Chapter 52

The Fastest Man Alive

The Spark That Started It All

Offshore Iceberg, Greenland

Natalia Blake nee Romanova

Emma Frost

Frost International Icebase off the Coast of Greenland.

Natasha relaxed her muscles as she performed a flip before delivering a devastating blow that rang out around the sparring area. Before her, the Spartan she was sparring with went down on one knee as his guard collapsed. Natasha had delivered such a hit that he had to take a quick breath. Ignoring the downed spartan, Natasha had to perform a quick dodge roll.

She then had to quickly spring up and off the downed spartan; her senses rang out, alerting her to the attacker approaching from her blind spot. Twisting and using her kali stick to knock away the staff. That same momentum from the blow carried her into a quick roll. She then used it to get back up onto the balls of her feet. Taking up another stance, Natasha didn't wait for her six sparring partners to get into position before her leg lashed out, delivering a savage blow to the person at her five o'clock.

Her connecting kick broke the bo-staff in two as she pivoted with her planted leg to swing her outstretched one into a roundhouse kick. Deflecting the kick from her side, Nat delivered a devastating three-hit combination before grabbing her sparring partner by the neck and twisting around. Her timing was so perfect that he was kicked in the face by the other approaching sparring partner.

While she was getting in her morning routine, Natasha was almost completely oblivious to the extra person that had walked into her training area. Of the Frost Conglomerate, Emma Frost walked in looking stunning in her flawless, all-white business attire. The diamonds in her ear matched the single teardrop diamond dangling at her breasts, which accentuated her neckline. Light makeup with high cheekbones gave her business appearance an unapproachable vibe.

"Natalia darling, it's time for breakfast and our guest will be here soon." Emma Frost spoke up from her spot beside the door into the sparring ring. Natasha performed a judo throw then rolled off her opponent to launch into jumping on the cage that surrounded the sparring ring.

"That's today?"

"Urgh, you're all sweaty, come along time to wash up."

"That tends to happen when you work out, you know," Natasha replied while rolling her eyes.

"I would love to get me all sweaty, but Benjamins not here. And none of that remotely counts for the activity I would prefer." Emma replied, wiggling her fingers towards the large spartans in the sparring ring.

"Yeah, and his name is Benjamin." Natasha snorted before ignoring Emma. Turning around, Natasha started to talk with her people as she helped them clean up the gym before heading to the showers.

Turning to her assistant, Emma checked on the guest's E.T.A. before heading to the dining area. With access to everything Ben had at his disposal, she was starting to find her workload easing somewhat. Ohh, Emma knew that she wasn't in his confidence the same way Natasha or Jean was, but with him starting to put faith in her; Emma also knew that it was only a matter of time. It was so easy to see he would soon bring her into his confidence with how quickly he claimed her girls as his own.

Then again, since he labeled her a queen, maybe she didn't have so much to worry about. As she mulled those thoughts over, Emma watched the Pandoran Banking reserves continue to rise. They had recently reached over ten thousand tons of gold with vibranium and diamonds flowing steadily into their coffers. She had seen the latest numbers and almost instantly creamed herself. Trillions of dollars ebbed and flowed at her command. Not only did she have control over wealth capable of buying the world over many times, but she also had troops capable of removing irritants if she so chose.

Life was good.

A holo-vid popped up at her table with the available menu for the morning as she looked out of the frozen lakes that surrounded her station. The name on the side was, of course, Frost Conglomerate, but she had her people erect it in record time using the shrinking technology she had available to her.

Looking down at the menu, Emma selected a light meal for herself before sending the same notification to Natalia as she got herself prepared. A quick flick of her index finger sent the menu along then a rotation of her thumb brought up her daily planner.

Looking at the other end of her week, Emma couldn't help but roll her eyes at the schedule. In plain bold letters stood a meeting with Namor at his Embassy. Urgh, she had seen and heard the video recordings of Benjamin's meeting and of their own ambassadors who had gone to speak with the man. This was a lucky man; no one wanted his empire. Even with one hundred years on the throne, Namor hadn't accomplished anything.

Maybe she could entice Benjamin to conquer them. Uplift them and have them worship her as their Mother Goddess… Unfortunately, that would not only be too much work but also give Namor far too much attention. Considering the fact of how useless he really is during any negotiations. Currently, she could fleece the underwater kingdom for almost all of their net worth much more easily than if she were to annex and conquer them. That would just dip into their coffers, and she likes to sleep on her mountains of gold and diamonds.

With a sigh, Emma turned towards Natalia's familiar mental presence as she walked through the automatic sliding door. The U.M.F. suit that Natalia wore was a sleek form-fitting black bodysuit with golden trim. Instead of hiding her smile, Emma made a show of looking her lover up and down. Getting up from her chair, Emma met Natalia halfway, placing a kiss on her lips. Emma pulled a chair and allowed Natalia to take a seat before taking her own once more. Within mere moments a waiter came out with a cup of coffee 'black' for Natalia while Emma looked over a few holograms.

"You know, I would think that you wouldn't need all this extra activity with your powers anymore," Emma commented before taking a sip of her tea.

"Sparring with my troops helps me understand their capabilities," Nat replied evenly.

"Then are they prepared for what is to come," Emma asked while looking over the figures of both her company and the island.

"The first plan never survives contact with the enemy: my guys will be ready for that fight regardless," Natasha answered. Before Emma could reply, the comms pinged with the arrival of their guest. Nat returned the smile as she pinged for the guard to bring in their guest. Natasha noticed that her guest had come right on time, no too early and not too late with a quick check of the clock.

Getting up from their seats, they watched as a little old lady with hair as white as snow was pushed into the room. Around the ladies, shoulder was a cardigan to protect her from the cold. Standing behind her was a blonde guard in standard shield gear.

It didn't take more than a second for Natasha to recognize who the two before her were. The lady in the chair was the founding member of SHIELD, Margaret Carter, while the one walking beside her acting as guard and minder was her grandniece Sharon Carter.

"Ahh, Miss Carter, glad you could make it," Emma said cordially without extending a hand, but motioned for the person pushing the wheelchair to place Miss Carter at the table.

"Just call me Peggy, dear," Peggy said with a firm nod in reply. "So I have unofficially heard you might have found him."

Emma and Natasha almost shared a look, but they were far too good at their craft to be caught out like that. Clapping her hands together, Natasha summoned the waiters in waiting to bring their breakfast meal.

"Unfortunately, I don't know what you are talking about. Though, I did call you out here to offer you a groundbreaking medical serum." Emma stated flawlessly.

"Would that serum be a bullet out of Miss Widow's pistol?" Peggy asked sharply as she cut into her french toast.

"Ohh nothing so abominable," Natasha said, smiling and waving dismissively. "Believe it or not, I am here as security, but I'm also no longer in that line of work."

"Yes, I heard. Picked up with that little billionaire: nice catch with that one dear," Peggy answered easily yet blandly. Natasha had noticed how her hawk-like gaze never wavered at all. Even Agent 13 that stood at the side kept her hand near her holster the entire time. "So this serum, what will it do for me?"

"From what I know and have seen, it will be able to help you make that dance you promised a young man quite some time ago," Emma spoke, cutting in smoothly and catching Peggy off guard with her answer. With a smile on her face and a command to the holo-table, they caught Peggy off guard again as they showed the sleeping form of one Steven Rogers still frozen in ice.

For a split second, Natasha and Emma were able to see past the face of the hardened SHIELD founder. For a moment, they saw a lady in love. That was all they were able to see before Peggy Carter's defenses were back up and the SHIELD founder was back in the command.

"What is it that you want and why isn't he awake?" Peggy Carter demanded, steel coming through in her voice.

