The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 77

By: BigToFu

Emperor Blake

Father, Emperor, Survivor

The vastness of the stars stretched so far beyond sight that I wasn't even certain if the being standing beside me could see the end. I, of course, was referring to her as a being because how else would one call the personification of death. She was so beyond being a mere Celestial or cosmic entity that there were just no words for what she really was.

For a time I failed to put the words I wanted to ask together as we both stood there and watched. On the viewscreen, a faint trail of red could be seen as the computer charted the path of the torpedo. Yes, some might say that I used too much overkill for Mephisto, but I dare them to survive in a deathworld without any form of overkill. Honestly, I would have to be a fucking moron and brain dead to think that leaving a black sun would win me any sort of survivalist awards.

Bah, the fools; the lot of them in this reality were based upon the creation of Marvel and the fact that Mephisto didn't die but corrupted the sun spoke more loudly than anything that Mephisto had to die, no matter the cost. Lucky for everyone the tear, in reality, was only a minor one as the fabric of space-time was only forced to fold in onto itself, not tear asunder, which would leave a wound leading to 'the bleed'.

The red matter torpedo raced across the open void with speeds very few gunships would ever be able to avoid. The hologram before me zoomed outwards, allowing us to capture the entire spectacle that was about to unfold. A twisting of my left wrist rotated the map as telemetry data came in from every sensor across my fleet.

The map it showed was of a solar system that carried three planetoids and six separate moons. From the scans of the outskirts, there was a small nebula. From all the data gathered, there was nothing of note in the solar system. Hell, even the three planets weren't much since they haven't reached the stage where multicell organisms formed. Not going to lie to myself and say that I wasn't happy about the planets only producing the very first steps to life.

Really wasn't looking forward to having to subjugate a species and then forcibly move them because I had blown their stars to bits. A bit of interesting thing to note was that the ice world and the desert world were the ones to show signs of early life and not the actual tropically temperate planet. Hmm, a mental note and command had the data sent to Sue for view.

Bright neon red flashed at the corner of my eye which allowed me to shift my gaze and witness the countdown in progress. Slowly rising up, I hovered backward so that I could take in the full breadth of the hologram that took up the entire wall of the bridge.

The red matter torpedo was easily half a light-year out from the star before things got interesting. I could already see how it would happen inside of my mind's eye. The command and control unit would activate the timing and proximity sensors. The proximity would be due to the activation from the solar heat and cold from what the readouts were feeding back. The timing was also calibrated from the maximum range from any of my ships.

Once the command and control unit activated, it would then send a signal along the fiber optic relays which would then shunt power from the booster drives to the red matter chamber. This power that was redistributed would first check the stasis fields to make sure that the red matter was secured. If the matter was secured, a catheter tube would be inserted to excite the matter before detonation.

If the stasis field was not secured, it would shift to a secondary phase which would then prime the hyper energy cells for detonation. The trick was to create a blast that would rip and tear anything around the point of detonation of the red matter. Exciting red matter also came with its own interesting form of implosion.

There was no need to lie about liking the little hope that showed in the eyes of a target as the blast launched outwards before it vanished as the black hole manifested. Implosion bombs were some very nasty inventions, but then again, overkill was the way of survivalists.

{Torpedo entering phase 3}

The computer announced the red matter torpedo was picked up by the sun's gravitational well. The countdown reached one as the torpedo fell within the sun's inner orbital ring. Silence stretched before the light of detonation flared to life on the screen for all to see in a brief flash.

We all stood and watched as fifty thousand kilometers above the sun's surface, things began to warp and twist into themselves as space folded. We all watched as the red matter reacted to positive space in the only way that it knew how; creating a gravitational anomaly that made stars weep in shame. The hyper-dense matter buckled into itself, carrying the fabric of reality with it, generating a black hole anomaly.

Standing there on the command deck of my ship, I stood witness to the effects of my commands on reality. It was one thing performing the act, yet it was another sort of weight to give the command and watch it be carried out. The weight that this must-have on my scientist that created such weapons, hell, the weight that this might have on those that followed my command to load and fire.

