The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 75

By BigToFu


Mephesto's Hall

"Pathetic little godling, you think that your poultry amount of power will be able to protect you and your little sycophants?" Mephesto rumbled and I couldn't stop myself from shifting my grip.

That seemed to be the right thing to do as my danger sense flared and I spun the axe for all that it was worth. The force of power used was so strong that the edges glowed before bursting into flames.

All of that was pushed out of my mind as I watched Mephesto raise his hand, which then caused the surrounding walls to vanish. I myself also vanished from my spot as I went on the attack, but the attack that I launched missed.

That shouldn't have been possible, at all, but I didn't have time to contemplate such things as I kicked out with my legs. The electrostatic charge in the air formed a pocket for me to briefly stand on. This was all that saved my life as I hard braked in time to keep my head from detaching from my person.

A trickle of gold and red blood dripped down from my neck as I stood there, an invisible razor-sharp wire digging into my skin. Kicking off the platform, I repositioned to the ceiling, my neck healing instantly.

All of this happened within the span of a microsecond and it was all the time I needed to realize that the Mephesto down in the hall was a fake one; shit.

I felt the pressure of power before I could see him and was already moving as a gigantic arm burst through where I was located.

Ohh yeah, the fight was on and that was all that mattered to me at the moment. Not just for survival, but to triumph, to win a battle against such insurmountable odds that my name gets carved into reality.

A force construct popped out from my side made purely from my willpower as it grabbed the bolter and started to unleash a fuck ton of rounds at the arm. Each slug impacted with forces equivalent to Mach ten speeds, yet the bastard never flinched.

Spinning on the spot, I then kicked out with both legs performing a perfect split as two massive hands came to crush me within the middle. Kicking off from one palm, I ignored the crash behind me as whatever construct that Mephesto had created crumbled into dust. Folding my body over as I tucked my legs allowed me to also dodge an errant sword slash from a Primarch below.

Just a quick glance told me that Mephesto was pulling out all of the stops with the number of demons at this party. It was a good thing that my Primarchs had at least minor connections to my powers. The reality around my location rippled once more, and I had to shift to avoid the attack, which came at such speeds that it left sonic trails within its wake.

With a burst of power and speed, I created another portal spell chain as I punched forward. This was unfortunately not a replay of what had happened earlier as my fist clashed with Mephistos own massive hand.

Then another and another started to appear in an attempt to rain down blows upon me. None connected as I pinballed my way around the room, letting my extreme speed play to my own advantage. Yet, as I worked my way around the room and slashed ghost appendage after ghost appendage, I started to notice a pattern. This pattern wasn't in the demon lord himself, but within myself, as he forced me upon the backfoot during the midst of the battle with his simple tactic.

As the attacks increased, so did my speed, until everything was just a wash of red or a moment of stillness to my sight. This carried on for another hour before I had finally lost my patience, but it would seem that Mephesto was also ready with whatever he was planning. Even if I knew that something was coming, I was still not prepared for the tear in reality that happened before everything lit up in a world of pain.

With a scream, my back arched, and I stared in shock at the claws that were sticking out of my chest. My spine was severed in at least two places, and if my heart was still important, I would have been dead right now, as it was outside of my body impaled upon Mephistos index finger.

I wanted to say that everything hurt, but the pain was honestly unbearable, and that only increased as Mepeshto just flicked his wrist and deposited me on the stairs to his throne. I hit the ground with a meaty thump as my blood sprayed everywhere, the corners of my vision going blurry.

One moment Mepesto was standing over me with my blood dripping from his claws, and the next, he was sitting upon his throne with one foot on my chest. White-hot rage coursed through whatever blood was still inside of my body as I slowly bled out. Rage. Pure, distilled, refined, rage unlike any I have ever felt before. Rage so powerful that it could burn the world down; in fact, the rage that I was feeling did burn a world down.


Sitting upon a throne lost but never forgotten sat a being of unimaginable might and terror. Within the darkness, this being's eyes slowly opened, setting the room awash with a crimson red glow. The chains that bound him had slowly integrated themselves into his flesh, feasting upon his cosmic body to fuel his jail.

Yet, as he looked down upon these chains, he could feel that something had changed, sitting there upon his throne. The man cloaked in shadows giving off a crimson glow came to the realization that his awareness of the outside world had returned. And what he saw only deepened his frown, for the vessel that he was locked inside of was upon death's door.

