The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 66

By: BigToFu


Benjamin Blake

Emperor of Pandora

Looking at the corpse frozen in space on the end of my trident, I flicked it once to get his body off then two more times to slice him into pieces. With another flick of the wrist, I sent whatever was left of the corpse out into the void, the only thing I kept was the head.

Of course, I was going to keep some genetic material on file for upgrading my Astarts. He was an asshole in life, but with his death, I was going to make sure some good came out of it. Holding the head inside of a magical bubble, I dropped back down to the city below.

As I landed on top of the rubble that used to be the castle, I formed an earth-style throne out of it as I took on the infamous thinker pose with the head in my hands. Mulling over my next step, I ignored the gasp and shock of those around me. Smirking at the hand I created from my speed force aura, I ignored it as someone pinged onto my senses.

Looking up from my location, my attention zeroed in on the hammer that fell during my bout with Attuma. Removing my hand that held my chin, I held it out as I summoned the hammer to my outstretched palm.

A boom sounded out for everyone to hear, but I ignored it and the small shockwave as I gave the hammer of Nekkrod a swing. I gave it a few swings before sitting it down to the side and looked up at the approaching crowd, of course, it was led by one lady.

Trying not to smile at how cliche this was, I took in the haggard appearance of what could only be this world nobility. Those that were leftover from the Sharka were clearly afraid of the princess because of course, she was a princess. The barbarian Warlord just doesn't take over a place without doing something evil that causes the princess to run off.

Unfortunately, I wasn't some Disney prince that comes riding in white and shiny armor.

"Hail, mighty warrior."

My attention shifted from the head in my hand to the brave princess that called out to gain my attention. She, of course, didn't know that I had been tracking her the moment my senses scanned over the mountain she was hiding in from Attuma and his people. I was also very aware of the hidden tunnels that she used to get inside of the city and into one of the shacks in the back.

My eyes locked with hers and I had to give her major points for bravery. The meer ease at which I moved screamed intensity for all that gave me a brief glance. So the fact that she was able to gather her courage and approach while I was giving off the do not disturb vibe said a lot.

Looking her over, I noticed the blue skin that noted Atlantian heritage and the flowing white hair on her head. On her left arm were tattoos that ran from the wrist and up to beneath her armor, but I paid that no mind. What really drew my attention was the two pummel nubs on her back.

In Between those two was a shield, and then at her waist was a trident, interesting.

"I am Queen Kataw of the Vodani people." The queen said with a hand over her heart. When she said that I noted some of those floating in the water around us straighten some.

I kept my gaze neutral and passive for a moment as the tension raised higher and higher, then as some of her advisors shifted, I spoke.

"Are you here on a mission of vengeance Queen of the Vodani?" I asked before shifting my gaze back to the head resting on top of my palm. No one said anything, but it was easy to feel her attention shift to the head in my hands.

It was clear that she didn't know what to say, but before she could gather her thoughts. The silence was rudely interrupted. A blue-skinned Atlantean came charging up with a large curved sword overhead in some pitiful attempt at killing me.

Letting out a lazy sigh, I allowed him to get close before backhanding his entire upper torso. Blood flowed in the water as the upper right and head of the attacking person just vanished for all to see.

The only indication of me doing anything was the blood on my resting hand. Vanishing from my seat, I reappeared behind the lady trying to sneak around and stab me in the back. I placed my hands on the side of her face and then twisted an easy one hundred and eighty degrees. Her spine went snap, snap, snap, then blood sprayed out of her nose and mouth.

Sneering at the lazy attempts at my life, I tossed the body aside, then shifted smoothly over as a very large hammer slammed into my previous location. Tall muscled and with a small brain, so fucking cliche, letting out a 'tch' at the giant man. I then placed my boot on the hammer and watched as he tried to pull it up and not having it budge an inch.

The fool never saw it coming as I casually punched right through his head, not even his Atlantean steel helmet could stop me. Moving once more to dodge another swing at my chest, from another opponent, I sent a glare towards the idiot; but this time I followed it up with some tried and true laser vision. Eh, I felt that it was only right that I showed off a little.