This black mark on reality that my people created was wrought by my command and for me to bear. I stood and watched as the black hole tore into the star, starting from just a small corner consuming every bit of space around it, feeding on the star to sustain itself. Commander Lasky came and stood beside me to stand witness to the first act of true decimation that his troops performed.

As the black hole tore into the center of the black star, ripples of gravitational forces rolled outwards like a shockwave. This was as much of a surprise to me as it was to the science team as they started to run around excited about the development. The Commander and I were not so excited, the display rotated and what I saw made me curse.

Turning on the spot, I left for the nearest airlock directly at the top of the lift system. On the display behind me was a giant hand trying to force its way out of the black star, fucking Marvel universe, and its bullshit laws.

The two spartans in the lift gave me one look before both agreeing that they should definitely be somewhere else. Hell, even my Primarchs flinched at the look that was on my face and clearly knew not to follow me outside.

Not even waiting for the lift door to close properly, I spoke, "Command Override, one one seven"

The computer acknowledged me with red flashes of the screen and I punched the evac button. Eyes narrowed, I looked upwards as the hatch opened and I was sucked into the void by the escaping air. It was clear that that bastard Mephisto just didn't want to fucking die, it was time to Alt+F4 his ass as if this was a window's PC.

The ship rocked a little as I flew out of it, going at such speeds that the gyroscopic stabilization couldn't even keep up or compensate for the amount of power used on my launch. Eyes locked onto the black star, I traversed millions of kilometers within seconds. Power radiated outwards from my being as I released the hold that kept my powers at bay. This same restraint that I practiced kept the world from bending underneath my very presence. Yet, at this moment in time, I couldn't seem to bring myself to care about such consequences.

Both fists at my sides glowed an ethereal gold and red as pulses of power beat like the heart within my chest. With each pulse of power, I shaped the arcane around my form. More pulses of power fed into the shell that was forming, another pulse and it grew some more. As I arrived within a million kilometers of the black star, my construct had to be at least a hundred feet from the crown of its head to the heel of the feet.

As I approached, I witnessed Mephisto trying to break his way out of the star, large chunks of still flaming pieces falling backwards and into the black hole that threatened to swallow him. I bore witness to the phenomenon that was the black star burning, yet still whole, with a monster demon trying to escape its core.

My arrival was in time with Mephisto's attempt at bracing against the edges of the star to pull himself out from its molten core. Unfortunately for him, I wasn't playing any of that shit today. A giant fist slammed into his face. One massive fist struck his face while I brought a leg around to sweep his hand from the edges of the star. This action clearly didn't agree with him as Mephisto made an attempt to grab my leg with his free hand.

A spell wall blocked my next attack, but that only worked against him as I grabbed the entire section of space and forced it into the black hole that was sustaining itself by consuming parts of the dark star.

"ARGH, YOU INSIGNIFICANT WELP, I WILL FLAY THE SKIN FROM YOUR BODY!" Mephisto screams himself hoarse, but I really was beyond caring anymore. Bringing both hands overhead, I swung down hard power surging up and out. That same power that sparked from my form on contact was directed down and into the black hole.

The primal fear that a supercharged supermassive blackhole sparked inside of me was there, and the way Mephisto twisted around to give the thing a look told me that it had sparked the same primal fear of death inside of him also.

My arms glowed with rings of red and gold as they smashed into the side of Mephisto's face, sending him backwards once more. This sudden movement caused him to brush closely against the edges of the still black and burning sun as it was sucked into the black hole.

The black hole sucked in more parts to the black sun as Mephisto put a leg up against its rim. Pushing himself off, I blocked against a cross that carried a lance of demonic energies. Guard up, I went in for the close up delivering a devastating body blow. Mephisto countered with a hit that rattled my head something fierce.

I took one more to the ribs and then to the kidney, but in return, I gritted my teeth, dug deep, and returned with my own blows of devastation. Right cross, followed up by liver shot then my own counter, uppercut for a quick knockback. Then to add some fuel to the fire, I gave the bastard a taste of some lightning.

"RRRRRAAAAGHGHHGHGHGH!" Mephisto roared before slashing upwards, leaving a nasty gash across my chest.

Allowing the slash, I grabbed onto his wrist, then spun and judo threw that mother fucker into the black hole.