This would not do, the being thought as he felt tentatively upon the awareness and only finding one emotional feedback, rage. Ohh, he knew rage; he stroked the fires of rage within so many beings across the cosmos that everyone knew his name.

With eyes crimson red of blood, the bands upon his biceps, forearms, thighs, and calves. The crimson bands of Cyttorak pulsed to life with unimaginable power filling the world around, forcing the portal to burst, linking both spaces forever.

The planet within the domain of the vessel, the planet that was lush with forests, oceans, and so many different biomasses twisted and warped as the connection formed.

Closing his eyes and leaning back upon his throne, Cyttorak returned to sleep. Be it one hundred years or a million, the connection was made. He would leave his prison sooner or later. He cared not for what the little godling did with his powers, but no vessel of his was going to lose to some high demon playing at being the lord of hell.

Mephisto's Throne Room

Everything went so still that I felt as if I had returned to speed time, yet it was also as if I had no control as the edges of my vision started to turn grey. This grey lasted half a beat, covering my entire field of view, yet all that I could see was Mepesto looming over me with that smug fucking look on his face.

Funny, I would have thought that the 3rd time was the charm, but here I go again on death's door for the 4th time. I really didn't have any way out of this. The only thing that I did have was my rage, and I held onto it. I stroked it, and I wanted to burn down the world as I fed it to the all-consuming fire that fucking burned within my chest.

I wanted it all to fucking burn, the ROB that fucked with my soul. Doom for crashing my fucking peace and throwing my fucking plans out the window. The fucking universe for existing and being such a fucking death trap. I wanted to feed it all to that all-consuming fire within and then piss on the fucking ashes.

Exactly, and that was why I couldn't fucking die today!

My sight cleared, the grey vanished, replacing everything with a slight tinge of crimson red, but I ignored all of this as I grabbed Mephisto by his big toe and twisted. He never had the chance to pull his leg back as I shot upwards, twisted, and then came down hard, slamming him into his throne, destroying the last vestige of the throne room completely.

Grabbing him by the ankle, I gave it a hard yank, pulling him towards me with such force and ferocity that his back was cut up against the marbled tiles. With a roar, I held my fingers straight while running some aura along the outer edges, forming a knife hand which I then slammed down against his thigh. The cut was clean, slicing through until I could grab hold of his femoral shaft, also known as the femur within his leg.

That was as far as I got before a massive hand slammed into my chest and face with magic reinforcement, blasting me away with such force that I could actually feel the shockwave form upon my back as I flipped head over ass and then ass over head.

There was a howl of pain in the distance, and I stood on shaky legs with a bloodthirsty smile on my features as I tossed his leg bone to the side. My retaliatory strike caught him clean in the chest as I noticed that same leg healing. tssk.

My knee smashed into Mepehstos' chest, and as we skidded across the floor, I swung my axe towards the man's neck. That didn't work as he shifted into vapor to escape the attack completely.

Landing lightly on my feet, I tilted back and roared my anger for all of hell to hear. Once I was finished and started to huff and puff, I lashed out with a punch that warped space itself. The warp punch worked as Mephesto came stumbling out of folded space; the look he gave me spoke of the unbridled rage he held for me within his little black heart. Dashing forward, I jumped and then lashed out with a jab as one of the larger demons decided he wanted to get between myself and my adversary.

He didn't last too long as he brought a hand up to intercept my punch. Releasing my fist, I caught his own within my palm and then used that action to swing myself up and around while pulling my chain sword out from my utility belt. The demon in question had no time to react as I used his arm as a monkey bar, swinging around his shoulders to then drag my chain sword across his neck before riding it all the way down his body. Landing lightly as the demon fell in two halves behind me, I rolled to the side before swinging upwards, carving a long deep gash along Mephistos side.

Demonic blood gushed forth, and before I could move back, Mephesto kicked out, catching me in the chest. The hit sent me away with an umph as I was sent flying for miles, for a split second, I had to admit that Mephesto was playing in the same weight class as Banner. Twisting around, I arrested my momentum by spell forcing the demonic energy within the air before me to morph to my will and then using that as a platform to kick off from.