My laser vision shot forward and struck true, made a sharp curve to the left, then killed that attacker. It curved sharply upwards and struck down another, then curved and struck another. This went on for the span of a few seconds before all that was left in the waters around me was floating ash.

The silence that descended once more was deafening, but I paid it no mind as I took a seat once more. Whoever said that Darkseid wasn't a good role model just wasn't paying attention to the more valuable lessons.

Easily catching the head of Attuma inside of its magical bubble, I gave Queen Kataw my attention once more. It was far too easy to smell not just her fear, but those in the surroundings also. I watched as she visibly gathered herself, then nodded in approval before she went to speak.

Queen Kataw gathered herself and then spoke with clear and clipped tones. "What will you do with us now that you have killed Attuma?"

"The answer to that is a simple one, you will join my Empire," I replied easily. The raised eyebrows and the tightening of the jaw said that she was not pleased at all. Then I noticed how her gaze shifted to the dismembered bodies and ash within the area.

"And how will you go about integrating us into your Empire, will you subjugate us as he did?" Kataw spat.

I shook my head at her, "There is no subjugation, there is only my Empire and those who die refusing. The moment Attuma brought your world into this was the moment you no longer had an option to refuse me."

Getting up, I took a step towards her location and she took a step back. "Majestic cities will be built, cures for the people will be distributed and everyone will prosper. The Vodani people will live far richer lives once they have joined with the Pandorans."

Kataw fell silent and I accepted that at face value, if anything, I could just dispose of her. This planet was far too rich in resources and had far too little of a real population to just let slip out of my grasp.

Gathering power, my eyes glowed and those around me took multiple steps back as a precaution. My power swelled and came forth as I bellowed into the very fabric of the universe. "Selene! Attend me! Your Emperor has need of your services."

For half a beat nothing happened as my words echoed around the clearing. Then the fabric of reality pulsed for a beat, once, twice; then on the third pulse a portal formed purple in shade and easily ten feet across.

On the other side of the portal, I could see multiple forms roaming around with instruments probing the event horizon. Idly, I could tell that she was at least following my rules about portal usage and interdimensional travel. I would say it until I was blue in the face if I had to. We do not rip holes in the fabric of reality, we bend the fabric of reality.

Both were major differences in how they did things, even if they had the same outcome. It was simple really: when you tear a hole, in reality, to get from one place to the next, you allow those from the two dimensions to bleed and the in-between to take notice of our reality. Verses when you just bend space to meet one point to the next, you still at least keep the bounds of reality unbroken.

Of course, I still had to pound this fact into some of my less restrained mad scientists, but this was also a clear reason why I kept Reed from the island.

Ignoring those who were probing the portal, I beckoned for Selene to come forth. But before she did, I could see the deliberation in her eyes as she looked down at the evening dress she was wearing. It was a beautiful navy blue evening gown that was strapless but had those arm things and hugged her waist nicely.

Rolling my eyes, I flicked a simple spell her way before pulling her through the portal. She gave a noncommittal huff before humoring me and floating over to where I was seated.

Selene's eyes roamed over my muscles drinking me in until her eyes fell onto my stump. I gave her a roguish grin to abate her fears as I shrugged.

"Tis just a scratch." I rumbled voice pitched low just the way she liked it.

She gave me a raised eyebrow which I returned with a classic eye smile. A flick of my wrist had my trident back within my hands. I then turned my attention to the stump. An easy smile on my face, everyone watched as I just performed a quick change on how I held my trident.

Then in one smooth motion, I swung it upwards slicing off the stump infected with cosmic energy unleashed by the hammer. There were screams and appalled gasps from the crowd that were all watching from a distance.

Another flick of the wrist had the cosmic-infested stump stowed away inside my storage space. A flare of power had my arm grow back to its full and healthy chocolate-colored self. Turning, I then gave Selene a roguish grin as I flexed my fingers for her to see.

