The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 47: The Neighborhood

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 47

The Neighborhood

Manhattan, New York, New York.

George Stacey was relaxing in his man cave when his door opened, and he heard the dreaded words.

"Honey, we need to talk."

George Stacey looked at his wife then looked at the lab reports he was going over on his tablet, before pressing the off button and putting it away.

"Okay." George returned in as neutral a voice as he could before tapping a seat beside his own. With a nod, his wife walked in carrying that dreaded box. She took a seat across from her own before taking the TV remote and turning down the sound of the news.

"So, what is this about?" Georgia asked as he ran memories through his head. He didn't miss her birthday, and they recently celebrated their anniversary. Hell, that brat Ben had even reminded him about Valentine's day, so that wasn't missed either. He was snapped out of his thoughts as his wife began to speak.

"Gwendolyn and Ben gave these to the whole family for Christmas, why haven't we used it yet?" Hellen Stacey asked as she opened the box she carried onto the table. The box had a fingerprint reader on top, but the inside was something else entirely. Inside the box sat two syringes that carried a golden liquid suspended to float in the air. Sitting underneath the serum sat four UMF suits with an easy user guide, with matching couples smart bands.

"Honestly, I don't know Hellen," George replied after a while. "Look, when we met the kid, it was awesome to finally have someone Gwen could talk with that was on her intellectual level. Now they are doing so much, and this is just a step I never saw coming."

"I want to be able to live long enough to hold my grandkids and not have to worry about my health or knee's." Hellen replied softly.

"But it won't just be our grandkids, will it?" George Stacey replied heatedly.

"Is that why?" Hellen asked sharply to her husband.

"I don't know before it was just Gwen, but now he has so many," George replied with a huff. "And you know what the worst thing is. I can't even punish that bastard for it. The other day we were out on the clay range. This was a few months back when he broke the news to me that he and Gwen were going to enter a polygamous relationship with that Jean girl. Hell, I put a shotgun round point-blank into his chest, and he didn't even flinch. Before I could realize what I was doing, I fired the other barrel reloaded and did it again twice more before he took the shotgun from me."

"You did what!" Helen asked loudly, nearly a full scream leaving her mouth.

"Tried to carry out a father's justice," George huffed in return. "And I was denied my satisfaction because of his powers.

Helen sighed as she ran a hand over her face before looking at her husband.

"Is that why we haven't taken him up on his offer to retire to that island of his?" Hellen asked with an accusing tone of voice. Hellen squinted her eyes as she watched her husband turn his head away from meeting her gaze. "George Stacey, you will answer me this instant. Is that why I can't enjoy a nice vacation and tan at a fully paid for island vacation?"

George averted his eyes for a moment before turning back to face his wife.

"Look here you, our daughter is living her life, and there is nothing you can do to stop her from growing up and loving who she wants to love," Hellen said while pounding her fist on the table. Turning around, Hellen picked up the tv remote to turn up the volume of the news. "Look, George, look at our baby girl."

{Today, Wonder Woman rescued a crashed school bus filled with children heading to the MOMA.}

"You see that, look at her. Tell me you don't see that smile on our baby's face," Hellen said as she pointed the finger at the TV display. "I'm going to take the serum, and when you get over yourself, then you can maybe stop sleeping on the couch and join me."

George Stacey watched as his wife took the syringe with her name on it before leaving out of his man cave. Grumbling to himself, he rotated the floating substance staring at it. This would change his life in so many ways, but it was also coming from the same person that had his baby girl's heart. With a sigh, George settled into his seat to watch his baby girl save the day on the news. The serum floated in front of him, but George ignored that for now. Today was not going to be the day he gained wings.

Yeah, there was also no way he was going to wear spandex either.


Benjamin Blake

Zen Flow

The doctors in the hospital had gone over my arm in excruciating detail before putting it in a runic script wrap and dousing that with medi-gel. Even now, there were black wisps of flame rising with each breath I exhaled. The whole operation didn't take all that long either, not with the Ancient One overlooking all of the complex runic work involved. The Ancient One had led the operation as they removed the black flames from my essence. The kids had taken up a room with their new sisters while Nat and the rest had taken up rooms here in the hospital.

Unfortunately, I also had to stay overnight for observation. There was nothing wrong with that, seeing as I was sitting on a bed king size in a room fit for royalty. Currently, I was sitting on my bed in a meditative position with Ororo sleeping at my side. From above, the bed rained a dim golden glow as artificial chi was projected as a dim light ray. The NX5 was a masterful stroke in discovery, and it was featured in almost all facets of our medical advancements. Some of the lab techs wanted to incorporate vibranium into the same studies and fields, but we had such a finite amount that; using it for anything else besides research could wait.

Slowly I sank into my mindscape as I meditated. There was no sleep, and I wasn't going to do any work tonight. So I might as well give myself a once over. My mind was my bastion, and I was relieved to find that there were no breaches. The Speed Force that made up the yellow star in my mind was shining brightly onto everything it could. The earth that represented a decoy for my memories had that wolf from earlier. I was not expecting to have found the spiritual wolf within my mindscape. I sent a mental nudge it's way. The only thing I got back in reply was a yawn before it went back to sleep.

Next, I checked the hidden library archive that I had set up on Pluto. Security was running fine in that portion of my mind before I moved over to the star that had my main worries, The Death Star. This construct housed my connection to the Strength Force and maybe more things once I had more control. The mental construct I had surrounding my strength force connection was in disarray and looked like it had seen a better day. There were red holes punched through certain parts with sparks of red littered across my mind.

The power was being slowly absorbed into my system, but I would need more than what I am currently using. Selene had shown her face, but Magneto was still out there. With the sighting of his kids in Salem. I knew it was only a matter of time until he showed his face. In all honesty, Eric wasn't the one that had me worried; no, it was his right hand, or his Apostles as they were called in the comics. Exodus was another Omega level powerhouse, but that wasn't what made him dangerous to me. No, what made him a force that I took seriously was that he is a thousand-year-old fuck bag that was experimented on by Apocalypse. He had been noted for taking on the entire team of X-men while also fighting off a telepathic attack from Jean Grey. Granted, she was the neutered Jean Grey because of Xavier, but she was still a powerhouse in her own rights.

I had to prepare myself to face an Omega level powerhouse that would not underestimate me the way Selene did. I would not be able to talk my way out of this fight, nor was there going to be any bluffing him down into surrender. I had to be ready, and the only way to be ready was to make sure all of my abilities were going to work at peak efficiency when I needed them the most.

Gliding through the air, I did a small somersault flipping over to allow my feet to touch down onto the surface of my mental construct of the Death Star. Stooping down, I laid my palm onto the surface of my mental construct. Letting out a sigh, I felt the damage my mind was being subjected to. With a mental flex of concentration, I had the sphere repaired, but that wasn't all. Rising over my location was another mental construct coming to secure the Death Star's emplacement. The largest changes I had made were the outlets at the north and south pole of the sphere.