"Well, what we want isn't so important, my dear Peggy. Just a little more equality for meta-human kind. And if you can't swing that with your agency when you're back in tip top shape; maybe you could just slide those cases our way." Emma answered before taking a sip of her mimosa.

"That can't be all for sure, but how do I know that this isn't some fake?" Peggy asked, eyeing the two speculatively.

"Easy solution: since we plan to bring you down there after breakfast is over." Natasha returned with a smile of her own.

"I'm finished so let's go dearies," Peggy said before she slid her half-finished plate of food to the side. Natasha returned a nod before calling over a waiter. One came to clean the table while another brought a breakfast sandwich for Agent 13. Before another person could push Peggy's chair, Agent 13 was already there and walking with them to the elevators.

While Emma kept up a small discourse with Peggy, Natasha checked her own omni-tool to make sure no other signal was leaving the facility but their own. A tugging smile almost made its way to the corners of her lips as she looked down at six failed attempts to call out. Then there were also the two hacking attempts, which also failed, but she said nothing as the doors to the elevator opened up on the third floor.

Everyone off-loaded into the facilities hospital and the first thing they noticed was the large ice figure in the back right corner. The block of ice was clearly inside a room, but the clear walls made it easy to spot. Two other rooms were opaque, allowing one to surmise they were currently occupied.

A nod of Emma's head had the doctors moving out of their way, allowing Peggy to get through with little to no issues. Slow, steady beeps rang out in Natasha's head as they got to the room. Floating above the bed were two holo-images: one of Rogers' heartbeat while the other showed the rest of his vitals, including brain activity.

"Ohh, Steve: you're alive!"

Everyone heard Peggy's whispering but said nothing as they gave her this moment. Emma looked on as pain, anguish, and sorrow flited across Peggy's features. No one wanted to interrupt the moment, but Peggy did as she steeled herself before speaking.

"Doctor, why hasn't he been awakened yet?"

"Because ma'am it's a one-way procedure. Once we start it there is no stopping and I have been told under no circumstance I'm to wake him without a friendly face around." The lead doctor replied.

"Miss. Frost, you said you had an offer for me."

"That is correct," Emma answered smoothly.

"What's the real catch to the deal," she asked without taking her eyes off of Steve.

"You will be one of us, well, more like Rogers; but still. You will de-age to your peak, but also gain his regenerative abilities, strength, speed, and reflexes. You will become a meta-human and that will change how you are viewed to the rest of the world." Natasha answered before Emma could.

"Will we be able to have children?"

"I can answer that, ma'am. I assure you that all conception will be healthy and carried to term fully without any issues." The lead doctor answered once more.

Peggy looked at the sleeping form of Steven Rogers, the love of her life, frozen in the ice once more before steeling her resolve. "It's a deal then."

Everyone was silent for half a second before the doctors burst into action.

"Excellent, It will take 24 hours for the Captain to thaw out, but you will be completed in less than 12." The lead doctor proclaimed excitedly as he motioned for Agent 13 to follow him to the other side of the medical facility.

Emma and Natasha shared a small smile before leaving everyone for another meeting.


An hour had passed since Peggy had gone into the Vita Ray chamber and Natasha now found herself looking through a scope over the open tundra. Ohh how she had waited for this day to come. The day she would be able to get some just deserved payback. She had had multiple run-ins with the Winter Soldier over her years in service.

His standard MO was to lay in wait with the sun at his back. This wouldn't allow anyone to spot him and if they did on an off chance. Then they wouldn't be able to get a shot off looking directly into the sun, but Natasha was prepared for him this time. The meetup point had only one mountain peak for overwatch position and she had specialty made gear for just this moment.

"Winds at 15 knots from the southeast." David Nora whispered into her comms as he gave Natasha the weather readings. This allowed her to adjust her sniper scope settings for the required pinpoint accuracy. Musing to herself, Natasha couldn't help wondering how many HYDRA would bring to the chopping block after this little fiasco.

They knew they were playing with fire, but using a blood sample of Roger's blood had finally allowed them to catch the fish they wanted. HYDRA thought that billions of dollars and a chair at the table. They thought that was the price, but it was too sad that they didn't care for any of that.

Benjamin had given her and Emma full control over this operation, and Natasha admitted to herself that she wasn't in it for the monetary gains. She was in it for the payback; and Emma had no care for any little power that HYDRA might be able to offer her now that she was also sleeping with Ben.

Humming a little tune to herself, Natasha turned to check her surroundings once more. Two sets of rings marked their little spot. One that sat on the ground and the other that floated up above them. The rings created a zone within which they could operate while also giving them a visual cloak from everything known to man. She had to leave some of her guards back at the facility, but she felt that her ten-man team was good enough for this little operation.

"Two minutes until meet up, does anyone have a visual?" Natasha asked the officer looking at a bank of monitors. Natasha knew that Emma was already on her way with the double beeps she received from her omni-tool.

"They have been behind that iceberg for some time now ma'am." The Spartan in charge of radar and monitoring said.

"And my special guest?"

"Already in the location just as you said he would be, ma'am."

"Good, good, and everyone is in place, correct?" Natasha couldn't help but check on the team she had in place for the Winter Soldiers capture.

"Yes ma'am."

Turning around, Natasha settled back into her sniper's position as she noticed the plume of snow behind Emma's craft. Emma had taken to the advanced tech that Been and the mad scientists on the island provided like a fish to water. Emma no longer drove around in the upgraded limo that her company provided. Nowadays, you could only find Emma riding in a hover car specially built on the island for her use only.

Then again, she couldn't really fault her, Natasha thought to herself as she settled into position. The reason why was simple: all her gear and weapons also came from those same eggheads on the island.

Taking a deep, calming breath, Natasha peered down the scope and watched while Emma and her guards pulled up at the meeting location. The crystal white vehicle pulled up to the meeting point and ten armed guards jumped out and took up guard positions. Emma never even got out of her hover vehicle as she waited for the buyers to arrive.

Luckily, the guards standing out in the cold didn't have to wait that long as the ones they were waiting for showed up within ten minutes of their arrival. The HYDRA goons that arrived pulled up in an advanced version of a snow tractor.

Dialing in her scope slightly, Natasha was able to locate the white parka hiding on the iceberg in the distance. The monitor to her left showed Emma getting out of her hover vehicle as she zeroed in on his metal arm. The HYDRA man started to spout their drivel and she could tell how irritated Emma was when she shifted her weight to her off foot.

At that moment, the HYDRA goons stiffened, Emma had buffed her nails on her ample bosom. Natasha knew that it was her moment to shine. The goons never stopped speaking, but the fact they didn't move was a clear sign that Emma clearly had control over them.

Double checking her readings, Natasha slowly released her breath as she gently squeezed the trigger. The specialty round left the barrel at 2/3rds the speed of light. The metallic arm the Winter Soldier relied on vaporized in Natasha's sights as she looked down her scope.

Natasha took a moment to ask herself if she might have used a little too much force as half of the Winter Soldiers' side disappeared with his arm, but when her guards went to recover him. He was still breathing so Natasha just marked it as even.

That was for ruining her summer body all those years ago.


Once everyone was back at the base, the Winter Soldier was placed into the emergency room. When Natasha had met up with Emma, the blonde had given her a raised eyebrow. This was the cue to the condition the Winter Soldier was in. Natasha thought at least he didn't die, but now Rogers can get his friend back without the HYDRA mess. Natasha had then made her way back to her office to oversee some ONI-sec operations. Since of course, HYDRA would want to strike back after receiving such a blow. One of the first notifications she received was Benjamin going into that Hyperbolic Time Chamber that had freaked him out a few small council meetings past.