Still, she said nothing: but when I held my hand out for her to take. She curled her fingers with my own before running her hand up my arm and placing it around my waist. As she pulled close, I repeated myself softly in her ear.

"As I said, tis just a scratch," I whispered into her ears and watched as her skin flushed a rose color.

She grunted and pinched my waist in reply, but I just laughed it off. There was no way in hell I was going to let her know that I was actually thinking about just walking around with a mecha arm. Honestly, I just wanted to be able to straight-up rocket punch someone in the face from a distance. Again, I could always just do that with my speed-force aura.

Then again, I had the technology, so I could just build myself a sleeve that I can then shrink down and keep on my skin like a tattoo. Sadly, it was better that I had a real flesh and blood arm to show that I was unbeatable. Then again, I might have to sleep on the couch if I brought home a purely mechanical appendage. You would think that since it wasn't the one below the belt, I would be able to get away with it, but nope.

Always have to balance these things, but this was Marvel and I could die no matter my power levels. Yet, that didn't stop me from armoring up.

Honestly, I was starting to feel as if I was Goku with how I liked a good fight and almost ignored everything else. Then again, I was far more responsible than he could ever be and I was a hell of a better father also.

Letting out a small sigh, I decided that it was time to go back to the drawing board once I got home with my spoils and new planet.

Smiling at Selene, I did a little hand motion towards Kataw. "She and her people will be joining the Empire. I would like you to take a team and survey the planet for moving."

"Moving, what moving?" Kataw asked inserting herself into the conversation.

Turning to face her I smiled. "This isn't a pocket dimension my dear." I then pointed upwards. "If you had gone past the surface of the planet, you would be able to find the truth of your reality."

Kataw scowled a little before steeling herself. "And what reality is that?"

Selene looked at me with a raised brow, then cast a few magic spells. The air in front of her rippled as a mirror appeared made out of a thin sheet of water. Everyone watched as the scene in the mirror changed. First, it started off with just a view of our faces, then it transitioned upwards and then we were able to see the damage to the city.

Then once we saw the damage to the city, it kept going and going even as it passed a few massive ocean predators. The image continued to rise until it got to the planet's surface, then to the void beyond.

There were gasps that went up all around, but I ignored them in favor of looking at the giant humanoid figure within the image. I knew those around me didn't know who that was, but I did and there was no way I was going to face one.

There were just some beings in Marvel that you just didn't fuck with and the Celestial, no matter the form, was on that list. Everyone watched as the giant figure stood on some gigantic machine as he went about doing whatever task kept him busy.

"This is why we shall be leaving because I'm pretty sure that not only is this not a pocket dimension, but your planet is also trapped on the cosmic train," I told her with a shrug. Honestly, I could just cut my losses, but I was at least trying to expand my Empire while I could.

Kataw scowled at how bluntly the facts were relayed to her. Instead of rolling my eyes, I decided to go with the soft sell. "Look, I'm not here to force you to choose, but think of your people. You can do far more to aid them by joining my Empire than not, no one will force you, but I will leave Selene to discuss anything that you would like."

From the way her face shifted, she knew what was on the table. Either join or wait for the day that her world came to an end. Kataw saw the writing on the wall, it also didn't help that I hadn't killed all of the Sharka tribe.

Some of them decided to run after that rabble tried to attack me and all failed horribly. Letting out a snort, I waved away the spell that Selene had created. Giving Selene a nod, I flashed through the portal that hovered in the air for all to see.

On the other side, she had a team of scientists, the best from the island. Looking at them, I shook my head and ignored the smell of mad scientists in the air. Alex was leading the charge of course so I just left him the scans from my omni and kept it moving.

Floating over to one of the computer terminals, I started to design the dimensional transition device. If my calculations were correct, then at least four satellites were going to be needed with one main stabilization unit.

That would mean two units, one for the planet and one for where the planet was going. Also marker satellites for where I wanted the planet to be placed. Once I was sure everything was up to specs, I then ran it through the island's main quantum computers while sending a note to Alex for review, omega priority.