Within half of a blink, I was back in Mephisto's face, my knee leading the way, and I wasn't even in the mood to yell out 'Dynamic Entry' as I smashed out his front teeth. Sticking my chain sword on my back, I brought my arms forward and grabbed what I could of the free space putting my back into it, yanking upwards.

I got as far as a two-foot tug before I was assailed with his horrid breath, pushing down any reflexive gag I felt coming. I then brought around my last holy grenade, tossing it to the back of the bastard's throat. Letting out with my left, I fell backwards, dodging out of the way of the arm that came to dislodge me.

As I was falling, I started my count as I felt my aura still wrapped around the holy hand grenade. The count started with a one one thousand, then two one thousand, and then as I hit three one thousand, I felt the force of the holy hand grenade kick against my aura.

Landing lightly, I had to hold myself back from lashing out behind me as I heard a muffled thump and grunt of pain as Mephesto took a knee. I didn't ignore him because I had wanted to, only because I could see the battle raging on the other side of the viewing crystal being done by Ghost Rider and Doctor Doom.

Dashing right, I willed a portal into existence before hopping through and mowing down the forces of Evil that were arrayed against Doom and his mother's soul. A soul, in fact, which did not have any human force to contain her essence. Which I wanted to find weird, but said fuck it as I shoved my hand through the spine of a higher-tiered demon.

The demonic ichor that they called blood leaking from his mouth and massive wound on his chest as I looked Doom in the eye. Then with a flick of my wrist, I treated the demon the same way that his master treated me. Yet, instead of landing at the foot of a throne or the wall to the hall, my toss sent him directly through the window. Giving Doom a nod of the head, I jumped out of the window as more demons made themselves known.

"You bastard," Doom growled, holding his mother's soul underneath one arm before jumping out the window.

Ignoring his growls and threats, I flexed my will once more, yanking the controlled space from Mephesto and forming another portal, this time to the room with Ghost Rider battling a giant skeleton dragon.

Landing lightly on the other side of the portal, I transferred my momentum from the fall into a commando roll. As I sprung back up to my feet, I then lashed out with a kick enfolded with an enlargement portal spell. My size eleven foot flew through the portal and came out on the other side, fifty feet in diameter.

The dragon stood no chance as it was booted to the other side of the room. The place shook, and its bones rattled and cracked. I ignored it, dashing over to the side of Ghost Rider and picking him up, ignoring the control node that radiated power to this domain.

Throwing Ghost Rider over one shoulder in a fireman's carry, his protests were ignored as I then turned to face Doom. The look on my face must have been extra nasty for Viktor of all people to flinch. As I ran past Doom, I flexed some power into my hand before throwing it at the wall, creating a portal on its surface.

Skidding to a stop beside the portal, I let Doom go first before stretching out my arms to either side of my body and unleashing a few flame spells. Once I was happy with the sudden conflagration of the demons, I then jumped through the portal behind Doom. As I arrived on the other side of the portal, I found Doom glaring balefully down at Mephesto as he tried to recover, his hand over his still damaged throat.

With a snap of my fingers, the portal was allowed to close as I then shifted my attention over to my space marines while putting down the Ghost Rider so that he could recover. From what I could tell, they were working in two-man teams and just mowing down the denizens of hell as if they were wheat. The only time that they had any issues was when one of the larger twenty-foot in height demons showed up, and even those problems were solved with liberal use of more Dakka. Damn, that right there was why I loved me some big guns and was never afraid to use them.

If you have a persistent problem, that just means you're not using enough dakka to make sure that problem is solved.


Turning to the person tapping me on the shoulder, I found Ghost Rider with the crown gem in his hand and Doom with his mother's soul tucked against his body. Funny enough, I was able to catch the look that Doom was giving the gem, but with a little readjustment, I made sure to place myself between Ghost Rider and Doom. We were in this for mutual benefit, sure, but Doom was a sly bastard and would capitalize on any situation if given half a chance.

The plan from what I was told by Ghost Rider was that Doom was going to put up a dome shield while he worked on subverting the crown gem for this dimensional plane. My job, on the other hand, was the hard one. That was to keep the boss man busy while they tried to work their magic.

Doom, of course, was none too pleased about being relegated to sitting on his ass and defending Ghost Rider until we pointed out that the man was still protecting his mother's very vulnerable soul. The sound of disgust he gave us said more than enough about how he felt.