Jumping away, I allowed the sphere to enclose the death star. Once that was completed, I released the death star allowing the sphere to take over my connection to the Strength Force. Instantly red energy launched out of the four venting ports to mix with the yellow Speed Force energy. I wanted to connect and see if Cyttorak was still there, but I knew better. There was no way a mortal mind such as my own would be able to keep one such as him subdued for long.

I could feel and tell there was something different about my soul, But there was no way of telling until I learned magic. I knew my mind was advancing with the different understandings I was gaining day to day but at the end. My mind was still that of a mortal.

Returning to the real world, I felt the new surge of power within my veins. Damn, what a rush. My muscles coiled and condensed as they pulled into themselves tighter and tighter. A dull thud sounded out as I tapped myself down. I found everything fine with my person besides the wisp of black flames, leaving my body faster than before.

Ohh, did I feel good right now.

Ororo rolled over in her sleep, putting an arm where I should have been if I was laying down. I shook my head and smiled for a moment as her arm reached around, searching for me before she opened her eyes. Before I could say anything, one leg went over my waist as she pulled herself into my lap. My chuckle rumbled in my chest as Ororo hung off me like a lazy cat. Her silver hair hung loosely over her shoulders as she grumbled while placing kisses along my shoulder and jawline.

"Hey, 'Ro."


Words weren't shared as she trailed her nails across my back. As our lips met, I kissed her back fiercely. Ro's gasp was music to my ears as I released her lips to trail my way down her neck and collarbone. I felt her hands reach for my waist before a ripping sensation relayed I had been relieved of my pants. The growl she gave me said more than enough, so I just followed her actions and ripped off her thong.

Cool flesh touched my own as our skin touched for the briefest of moments. Piercing blue met steel grey as Ro pressed her lips down onto the head of my shaft. With a firm grip on her thighs, I pulled Ro down onto me. Our gaze never shifted as I slid into her tight wanting depths. Grins split our features as we became one. My hands shifted from her thighs to her perfect orbs. I palmed Ro's ass before shifting my hands up to her lower back before giving her a powerful thrust.

Again and again, I took her until she was forced to scream my name. I shifted her leg to hang over my shoulder as I used my free hand to rip her shirt from her body. Ro's eyes glazed for a moment before focus came back over them, and she grinned as she shifted us over, pulling me on top. Sheets fell off the bed, tremors ran through the bed, but it held firm. That was all I needed to know before I picked up speed plowing her deeper into the bed.

Gasps, screams, and moans escaped Ro's lips, but I pressed forwards as her walls gripped me in their silken depths. I gave a nipple a little tug with my teeth as I felt Ro's fingers dig into my back as she screamed out her release. I watched as Ro bit her bottom lip before I went in for a kiss. My strokes were already long, hard, and deep as I contemplated changing positions once more.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ororo moaned before positioning her hands to grip me by my glutes. "Fuck me harder, break me!"

That was all I needed as Ororo dug her heels in as she tried to rock a giddy-up motion into my hips. I upped the force of my thrust, but I paid no attention to the rocking of the room. Neither did I notice that the bed wasn't breaking under my effort. Later, I would find out that the bed frame was made from a combination of adamantium and vibranium.

Ro's eyes glowed white with lightning playing at its edges. I had no care, though, because my mission was to please this goddess beneath me. We lost ourselves in each other before we both knew it. Someone was banging on the outside door, and there was no chance to answer as Natasha burst inside with panic written clear across her face.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Nat screamed as she rushed into the room with Raven and hot on her trail. Ro and I looked over at them, but it was strange to notice that they were slightly under our levitated positions.

That was odd, I noted.

"You're unleashing too much power." Nat yelled out as she pulled us back down to the bed. Turning around, I noticed Ro's eyes go from white and sparkling with power to clear blue and piercing with fierce determination. The way she gripped my shaft, I knew Ro had just come down from another orgasm, and I was damn close to my own. I did note the spark of mischief in her eyes as she squeezed her walls along my shaft.

"Enough fucking you're going to bring down the hospital!" Nat snapped from the side.

"I find it hard to believe that our intimate actions could cause the destruction of this building." Ororo sighed with me, buried deep inside her.

"Yes, well, the tsunami and earthquakes speak for themselves, my dear," Raven answered with a quirk of the lips. "Now, I would suggest you both reign in all that abundance of power. Those glowing eyes are not helping your talk of innocence ."

"This normally doesn't happen, so what changed?" Nat asked while rubbing her forehead. While Nat was trying to go over facts, Raven and Ro looked directly at me.

I released a sigh that drew Natashas attention right to me.

"We are going to the shower," I said, stalling anyone from saying anything. "Raven, please have Faora and Alex clean up the mess. Send out a team of medic's also have the meta human response teams prepare. We will leave after our conference meeting."

Raven gave a quick nod before leaving Nat behind. Ororo nibbled at my ear then shot a look in Natasha's direction. I was still incredibly hard, but was being told finishing up with Ro was going to cause some problems for the rest of the world. I had an idea as to why that was happening, but I had to solve my current issue first.

I stood next to the bathroom door with my hands palming Ro's ass before I turned around and called Nat over to join us. That brilliant smile, her catwalk, and how quickly her clothes vanished told me she had been harboring the same idea for some time. With one move Nat had cleared the whole room to get right beside me as we made our way into the large bathroom.

Ororo chuckled as she shared a look with Nat over my shoulder. This entire time I still had Ororo in my arms with my shaft buried firmly inside her. Unfortunately, that came to an end once we got to the shower. Ro gave my shaft one last squeeze before levitating off me. Nat captured my head between her lips as Ororo moved behind her.

Nat sucked me from my tip to balls, polishing me with enthusiasm as she swallowed me down, cleaning the juices of Ororo. I had to place an arm onto the wall to brace myself in the shower as Nat's technique made me weak in the knees. I was there at the cusp of release, but that was snatched away as Nat looped her index finger around the base of my shaft, stopping me from releasing with a squeeze.

There was no stopping the fucking growl that I let out as my fingers spread and broke some of the shower tiles. I loomed over her as she looked up and gave me a wink. With her hand still gripping my shaft, Nat turned around in the shower to give Ro a kiss, while my shaft was wedged between her two glorious ass cheeks.

Enough was enough, and she was going to learn.

I could feel my head graze her puckered hole as Nat rubbed me between her fingertips on the front stroke. With her grip firm around my base, I allowed her one more stroke between her legs before I held her in place with my gravity manipulation, allowing me to expand her puckered star. Natasha gasped out loud as I pushed right into her puckered hole, slamming myself firmly into her ass with one thrust. Ro sealed her lips to Natasha's as arms came around to get a handful of ass. Slowly Ororo spread Nat's cheeks, and their kiss deepened as I posted a hand upon the tile crushing another one as I wrapped my other arm around Ororo and pulled both of them toward me. Nat became squashed between us, letting out a grunt with each thrust.

I watched as Nat's nails dug into Ro's back as I powered into her backside. Again and again, Natasha cried out her pleasure as my own built. Ro released Nat's lips before my own smashed into hers. Releasing Ro's lips, I was greeted with a mountain of flesh as their breasts were smushed together as the water rained down upon us. Nat released a moan of pleasure before biting down on my outstretched arm as her sphincter clenched in orgasm. The deed was so sudden that I slammed deep into her ass as my seed exploded into her.