"RRRAAGGGHHHG" With a roar of my own, I kicked one of Mephisto's legs out and then grabbed the spikes coming out of his charred skin and forced him into the hole in reality. My face shifted into that of a scowl as I grabbed the asshole by his ankle. Flexing some power, I hauled his ass out of the black hole, swung him around, and then dunked him in once more.

"RRRAAGGGHHHG" Screaming my fury, I swung the fucker around once more into the black hole.




Then the leg that I was using disintegrated in my grasp as bones crushed into dust. Skin slothed off muscles that shredded into bits.

"RRRAAGGGHHHG" I roared for all to hear power pulsing outwards as my voice echoed across the star system. Breathing hard, I glared at the offending asshole as he was slowly sucked into the black hole. With a growl, I brought both hands around and gripped the edges to the black hole.

Then with another growl, my biceps bulged, my back muscles flexed as my abdominals tightened, muscles strained as I forced the fold in reality closed. With my hands on the edge of the black hole, I gave it a mighty twist, shredding everything within its epicenter to mulch, demon lord and star alike.

I was done with his shit, I was done with Doom's fucking plots and I was done with this fucking day! My hands glowed a crimson red, speed script veins flowing up till they reached my shoulders.

"RRRAAGGGHHHG" Roaring one last time, I put everything that I had into it and slammed that fucking black hole closed. Then with a twist, the graviton mass was removed from reality as I fixed the fold that led to the bleed and everything beyond.

Honestly, I did not know how much time had passed as I stood there hovering in the void. Instead of counting the time, I allowed myself to cool down. Once I was more relaxed, I checked the fleet's status while also sending my own text home since I still wasn't in the mood to speak with anything at the moment.

Ororo came back with good news on her school while Emma was more than excited to share her advances with her solar cruisers. Sue was excited to explore the biomes of new planets and make her discoveries while Jean was just excited for the adventure. Medusa was more than excited since one of the planets was going to the Inhumans. Well, they weren't Inhumans anymore since we were all Pandorans now.

Gwen, of course, wanted medical advancements while Sage just wanted to know if she could get better tech out of all this. Nat just wanted to know the results of the red matter torpedo while Raven was just looking forward to the borders expanding. Everyone was just peachy and I was alright with that.

The kids were, well, the kids, Rouge got herself a boyfriend and I had to promise not to break his legs. The triplets were off causing chaos but were at least being contained with what they were doing. That was more than a surprise and a half, to be honest. Everyone was good and even the trouble maker Maya was causing a lot less trouble now that she had her pet and hammer. Then again, she was doing a lot more damage with that blasted hammer; but at least she hasn't killed anyone yet. Bodily harm could be healed but no life could be replaced.

Everyone was good, everyone… well everyone except me, but I will get there. I know that I'll get there, it was only a matter of time until I was also in more than just my own way. With a twist, I turned around and then placed one foot in front of the other centering myself in this vast void that we call space. It was time to put an end to this angst shit and get back to the ship.

I had my money, I had my people, and I had my women who were all depending on me, so I couldn't stay out here and hover in my bullshit angst. Releasing the breath that I was holding, I thumbed the blood off my bottom lip before taking the next step. That same step took me across the solar system, taking a million kilometers for each step that I took. Getting back was fairly easy as it had only taken me ten steps before handing hard on the outer hull of the Infinity. Standing on the outer hull of the supercarrier, there was no stopping me from taking in the sight of such a majestic ship.

Sigh, this… this is exactly what I was fighting for. Yet, before I could really enjoy the moment, she showed herself at my side holding onto a sickly black substance.

"A soul for a soul," Death spoke slowly and softly, but her words rang out as if she spoke with her chest. Instead of speaking, I gave a formal bow in return since it was clear that my words weren't needed. She had come with an agenda and my opinion didn't matter in the slightest. Death wanted Mephisto dead and I had to accept that she at least made a trade for what I would have done for free.

Death's arm moved and If I wasn't paying attention, I would have thought that Mephisto had knocked more than just my teeth loose. The air rippled like liquid as a portal shimmered into existence.