Sighing, she checked and found that he had left Raven in charge of the island while Ororo was in New Mexico. Jean was on that space station, Gwen was with Felicia doing what Stan Lee only knows.

Urgh, and she was now using Ben's expressions.

After taking a moment to think, Nat brought up the investigation of M.G.H. to look over. While Natasha was doing that, Emma could be found within her own office looking over the HYDRA files she had taken from the mind of one James Buchanan Barnes. She hadn't wanted any of that HYDRA gunk in her mind so she had the doctors hook Barnes up to a deep viewer.

This was one of the inventions that helped therapists assist patients as it allowed the therapist to see within a patient's mind. The device then allowed one to view or experience in real or post time of the patient's memories. Cloning herself a copy of Barnes' combat skills, Emma sorted through the mess while in search of the last real moment the man might have had.

A ping drew her attention to a memo from the doctors, letting her know a few time frames. The first was that Barnes would be back on his feet with a fully regenerated arm, ribcage, sternum, lung, and liver, but he would need a week of being under the vita rays healing ministrations. Peggy would be up and running in less than six hours, while Rogers would need a full twelve.





Sitting with her legs crossed in a meditative position, Ororo relaxed into the world's flow as Mjolnir floated around her. She had not changed when she took possession of Mjolnir, Ororo had made a promise yes, but she also did not want any of the power it offered her.

Ororo had to put that thought aside since she didn't even know where to start in finding Thor to be able to return his hammer to him. This might be one of those moments where using a scrying spell might work. The omni-tool at her wrist beeped, interrupting Ororo's thoughts, drawing her attention to what her security guards might have found important.

Looking at her wrist, Ororo watched the holo-image of a blonde man that was a vanilla beefcake to her Benjamin's chocolate, work his way through the shield guards. Under the image was a question from her guards asking if she would like them to intervene.

Sending back a reply of no, Ororo levitated up and onto her feet. Slipping on her tan sandals, she made her way through the door and to the other side of the SHIELD complex. As she walked, Ororo paid no mind to her guards as they stepped into position around her. Held firmly within her grasp was Mjolnir with sparks flowing around its crown.

Lightning flashed overhead as thunder rumbled in the distance. Looking up and letting out a sigh, Ororo calmed the distant storm that was brewing. Standing at the exit, Ororo watched as the blonde one worked his way through the last four guards. He stopped and took a look at Phil, who stood there, radiating calm and serenity. Above Phil the rain avoided him as if it was natural in its flow trying not to disturb such a scene.

"Move, little man."

"Unfortunately, I can't do that." Phil Colson answered calmly. The blonde warrior scowled down at him, but Phil didn't budge. Putting up a hand, Ororo had to halt her guards from stepping forward. "Before we begin, might I ask your name?"

"Defeat me first, little man!" The blonde warrior roared with a lunge towards Phil. If she wasn't watching, Ororo would have sworn that she never saw the smile flash across Phil Coulson's face. Because with a flick of his wrist. The air shimmered and moved to surround the now stunned blonde man before launching him beyond the fence line. Ororo watched as Coulson waved his hands once more, this time to gather up all of the guards that were littered about the place. They had been left deposited no the ground after a beating. The ones moaning in pain were collected and moved to the side away from the break in the perimeter fence.

Ororo watched as Coulson walked up to the open fence as another flick of his wrist connected the metal wiring of the open fence; closing it once more.

"The entrance is five hundred meters to the South East, that way," Phil spoke as he pointed in the entrance's general direction. Taking a moment to look down at the hammer in her hand, Ororo decided to approach the blonde warrior tomorrow. She hoped that he would not try again for the night, but her hopes were dashed as she heard more roaring and noticed an altercation happening at the front of the complex.

A little irritation showed as lightning flashed over her head, a flick of her own wrist sent two of her guards to take him down and spare the poor agents some injuries. Sighing to herself, Ororo walked over to the sides of the injured agents Coulson had moved. They were not moved to the side and out of the way in case another altercation happened.

Releasing Mjolnir and allowing it to float at her side, Ororo put her hands together in a praying motion as a green glow started to spread over her fingertips. She pulled her hands apart to show glowing green palms. Her fingers moved as if she was playing the piano, causing her spell of healing to suffuse the area bathing the agents in a green glow. Bones mended and wounds and bruises healed rapidly stunning some as welts faded to nothing before their very eyes. Ororo had noticed Phil standing at her side, speaking in a low voice so as not to interrupt her healing of his agents.

Once she was finished, Ororo gave Phil a raised eyebrow for him to elaborate on the situation.

"Thank you, your majesty," Phil spoke as a large smile and happiness suffused his being. "But our guest has been placed into an interrogation room. Would you mind healing him also?"

"I have no problems in assisting him as long as he maintains his manners." Ororo replied smoothly while some of the agents pursued a 'thank you' because of her healing. Giving the agents a nod, Ororo turned around and headed for the door that would take her through the SHIELD complex.

As she slowly made her way to the interrogation room, Ororo couldn't help but hold up Mjolnir and examine her. The hammer's reaction to the blonde warrior could only mean one thing, and Ororo didn't know what to make of it. Thor was here and Ororo was going to get herself some answers. Walking around a corner, Ororo found her guard standing before a door with more agents of SHIELD.

The Spartan standing by the door held it open for her and Ororo gave him a nod and smile before entering. The one she was starting to think more and more was Thor Took one look at her and then the hammer in her hand. His face flashed through different expressions of sadness and desperation before finally settling on rage as Mjolnir didn't react to him. That was when he couldn't hold his tongue anymore.

"Unhand my hammer woman." The blonde warrior who she thought was Thor demanded.

"Calm thy tits," Ororo said as she held up a hand to forestall any more argument from the man. That caused him to come to an abrupt stop, but the look he gave her spoke of many things. Ignoring the hurt look on his face, Ororo pushed forward. "What is your name?"

"Did the seider man summon you?" The blonde warrior Ororo knew to be Thor asked.

"Hmm, I guess you can say it's something like that," Ororo answered dismissively with a wave. Looking him over, she pressed forward. "I believe I can guess at who you are; but I don't believe that you would like these gentlemen to know something like that. now would you?"

"By Odin's beard woman, I am the Prince of Asgard. I demand that you have your soldiers unhand me this instant." The blonde warrior demanded boisterously.

"Prince or no, common decency should always be a given. Even my children know that. "Ororo spoke as she took a seat across from the blonde warrior. His face shifted, and his mouth thinned into a line. Ignoring that, Ororo pushed on, "Now, as I was saying before, I believe I know who you are and what you have come here for. Unfortunately, seeing as you're here on Midgard, I can't help but believe that you were sent for a reason. Would you like to elaborate on if I am correct."

The look of shock that crossed the blonde man's face told Ororo more than enough. Releasing a sigh, she made her decision. Standing up from her chair, Ororo moved it out of her way before placing the hammer down in the middle of the room.

"Avery, please release him," Ororo commanded the guard standing in the open doorway. The guard so named came in and released the four cuffs that held the blonde warrior down and restrained to his chair. "Let's see if you can accomplish what you came here for."

Ororo watched as he rubbed his wrist and arms before giving her a smug grin that she now wanted to wipe off his face. Scowling Ororo said nothing, but did take a step back and motioned him to pick up the hammer. Grunting, Odinson stepped forward then took a moment to look at Mjolnir. Steadying himself, he slowly reached forward. Lightning arced from the tips of his fingers, but Mjolnir didn't even budge as his hand firmly grasped the handle.

A surge of power ran up his arm, but something was different, and he no longer felt that completion of self. Taking a breath, Odinson pulled, but Mjolnir didn't budge in the slightest. Devastation and incomparable shame washed over him as even the lightning stopped showing.

