to zoom the image of a fast-moving, Logan showed up as he broke past the treeline and into the woods.

Damn that man can move when he wants to, switching from that notification. The second alert I received was that Natalia was back on the island and was asking me to meet her at her office in the command center.

"Ororo, Nats back, would you like to come with?" I asked as I looked over to where Ororo was sitting with the Octavius couple.

"Not this time, but I'll have Alfred keep me informed for any emergency," Ororo returned as she furrowed her brows at the board. I almost laughed at the scene before me, but there was nothing that I could say. Ororo was more than in her element, she had a school to teach as many kids as she would like, but she also had access to enlightened minds to discuss the many facets of not only society but also science. I think it's time I extended an invite to Dr. McCoy, but he is so far into the pockets of Xavier I'm not too sure he would accept.

"Okay, well, I have to go greet our guest," I replied as I got up from my chair. "I also need to make sure to deliver Nat's rum and raisin ice cream."

Ororo turned, holding her hand out for me as I came in for a kiss. With a smile on my face, I turned around and vanished from everyone's sight. Grabbing a container, I placed a pint of ice cream, then took a spoon to go. Within seconds I was at the train station flashing my wrist comms to get in and on my way. Following the lanes and signs, I found the track for the southbound train back towards the military base. I knew that I could have easily run to the base, but this was my island, and it would behoove me to ride the same things that my citizens would ride; so that I may understand how the public services perform. For now things were free, but I think we should start using our own currency soon. I sent a message to Emma with my ideas on the matter. If she gives the go-ahead, I will have to start up a bank on the island. Yeah, I think It would be best to have Emma draft up plans for that also. With my messages sent, I made my way underground.

It took me a five-minute wait for the hyper rail train to pull in at my location, and when I checked my wrist, it was right on time. When I stepped on the train, I took a pause because there were already people in the car. Hmm, interesting, I took a seat and brought up my holo-tablet to find out why. With a little bit of scrolling and some swipes later. I found out that the teams on the train car were a mix of both science and military for the base I was heading towards. Well, there was nothing I could say because the island was now moving without my interference, which actually made me proud because, at the end of the day, everyone answered to me.

Taking a look at one of the guys that stood by the window, I noticed that he was in parade rest but also the uniform he wore. His skin was red, and his head was bald, I could also tell he was in a version of the unstable molecule uniform. The bottoms were in the form of combat pants with black boots to match, but the top was in the form of a simple military button top with rank insignia and name. Moving my attention from him, I found the science team in straight pants and a polo shirt. Also, with a name tag and insignia to match but they also had holo-tablets that they browsed as we rode the train. Pulling up my own wrist communicator, I sent to make sure that all military personnel have not only wrist comms and phones but also a tablet connected to our network. Then a second message was sent to make sure that we also had people that populated the cities and not only my military and science centers.

With that message sent, I knew millions would now be spent in the R&D of the devices created. I also knew that I couldn't keep any of that money once the island was discovered by the rest of the world. There was no way I was going to allow the US government to control the currency at all, so I might as well get rid of it with purchases that would benefit the island. As I got the confirmation back, we arrived at the military base.

Getting up, I gave the nod to the military types and made my way out of the train car. As I got to the top of the train station, what looks like a guard force tried to direct me through the side. This way, I didn't have to go through the security checkpoint. Unfortunately for them, I sent them away and made it be known that everyone goes through security checkpoints. Fingerprints, Iris scans, and even a deep biometric scan of my DNA, everything checked out and made those with me, made sure that it was me. The next thing I would have added to the scans would be the wrist comms. I would have to make sure everyone is issued their own that came with a unique signature that could only be read with their DNA and access codes. Hmm, I had the quantum computing tech; maybe I should stick a quantum key within the devices. That would be something I had to think about later.