We all shared a look before the growl and thump of Mephesto smashing a foot down as he rose to his full height killed all arguments. Before departing, I looked Doom in the eye before giving him one final nod, then pivoting on the spot, I dashed over to my discarded axe. Picking up my super anime axe, I then launched myself at Mephesto with a battle cry that could have shaken the heavens themselves.

With axe in hand, I spun it at high speeds, completely demolishing the spell that Mephesto had slung my way. Kicking off of a spell platform, I swung my axe with ferocity and anger, yet my swing was a miss as Mephesto turned himself into a wisp of smoke to avoid my attack.

Twisting around, I had one hand hold my axe as I lashed out with the other, shattering reality and dumping Mephesto back into the dimension instead of that in-between state that he liked to use for his escapes.

"Foolish welp, you will pay for that," Mephesto snarled, slamming both hands together which caused two large spell circles to form, which then unleashed a blast of black hell flames.

Spinning my axe, I dug deep and yelled out summoning my force to my calling.

"PRIMARCHS, TO ME!" I yelled the shockwave from the sound of my voice rippling outwards. "TO ME, MY PRIMARCHS!"

With one final rotation, I slammed the butt of my giant axe into the ground, allowing the power that I channeled into it to spread out, forming a protective shell. Not only did I have complete faith in my Primarchs, but they also had complete faith in my abilities as they stood behind my protective shield. Two hands pressed into my back, helping me to brace against the force of the flames that slammed into our positions.

"HOLD, MY BROTHERS. His majesty's might shall protect us all from that foul abomination!"

Black flames licked at our ankles yet were kept away with the strength of the force field as everything else around us burned to ash. The flames persisted for quite some time as Mephesto tried to pin us down, summoning more of his demon cohorts all the while. This plan of his was foiled, of course, when I stomped my right foot hard on the ground.

The attack wasn't anything fancy, no flashy magic, no fancy earthquake, or anything that would give away what I had done to cause Mephesto such pain. That was until you looked at where he was standing and noticed the massive spikes of stones sticking through his calves and feet.

The flames were cut off instantly, allowing me to dash forward, forcing the distance between myself and Mephesto to vanish as I landed within arms reach. Twisting and digging deep, I allowed the weight of the axe to shift, my abdominal muscles clenched, then I followed through with a swing that created gusts of wind that shattered the sonic barrier.

All those that were summoned in defense of Mephesto were slain with that one strike. Allowing myself to be carried by the weight of the axe, I was able to dodge a retaliatory strike sent my way. Rolling with the motion, I kicked a spell platform, allowing me to correct my path which completed my full rotation, even if my legs were to the ceiling… Or what was left of the ceiling.

Kicking off the ceiling, I came down with a titanic swing of my axe, cleaving the ground cleanly in two even as Mephesto was able to dodge his way out from my angle of approach. Letting go of my axe, I twisted on the spot and placed my hands together as one of my Primarchs arrived. With a heave, I tossed him into the air as he unleashed his own devastating bolter rounds into the demon lord.

The rest of my Primachs took up positions around reading their weapons to bring maximum overkill on demand. Raising my axe, I took a step back and allowed my troops to fill the gap as they helped Mephesto learn what all that dakka truly meant. Twisting the control module on the axe shaft, I watched as it collapsed into itself before I placed it back into my utility belt.

"My liege, the heavy flamer is yours," Zandar, the Primarch at my right shoulder said as he handed me such a holy unholy weapon. Shit, I didn't even think that we had the time to make this part of their loadouts.

The grin that I gave in reply was completely infectious as I checked the triple barrel on this monster of a weapon. Once I checked the weapon over, I noticed that three others were also standing at the ready with their own heavy flamers. We all shared a look and then prepped ourselves to dash forward as we waited for those who were dropping all the dakka to stop.

The sustained fire kept going for another five hundred rounds, once that petered off, myself and four others sprinted forward as Mephesto decided to drop his shield so he could perform a retaliatory strike. Two whooshes sounded at my sides as they went high while I decided to be a bastard as I went low. Two spells flew out with my left hand, forcing Mephisto to dispel them. While he was doing that, a dirt mound came up behind him as I sidestepped the spells he sent my way.