"No! No!" He let out as his muscles strained: yet, Mjolnir didn't budge an inch. That was when her words cut him deep, and so deep he didn't even realize he was on the ground until someone helped him up and out of the building.

"How can you claim what is yours when you can't see beyond the simple truth in front of you. The inscription said those who are worthy, and you are not." Ororo said. Then without even stretching her hand out, Ororo opened her palm, and Mjolnir flew right into her grasp without any urging. She turned to leave, but Phil was standing at the door, radiating calm like he always did. "Phil?"

"Someone has come to pick him up. It turns out his name is Donald Blake." Phil answered with a raised brow. She knew that he was going to keep an eye on him, but since she also had her own plans, Ororo didn't ask. Waving a hand to her guards, they came in and helped Odinson, hiding under the name of Donald, leave.

Phil gave her a nod before turning around to escort Thor out of the complex. A raised hand had her guards bring their weapons up at the ready as she unleashed a spell that unraveled the cloak of their hidden watcher.

"Good afternoon Prince Loki," Ororo said with a raised eyebrow at his stunned expression. "I believe you wanted to say something, now here is your chance."

The look on his face spoke of how off guard Ororo had caught him as he stood there slightly shocked before his handsome features twisted into a scowl.

"You are looking at the current ruler of Asgard, and you shall show me the respect I deserve," Loki spoke with blatantly imperious tones in his voice. Unfortunately for him, Ororo was not impressed. No, what she saw before her, was a man child acting like her kids at home.

"Claiming something does not make it so," Ororo replied smoothly without showing any irritation on her flawless features.

"You will watch how you speak to me mortal," Loki replied as he took a menacing step forward. Ororo didn't even flinch, she raised a hand and the guards who took aim went back into a low ready position.

"It does not matter what you may call me to make yourself feel better. The matter still stands, why are you here?" Ororo spoke more calmly and smoothly.

"I am only here to retrieve what rightfully belongs on Asgard," Loki answered, switching gears. "Now, please unhand the hammer."

"Oh of course! Excuse me, here you go." Ororo said, then held out Mjolnir for Loki to take. The smile that appeared on Loki's face was as smug as smug could be. With easy grace he reached out his hand to receive Mjolnir from Ororo's care. As she watched him take a firm hold, Ororo took half a step back before releasing the hammer.


Loki's arm was forcibly jerked downward as Mjolnir took him with her on the way back to the floor. Loki's golden horned helmet went flying as he became entangled within his robes due to his sudden shift downward. Ororo raised an eye as she looked down at his disheveled form, shaking her head, she reached out her empty hand once more.

"Unfortunately, the current ruler of Asgard, Mjolnir, deems you unworthy, run along now," Ororo spoke as she summoned Mjolnir back into her waiting hand.

"Return the hammer NOW!" Loki bellowed while getting back up to his feet.

"Enough of your tantrum child, or I will be forced to treat you like one of my children and discipline you properly," Ororo replied, eyes glowing with power.

"Discipline me?! Listen here mortal!" Loki said pompously. "I am the current ruler of Asgard: you are beneath me."

Before he could say any more, Ororo's hair started to fly about as her eyes glowed even more strongly with power. Loki never knew what was happening when a blue flash of power slammed into his magical projection of himself and latched onto the magical thread he had cast across the realms. The projection shattered, but that wasn't the end of Ororo's magical attack: no, it continued across the realms to the throne room of Asgard.

In the throne room, Loki found himself blasted up and out of his stolen seat of power before another force took hold of him. Held sprawled out in the air above his father's throne, Loki felt ten lashes across his backside. His being was powerfully built, allowing him to not feel too much of the power behind the lashes, but it was the humiliation that vexed him the most.

On this day, he vowed his vengeance.

Back on Earth…

Dusting her hands off her dealing with the man child, Ororo turned and gave her guards a smile. Let us call it a night before going to find our wayward demi-god.


As the morning came and went, Ororo made a plan and a few deals with Phil on behalf of SHIELD for some assistance with the cosmic disturbance they were tracking with the considered tech of one Jane Foster. Her guards had located her place of residence during breakfast and already had someone with eyes on her current location.

Currently, the impressionable young scientist was out eating at a small family diner in the middle of town with one blonde visitor. Phil had agents out watching the interaction while her own security had drones in the air as Overwatch.

Ororo looked down at her omnitool to find a message that she had almost missed. After reading over the message, Ororo released a sigh at the news of Ben informing her about him going into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for a few days. From what she had read, his finding balance meant that he could now learn magic and he was going to take his guards and Selene with him as he learned and studied at an advanced pace.

Shaking her head at it all, she couldn't fault him one bit. He had to learn magic from scratch while she not only had Gaia to teach her, but she had found out how innate magic was to her powers. Closing down the message and deactivating her omnitool, Ororo took the helmet off of one of her guards who was holding it out for her to take. Since she was going to such an arid location, Ororo felt that she should dress appropriately for the occasion today.

So here she was in her riding leather chaps and jeans preparing to take her sky bike out for a spin. With her helmet secured over her luxurious hair, Ororo slung a leg over her sky bike and pressed the activation button.


Her sky bike roared to life, scaring away a few birds perched outside her home's garage. Her bike's vibrations sent a shiver of pleasure up her spine as she felt the power between her legs; unlike Ben, she had complete control over it. Her helmet gave her access to mental controls and the visor before her eyes gave her an augmented view of her surroundings. The built-in H.U.D. gave an overlay of actions and commands she could use with but only a thought.

A mental command had the shields to the house lowered, allowing Ororo and her guards to leave without any issues.

"Let's ride!"

As one: Ororo and ten of her Spartan guards hit the throttle and shot off out of her garage. They hovered over the advanced polymer smart road before Ororo activated the flight function and took to the skies. Crisp and salty sea breeze flooded over her senses as she bound beyond the island's defenses within moments of taking to the sky. Circling the hidden island once to get her bearings, Ororo took off towards the east across the skies.

Anyone below her looking up would see a set of eleven dots in a flying V formation. A grin split her features as the air ran through her hair, over her clothes, and over her skin. It was one thing to fly under her own powers, but it was quite another to combine that with another of her favorite activity. She may just have to reward Ben once he gets out of his little training session.

A twist of her wrist sent her flipping over and entering into a death spiral towards the open ocean. A peal of laughter and whoop of joy had her guards' hearts dislodge out of their throats as her sky bike leveled out and she rose back up into the air. The one that had jumped down after she flew back to his own bike and gave her a chagrined smile as she flashed him a dazzling one of her own. Shaking her head at her guards' reaction, Ororo popped her clutch and hit the wick as she shot off before throwing the bike into acrobatics; zipping from one side to the other as she flew across the ocean at speeds only certain airplanes could ever hope to reach. A semi-porous shield protecting her from the elements rushing at her at mach speeds.

Instead of moving herself out of the way of a particularly large wave, Ororo changed gears and gunned it yet again. The wave piled and churned, but Ororo pushed forward without any fear in the world. The wave peaked fifty feet in the air before curving over in an attempt to crush her. Two revs and a change of gear had her shooting up through the wave and back into the sky proper.

The wash of spray was so refreshing that Ororo did the maneuver two more times before her G.P.S. alerted her about the fast approaching California Coastline. A quick command to her guards had them all take to the skies. The goal was to go up and over the coast beyond anyone's line of sight. Once they knew they were clear they then poured on the speed. It didn't take long for them to arrive in New Mexico before descending with cloaks up into the small town that hid her latest student.