With everything checking out and the scans showed that I am who I am, it was time to get to the command center. Humming a tune to myself, I went through one more scan as I got the command center. This scan was nothing like the little passive scans at the train station. For this scan, I stood on a lighted platform that had sensors that ran up and down my body. The scans could be run at the closed booth behind a reinforced wall. I knew Alfred and Natasha were behind the security scans, and I made sure not to ask either and what the scans entail. It was easy for me because as the old saying says. Ask me no questions and I tell no lies.

The green light flashing above my head was my clue to step off the platform. Walking off the platform, I was greeted with another set of spartan guards, each had their helms tucked beside their bodies with a nasty looking rail-gun rifle magnetically stuck to their backs. There was no stopping the smile I gave to the leader as I approached the team. Each of the spartan's armor was clean but still had dust from their earlier battle.

"I believe from the look on your face that things went according to plan?" I asked but frowned at their ramrod at attention positions. "At ease."

Faora replied with a nod but made way with the rest of the guards. I watch Faora press the button for the elevator, but she still gave no answer. Once the doors opened, we entered, and that was when she decided to answer.

"To answer your question my lord, yes everything went according to plan," Faora said with a half bow. "We were also able to bring Klaue back alive."

"And the vibranium?" I asked as I stepped into the elevator with my guards.

"Down within the labs undergoing scans by our chief scientist officer," Faora replied with a smile on her lips.

"Good, get the scans uploaded as soon as they are finished. We need the probe for Mars and the probe for the asteroid belt updated as soon as possible." I said with a nod at receiving the good news. "Also prep the prisoner, I would like to talk to him once my meeting is complete."

The elevator pinged and we got off at the twentieth floor. Walking out I was greeted by the secretary who ushered us towards the office that took up the entire floor. Cheery bubbly and young looking, the fact that she had blond hair must have been some type of universal joke being played here. Ignoring her entirely, I stepped into the office and was greeted with the scene of a large and imposing man standing by the window. He was wearing a leather jacket and a set of combat pants that I ignored for the beauty in the seat. Natalia was lounging on one of the single armchairs within the office. The office was nicely decorated and tasteful but there were no computers because this wasn't one of the normally used rooms. The guards took positions around the room but I ignored them for the beauty that was waiting for me in the chair.

With a little gravity manipulation, I had Natalia floating up in the air while I sat myself in her seat. With Natalia seated on my lap; she gave me a smile that was to die for, loose red curls hung framing her face and that smile drew me to her equally delicious red lips. Holding up the ice cream that she asked for Natalia latched onto me delivering a kiss like nothing we shared before, damn.

The hand I had on her hips found its way to palm her ass while she moved my other hand up beneath her shirt.

"Hem, Hem."

We both ignored the sounds as Natalia attempted to see how much of her tongue she could get down my throat before I died of suffocation.

"Hem, Hem."

Natalia released a groan before releasing my lips for air. Without looking at the person, she snatched the ice cream from its location floating beside us. Natalia didn't even go for the spoon that floated beside us, with her index finger, a scoop of ice cream made its way into her mouth. She released a moan and a smile at me before offering me a finger covered in ice cream.

"Hem, Hem."

The scowl that crossed Natalia's face said she was out for blood.

"Would you shut up," Natalia said with a frown and murder in her eyes. "You said you would come with, and then you decided to play power games at the window instead of turning around for a meet and greet. So shut up before I throw you out that window and clone your ass instead of helping you get revenge."

"I agree with you my lady," Came Faora's voice from behind my right shoulder.

"Play nice you two," I said, cutting off both of my murderous women. " I believe Eric would like to take a seat and chat."

Natalia had a frown on her face while I watched the large and imposing man take a seat on the couch before us both. The spoon that was floating beside us found its way in front of Natalia while I eyed the man before us. I noticed the scars around his collar and from under his long sleeves. It was odd knowing how much this reality was so much like the Marvel Cinematic Universe sometimes, but you know what they say any one man's imagination is a reality out in the omniverse. From his seated posture, he was tense but also trying to play it relaxed. The tightening of the jaw and the corners of his eyes told me that he was trying to hold back a retort.