Once I was happy with everything and made sure that the mad scientists did not get up to anything that might just kill us all. I left someone in charge that had a taser and wasn't afraid to use it when it came to staring down these mad men and women.

Happy with the guards I left in charge to make sure nothing blew up or got us all killed, I teleported home. Sitting the hammer of Nekkrod on the coffee table, I went to my lab to drop off the head of Attuma with the rest of my collection before finding my way into the shower.

Funny right? I just came from a water planet and I still felt that I could do with a shower, talk about first world problems. I took a nice long shower before getting out to get myself a decent cup of hot chocolate when I stumbled into the living room and found the hammer missing.

Pinching my brows, I had to call out to the house systems. "Azula, who took the hammer?"

"Video records show, after the triplets tried lifting the hammer, princess Maya was able to wield it. They are currently using it to smash rocks inside of the school's danger room."

There was no helping it as pinching my brows transitioned into outright facepalming. My daughters really had no chill at all. One of the most powerful weapons on the planet reduced to a rock smashing tool. Honestly, I didn't know what I was looking at. Maya had a giant-sized hammer overhead with one hand. Didn't even know the hammer could change size like that, pinching my brows at the scene on the holo, I just couldn't right now.

Sighing because I was pretty sure those girls could cause my death by old age, which said something since I was very immortal, I sent a quick message to the guards watching the girls before heading to my island's command center. Magical anime girl Maya can wait until I get my sanity back.

It was time to see the damage caused by Attuma and his shitty backers. I also needed to check on those demon detectors. Then there was the situation with Mars that needed to be solved sooner rather than later.

Getting to my office, I opened the door to find Sue sitting on my couch with her legs up with Raven sitting at her side. Between them were some cushions and it was clear that they were snacking with the number of plates on the pushcart over at the side.

Raven's hand paused in what she was doing as she looked up at me startled. Sue did the same and I could see a little red at the corner of her eyes. Smiling at them both, I picked up the pillow before taking my place between them.

"Sorry, my totally super average day had some mild inconveniences."


One Week Later…

Sitting up in bed, I smiled before shifting the arm of Sue to the side and watched as she curled into Ororo. Teleporting out of bed, I went to start the shower before the alarm sounded and woke everyone up.

Today was the day. Selene had pulled through of course and Kataw had called just a few days later and bent the knee. I could tell that there were alternative reasons, but I was going to use the wait-and-see approach for her plans.

If I didn't know better, I would think she wanted me to bed her with the way she was looking at the ladies with a wistful look on her features the few times I caught her watching them. That was that though and I wasn't going to force anyone to do anything, not only was I not that type of guy. I was also all about doing my own thing and saying fuck all to everyone else.

As I stood there thinking, I could hear my teeth grind for a second as I thought about all those who wouldn't leave me and my people in peace. I was far too close to just losing my shit and wrecking house. My anger ebbed away as a hand touched my cheek, looking up I was greeted with the cool blue eyes of Emma peering at me.

The smile she gave me melted my anger away and I followed her into the hot shower that was waiting for everyone...

Sitting at the dinner table and enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate, I smiled looking over those gathered at the table. Well, everyone was here except a few who were off on their own adventures. It was easy to see I would have to go find them soon and give them a proper spanking to make sure that they came home.

Taking a sip, I waved at Rosie and Otto as they came in with my parents following right behind them. Tilting my head to the side, I thought about Captain Stacey and what his reaction would be when he found out that Gwen went to space. Then again the Grey's might have a thing or two to say about me giving their daughter a ship and crew.

The air shimmered as Selene made her presence known, and I gave a curt nod to the Ancient One and Madam Agatha as they also appeared with a shimmer. Wanda acted as if she was a deer and I was the big bad lion, but I paid it no mind as I greeted her along with the rest.

Shifting my chair, I gave Maya an eye smile as I watched as she sat in a kiddie seat next to her pet Nala the flying tiger cub. Breakfast went along as usual, but it was easy to tell that Natasha and Alfred were missing.