Touching down on the road outside of town, Ororo dropped her cloak and rode into town with her guards at her rear. A few of the townspeople turned to look at them, but Ororo ignored them all as she zeroed in on her target. From the latest update on her H.U.D., they were still in the diner having breakfast: something was going on as Jane had to stop Thor from smashing plates.

She pulled up and the few people within the diner turned to look at her and her following guards. Parking her bike, Ororo placed her bike in neutral before removing her helm. Ororo could tell the moment Thor knew she was here: he got very defensive for his companion. Giving her helm to one of her guards, Ororo unzipped her leather jacket and checked for her wallet before entering the diner.

Walking with grace and poise, and spreading the scent of the sea, Ororo entered the diner without a care in the world. Instantly she could tell everyone was on guard, but Ororo paid it no mind as one of her guards pulled up a chair for her to be seated.

"Thank you, dear," Ororo said before she took a seat at the table with Thor and his companions. Looking each of them over, Ororo noticed how they each reacted to her presence. Jane had a certain notebook she had spied Thor secretly pilfer earlier from SHIELD clutched to her chest. Jane Foster looked a little mousey, but Ororo could see the fire behind those eyes, which showed great intelligence. Darcy, the intern, was on her phone taking pictures of the bikes out front. Eric Selvig was eyeing them suspiciously, but he didn't make any moves beyond settling himself closer to Jane.

"Good morning Jane, Darcy, Eric, and Odinson, I believe introductions would help. My name is Ororo Blake and I assisted in Odinson's timely release." Ororo said with a smile. She noticed how they all looked at her with suspension, but Ororo continued to pay it no mind as she took Mjolnir and placed her on the top of the table. Thor's face rapidly shifted through different shades and emotions while the others carried odd looks.

"Mjolnir," Selvig whispered.

"Dang lady, your hammer is huge!" Darcy exclaimed, before taking more pictures. Jane didn't say anything, but she did turn to look at Odinson, who wore an expression that was a mixture of failure and loss.

"Is this?" Jane prompted Thor.

"Yes... yes it is Lady Jane," Thor answered but he made no play to pick up the hammer. Ororo had also noticed how his manners today were completely opposite from when she had first met him. That alone solidified her thoughts on taking him back to the island and admitting him to her school for a short time.

Ororo already knew that, with the condition of being worthy applied onto the hammer, Odinson would only regain his beloved hammer once he involved himself with the island's Guardian teams. Seeing what one human can do to another can teach a person a lot of life lessons, she knew; but also untainted interaction without the royal family looming over his shoulder would be a great boon as well, Ororo thought to herself.

"Then pick it up," Jane said with clear excitement in her voice, the wonder was in her eyes as she inched closer and closer to Mjolnir.

"I am unable to Lady Jane," Thor admitted and everyone could tell that it pained him to admit such.

"And that is why I am here today," Ororo spoke with a brilliant smile of her own. The looks around the table were those of stunned disbelief before their mental guards went back up once more. "I even brought a gift of goodwill. Avery?"

The large Spartan that stood off to the side came forward to stand at the side of the table. He pulled out a small case from his utility belt and placed it on the table before pressing the buttons that enlarged the case. Jane launched out of her seat to examine the case and Ororo could tell that even Selvig was interested in the science behind the case.

"Jane, look, it's like the Pokeballs!" Darcy started a lot of clear excitement in her voice.

"That shouldn't be possible," Jean answered Darcy as she started to examine the case.

"This is all of your research into that cosmic anomaly you discovered the night Thor came to earth," Ororo spoke as she took a sip of her newly arrived coffee. "And to show some more goodwill, I will even toss in all the data we have collected that night also."

"I wouldn't think secret government agencies were into sharing," Selvig said as he peered over Jane's shoulder.

"We might work and assist them every now and then, but we do not work for SHIELD," Ororo answered before placing her half-empty cup down on a saucer.

"And whom do you represent?" Selvig asked, looking right at Ororo.

"The answer to that is complex." Ororo sighed as ideas on how to proceed flitted their way through her mind. Deciding to put the idea of bringing Thor to New York out of her mind, Ororo made her choice before speaking once more. "You have two options, I can move some of my scientists here to assist you with your study of the cosmic hyper lane also known as Yggdrasil. Or I can introduce you to a whole new world. And yes, quantum matter and mass manipulation are not even the tip of the iceberg Miss Foster."

Ororo didn't have to say anymore because halfway through her pitch, she could tell that her hooks had sunk far too deep for any of them to say no. Thor had been listening off to the side, but Ororo knew the main thing on his mind was Mjolnir and why she didn't respond to his urgings.

"You can stop trying to glare a hole into the hammer, the inscription states' Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor. So it's very simple Odinson, you were sent here as a test. Now the question is, what will you do?"

Darcy, Selvig, and Jane turned to look at the large blonde warrior. A look of concentration came over his handsome features before they cleared up after his internal deliberation was over.

"If you are able to assist Lady Jane, then I will gladly accept your offer," Thor answered, returning a brilliant smile of his own.

"What type of funding are we going to have available?" Jane asked and Ororo noticed that she was trying not to bite on her lower lip.

"Well, we can offer you half a billion in initial funding with a ten-year contract," Ororo spoke as she brought up a contract Emma had prepared with Benjamin's help a while back for an encounter like this.

The sharp gasp and intake of breaths all around the table told Ororo more than enough.

"Unfortunately for you, Thor, your issue can not be solved with a mere monetary solution," Ororo spoke with a critical eye as she looked at him. "From what I can tell, your problem is two-fold. One is the dependency on Mjolnir and the other is passing the test placed on this hammer. This lesson might be humility or selflessness, both are hard lessons to learn."

"What do you mean?" Thor asked with a tilt of the head. "It's obvious that the hammer is the source of my powers."

"The hammer does not make the man, Thor, only the man makes the man.," Ororo answered politely as she tried to help him understand. "We shall help Jane with her things and then we shall speak about your first lesson."

"As you say, my lady."

"What, we're really doing this Jane?" Darcy asked, a little stunned with the development.

"I…. I guess we are," Jane Foster answered before turning around to her long time friend, mentor, and father figure Eric Selvig. "What do you say, Eric?"

Everyone turned to look at one Eric Selvig, those watching could tell as he crunched the numbers and viewed every angle he could before answering.

"We would need to be able to select our own people." Eric finally answered.

"We have plenty of astrophysicists that we can arrange for you to interview," Ororo spoke as she stood up. "Is the van here Avery?"

"Of course, your Grace. The team has already arrived at Miss Foster's home and is just waiting on the go-ahead." Spartan Avery smoothly replied before taking back his position as a guard.

Giving a nod of confirmation, Ororo pulled out her holo-phone to make a call. Darcy's eyes widened at the stylized phone while Jane and Eric were distracted with the research that her guards had acquired and placed within the case in miniature form. Of course, her team had gone over everything to make sure to remove SHIELD's tracking devices because it wouldn't do, to lead HYDRA back to their home.

A holo-image of a shooting meteor floated above the phone's screen, the ringing petered out before ahead formed up above her phone's display.

"Hey O, what do you want?"

"Good morning Logan, is Pietro available, the strong one not the mouthy one," Ororo asked at the hovering head of Logan.

"He will be once he completes this agility course," Logan answered gruffly. Everyone heard the pops in the background as Logan shifted his attention to something else inside the hologram. "Ice Cube, stop bothering Armor and Jubilee."

"I would like Pietro to assist me in a training program that I will be holding," Ororo spoke clearly and concisely into her holo-phone.

Before Logan had a chance to reply his image shifted and changed as if Someone had taken it out of his hands quickly.

"Hey Mrs. O, who are you teaching?" The face of Kitty Pryde asked excitedly from the holo-phone.