Nat grinned as she leaned back into my chest with a mischievous look plastered on her face. Natasha clenched down on me as Ro took a nipple in her mouth.

"That was spectacular," Nat breathed as she pushed her rear back against me in her attempt to keep me inside. The look I gave her said more than enough, and I was still ready to go another round. "Let's just have a late lunch."


The morning shower had gone on a lot longer than I thought it would have, and right now, though, we were all dressed and walking down a completely trashed hallway. I should have felt bad about it, but honestly, I didn't. Of course, I turned Ororo around and fucked her up the ass, but as I saw right now. Whatever resolution I had with my powers had caused some type of sympathetic effect when I'm enjoying romantic relations with Ororo. That would have to be fixed as soon as possible because there was no way I was going to give up my woman. Yeah, that was not going to happen even if the world wanted to burn down around me.

A holo-tablet was in my hand, and I was going over the situation at speed as I followed behind Nat and Ro walking down the hall. Raven had dispatched about one hundred of our medics over the island and to Japan in a relief effort. I was happy to note they would be wearing the Vega Industries colors and not the islands. The other thing that was interesting to note was the quake was rated well beyond a ten on the Richter scale. That was the earthquake scale, and the island was safe from everything, including a nuclear strike. Yeah, self-healing metal and concrete with magical wards could protect and safeguard against a hell of a lot, it seems.

Whistling to myself, I ignored Nat giving Ro' a pinch on the bum as we walked into the room containing the girls. Outside the room, I noted thirty more guards since all of the girls were going to get ten each. Maya was bad enough with her five, but it was well worth it to add five more to keep her out of trouble. That girl would vanish if no one was covering her with three hundred sixty degrees of coverage. Alfred didn't cause me many worries, so he still only had his five, which was lucky for him. Unlucky for the girls, I was an overprotective father. Lucky for them, they would have more family than they could ask for.

"Talk to me doc, the girls good to go?" I asked, looking at the man blushing a deeper shade of purple. It was always interesting to see the variety of shades and body sizes that the X gene could create.

"Ahh… yes, yes, they have been given their smart bands and added into the island's systems. I have even updated their health profile for the school." The doctor answered as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

"We appreciate that,"

"We were not cut,"

"Open while we slept."

That statement caused me to just give the girls a deadpan look. I turned to Raven and Emma, but I found them with blushes huddled in a circle with Ororo and Natasha. Shaking my head at them, I turned back to the girls with my smart band controls open. With some rapid inputs, I had them all changed into proper outside gear. Jeans, a fitted t-shirt with a leather overcoat that matched my own. On their feet were comfortable yet stylish black pairs of boots I found in the selection options. Looking at the mass of choices, I was certain that Emma had contracted a designer for us.

Ororo and Nat ushered the girls out of the room, while I was caught by Raven and Emma at the door.

"You have a meeting with Sue, but I want what they got." Emma purred while rubbing her hand over my chest. Raven gave me the same fuck me eyes that Emma was showing. I gave both a kiss before teleporting out of there. I had to leave before I did something that was going to mess up the rest of my day. My woman was already handling the girls and the relief efforts on the other side of the world. Right now, it was time to remove another element from my hunted prey.

Susan Storm jumped as I made my appearance out of thin air in the lobby to my office. Well, shit looks like she came early. One of Nat's trained assistants sitting behind the desk jumped up with a tablet in hand with my appearance.

"You have, you, you, you"

"Yeah, I have powers, so what?" I answered with a shrug. "Since you are here early, let's get this meeting underway."

Once that was said, Sue's transformation was almost instant. For a moment, her mouth still hung open, before she realized what I said. When her mind finally caught up, Sue straightened her clothes, picked up a folder, and followed me into my office. I took my seat before directing her to take her own. The fierce look of determination on her face said it all, but she was still playing into my hands.

"This meeting is about 'you' gaining access to the same resources as Gwen," I said while she began leaning forward in her chair. My hands stapled together as I peered at her over my fingertips.

"My credentials place me as one of the world's foremost geneticists alive to date." Sue started with fierce determination on her features. "While you have taken over the Baxter Foundation and placed the name over the medical division. I have solved three genetic mutations debilitating to the human genome over the past year alone. Allowing me access to such resources could help solve more genetic diseases and help humanity progress."

I looked at her, blond hair up in a ponytail with a white lab coat on. From my resources, I knew far more about her than anyone should. Hell, even the comics did not cover the amount I knew about this blonde bombshell before me.

"Let me show you something first." I said with a wave of my hand over my desk. Above my desk, an image of Johnny Storm popped up, her brother on the island going through one of the hero programs with Peter as his second.

"What is this?" Sue asked as she pulled closer to my desk. Her eyes were pinched as she took in all of the details of the holo-image.

"Well, your brother Johnny has always been super high energy, and you have had no way to handle him, to be honest. What you are watching is Peter sneaking him into my selection class for my Avengers program. They think I'm unaware, but I let it be because it helps them with finding friends and getting along in life with their powers," I replied to her question. "He needed the outlet, and you can't always be there to look over his shoulder."

Simple, short, and sweet.

We watched as Peter and her brother launched themselves against a team of foes. Johnny flew around, lighting guns on fire, causing the thugs to drop their rifles. Peter was webbing the thugs up and checking on hostages. He was doing a lot better now as he made sure that they had no weapons before setting them free.

"How is this a school, all they are doing is fighting bad guys who can shoot them?" Sue asked with a look that said she was half a second away from screaming.

"Keep watching," I said, pointing at the image as Logan made himself known during the exercise.

"Alright, alright, exercise over," Logan said as we watched him walk up to the two. "That was a lot better than last time, Peter. Johnny, good choice aiming for those rifles, but next time aim for the barrel with a short, intense burst. Melt the barrel and be more aware of the ammo cartridge, which has a high chance of cooking off the ammunition, so be aware next time because we don't want to damage any of the hostages."

Sue was stunned as she watched her brother give Logan a grim nod. Then laughed as her brother gave Peter a high five once Logan turned around. Sue's eyes softened as she watched her brother learn to be a better hero. He was goofing with Peter, but that would all fade as his hero persona kicked in. This was my moment, and I was going to strike while the iron was hot.

"Come, let's visit the island, then I can have someone show you around or Johnny can," I said as I waved at a wall summoning a portal. A light neon blue portal shone on the wall as I got up from my seat. The look on her face said it all. She was not expecting any of this, and I was happy because this was another person out from under Richard's influence. She gave me a smile before stepping through the portal, and I was right behind her.

What Sue found on the other side was a security check where they scanned her for everything. Sue had to give up a communications device that Richards had made before picking up a smart band. Once that was done, she was allowed beyond the checkpoint. From there, the first place she wanted to go was the training center for her brother. A sky car was waiting for our use as we excited the teleportation center. All through the ride, Sue was talking nonstop, trying to learn more about the island. It didn't take long for us to arrive at the facility where Logan was holding class.