The world on the other side of the portal could only be described as a frozen wasteland, even the arctic had more life than what was portrayed past the portal's boundaries. Death said nothing as she waited for me to do whatever it was that she was waiting on me to do. She said nothing and I said nothing, but I did watch and I did wait.

Then something shifted and my sight was finally drawn to the fight that Lady Death was clearly waiting on me to see. Across the vast frozen wasteland, tucked away underneath a massive boulder that was casting a shadow, sat someone. I knew that she wanted me to take in Hela but with how the portal was summoned and set, I was honestly left kinda clueless. Well, that was until I noticed the boundary set around Hela's location.

Okay, a soul for a soul, sure, but I still had to show my metal. Great, Odin had set up a place for his child to rest while Death had clearly turned it into an arena of sorts. Looking through the portal, I noticed that each candle around the circle of battle had candles lit, all casting light in an ethereal green glow.

As I made up my mind to enter the portal, six massive clangs rang out as my Primarchs finally decided to make themselves known. Turning slightly, I gave the leader John Shepard a look.

"Did you leave one of your brothers with the Commander?"

Shepard gave a half-bow of his head, "Of course Sire, he is to make contact with our brothers in the hell dimension while the Commander coordinates our acquisition of the planets."

"Good," Was the only reply given before I jumped bodily through the portal that Death had made. With my eyes sharp, I fell a hundred meters, then four hundred, and kept on going as I even approached a thousand meters and beyond.

Then before anyone could comment, I turned with a twist of the hips at the last second. Landing with an abrupt stop, I grunted even as my muscles flexed in a show of power, blasting away the powered snow and wind alike.

Six loud thumps announcing the landings of my Primarchs, but it was the lady across from me sitting in a seiza position that had my full attention. Instead of that pointed crown she was known for, Hella had her black hair flowing down her back. Lips painted a deep purple, almost black, along with her eyeliner. Honestly, she looked ready to go out on the runway and model the hell out of anything.

The feeling that she gave off was the same as Ororo and Jean, which means that she gave off a touch of divinity. The clothing that she wore was that tight leather thing that had green linings with minor holes from combat here and there. Ignoring the beauty, I shifted my attention to the ripples in space and time that appeared at her shoulder.

"You have been at battle for the better part of a full day while she has been in exile, powers diminished due to her bindings," Death's soft voice floated across the air, strong yet soft to those who heard, "The deal was that a soul shall be exchanged for a soul, these were the terms that I have put forth," Lady Death then waved her hands at Hela, "My terms stand, yet my avatar would like to negotiate terms of her own."

At this prompting, Hela raised her head, eyes ablaze with fury, "As you have helped my lady, I would ask for your assistance to claim that which was rightfully mine."

For a time, I allowed the winds to howl because I already knew where this was going. I shook my head, "The throne is out of your reach and will stay out of your reach even if you leave here with my aid."

Hela went to speak but I held my hand up to stop her.

"Thor is a friend to my Empire and I will not help you battle for the throne even if Odin did not remove your birthright. There is not only too much conflict of interest but also the little fact that even with Asgard being as weak as it has ever been in one hundred thousand years," I stated and could see the shock displayed on her face as her emotional control slipped, "I will not plunge my people into a fight against such a superior force when a treaty is on the table. If it is a battle you crave, then you can be my Queen of war. There are plenty of planets to add and more than a few Empires that will stand against the rise of my Empire."

"And what if I do not want to be your Queen of WAR?" Hela asked as she took a stand.

"Then I would put you in a temple befitting one of your status, Lady Death offered a soul for a soul, but you were a crown princess and it would be foolish of me not to see your true value," I replied as my legs shifted apart, my center of gravity lowering as I took a stance.

"Following my lady's will is only natural," Hela spoke while also settling into her own combat stance, "Yet, I will have to see your measure before being your Queen or War."

"Begin," Lady Death's voice floated along the wind.

That was all I needed, as I blitzed forward. Hela never stood a chance really, and I think that Lady Death already knew that. Like she already knew that this was the best deal that her avatar would get since even in the comics Hela never got a good outcome. Thanos used her, Thor used her, and even Loki, her own father, used her within the comics. Unlike Odin, I could build and stick her in a danger room if she had bloodlust issues. Definitely no need to burn down the Empire when there were alternatives to relieve one of stress.