"Yeah, I can help too" The voice of Hisako, with a nickname known around the island as Armor, spoke up from the side.

Ororo looked at the image of Kitty Pryde with a raised eyebrow and exuded the vibes of disapproval towards her elder sister. The image of Kitty deflated after a moment before she gave a chagrined smile then handed the phone back to Logan. The image of a none-to-pleased Logan once more appeared in the holo-image.

"Send the girls along as well, I believe they can also use a little training," Ororo spoke with a predatory smile splitting her features. Logan's smirk matched her's before he looked off to the side towards them.

"You heard that girls, you have volunteered for extra training today." Logan barked off towards the side.

"Thank you, Logan, we will be there soon," Ororo said before ending the call after getting him to sign off one of his training rooms for her use. She could only shake her head at her long time friend: Logan had taken quickly to the training centers for the youths and wildlife when Benjamin had given him free rein. Ororo couldn't remember a time when she had seen Logan more driven or as happy as when he was teaching a class of young meta's how to use their powers and strive towards being better.

Logan had gone from just one class to being in charge of twenty different training grounds and hundreds of people who wanted to apply for the island's Guardian jobs. That was another thing she didn't expect for Logan to put forward.

Ben had created a Guardians branch of the island government to find and rescue meta's around the world and Logan had taken it upon himself to train them all. He did such an amazing job that he was now the man in charge of that entire branch's training. Yet young kids without a father figure flocked to him. As grouchy as he is, Logan had never turned any of them away. That's also why he had one of the second largest homes on the island.

Ororo still laughed at discovering his cabin was being built with expanded space and housed so many kids.


Putting her phone away, Ororo turned around to Odinson and his companions. "Alright, I believe it is time we got going."

"Oooh my gosh! Your phone is totally awesome! Where can I get one?" Darcy half asked half squealed as she approached Ororo.

"Darcy, leave our new boss alone," Jane said as she looked up from the case containing her life's work. "Hmm, how are we going to get there, Mrs. Blake ma'am, Ororo ma'am."

"Ororo is fine dear, plus my mother in law is already a Mrs. Blake," Ororo said, waving away Jane's flustering. "I would prefer if we did this back at your place."

"Ohh, well okay," Jane answered.

"Can I ride with you?" Darcy asked with great excitement and cheer. Ororo looked at her and smiled in return.

"Sure, let me get you a spare helm," Ororo answered as everyone gathered to leave the small diner. A wave of her hand and Ororo had her guards disperse and prepare to leave. Looking down to her omnitool, she found a message from Rose stating that she had sent Phil his agents outside while she was inside the diner.

Opening the small hub on the back of her bike, Ororo took out one of the spare helmets in case of passengers, she then enlarged it before handing it over to Darcy.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you, thank you!" Darcy gushed as she started to work the strap on her helmet. Once she removed the straps and put the helmet on, it auto-sized to perfectly fit her. Ororo left her jacket open as she slung a leg over her sky bike and motioned for Darcy to do the same on the back.

With Darcy secured, Ororo pressed the activation button and her sky bike roared to life beneath them both. Slowly, Ororo backed them both out as Jane came driving around the corner in her own exploration vehicle. Sending a nod towards Jane in the driver's seat, Ororo eased the clutch, shooting down the road before taking to the sky once she reached the town's outskirts.

Darcy whopped for joy from the back as they flew through the sky; easily outpacing Jane in her van. Taking a circle around the town, Ororo kept flying until her H.U.D. placed Jane five minutes out from her home. Touching down, Ororo watched as Jane pulled up with wonder in her eyes as she watched the others also touch down within the vicinity of her home.

"Ohh my gosh! That's like the best ride ever!" Darcy gushed with flushed cheeks and windswept hair. Ororo smiled at Darcy's cheerful personality before turning her attention towards the guards that were placed around Jane Foster's home.

"Okay, what do you have Jake?" Ororo asked as she walked up to a Spartan with a massive build.

"We have removed all of the tracking and listening devices that SHIELD and another third party had placed throughout Miss Foster's home," Jake answered while snapping to attention.

"What? They had us bugged?" Jane asked incredulously from the side.

"SHIELD and one other third party, would you know who this might be Jane?" Ororo asked, turning towards the diminutive woman and Eric Selvig that hovered over her shoulder. Ororo studied them both for a beat before taking command of the situation. "Jake contact portal control and have them move Miss Foster and her companions into one of the available condos." Ororo then turned towards Odinson, Jane, Darcy, and Eric before speaking once more. "Are you able to leave now or do you need to collect anything?"

"I need my phone charger," Darcy spoke up.

"My laptop," Jane answered.

"I have a go-bag for us that I need to grab." Eric Selvig answered and his two lady companions beside him turned to look at him with odd expressions on their faces. "I told you, Jane, I have run into secret government types before. I had to make sure we were prepared to leave."

"Ohh you would get along nicely with my Benjamin, he would gladly say paranoia is the best," Ororo answered with a chuckle and roll of her gorgeous eyes. Before anyone could say anything, a blue portal ring flashed into existence fifty feet away from the back door to Jane's home, disgorging a lot of large men and women. Ororo gave them a wave as Jake started to give them their marching orders.

"Is that a temporal portal? Oh my gosh! No, no that's not it." Jane started to mutter as she stepped closer to the epicenter of the portal.

"It does carry a simple form of temporal stabilization, but it's more like a miniature wormhole capable of linking two points in reality," Ororo said as she stopped one of her spartans from interfering with Jane and her study. "Don't touch that dear, it's best not to play with the event horizon of a wormhole. Always respect the portal; so view it as you would any heavy machinery that you might use."

That comment alone had Jane snatch her hand back from the large crystal doorway to somewhere she didn't know about. With a squeak, Jane jumped back as a large man-made of metal came walking out of the portal with two smaller ladies behind him.

"Colossus?" Ororo asked, looking up at the large man. She then spied the two trouble makers behind his back.

"Dah, Logan said you wanted to see me?" Piotr answered calmly and humbly, voice soft despite his larger than life stature.

"That was for training later today, but I suppose I can introduce you all," Ororo stated before turning to the ladies trying to hide behind Piotr's large frame. "Hisako, Kitty why are you here?"

Stepping out from behind Piotr was a young Japanese girl just shy of her eighteenth birthday. Her hair was kept short and had been kept in the same style as when she first arrived with Logan. He had brought her back from one of his adventures across Japan. Beside her was Kitty, who was also just shy of her eighteenth birthday. Kitty was another peppy young lady with brunette hair and a cute button nose. She was small in stature, but that didn't stop her from being one of the schools better hand to hand combatants.

"Well, we couldn't let the big guy just leave all on his own," Kitty answered puffing up her chest.

"Yeah totally because you don't have a crush on big and beefy," Hisako spoke up, cutting Kitty off. "Well, I came to be the third wheel and make sure the love birds aren't caught blindsided."

"Thank you Hisako," Ororo said with a smile. "Colossus, please let me introduce you to Mr. Odinson."

Odinson and Piotr shook hands, everyone watching could tell this was a meeting of warriors.

"I didn't know there were warriors this big on Midgard," Odinson spoke after releasing Piotr's hand. "Still, fought bigger."

"Then you should meet the king, he is also a warrior of great stature," Piotr spoke in his even tones.

"So, can I call dibs on blonde and beefy, Mrs. O." Hisako spoke as she looked Odinson over with a little drool at the corners of her lips.

"No, no, get your own beefcake, Jane already called dibs, didn't you Jane," Darcy said as she came to stand between Hisako and Odinson. Yet, when she called out Jane she had that deer in the headlights look. The smile on Odinsons face caused her to blush, but she nodded all the same. "See Janie called dibs, so go get your own beefcake."