Instantly Sue tried to bolt out of the sky car to find her brother, but I was already moving to stop her.

"You can't interrupt classes, okay," I said, laying a hand on her shoulder to stop Sue from messing up the classes. Her shoulders slumped, and I took that as my go-to pull off a step point teleport action. We moved in a burst of lightning in one of the faculty rooms overlooking the young Heroes. "You can't keep him sheltered forever, you know."

Sue's shoulders flinched for a moment before disappearing as she gave me a fierce look.

"What is it that you want?" Sue asked with folded arms and a serious face. "Why show me all this? What is your endgame?"

"Huh, so you want straight talk is that it?" I muttered out loud before taking a seat.

"Yes, don't think I haven't put it together yet," Sue answered, swiftly standing before me with a determined expression on her face. "The great billionaire Benjamin Blake is also a meta-human, yet the world doesn't know. There has to be some angle you're playing, so tell me!"

"I want my people to live a life without worries, and I want parents to not have to hide their children. Hell, I want the galaxy at my fingertips. But what I can do is make the world a better place one step at a time. And that starts with you," I said as while pointing a finger at her chest. Of course, I wasn't going to give her all the truth, but half was better than none. Sue gave me a confused look, but I continued before she could stop me." I want you to join my team as my xeno-biologist. We already have interplanetary space flight, and I need a person on my team that understands genetics. I need your flexibility and ingenuity working for the benefit of mankind."

"I don't know anything about xeno-biology," Sue answered quickly with a huff.

"Correction, you know more than everyone here. I spoke to Gwen and revised the video footage and followed how you were able to bring that sample alive. Yes, that monster was a failure, but you were able to do something Gwen failed at even with all of my resources. I need that flexible mind on my team, but with safeguards," I answered her as a flick of my wrist brought up all of my collected data.

"Wait, you know where that DNA sample came from?" Sue asked after taking a step closer to the holograms.

"That DNA sample was pulled from some of the very first predators this universe has ever seen. And that is the Brood, think of them as xenomorphs from those Alien franchise movies." I replied with a wave towards more data on the holographic images. We had cracked the galaxy's communications, and I had set a team on solving the basic language problems. Once that was solved, I had some of the tech guys run over most of the basic available information. It was strange knowing that the wider galaxy didn't have the internet as we knew it, but their archive crap was decent for now.

One of the first things I had done was set the computers and doctors to cross-check our records and damn did one DNA sample stick out like a sore thumb. The DNA sample they were playing with a while back was from the species known as the Brood. I knew they were around not too long ago, but having Brood DNA around was a little disconcerting. Hell, one of the realities I was happy not to be born in was the Alien Franchise, but knowing that there was the Marvel equivalent around which was far deadlier was not a happy thought.

"That shouldn't be possible," Sue answered while scrolling through the data displayed before her.

"Why not?" I asked now with a smile on my face.

"There should have been nothing after the big bang, not only that, even with what I know about that DNA sample, this isn't matching up at all." Sue answered with manic fervor as she found what she was looking for. "That DNA sample was at least 3,000 years old, but it still came alive, but you said these things were one of the very first predators in the universe. How can that be possible?"

"And now you understand," I answered her with a smile of my own as I stood up. "Ohh, make no mistake, I know the answers and to prove those same answers would bring destruction to us all. And yes, that is correct; it would, because believe it or not, our reality doesn't run on some god's whim. No, the Celestial are far less benevolent than any deity made out of the ethereum of cosmic goop. I'll bring you to the ends of the galaxy, and I want you to use our discoveries to uplift mankind. "

The look Sue gave me, made me feel as if I was a cult leader. That was great, but it was also bad because I think I found out how Richards was able to gain her allegiance over Victor Von Doom. There was a bell overhead that saved me from the fanatic look on her face but also saved me from that spike of guilt. This wasn't a change in canon because of the natural flow. No, this was me making a conscious effort to make sure she and Richard's never happen but also ending Franklin's chances of being born. Then again, I didn't like the threat of a child wielding universal reality-warping powers hanging over my head.

Instead of focusing on that, I noted the bell and the end of class. "Look at the time; Johnny is being let out of classes right now with Peter. Talk to your brother, and then let me know what you have decided."

Before Sue could say anything, I waved a guard to take her to Johnny as I twisted on the spot performing a lightning teleport to the home tree. It was time for a meeting, and I already knew everyone would be waiting for me.

I appeared with a flash of lightning outside the conference room. Standing around having small talk was Hank McCoy, my new Ambassador with Emma Frost, Raven Darkholme, Charles Xavier, Ororo Blake, my mother, the Ancient One with Jean, and my top three leading astartes. My ladies began to blush at my appearance while Hank had a smile with a note of business about him.

While everyone was walking into the room, I pulled Jean aside and gave her a kiss. Jean had taken command of the space mission and led it admirably. Last night I had reviewed the data and read the reports. There had been no mistakes or screw-ups on the mission. Hell, from some of the reports my spartans filed, Jean was a damn good leader, and I couldn't be prouder. Even the shuttle performed better than it should have, but the techs still ran over the data and wanted to make upgrades and improvements.

Jean gave me a blushing smile that matched the colors of her hair before turning around and entering the conference room.


Wanda Maximoff

Teleportation Center, Island Nation Pandora

After watching the battle during their time at the bar, Wanda had quickly come up with a plan to visit the island. She had made sure to get all of the information she could last night before deciding to take her chances. The school was closed down during the night, but once it had opened in the morning. Wanda was one of the first ones in line with her brother Pietro. The wait wasn't that long before doctors came out with scanning tools.

The first ten in the group were all families with kids while she was just here with her brother looking for a better place. Staying with her father was not turning out to be anything great with them staying hold up in that blasted asteroid. At least there, she might have a life outside of serving her father and his ego. This was a chance for her and her brother to escape, and she was going to seize it.

So far, they had been cleared by the doctors before getting their smart bands. Wanda had noticed small glittering scripts written across the surface of the device before she had put it on. Once the smart band had activated, Wanda had noticed the instant silence of all the turmoil that plagued her mind. Wanda knew that the smart bands blocked out telepathic thoughts from messing with her own, but she didn't know that it could block out what was plaguing her. Releasing a sigh, Wanda got in line with her brother to wait on the opening of the portals. From the schedule on the wall, the first portal was open at nine.

Wanda looked over to her brother, Pietro, who was eating a custom speedster's meal. Everything she was seeing was leading her to think great things about this place she was about to head to. Yet, Wanda was worried about what her father would think if they defected to his enemy. Yes, it was frustrating to think about, but Wanda had to do what's best for her and her brother. The intercom beeps before announcing the opening of the portals. A murmur ran through the crowd as everyone got up from their chairs to stand in line.

Wanda took a moment to take in the look of the portal. From what she could tell, the portal was a ten by ten construction that shimmered a neon blue color. On the other side of the portal, Wanda could not see a line like the one she was waiting in, but she did notice everyone walking around as they entered and exited other portals leading to other places. That alone sent Wanda's mind racing about the possibilities. Wanda noted how her brother twitched, and she reached out with her powers to pick him up off the ground before he took off running. There was no way she wanted to get in trouble before they even got to a new place.