Those without the flamers slammed their hands together, causing sparks of golden magic to fly before a gigantic dome formed in rapid succession. As the dome went up, four circular holes appeared perfectly as we arrived on scene. Holding up my heavy flamer, I pushed the nozzle through the circular opening then let it rip.

I may or may not have cackled like a mad man, but that point was made moot as a gigantic hand came out of the hole and snatched up one of my primarchs.

"You pathetic gnats think that you can defeat me!?" Mephesto roared as he broke out of his prison. "I've ruled for a millennium, and I'll rule a millennium more on a throne built from your fucking corpses."

That was all that I needed to hear as I took half a second to take in his devastated form. Mephesto was littered with massive burn marks and bolter wounds. Before I launched myself into the air to save one of my soldiers, I even noticed how Mephisto was wide-eyed with a wild feral look about him. His hair was fucked and any of that calm composure that he was showing before was all shot and gone.

Of course, none of that mattered to me at all. I noticed Doom and Ghost Rider had prepared themselves to strike as well. Pulling out my chain sword, I ran it over the hand that held my Primarch. Then with a twist, I kicked off the air as I called for the rest of my troops.

The Primarchs below moved with fluid grace, only stopping to take up a phalanx formation around the barrier that Doom had projected to protect himself and Ghost Rider. Taking up guard in the front, I then pulled out my weapons once more, holding my massive axe in front guard.

Looking from behind my guard, I was finally able to take in the full scope of the battlefield. Granted, I was already aware of not just the usual layout, but also who was who and where the important points of failure and opposition were. And I had to admit, Mephistopheles was really looking like hammered shit. The throne room was fucked seven ways from Sunday, and half the demons that had survived the assault were either releasing wails as they burned to death or crawling away with limbs missing. And I didn't even want to start on those that just lacked a spark in their eyes, staring off soullessly into the distance as if they had just survived Vietnam.

After my gaze swept over them, it landed on the big guy, and I was appalled with the fucking demon's constitution because he was still fucking alive after all that damaged was dealt upon him. Last but not least was the massive sword slashes and scars from being sliced to ribbons. Mephesto stood there, a hundred feet away, with a nasty sneer upon his face that shifted into a smile as he brought his hand up and licked the blood upon his claws. At first, I didn't know why he was doing that until I came to the realization that it was all my blood.

Once he was finished licking my blood from his fingers, I had to watch the fucker stake my heart with a claw and bring it to his lips. Instead of attacking, I grit my teeth and watched as that motherfucker ate my heart before me with relish on his face, and all I could do was plot my vengeance on how i would rip and tear into this motherfucker, but I could only stay my hand due to him still being king of this domain.

That thought didn't make it too far past my mind as the dome that we were protecting dropped and Ghost Rider himself stepped forward with the crystal control key in his hand, glowing and shaking. The key looked as if it was one of the super-advanced Rubix cubes with three hundred plus sides and colors trying to solve itself at high speeds. I could track corners and angles shifting and reshaping as it did what it was set to do with Ghost Rider staring at it balefully.

Then with speed, Ghost Rider's hand snapped forward, stopping the crystal Rubix cube in its wake. Within the middle of the thing was a glowing ring that gave off enough of a weird vibe that even my Primarchs shifted in their defensive stances.

"NOOOOO!" Mephesto screamed as he lunged forward, which was shut down as I appeared in his face, matching blow for blow. Each matched attack carried titanic forces that shook everything around us, yet we battled on as I bought time for Ghost Rider to finish whatever the hell he was working on.

After one hundred exchanges, something finally started to show as Mephesto shifted a hand to protect his chest. The brief panic that flashed across his features was all that was necessary to clue in that this bastard was panicking.

Readying myself for another attack, I was forced to stop mid-motion as the words Ghost Rider spoke sent shivers down my back.

"Your soul is mine!" Ghost Rider intoned before releasing a mad cackle as if he was the Wicked Witch of the West chasing after Dorothy. No words were spoken as I just stepped to the side out of his path and allowed the flaming chain to fly past and smash into Mephesto.

It was clear that he wasn't ready as the chain smashed into his chest, slamming him into the ground and planting him there as it wrapped around his midsection. Then with a mighty yank, the chain was pulled back, and with it came a ghostly wailing form of Mephistos essence.