"Ladies, what is this beefcake? Would it be a foodstuff because I would love to partake in such a meal." Odinson spoke which caused a majority of them to look at him.

"Ohh it's a meal alright and I think Jane's gonna be stuffed to bursting." Darcy quipped as she looked at Odinson from top to bottom.

"I do not understand," Odinson said as he looked around.

"And that's alright, I believe Jane would love to assist you in understanding. But before all of that, please follow me." Ororo said before leading everyone through the portal and onto the island of Pandora.


Location: Pandora

Peter Benjamin Parker

Exploring the island

Sitting in a chair, Peter still didn't know what to think about his life right now. Before Peter sat Tony Stark on top of a medical bed, his biological father, tested and proven. Yeah, Ben had said it was him; but then again, having a separate doctor perform the test for both of their peace of mind was something else.

Right now, though, the procedure to clean out the palladium poisoning was complete and Sue was doing the final checks.

"Well, you're good for now so let's put in this new reactor, but I would recommend setting an appointment to remove that shrapnel out of your chest," Sue said as she double-checked the shield around Tony's medical bed. This was one of those nifty little inventions that could only be found on Pandora. The shield around the medical bed would instantly sterilize anything passing through it's beams.

This was performed because the focusing crystals were placed both above and below the bed, combining this with their advanced sterilization procedures and they were able to get any operating room to 99.99% clean of all germs and microbes.

Checking the arc reactor housing on his chest, Sue slowly inserted the new reactor with the upgraded core. Her concerns over putting a live power core into one's chest had fallen on deaf ears. So the least she could do was to make sure that the fool didn't kill himself. As the doctor, she had updated the omnitool Tony wore to keep constant medical scans of his condition and to alert her of any blood poisoning.

Those were her conditions and he had to accept it if he wanted citizen user access to the island. Perks of being a doctor was that only one could override her, yet he had given her complete control over the hospital, and it's direction.

Setting the new reactor inside the casing, Sue pressed it firmly down before turning until she heard the click of it locking into place. Taking a step back Sue had to shield her eyes as a blinding light shone out of Tony's chest. It took no longer than five seconds before the light vanished from the room, looking at the side, Sue noted the all green across his vitals.

Tony bounced off the bed ready to put his shirt on, but a hand to this chest held him up.

Sue was running another of her medical scanners across his chest. "Not so fast Tony; just double checking before I let you out of here."

"You're the doc, doc." Tony quipped at Sue Storm. "So, Pete, where do you want to take me first?"

"Well, I wanted to introduce you to Doctor Otto and maybe show you my suit," Peter said with some excitement in his voice.

"Wait, this is where Octavius ended up? I thought he had gone hermit with the death of Oscorp." Tony said, tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah, we snatched him up once Oscorps stocks started to tank and the board started selling off inventions and projects," Peter answered with a shrug.

They had gone silent for a moment as Peter watched that thinking look Tony adopted.

"Okay, you are clear." Susan Storm said as she started to gather her tools. "Even though the medical scans will keep track of your vitals. I would still like to see you again in one week."

"Of course doc," Tony answered with a charming smile before pulling an AC/DC shirt over his head. Before anyone could say anything, Tony hooked his arm around Peters and drug him out of the hospital quickly. He was attempting to leave before another person stopped him and tried to run another medical scanner over him.

Without having to wave their hands for a hover taxi, their own car they drove pulled up before them. Peter checked and smiled at the automated drive app on his omnitool blinked silently.

"Alright, so tell me how you created a slip differential for the baby's gravity system," Tony said as he tapped the flying car on its roof.

"I thought you wanted to go see Otto?" Peter asked, completely sucked into Tony's flow.

"Ohh, we can talk with him later, I want to spend time with my kid right now," Tony said before pressing down on the acceleration. Before Peter had any chance to reply, he was pressed into his seat, his eyes widened as he looked at the manic grin on Tony's. The automated seatbelts activated and Peter's fingers dug into the overhead handle as Tony took off into the air.

"Talk to me buddy, how did you get such a snappy reaction out of the gravity boosters," Tony asked before banking to the left at speeds Peter wished he didn't know about, because it was one thing web-slinging through the buildings and it was another being a passenger to high-speed driving through them. "Look look, I can even do a barrel roll without breaking the pace or deviation off my driving line."

"Tony…. Tony…" Peter tried to say as he felt his lunch roll around. "Dad, slow down!"

The engine's low hum was the only sound within the vehicle as both of its occupants fell into silence. Tony turned and gave Peter a crooked grin as the hovercar leveled out as they joined traffic. Peter's face was bright red, but he was jolted out of his embarrassment when his omnitool rang. Looking down, he found the floating face or Laura on the caller ID.

"Ohh, who is that your girlfriend?" Tony asked, while trying to breeze over both of their embarrassment.

"Ahh, yeah," Peter said with a smile as he looked down at the holo-image of Laura. She was hovering over Peter's omnitool with crystal clarity.

"So is she pretty?"

Peter covered the mic of his phone as he picked up the call trying to keep Tony's comment from being heard. Once Tony had toned down his volume, Peter took that chance to speak into his phone.

"Hey snips."

"Logan wants you to come by for special training with some new guy." Laura's voice came back over the phone. Before Peter could say anymore, he heard Tony chuckle at the side.

"Sigh, things have just been busy, you know, but I will swing by to say high," Peter replied to Laura over the phone.

"Good," Laura spoke before hanging up.

"Wow, she is so talkative." Tony quipped to push away the silence.

"She doesn't talk much but makes it up with how affectionate she can be," Peter answered defensively.

"Ohh is she now, how far did you get," Tony asked with far more interest than Peter could take.

"Okay, GPS, take us to training yard six alpha four," Peter spoke up causing the flying vehicle to change course.

"Haha, let's go meet this girlfriend of yours," Tony said with good cheer. "As your old man, I have to make sure you also have the same impeccable taste.

"And have you kissed Pepper yet?" Peter asked back at Tony.

"Well you see Pepper and I are." Tony paused allowing Peter to jump right in.


"Ohh no, the doc would have called me as soon as possible," Tony answered before he noticed the smile on Peter's face.

"We can invite her to the island," Peter spoke as he looked out his window.

"That would be nice," Tony muttered so quietly that Peter almost missed it.


Peter jumped in his seat before peering out the window to watch as Tony brought them down for landing. Sitting outside and beneath a tree was Laura. Without waiting on Tony, Peter was already out of the flying vehicle and making his way towards his girlfriend.

Right as Peter was within arms reach, Laura pulled him by the collar and laid a lip lock on him while Peter picked her up.

"Well, Well, If it isn't the two little love birds." Tony quipped as he walked closer to the two. Peter's face instantly flushed red, but he forced down his embarrassment to make introductions.

"Laura, this is Tony Stark he is also kinda my dad," Peter spoke a little sheepishly. "Tony, meet my girlfriend, Laura Kenny."

"Nice to meet the girl that's stolen the squirts heart," Tony admitted with a smile. Lura sniffed for a moment before turning towards Peter.

"Ororo would like your help with training some guy named Odinson," Laura said before turning around to leave. Before Peter or Tony could say anything lightning flashed overhead and Tony ducked at the sound of a thunderclap.

"Ahh, you sure you want to be here Tony?" Peter asked before following behind Laura.

"Yeah, I wasn't there before but I plan to be here now," Tony answered firmly while looking towards the sky.

"Alright," Peter replied with a smile on his lips. Tony had a hand on his shoulder as they both walked onto the training grounds. What they found stunned them both because there was a beauty floating in the center sending a blast of lightning at a few people as they attempted to evade as they ran the course.