"So you're the lost prince to the throne," I said as I watched him take a drink out of the tumbler in his hand.

"That I am, and you're the guy that's offering me help," Eric returned, matching my stare. The even tone and pitch of his voice was a clue he was fishing for more information.

"Correction, I'm the guy that's going to put you on the throne to get a thorn out of my side," I said with a smile. "You see, the prince tried to make a play that I'm not very happy with."

"So, I'm just a pawn against the current prince?" Eric asked with his own face turning into a frown.

There was no stopping the scoff and shrug that escaped my lips and my body performing.

"You're about to rule one of the most technologically advanced nations on the planet next to my own and Latveria," I replied with a sneer. "Cut ties with us afterward if you want. I care not, but this is the only way you're going to sit on that throne and get revenge for your father's death from the killers."

"How did you know about that," Eric asked with a growl. I did notice his fist tighten around the tumbler showing the whites of his knuckles.

The vicious smile that spread across my lips had Natalia do a little shiver in my lap, but it was the pink of her cheeks that allowed me to understand how turned on she was right now.

"You honestly believe that your father left because he signed up for the war dog program?. Think about what you have learned in school, two male heirs born to the ruling family. Only one can lead its people, and the other one must die for the eldest to be safe in his claim to the throne. Now add in that the second prince also births a male heir while the ruling king also has a male heir. The only way someone can claim the throne in Wakanda is through battle." I said to the man with a sneer on my face. "You have never been home and that's because your father was trying to keep you alive and not get assassinated. His death was to ensure that the current prince wasn't challenged nor allow you to gain allies to make a play for the throne."

"But that doesn't tell me how you know even if those are all valid arguments," Eric replied with some heat in his voice.

"We have our connections," Natalia replied with a smirk on her lips.

"Then what is the plan?" Eric asked with a glare, but I wasn't paying him any more attention because of the minx in my lap.

"Get connections yourself, of course. There is a very disgruntled tribe within the mountains, and they would like a council seat," Natalia replied with a shrug. "I'm sure they would like to speak to the lost child of the golden tribe. From there, you learn about the Panther mantel your family wields."

"Learn the customs and knowledge of Wakanda. This way, once you take over, no one can say anything about you being an outsider because not only do you have the knowledge, but you were brought back by one of the tribes themselves," I said before kissing the nape of Natalia's neck.

"That sounds too easy," Eric said with a frown.

"Would you like to know about all the people that would have to die because they would want revenge for T'challa's death?" Natalia asked with a smile before I fed her a spoon of rum and raisin.

"No, but if it's going to become my nation, then I should be the one to get rid of them," Eric replied with his own nasty little smile.

"Those details can be worked out at a later date," Faora said from behind my shoulder.

"Fair enough," I replied, cutting everyone off before anyone could say anything more. "Faora, have someone take Mr. Stevens to one of your ambassador suites here on base, please."

With that, everyone knew that the conversation was at an end.

Eric got up and poured himself another glass to drink before one of the guards showed him the way out. There was a small click as the door closed behind us. With a wave of my hand, the small table that sat between us and the other chair floated slowly out of the way. Our own chair rose in the air, and we reseated in front of the large window that spanned the room.

"Take a seat, Faora and enjoy the view with us," Natalia said with a smile as she did a little dance on my lap.

"So, Klaue?" I asked before this escalated into something else.

"Very annoying,"

They both replied at the same time, which elicited a chuckle from me at their statement.

"Come on, he can't be that bad," I replied with a chuckle.

Neither said anything, but on the window before me appeared a small video of Klaue in a prison cell.

"What's love got to do, got to do with it."

"Is he?

"What's love but a second-hand emotion."

"Is he really?"

"What's love got to do, got to do with it."

"Is he really singing."

"Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken."

"Is he really signing Tina Turner while in his cell?" I asked incredulously.

"Look, we even got a ping for his sound cloud account," Natalia replied from my lap.


Alrighty, folks this is another chapter brought to you by my imagination.

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