The red hologram wait line vanished with another beep of the intercoms. Behind her, Wanda noted the families that were waiting but had no heavy baggage. Wanda and her brother didn't bring anything because they wanted to check this place out before they committed. She had noticed what she thought was a lack of security, but Wanda did note at least two guards in each of the larger rooms. Placing her brother back down on the ground, Wanda got up once her ticket was called as the next in line. She And her brother walked up to the scanner before the portal running their smart bands beneath it. Once they got the green light, both of them walked through.

Wanda watched Pietro pause at the portal before sticking his hand through. Nothing happened, so her brother picked her up. Before Wanda had a chance to scream, her brother sped them both through the portal only to run into a wall on the other side halfway across the lobby.

"You just got here, kid, and you can't go running off like that."

Rolling over, Wanda couldn't help slapping her brother across the back of the head.

"I keep telling you to stop doing that, Pietro."

"Ow, ow! Okay Wanda, okay." Pietro yelled as he put his hands over his head. Wanda had connected three hits before her brother had sped out of there only to hit another forcefield. Those that were surrounding them laughed at his attempts to run away.

Wanda heard the person that spoke to them earlier let out a sigh. Once she had gotten herself up off the ground, Wanda looked up and found a pink-skinned lady with purple hair standing with a strange tablet. It looked like the lady was waiting on someone, and it only took Wanda a moment to realize that she was waiting on them.

"Good morning, my name is Sarah, and I will be assisting you with your transition." The tall statuesque lady name Sarah said as she held out a hand for a shake. With a sigh, Wanda stood up before brushing herself off. Once she made sure she was presentable, Wanda returned the handshake.

"Nice to meet you, Sarah, I'm Wanda. The blonde one who keeps looking around is my brother Pietro." Wanda said as an introduction to Sarah.

"Follow along, please, you have been given a two-bedroom apartment in the northern city," Sarah said as she ushered the both of them out of the portal facility. "I have noticed that you both have not brought any clothing, would you like to stop and pick something up?"

"Hmm, we don't have any currency for the island, but I can figure something out if you can show me where the currency exchange is located," Pietro answered as he did two quick circles around them.

"We do have a currency exchange for those with gold or silver. This is because we have not opened our trade with the wider world, and the US dollar or any other currency would not be worth anything here," Sarah answered as she ushered them to a sky car parking lot.

Wanda was amazed as she looked up to see flying cars traverse the sky above her head. Not only that, but she also noticed people were flying around on their powers. Everywhere she looked, Wanda could see young kids and older adults with powers on display with no fear on any of their features. This was far better than she had been hoping for. Even on her father's asteroid, there was nothing like this. On the asteroid, there was the constant fear of accidentally killing them all with a misplaced blast.

Wanda and her brother took a moment to take everything in before turning around to find Sarah waiting with an open sky car. Sarah directed them to the car and waited for them to get in before she followed behind.

Wanda noted the red leather seats and holo-displays while her brother buzzed around the vehicle. Sarah got in behind the brother and sister pair before pressing the button to send the sky car on its way.

"Check the balance of your accounts, your monthly living stipend should have been approved by now," Sarah said as she brought up some holo displays for the pair to look over. "Health and medical are free, and so is education."

"What's the catch?" Pietro asked while still buzzing around the cockpit of the sky car.

"Everyone is held accountable to the knowledge available. The stipend is available for everyone, but there is also a mandatory test every six months. The better the grade, the more you are allowed for the stipend." Sarah answered, showing the different grades on stipends. The average C would get a normal living wage stipend while the A grade would upgrade the stipend to wealthy living wages. This was also split with the difficulty of the course and the testing.

Wanda was stunned, looking over the options and choices available to them. From magic to the understanding and study of the X-gene. Hell, one class was all about energy manipulation and its uses.

"What about those that can't take any test or those that want to work?" Pietro asked another question, shooting over to their guide.

"Learning and taking tests to gain stipends are mandatory, or you can register with the labor department. That will not change because our leader believes in advancing oneself with knowledge or hard work. And anyone can pick up a job; we also have a vast list of options." Sarah replied, changing the holo-display that they were viewing.

"Wanda look, space miner," Pietro said while pointing at an option.

"Yes, be a space miner Pietro," Wanda said as she scrolled down the list of classes she could pick from. "Wait, space miner?"

"Yes, we are one of the extremely rare nations that have access to interplanetary travel," Sarah answered with a smile.

"Okay, so can I race this Ben guy?" Pietro asked with a manic gleam in his eyes.


For a speedster, Pietro didn't see his sister's hand as it came around to smack him upside the back of the head.

"You are not about to go off and race some guy who we watched killing dragons on live tv." Wanda said sternly to her brother with a frown on her face.

"We have arrived," Sarah said as she got up from her seat to walk out the open door.


Benjamin Blake

Conference Room.

As the meeting started, we had gone over the minor things. There were no food shortages, and our power production was through the roof with the solar reactor working as the island's heart. Transportation was on the rise as more sky cars came off the production line. Even the population was on a constant rise, reaching three hundred thousand not too long ago.

"Alright, who would like to start?" I asked as I put down my green tea. I had the main situations I wanted updates on, but I also liked an open floor type meeting. It was true I was the leader of this ship, but I wasn't going to enforce my will over something so simple as a meeting.

I noticed my women shared a look before Nat did a slight nod and started to speak.

"The X-Force team has been launching attacks against the Purists. The so-called Friends of Humanity terrorist group and three others. The groups have been undercut significantly, with fewer raids towards those bound for Salem. Recently though, we have come across a new group calling themselves the U-men." Natasha briefed us as the hologram in the table came to life. Three of the major meta-hating groups rotated above the desk while each person got a smaller hologram customized with data.

"My God," Xavier whispered as he scrolled through the information. Hank, who was seated beside Ororo, removed his glasses and was stunned at the list of atrocities also.

"The X-force has been smashing every convoy that they attempt to send out and raid for young meta's, but they seem to have some type of political coverage. This has happened in these ten areas, and no one ever responds in their area of influence, " Nat said as more and more data points popped up, showing these groups' influence across America. "I tasked Psylocke and a few techs to find out who is pulling strings from the back. We haven't found anything yet besides some strange shipments of metal and other industrial products."

That stopped me cold, instead of answering. I allowed them to speak as I sped through all of the data. And the pit of my stomach almost fell out. Two of the groups were known to be affiliated with Bolivar Trask but on the back end. I knew that name, hell, anyone who was an X-men fan knew that fucking name.

"Call Psylocke and have her pull out now!" I barked, startling those around the table. "Pull her out now, and send in some drones. Have them scan this central point where all of the materials transfer through."

"What? Ben, you're not making any sense, explain." My mom inserted as Natasha tried to listen in as she was sending orders out as fast as her hands could go.