On the side was an extremely large metal man fighting with another while Logan was standing at the side. The blonde warrior that was taking on the large metal man was taking a beating, but he refused to give up for some reason. Peter could tell there was a story to it because every time the blonde one stretched out his hand small arcs of lightning would shoot out before sputtering out.

Peter noticed Logan sniffing the air before turning towards their direction. Signing, Peter looked to his left but Laura had already vanished like a his shirt over his head, Peter stepped forward glad that he had at least prepared in case of a battle.

"Alright underoos, let's put you in and see how much sparkles can handle before he gets desperate enough." Logan gruffly said before motioning Peter forward.

"Well met Sir Underoos."

Sighing at the blonde man Peter took up a stance and if he hit his partner with more power than he usually used then that's just the price of doing business.


Earth Geosynchronous Orbit

Location: Asteroid M

Erik Magnus Leshnsherr

Nathanial Essex

King Namor McKenzie

Erik was known around the world as Magneto the villain that they speak to their children about. Yet here in his quiet moments he thought of himself as the mutant messiah. It was during this moment of solitude that Erik was able to savor the fact that one of his greatest plans were coming to fruition and all it was all thanks to his useless son taking the initiative.

He had found it strange that the world had gone silent on the mutant front but when his children came back to telling him about some fanciful island. Erik dismissed it out of hand because he had found no such thing over his years of travel and searching to bring salvation to his people.

Then Pietro contacted him with that lost minion Gambit, Nathaniel's little patsy. What he was told changed his view about that child he had met almost two years ago. Benjamin Blake had gone from a child to a billionaire and yet still rose to be a secret king gathering mutants to his cause. Yet, that would also be his undoing because as part of his dealings. Erik was going to sacrifice the women Benjamin has surrounded himself with to further his goals to bring the flat scans to heel.

There was a ding at the door before Exodus, his second in command, came in. Exodus stood striking in his all black suit, purple gloves and boots with a dashingly nice sash around his waist. Over his shoulders were a flowing white and gold cap that billowed behind him as he walked. Exodus stood at six feet even with fair red skin and black hair. Magneto wanted to smile at such a powerful mutant being under his command but he kept his face neutral and motioned for Exodus to speak.

"They are here Lord Magneto." Exodus said while standing at attention with his back straight cape billowing behind his form.

Giving a nod in return, Erik stood up from behind his mahogany desk and made his way towards the door. Getting out of the way, Exodus allowed him to leave first before following behind.

"Has Nathaniel caused any issues I should be aware of?" Erik asked as he took off flying through his base.

"I have allowed him to gather new D.N.A. sequences while thinking he is doing it in secret, but beyond that he hasn't done anything untoward your goals my lord." Exodus spoke as he flew as half pace behind Erik. silence descended and they flew before coming to a table that was placed at the side of a moving river. Erik looked at the river then smiled as he looked around at his accomplishments.

Touching down near the river, Erik noticed the wet footsteps that lead over to the table, sitting down without a care in the world was Namor. In the other seat was Nathaniel in his casual all black garb with a cape that billowed in the passing breeze. He gave them both a nod before taking his own seat.

Instead of speaking, Namor slid a disk into the center of the table, it activated and a holo-image of an island appeared before them. Set around the island was a dome like shield for everyone to inspect.

"The island is near impenetrable." Namor sated with a grunt as he folded his arm. "I had that son of yours run around while my people checked the oceans defenses. Blakes has it all under lock and key pretty tightly."

"One hundred and fifty two point defense M.A.C. weaponry." Nathaniel read piercing eyes looking over the hologram. "Such barbaric tools."

"I can easily sweep those off the board," Erik spoke dismissively. "What I really want to know is are you going to be able to get us inside."

"I can get it done, what I want to know is are you going to hold you our bargain?" Namor asked with a growl. "Of course, but I want that shield down."

"That is not possible, the emitters for those areas are under heavy guard and he refused to even add those as part of our negotiations," Namor spoke clearly unhappy about it.

"I believe I can be of assistance and my price isn't even that steep." Someone answered, his sudden appearance had everyone getting into battle mode and Erick took in his features. He wore a set style of green armor with golden accents, upon his head sat a helm with large curving horns.

"And who are you," Exodus asked, stepping forward.

The newcomer gave a smile and those watching close enough noticed the flash of green across his eyes.

"You may call me, Loki."



Location: Blue Area of the Moon

City: Attilan

Medusalith Amaquelin

Blackagar Boltagon

Maximus Boltagon

Strolling regally down an ancient hallway, Medusalith walked with a purpose as she made her wait into the council meeting chambers. Inside the chamber, Medusalith could see that the king and his brother were already here and waiting on her, the last council member. Up above them was a ceiling covered in holo-imagery that showed the stars and planets within the sol system. In the middle behind the throne sat the blue marble that she so desperately wanted to bring her people down to.

Sitting in the other chair was the chief D.N.A. archivist of the genetic order. They were here far earlier than the agreed-upon time, but that was alright, she had everything prepared and ready. Ignoring that they came far before the appointed time, Medusalith proceeded to set up her demonstrations on why moving to earth would better their people.

She had painstakingly used what little resources she had available to her in hopes of finding a place so that her people could prosper. The slums were packed, the middle tier homes were starting to show their age and even here in the upper levels, you could see it if you knew what to look for.

Attendants came and went but no one sitting in either of the high tables said anything. Once everything was prepared, Medusalith took a deep breath and spoke.

"Esteemed members of this council," Medusalith said, as she started the meeting on a high note. "I have called these meetings today because I feel this is the perfect opportunity to advance our people."

"Stop," Maximus said, reading his brother's sign language. "Why are you bringing this to us again?"

Blackagar Boltagon signed some more before his brother turned to speak once more. "We have gone over your proposal and we still find we do not need to go down there among them."

"Sorry, my king but we do. We are starting to run low on not only resources but also in Attilan's running out of space for our people." Medusalilth spoke with an impassioned voice. "I have found us an island perfect for us to build a colony on. Right here in what is known as the Pacific Ocean, far from and of their trade routes, far from any prying eyes. All I need is the resources."

"I do not believe that this would be a good time to allocate resources to such a venture." The Archivist spoke up. Before Medusalilth could get a word in he held up a hand. "It is a sound idea, yes, but the next generation is about to be born soon. With another generation about to undergo teregenisist, we just do not have any resources to spare at the time."

"Speaking of allocated resources, should you not be preparing to get married so that you may carry out your duty to our people. I have seen the results and your genetic template matches with our dear kings." Maximus spoke with a droll, but Medusalith could feel the smug undertones to his statement. Her hair twitched slightly, but she forced down her irritation because this was far more important than who she would be forced to marry.

"That is neither here nor there Maximus, I am here to help uplift our people and we can have the resources to do that if we only do something about our situation." Medusalith returned, but the rest of her statement was shut down once the king raised his hand. He started to sign once more as he looked down at her intently.

"Your options are as follows, wait until after our wedding and as a part of the royal family, you will be allocated the resources to attempt your little venture," Maximus said, translating for his brother Boltagar, the king. "Or you can negotiate with the noble families to give you your missing resources."

Tendrils of her hair started to rise, but she had to force them all back down as her eyes bore into those of Boltagar. Instead of answering, Medusalith collected her things before leaving the chamber. How could they not realize they were playing with the future of their people. The anger and frustration was so powerful that she had to leave before lashing out at her fellow council members.

Up high in the tower, Medusalith couldn't help looking down at the rest of Atitlan. The sky was overcast, and less and less of the flying cars flew around as they no longer had the power necessary to operate them.

Turning away from the view, she made a vow to bring her people to salvation, no matter what it would take.

End Chapter...


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