Hela twisted to keep up with even my incredible speeds, and honestly, I gotta say that I was impressed. She was locked away here for so many years, stripped of her powers, and yet, she was still able to react with incredible performance. Yet, none of what she might be able to do was going to help her beat me on this day. Her legs were sept out from beneath her at such a velocity, I was almost worried that I had broken her bones until I realized that Asgard just built them tough.

Snatching a foot out of the air, I then gave Hela the puny god treatment. Somewhere around the fourth swing her scream/shout cut out but being the asshole that I was, I gave her two more to make it a solid six on both sides. Just in case of course.

Odin's most powerful and most feared General, there was no way that any of this could go wrong.

Odin Borson

Sitting upon his throne, Odin cast his gaze far and wide as he waited on news from his oldest son. Thor had been gone for days now on his very own orders. Yet, from the reports that Heimdall gave, Thor should be arriving this very day. Even if he couldn't show it, that was very good news for him to hear.

His wife, Friga, had been in a mood since they had lost Loki and he had to send Thor out to restore the nine realms. He had mourned his youngest, of course, and oh how he missed his son. Even with all of his many failings, Loki was still his child.

Even lost to the stars, Loki would still be that small child that he took in all those years ago. Letting out a deep sigh, Odin waved his hand, dismissing the artisan that was speaking as he turned his own gaze outwards. Even now with his gaze turned towards the stars, Odin couldn't bring himself to enjoy the sight of the cosmos, the shiver that went down his back made him sit forward.

"My KING!" A voice called from one of the hidden doors that led out of his Royal court. Standing, Odin dismissed everyone with a turn as he made for the room that he knew only Heimdall had access to.

Something had happened or the universe wouldn't have seen fit to warn him. His feet took him into the chambers to find Heimdall standing there with a note in his hands. The air about his oldest advisor stank of cold and death, so did the piece of parchment clutched in his grip.

"Heimdall," Odin spoke even as he went to stand next to the brazier. With a shaking hand, Heimdall handed the piece of parchment that he was carrying over.

"Today, before I could perform the usual checks of the borders and prisons, this floated out from the Bifrost my King," Heimdall spoke, his voice even and steady even as his hand trembled.

{The age of heroes has arrived, my avatar shall not sit this out.}

"No!" Odin whispered while dropping the piece of parchment, then with a deft hand motion, his arm sliced through the air. On the far wall, an oval portal appeared, yet all Odin saw on the other side was barren lands. "NO!"

Hela Odinsdottir

Before her eyes could open, Hela knew that she wasn't on that barren rock anymore. It wasn't very hard to figure out, not with whatever she was laying on showed that it was vastly improved over the rocks and crags of the wastelands.

Instead of the roof to her cave, it was a beautifully sloped ceiling of what could only be her quarters. The only reason why she had come to such a conclusion was that she wasn't behind bars. Then again, her lady wouldn't deliver her from salvation and into the hands of scum. Even if this so-called Emperor Blake wasn't scum, the man was a brute through and through with how he had man-handled her the previous evening.

That was no battle of titans like old, no, that was a thrashing and she wished that she hadn't been so weak. Then again, she was alive, and she would not claim any of the 'if only' some warriors liked to spout because she would be dignified even in defeat.

Setting up, Hela brought the blanket up to protect her modesty when she finally noticed that she was completely nude. Once she had gotten over the shock of being in the nude, Hela then noticed that all of her wounds were healed. With furrowed brows, Hela began to look for some clothing now that she was certain that she had awoken without any molestation while unconscious. It was easy to figure out as her quim was still dry as the barren lands she recently vacated.

Not only that, but there wasn't any seed left inside of her or the usual bodily secretions from such an act nor did she feel refreshed. Actually, now that she could really think about it, Hela had to admit that she had a mighty hunger and she would need to find sustenance soon.

With the blanket wrapped around her, Hela decided that now was a good time to vacate the bedding and find herself some proper clothing. Unfortunately, her search only turned up some ugly suit in grey and white with some type of wrist device. It was clear that this was the only clothing given to her. With clear frustration, she wore the ugly thing, and even then the doors wouldn't open until after she wore the wrist device.