"The industrial materials are for robotic parts for the creation of meta-human killers," I answered to the group. "It has been noted that Essex Corp sold a gene scanner a few years back around the time Trask's son was caught in a meta-human caused explosion. The man has been noted on record to hate them ever since. Look at the data, Trask is now linked to a meta-human hate terrorist group. And look here in the SHIELD Files, Bolivar Trask is in development of something called the sentinel program which is classified as meta-human suppression bots."

"I see what you are saying but where is the money trail," Emma asked from her seat at the table. "none of this stuff is cheap, yet why didn't such excessive spending tip anyone off. Even the prices of titanium and other materials haven't changed."

"I believe I can answer that for you, dear," Raven said as she swiped across on her tablet, changing the above holograms. "Shaw has been manipulating the market, and he also has a stake in this program."

Shit, shit, shit!

"So we have terrorists, on the one hand, a mad man on the other and some meta-human supremacist on the other side all trying to take over and control this sentinel program?" Ororo asked, sounding like she was trying to understand this whole situation.

"Yes, and with killer robots in the mix, we can't approach any of these areas with meta-human scanners on the board," I answered as I started to type out some commands to Gunny. Since they had meta scanners, it was time to go old school shoulders with advanced Exo-suits. The mission right now was just for recon. Once we had confirmation, I was going to bring down the full might have my military to crush this before it could get anywhere. There was never any time to relax in the Marvel Universe. The look on Xavier's face said it all, and even Hank had caught onto the implications of such a thing being available.

"Psylocke has been called back, and I have an asset in the area reporting strange activities," Nat spoke up as she waved a hand changing over the hologram image to that of the area the U-men shared with the Purists.

"Okay, well, get your asset out of there. We are not going to lose people because we fail to understand the writing on the wall. Gunny is going in on recon with his armored division," I replied, expressing myself forcefully to let her understand that this was an order and not to be ignored.

"Understood," Nat answered as she went back to sending orders. They settled down, and I let them stew on that for some time. With a sigh at the ridiculousness of it all, I turned to Ororo.

"Ororo, tell me you have some good news, at least?" I asked, turning to my silver-haired goddess. First, it was Magneto's kids getting on the island, and now it's the bloody Sentinel program. I needed some good news; otherwise, it was just not worth it getting out of bed this morning. It was time to open up some more contingency files I made a while back when this all started.

Just a few more people to rain fire and brimstone on, and I will then be able to relax with my kids.

"Our admissions have grown with the opening of the island. Our current campus is supporting roughly six thousand students. I would like to put forward a motion to build two more schools, one over in the Western City. And another up at the Northern end of the island." Ororo said as the holo-images changed over to her graphs and data. That made everyone take a moment to realize what she had just said. Hell, I knew that opening the island would bring families, but to have that many students was surprising, to say the least.

"Why are there so many students?" Xavier asked while leaning forward with his hands moving the data before him aside.

"Most of these kids have been living on the streets all over the world. And the others have been hiding at home. That's only five thousand of the current group. With our testing policy to keep the stipend going, we have had a registration of roughly one thousand adults looking to improve themselves. I planned to spread the kids out more around the island. This will also spread out the parents and the population." Ororo finished presenting her work to the group.

"That's fine, let's build a school in each of the major cities and spread them out as you have planned. We can even add a school to the colony that Hank will be setting up in the savage lands." I answered as I typed up some plans and commands. The hologram in the center of the table shifted over as I was writing up my plans at speed. Once I hit the share function, others around the table started to make their own improvements over the plans. Security, resources, and recommendations for teachers were all added and amended within moments.

We went over more of the educational situation of the island before the mention of a University came up. Hank made the motion, and we had to take a moment to refigure how we would go about such a thing. With the advancement of medical sciences on the island, we had found that including the chi solution within our water supply not only improved health and longevity, but it also had a permanent improvement over one's mental development. That meant third graders were now taking algebra two, which would be considered a high school course back in America.

All of the classes had been reshuffled due to these advancements in scholastic achievements. Even now, your standard ninth-grader class was special wave theory and quantum theory. So you would understand how stuck we were when it came to building a University of higher learning. Dr. McCoy was super excited once he learned all of this, which I found strange until I checked my logs. The good doctor had been reviewing and preparing himself for his trip to the Savage Lands. I allowed the group to talk as I left the floor open for discussion for a while as I thought over the idea.

I had to stop the discussion after we had gotten nowhere over the last twenty minutes of back and forth.

"Let's table that discussion for another time, right now. I would like to give a round of applause to Jean for her first successful mission to the asteroid belt." I said, cutting right across the table. Jean blushed as she received a round of applause while the hologram shifted to a wider view of the solar system.

Looking across the table, I could see the look in Hank's eyes. He wanted to know more, and so did Xavier. Raven got up and gave Jean a toe-curling kiss before sitting back down after the whistle Nat let out. My mother and the Ancient One had one of those proud parents looks on their faces, while Emma had a calculation look. I knew that look, and she was already thinking of the profit to be had with our new venture.

"What did you use as the propulsion on this shuttle, hmm I see."

I heard Hank mutter to himself as he looked over the available data on the mission. Hank was allowed a chance to look over the data before I turned the meeting over the Jean.

"With Ben leaving early yesterday, I took over the command of shuttle jumper 001," Jean began as she got up from her seat, walking us through the mission. "The nano-constructor's were launched after the galactic communications HUB."

Xavier's eyes lit up, but Jean had raised a hand to forestall him as she continued.

"From the initial scans, the asteroid that we landed on in the belt was approximately 100x100 miles in diameter. I deemed that this was too much for the space station, so I reworked the plans for half of that. The dimensions reworked into the commands of the nano-constructors would allow the station to get built on a faster time table. The current space station will be half of the asteroid." Jean carried on as she pointed out her points on the holo-image. Up in front of us was the space station that I had initially designed as our go-to space station. The station was shaped like a knife pointing down with a ring running through its upper handle. This station was going to handle the mining and processing of the ores from the surrounding asteroids. I also had plans to double the space station as a docking yard for years to come.

There were plans in the works for a Halo-Ring type structure, but those were long down the road.

The ring had hundreds of docking bays the size of football fields. Hell, a few of the docking bays were three times the size of a United States Super carrier. Along the sides of the space stations were rail guns capable of firing at 1/10th the speed of light. Was I 'insane' for such overkill?

Fuck, no, I wasn't!

We were the ass end of everything here in Marvel's version of the milky way, and everything was out to get us. Not only were we one of the last races into space, but we were the most vulnerable. That space station needed teeth for any pirates that wanted to take a bite out of us before we had our Navy up and going. Or the space station could be a line of defense for any invasion force. I already knew what I wanted to build next, and that was an interdiction field generator, but that would have to wait for now.

"One of the first things I had the nano-constructors build was a teleportation room, allowing us to bring in the molecular forge courtesy of Alexander," Jean says with a little flourish to our lead scientist. "For those that have not done the reading on our latest scientific innovations. The molecular forge is capable of deconstructing matter and reconstructing it into any form one would need except for exotic material. Those would still need to be sourced."

"We in the science observatory are working tirelessly on solving that problem, your grace," Alexander answered from the side with a little insert. "We have already sent an update allowing materials to be made from energy itself.