Once we were finished, everyone gathered as we were already prepared for the task ahead. Otto and Rosie were completely into their science talk with Sue as they went over the calculations for the planetary transfer.

The Ancient one gave a subtle nod to Wanda and everyone waited and then watched as she blushed before creating a portal. The portal didn't really lead anywhere but the portal station in the middle of the island but that was alright.

Once the entire family arrived, we got onto the shuttle and took a ride into space. The royal talon flew straight and true as we glided through the void until we arrived at city-ship Attilan. Honestly, the city was beautiful and it was in far better shape than when I had first rested it from Black Bolt and his Inhuman inbred council.

The city now shone with a silver and green splendor that could give anyone the nostalgic feel of a super futuristic city right out of the eighties. Standing behind the pilot's seat, I smiled down over my city as we flew in through the defensive shields.

Once we touched down and the back of the shuttle opened, the kids didn't even wait as they rushed out. The only one that actually took her time was my little princess Phoebe, she held my hand and we walked down with her mother. Once she was off the ship though, I could tell that her sisters had called with how her head tilted and she ran off with them and my mother.

My dad gave me a shrug and I acted as if I didn't see him slide her a pack of m&m's. Yes, it was an important day, but I wasn't going to force my kids to attend. They were in the area and I had more than enough protection and guards on them to set my mind at ease.

With us arriving on station, I spoke with the rep for NASA since he was in charge of the astronauts. Honestly, I tried not to snort in the man's face, the title of earth's astronaut was so not relevant anymore it was laughable. Granted it was still a respectable job, it was just, my nation could do so much more than old-fashioned fuel-air propulsion.

The reason why he had come to find me was because of my Empire returning the Mars landing equipment and rover. They were not happy when my lawyers and UN rep brought that to their attention. It also didn't help that the damn thing was semi waterlogged from my terraforming efforts.

Smiling along and shaking his hands, I then of course directed him to my ambassador for any scheduling of visiting Pandora once Mars got a nice makeover. I couldn't in good faith make such a promise when I had far too much to do. Not only did I need to rework my gear, but I had to follow up with the Savage Lands and those who went to the Nova Empire.

Then there was the launching of my StarFleet and creating my version of the Green Lanterns. It was time to bring my Astarts to the same levels as the Nova Core. The Kree had their Accusers core while the Shi'Ar had their Imperial Guards. To keep from getting crushed, I had to make sure my own people could stand toe to toe with them.

Making sure my thoughts didn't betray me, I kept my face neutral as I took my leave. Then with a step, I performed a flash step teleport to the mini party that was going on in the crystal spire. Music played from a band on the far end of the room, around the sides were waiters and tables filled with food. Within the inner ring were those mingling from all across my Empire, Savage Landers, Inhumans, Pandoras, Atlanteans, and even the Vodani people. Then again, they made that distinction while I only saw them as my people. Slowly they were integrating, but there were still plenty of rough edges.

In the center were tables and high above the tables hung a massive hologram on the solar system with the sun smack dab in the middle. On the hologram right besides Mars was a ghost of a planet with a countdown.

Ignoring that, I floated across the ground to the Vodani delegates. Kataw was here with five of her advisors. Since she had already bent the knee, all of this was just something for the public and to solidify my actions. If I could have gotten away with it, then I would've just hit the button instead of dealing with all of this shit, but needs must and all that.

As I floated across the room, I noticed how the Vodani got along with the Atlanteans while the Savage Landers got along with those that came from Attilan. A good majority of my Pandoran citizens mixed and mingled with everyone even if I noticed small preferences here and there.

Lightly landing beside Kataw, I shared some simple greetings with her advisors before giving her my full attention.

Keeping my expression neutral, I gave a nod of difference. "Good morning Queen Kataw."

Kataw smiled in return as she faced me. "Good morning Emperor Blake. It is a good day indeed."