I didn't even look back to see what Ghost Rider was doing with the thing. Blitzing forward, I hovered over Mephisto's devastated form and brought both hands together before me as I charged them with energy. Magical spells formed to protect everyone from the backblast as the power I provided ramped further and further upwards.

Honestly, after years of watching Dragon Ball Z growing up and actually making it to another world that carried the same anime, I had always wanted to pull off one of their attacks, and now I had the perfect chance.

The power built too critical and instinctively, I knew that I was holding a planet cracker. The golden and red beam of death and destruction stabilized enough for me to properly aim. Legs planted, shoulders set, back braced, and muscles tensed, I unleashed hell.


The mass of power that I gathered fired out from my hands like a beam and Mephesto had no chance to escape as he was still recovering. Everything shook with the ungodly amount of power that I was putting out, but even that wasn't enough to kill the bastard.

His skin peeled, burned, and cracked from the power. But even still, he lived on, until I had the bright idea to open a portal. My hands shifted, but I paid the strain no mind as I pushed forward as a black hole in space opened up underneath Mephesto.

With the portal open, Mephesto was blasted through and I followed along while only leaving two Primarchs to back up Ghost Rider. Ignoring Doom as he followed behind, I then closed the portal as I heard a crack of thunder. Twisting around on the spot, I turned around in time to see Doom sitting upon the throne he had summoned to his location.

Ignoring that, I took in the dangers of my surroundings since we were deep inside some sort of asteroid cluster with a star in the center of the solar system. From what I could also tell, there were no other class M planets and that was just how I liked it.

My own energy signature drew my attention towards the star's direction as Mephesto was fighting with all that he could so that he would not fall victim to classic sci-fi bullshit and get sucked into the star. Unfortunately for him, I had no compunction about giving him another dynamic entry to the face.

That was all that was needed, that momentary slip at the audacious human willing to kick such a high-class demon lord in the face. That was all necessary to break his concentration and get sucked into the star, and honestly, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving bastard. I never even spared him a second look.

Pulling back from the harsh gravity well of the star, I leaned over and started to breathe hard even as Doom floated his way over to our location.

"Doom would applaud you for being such an American, but one does not clap when the neanderthal does something funny," Doom stated even as he looked at a hologram hovering over his left throne arm.

Rolling my eyes, I stood straight and shrugged at the man before speaking, "It's not my fault that only Americans know how to actually get things done. Now enough throwing insults and proving that you're just another European with a chip on his shoulder."

Turning away, I noticed that my Primarchs were already working on a solution as they were hailing a ship that was passing on what appeared to be a commercial route towards the Shi'ar Empire. Well fuck, don't need to go towards there, but I at least wanted a star chart before I started to take us back home.

What I wasn't expecting was the face that showed up on the damn communication device.

"Sire, I have raised communications with this vessel about transportation, but it would seem that they are aware of who we are," Magnus spoke as he hovered closer to my side.

Looking down at the communication hologram, I almost frowned at the sight before me. It was a blue face with a damn fin on top of his head. Well, shit. Of course, I knew who that was, but I wasn't certain how he knew who I was until another blue face came on screen, I knew Atlantean when I saw one. Not only that but there was only one Atlantean group out in space running a mission for me at the moment in the deep sectors.

"The hell are you doing on a pirate ship, Jewels?" I asked with clear confusion in my voice.

"Hey now, don't go throwing around slander like that," Yondu spoke with a look that said he was scandalized at my accusation, "I'll have you know that I'm an upstanding merchant of this fine galaxy."

Forcing away the instinct that came over me to facepalm, I let out a slow sigh and wondered about when he was going to ask about me being out in the vacuum with no suit on. Since he said nothing as he allowed me a half-second, I pushed the thought aside as I decided that this was a good chance to learn about the movers and shakers in the universe.

"Alright captain, pick us up and you will be paid handsomely," I said, flashing two bars of gold for the man to see. The smile that came across Yondu's face sent a shiver down my spine because I really didn't want such a look sent my way by another man. Yondu turned and made a few yells to his crew before vanishing as the communications dropped.

With the end of the communication, I then turned my attention towards my Primarchs, but that was interrupted as the glow of the star warped and shifted. Turning around with grim resolution, I was greeted with a sight that I had never expected, A BLACK SUN.

Authors Note:

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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