"And thank you for your hard work Alex," Jean said, giving him a stellar smile. "With a power source hooked up and a molecular forge, the space station is underway. Now for those of you who are more interested in the gains of this project. I believe you would be happy to note that we have found not only gold but also a four-foot diamond among other valuable materials and data."

Everyone turned at the sound of Emma's voice hitching, and I tried to stifle my laugh.

"Please continue, Jean." I chuckled out as I shot Emma a glance. Her cheeks were flushed, and I could see the dollar signs in her pupils.

"Well, we have already pulled out a quarter ton of gold and other materials, but we also struck vibranium as you have theorized," Jean said, shooting me a wink. "I'm more worried about the new type of gas we have come across, and I have put a lockdown protocol in effect if any biological material gets found. I have also stationed a team there to transfer material into dimensional storage units before being sent back here. Besides that, I have also put in an order for more of those matrix squids. I felt it was better to have them spread out and explore the belt, then have our people track behind them. You know, keep everyone safe."

"Of course dear," The Ancient One spoke up with a nod of the head.

"With the launch of the galactic communications hub, we have established a link with the greater universe even if we haven't made contact yet," Alex spoke up next as the hologram shifted to show us the big four of the universe. "Their networks aren't as structured as our own, so that means no web. But we aren't sure if this is just a diversion of thinking from our own, or pure alien thinking and understanding. What we did find were archives in a manner and rudimentary navigation by our standards. It's also interesting to note that even though their communication navigation software is behind our own. Make no mistake; they are far more advanced than we are."

"Thank you, Alex; now let's note the big four of the universe or the big five that everyone must be aware of. You will understand as I explain more. First is the Nova Empire since we are using their networks. Please note that all the following information is from the Nova Empire, and they are more of a republic even though they have a queen in power." Faora was saying, but I had to stop her because of the ping of information that just popped up on my smart band.

Susan Storm had accepted my offer and was waiting outside the room. I sent the orders and had one of the spartans get the door. Standing on the other side was Sue in a lab coat. The look on her face was that of trepidation, but that would soon pass.

"Come in, Dr. Storm, and have a seat." I called out while I motioned to an open space at the table. Out of the floor flowing like liquid silk came nano-particles, forming into a chair. Of course, I had upgraded my conference room from standard chairs and such. Sue looked around the room, stunned as she took in the faces of my inner circle.

"It's an honor to meet you, Dr. McCoy." Sue gushed as she put a hand forward to shake the ferryman's paws.

"Please call me, Hank; we are all colleagues here." The good doctor said with a gentleman's smile as he got up and returned the gesture. Once Sue did that, we had introductions around the table before she took her seat, and we got back to it.

"Now, as I was saying, The Nova Empire is the closest thing to humanity among the stars. This will also be the Empire that we would be most likely to open trade with easily. Do note that we share the same skeletal structure across all three major species as we continue this briefing. Please also note that with our findings, even though this Empire runs more like a republic. They do have another central power besides the Empress. Nova Prime, the leader of their star force located on their home planet Xandar. He or she has the greatest say besides their Empress. Next to their spaceships, they have advanced operatives called the Nova Corps."

With that, an image of the Nova Corp helm that I had in my possession was displayed. Besides that was also video footage of them flying in space and fighting planetary beings and pirates. All of these we found in their archives.

"Note that this Nova Corps is capable of operating interstellar, but each of their locations is currently unknown. From our understanding and finding from the helm, we have in custody. This Nova Corp can be recruited from all over their territory. So caution is advised," Faora said as she had the Nova Empire upon the holo-image. They were located in the Andromeda Galaxy way on the other side of space. Hell, I was starting to understand why they kept calling us backwater planets in comics and movies. We were located on the far other side of the current standard galactic map. That was going to be a boon, and a negative as the future unfolds.

"Next on the list is the Kree. Yes, they are blue like you, Hank, but not as cuddly," Faora shot across to the doctor with a smile. "They are the warmongers on our list with one other species. One of the well-known species that they have decimated is the Skrull Empire. Note the green skin and chin ridges. Please don't let that fool you. The Skrull are advanced shapeshifters and infiltrators. Moving on, now a notable Kree is an Accuser as they call him. His current actions speak volumes because he is going around destroying colonies of the Nova Empire with his fleets. His name is Ronan, and note the clothing is futuristic yet tribal spiritual. If you are not Kree, then you are not allowed life's freedoms beyond slavery or subjugation."

"Do we know why he has not been stopped?" Xavier asked, looking up from his personal holo-image. "If these Nova Corps are advanced as you say, why has he not been stopped?"

"No clue, but I have my guesses," Faora replied with a frown as she looked at the image in thought.

"Please go ahead," Xavier said with a nod.

"From our research, we found that the Kree are known to have advanced weaponry compared to the greater galaxy. It's not so much as to create a disparity in powers, but enough to allow this Ronan to run once he has completed his deeds." Faora finished with a nod. "Not only that, but the Kree has evolved physically compared to the Xandarians of the Nova Empire."

"So hit and run tactics," Natasha spoke up with a nod of her own. "That means even in space; some rules are still the same.

"Correct, also note that since this information is second hand from the Nova Empires network. We do not have any concrete information about the Kree. Another note is that none of this has been corroborated, besides our findings. We will send a stealth shuttle once we get the chance."

"It's a good thing we are not trying to make contact with them." My mother spoke up as she flicked her way through the files in front of her.

"The last?" I asked so that Faora could finish her part.

"Ahh, yes, another of the ones we should be careful of. Also, another warmongering species in the greater expanse," Faora said as the main holo-image changed over the conference table. "The Shi'ar, has been noted to have evolved from birds of prey. That's something to note because it has been rumored and confirmed that they ate an entire species to extinction less than five hundred years ago."

Sue looked up, shocked by her reading, and so did Hank and Xavier.

"Sigh… please calm down. I understand that you might have standards when it comes to the wider galaxy, but do note that they are not human. We can not hope to fathom how these species think. Yes, we are comparing them to human standards, but understand that we do not know the wider galaxies standard." I said, waving their shocks aside.

"The Shi'ar is another militaristic civilization, the same as the Kree. They are known to the Nova Empire for their love of conquest. Lucky for us, they are located quite some distance from us." Faora said with a chuckle as with a wave of her hands. The holo-image changed to a galaxy map showing the universe. Far away from us was the Shi'ar system that contained the throneworld of the Shi'ar. Yes, I know they renamed their system after their Empire. Besides their cannibalism, they are also known for marrying other species with their own to expand their Empire."

"Next up is Thanos, also known as the Mad Titan, over a few thousand years old and feared across the cosmos for untold numbers of deaths and planetary invasions. And after him is Galactus also known as the world eater," Faora said, highlighting two patches of space one on the other side of the cosmos with a purple face and the other in empty space with a half-eaten planet icon.

Shit, that was new.