Instead of raising a brow at her exuberant expression, I allowed a slight smile. It wasn't that hard for Selene to sell Kataw on relocating her people. Not after bringing them over for the first time and letting her get a nice look at the sun. Amazing what a life-bearing star could do for someone's mood. "Then let's make it even better."

Then with a wave and flourish of the hand, the room shifted as those standing found themselves in seats. Kataw found herself standing next to me as we both overlooked the gala with a podium raising before us. The hologram in the middle of the room shifted to zoom in on the section of space where the planet Vodan was going to be deposited.

On the hologram were six satellites with the control core sitting in the middle. Behind us, the glass shifted tint as the smart display showed my ships around the area of the satellites. There were gasps all around as they took in the spectacular view from the ship's live feed.

Standing over the podium, I took Kataw's hand and held it up. Yes, I know, cheap and easy, but I didn't come all the way out here to give some long impassioned speech. Those can wait for the people who come after me.

I felt the shiver run up her spine and the faint scent of arousal reached my nose, but I paid it no mind.

Holding her hand up, I spoke, "This is not only a giant step for the Vodani people, but also a giant leap for the Pandoran empire. With our union, we shall travel across the stars bringing prosperity for all, for we are but one people."

There was applause all around as the giant red button made itself known on the podium. With my fingers entwined with hers, I allowed her to bring us to press the button. There was a thump and a whoomp before something wound up.

Then at a million miles away, a bright multicolored beam roared to life bringing to mind the aurora borealis. There were more sounds of shock and flashes of cameras as pictures were taken. Right before our very eyes a wireframe of a planet slowly built as we all watched in awe.

Smiling, I ushered Kataw back to the main table as I took my seat beside Ororo and Susan. Small meals were served and everyone was allowed to mingle as they watched the transition of an entire planet with her population. Smiling and enjoying my time with my favorite ladies, I tried not to show how utterly marveled I was with how far we had come with magic and technology.

My one decision made this all possible and it would always be utterly amazing to me. That one decision to create my astarts, creating the one being with vast intellect made this all possible. Shaking away those thoughts, I turned towards the one eyed pirate-related to me by blood.

Fury sighed and rubbed his brows as he tried to use his words instead of his gun. "Benjamin, what in the fuck is this? The United Nations is going to want answers."

I shrugged, "Honestly, it's none of their concern. It's not in their job description to worry about what I do with my people and all the none claimed space in the solar system."

"You know that they are not going to accept that right?" Fury replied with a sigh.

I shook my head from side to side. "No shepherd ever asked the sheep if they could set up shop. They have no say in how I run this solar system so they shall get no answers from me." I replied with a little heat. "Did they not learn their lesson the first time? Don't make me laugh."

Fury shook his head. "I know, but you have to understand, to them you are upsetting the status quo. Your nation has not allied with anyone and you haven't shared any agenda. It makes people uneasy."

I shrugged in reply, "My only real agenda is to save those who can't save themselves while advancing and exploring the wider reaches of space. I have no need to play political games."

Fury gave me a nod, "I figured as much."

"Even if you believe me, they won't and that's fine, once heads start to roll, then they will stop bothering me."

"Is that literal or figurative?" Fury asked with a scowl.

All I did in return was shrug with a lazy smile.


"What do you mean a planet just showed up to our South?!"

Authors Note::

So how about that Benjamin's a total badass and just keeps racking up the kill count. People just won't leave him and his alone so of course, he has to make sure that they never come back to cause an issue.

The Empire is expanding with its first great planet under his control, isn't it great.

So the year is about over, and that should either be a good thing or a bad thing. There is no way nothing can go wrong right.

And another great chapter has come to an end, I hope you all have enjoyed the ride.

We are just over 580k words into the story and I just want to say hot damn.

Honestly didn't think I had it in me to actually write this much if it wasn't a school assignment.

Cough Cough once more I gotta say, I refuse to just rehash doing the MCU all over again.

Honestly, there are just far to many stories like that online already.

Removes the - for the internet links

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