Hmm, so the device at least had a purpose and she wasn't going to be left in here to rot, she had noticed that it had already been some time since she had awoken and no one had come to check on her.

{Welcome to the Pandoran Network, Hela, Avatar of Death, Odinsdottir, Paramore of the Emperor. You may now receive messages, access to the Primarchs network, the mess hall, and call for transport… etc etc.}

Tuning the device out, she made for the door, she was no one's paramore. If anything, then this Blake would be her paramore. Such a pretentious title, she thought with derision. With a snort of disdain, she tried the door once more then smirked as it slid open for her. Walking through, she noticed that the fool hadn't even seen fit to leave her some guards.

Well, she could take advantage of that but the gnawing at her stomach told her it was best to find food first. So, instead of attempting to commandeer the ship, Hela brought her wrist up so that she could speak into the wrist thing. "Device, where can I find food?"

{Closest mess hall is located on deck four, follow the red arrows please.}

Hela could only shake her head, didn't that fool know that information was key. The fact that he had freely given her access to his information was not winning him any favors. The same as the fact that he didn't even see her as enough of a threat to post guards outside of her quarters.

She would have to find a way to exploit that later once she was finally able to get some sustenance inside of her that wasn't the gruel her beloved father deemed fit to feed her over her long stay in exile. Even if he didn't leave any notes, Hela knew that it would only be him that left food for her. Ohh how she longed to return the favor. Exile that bearded fool on some planet out in some backwater star system with nothing to eat but the dregs not fit to feed a rat.

The so-called elevator opened at her approach and Hela rode it to the correct level, she still found it strange that she hadn't found another soul. Following the directions of the arrow, Hela found the mess hall and she gave a nod of appreciation at the mountain of muscles before her.

She might not have met anyone before arriving here, but it was clear that this was the location where true warriors ate their meals. The chattering that was happening slowed down for a moment before it picked back up as they ignored her presence.

Taking a moment to understand the sight before her, Hela joined the line on the far left as she noticed how they each took a tray before then getting their meal served. Once she had her meal in hand, something that they were calling lasagna, Hela took the table by the large windows that gave a delightful view of the planet down below.

With a sigh, Hela relaxed into her seat, even if she would never admit it. The meal that she had just finished was as delightful as the view of the planet outside. Even the wine that was delivered to her was divine and paired really well with her meal.

Somewhere during her second glass, Hela heard the door slide open and knew that something was happening as everyone within the room had gone silent. When she looked over for herself to see what might have warranted such a response, her face shifted into a scowl as she saw the brute walking her way.

Then without her leave or request about the seat opposite her, the brute sat down with a smile. One of the things she noticed instantly was that his smile was all teeth and those were mighty sharp canines that went along the pure primal energy that he was purposely sending her way.

Keeping her silence, Hela allowed the tension to rise, refusing to give in to such childish antics. Then with a smile, the savage before her decided that he wanted to up the stakes and finished her bottle of wine in one go. The glass in her hand broke instantly from her immense strength even if it tried its best not to break.

"WHY HAVE YOU COME TO DISTURB MY PEACE!" Hela hissed at the savage, her killing intent flashing.

The savage flashed her an easy smile even as he bathed her in his primal aura once more, "Ahh yes, what to discuss now that you have used your guest rights to water and break bread upon my craft under my sanctuary."

Gritting her teeth, Hela kept herself from lashing out. He was right, she was a guest and even those sacred rights wouldn't protect her if she struck first. Her lady had already gone through so much trouble to get her off that barren rock. The least she could do was hear him out before taking his army to win back her birthright.

"Then speak of what you have to say and be gone from here," Hela returned with a huff.

"Well, you see, I just so happen to speak prison bitch," The savage said as he got up from his chair, "And I understand that being a lady with such a high-class background, you'll never understand unless you're smashed over the head with the truth," The savage grinned down at her as he loomed, "You decided to put that booty on the line, so I'll make it easy for you to understand. I like ya, and I want ya. I came to collect my booty. We can do this the easy way or we can do it the Viking way, but the answer is yes."

This wasn't a savage, he was clearly a barbarian!

Author's Notes: Happy Holiday!

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