From the comics and movies, it was like no one ever knew when these two would strike, but from the data, I was seeing they had some way of tracking these forces. No one could kill either, but I knew that they must have tried over the years. "Each extremely deadly, but as you can see, the galaxy knows about them and is attempting to track these foes. My recommendation is that if we can not avoid confrontation. Then send in our strongest Omega level powerhouses in hot with the mindset for battle because these beings do not negotiate at all. I would stress that this should be our last option because data suggest planetary destruction following such a battle."

I heard the sigh Xavier released, but said nothing of it.

"So, the only one we would be able to trade with would be the Nova Empire, duly noted," Emma said with a nod.

"We shall see when we get to the wider expanse," Marcus answered with a nod of his head. "Now, my turn to wow you folks. Look in awe as I dazzle your eyes with my latest creation."

The look Faora shot him could have killed if she was allowed to. Xavier chuckled at his antics while everyone else was doing their own thing on their sections of the conference table.

"Now, it has taken us some time, but since then, we have laid down the foundations of magical physics. We tackled the problem because most of the time constraints we hear about quite often." Marcus let out boisterously as he walked around the room. "Behold the Time Dilation Chamber!"

With a wave of his hand, the holo-image changed. On the screen was an ugly looking tool shed. We all turned to look at him as if he was crazy, but the reaction from the Ancient One drew my attention. She was on her feet and looking at the shed with an extremely intense focus. Taking a second look, I noticed the haze look that made it seem out of phase with the world.

"Don't let her pretty looks fool you, folks. She is the real deal," Marcus said as he puffed out his chest. "After getting a chance to look over the Eye of Agamotto and looking at the bossman's speed particle in motion. I thought we could use something like that without all the issues that come with it, you know. This TDC can glamour to look like any pre-selected image, but wait; there's more! With the key, you can pick her up and bring her anywhere you like. Fully staffed kitchen to last a year. With pre-installed teleportation to all of our affiliated safe houses."

"What are you using to power this chamber, Marcus?" The Ancient One cut across with her question.

"It's either the boss man's speed particle or plugging in an energy conversion matrix then into the island," Marcus replied with ease, causing my eye to twitch.

"I thought, I put an end to testing on the speed particle?" I asked out with a growl drawing everyone's attention. The look Marcus gave me told me he understood when a predator was looking at him.

"We ahh found a way to make our own once we took a look at the scientific notes you have on the server. I had to figure out a way to synthesize my own. It's the only substance that gives control over the chamber. The energy conversion needs a set parameter before use and can not be changed from inside." Marcus answered as he stood at attention.

"There is a reason why I banned such testing. We do not play with the building blocks of reality. Test and understand sure, but we do not play with the fundamental laws of reality to fuel such a creation." I replied with a growl.

"What happens if something goes wrong?" Raven asked with pinched brows.

"Anything from a time paradox to sending yourself across time. Then there is the fact you might speed or slow yourself down. Lose all molecular control; the list goes on and on." I replied with a sigh. They all looked at me, but I was already inputting commands into the server, moving them to my personal server at home. That and only my biometrics could now access the information.

"And this doesn't affect you?" Jean asked, looking at me from over her data image.

"Remember, I can't sleep and am capable of surviving in space and the deep oceans. And trust me, that's only the light effects of the speed force. Understand that any lapse of concentration can send me spiraling into a time sink for untold hours or years in my perspective." I replied with a deadpan look. "So, yes, I am very affected by it.

Everyone gave me grim looks from around the table, but I wanted no pity. I did this to myself, and it was the only way I was going to survive my life in Marvel.

"Moving on," I said, shifting over now to Hank.

"Ben, you can't just breeze by with something like that," Emma said with some concern.

"I can, and I did," I replied with a shrug. "There's far too much going on for me to sit cry; woe is me. There is a price for my power, and I'm alright paying it. Now, Dr. McCoy, you wanted to talk about your trip to the Savage Lands?"

"Mr. Blake, don't you think sending so many troops could send the wrong message?" Doctor Hank McCoy asked after his briefing about his deployment to the Savage Lands. We had found the portal to the mini dimension off the Palmer Peninsula, Antarctica. It's hidden from the rest of the world, but we had the coordinates. It was also on my list of places to set up a colony to expand for my people.

Yeah, I know, how American of me.

Turning to look at the blue furball, I sorted my thoughts before meeting his eyes over his glasses.

"First, I want to let you know that I understand your apprehension with bringing so many troops with you to the Savage lands, Doctor," I replied, clearing the air letting him know I truly understood. With his nod of understanding, it was time to lay down the facts for the man. "But you need to understand that the Savage land is just that: Savage. You got your 200 doctors and scientists, but you need to accept me sending ten thousand troops along. And you already know why. With your kind nature, you are going to help the natives and because you have helped the natives. They are going to want shelter and protection once they understand that we represent safety, people will want to stay. When that happens, the natives are going to bring their problems, and those other rulers are going to want what we have. Now when the bad guys show up, you're not going to give out kind speeches and platitudes. No, you're going to turn to Spartan Farris, who is the commanding Spartan in charge and tell him to fuck that mother fucker up for messing with your zen. And because you are an intellectual, you already understand that the bad guys won't stop until you make them."

The table was silent after my little speech. Hank gulped and shared a look with Xavier before he gave me a nod. I guess they were just starting to realize what they were getting themselves into. Yes, I was doing my best for meta-humans, but I was also expanding and taking care of a nation.

"Good, now I'm leaving with my team for rescue efforts and relief on this dreadful act of mother nature." I was up and moving while completely ignoring the blushing faces of my woman. "Jean, Sue, Emma, I am going to need you ladies to suit up. Ororo, gather the team and meet me at the launch pad. Mom, it's always nice seeing you, tell dad I still want him as my police commissioner. Faora, make sure Hank has squared away and prepared for his flight. Marcus don't fuck up that chamber; I want Alex to give it a once over before anyone uses it. Once that's complete, lock it down and put it inside my vault. Raven, you're in charge until we get back."

Let's move people.

End Chapter

Stop here….

Author's Notes:

Please let me know what you guys think about the chapter. I wanted to keep it informative without going into the info dump territory like other stories. Space is going to be very important to the story.

Those who know, control the orbitals, control the planet.

The main storyline that I plan to use is the MCU timeline, yes, But I also plan to expand on the space empires around, and Ben will be building his own to stand either against them. Or on the same stage as the big three.

Yes, Thanos and Galactus were mentioned now because I find it weird how no one could tell you where these universe ending entities were in the comics and movies. Hell, I would have had a stealth ship following these assholes around, giving me real-time tracking for beings on their levels. Please enjoy your Sunday chapter and leave a comment!

Ohh and for those who are asking Faora is the same Faora Ull from the Man OF steel. Who doesn't love a sexy bad ass general that can kill you easily. 

More Author Notes:

Please leave your thoughts on the chapter, I would love to hear some of your thoughts. I do read every comment and you can always chat with me on discord or the message systems.

It's a FanFiction so I plan to explode with maximum badassitude.

Please leave a review with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating.

You can reach me here at my discord or join my patron because there will always be early chapters.

Removes the - for the internet links

www - DISCORD - GG - p2QJNck

www - Pat - reon - com - TheToFu


I have life things to do. The next public chapter will be out in 2 weeks time...

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