The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 79

By: BigToFu

Benjamin Blake

Emperor of Pandora

“And when that little bastard had the audacity to spit on my goodwill and say kneel, I had to ask the Emperor to give me strength.” Elijah looked to the sky and did the cross motion of protection over his chest, but that only lasted so long before his bombastic nature returned. “Raising my axe high, I brought down the great fury and anger of the Emperor as I smote that heretic down with all that I had!” Elijah roared and as I stood away from the doorway, I had to wonder if he was really serious about the whole faith in thicc’ness that he had been preaching. I would have to guess so, if that pulsing vein on his neck said anything about his feelings on the matter. 

A couple of Primarchs and Spartans around him roared with approval and I had to make a mental note to check if he really had started a Church of THICC. Before I could fully step into the room, a few of them took a knee as Elijah put his hands together in prayer.

"Let us pray my brothers and sisters," Elijah began and that was when I realized that a few females were also mixed into the crowds. Then a hologram appeared behind him and looked as if it was stained glass like the classic mega-churches. Yet, instead of ordinary glass, it had a few posed images and I could only facepalm because I recognize those asses anywhere.

Ororo, Raven, and even Sue were placed in stained glass in what were clearly battle poses. At this point in time, I really just wanted to turn around and walk back out, but the job that I had for Elijah was just too important. She might be a bitch, but Hela deserved at least a Primarch to guard her and Elijah might be a little crazy, but he was one of my best. 

Trying not to snort, I waited as they prayed and asked to be blessed with thicc’ness in their lives before I finally decided to pull the massive lug to the side and speak with him. 

“Thighs shall be wrapped around my head like earmuffs as they ride me to the great fields of great rest,” Elijah spoke with solemnity.

“Blessed be the HOLY POWER of the THICC!” Everyone inside the room returned. “AMEN!” 

For a moment, I felt as if I was Kakashi watching Guy doing his nice guy pose as the scenery shifted an illusion cast for all to see. Instead of a setting sun, I witness booty in a very nice pair of short shorts bloom into reality like the rising sun. 

Okay, now I was moving, the breaking of the sound barrier didn’t stop me as I dope slapped the shit out of everyone in the room. Elijah, that bastard had the audacity to drop a homer line with a ‘dohh’ line after I smacked him in the back of the head. 

Frustrated, I pinched the bridge of my nose as I waved a hand at the stain glass hologram, “What happens if one of my wives sees this?”  I asked them, then I shook my head. “Okay, maybe Emma would love this but I know Sue just might skin you alive if you don't die doing some crazy quest of redemption from Ororo.” 

They all looked back at me like scolded kids even if few of them sported mutinus looks. With a resigned sigh, I shook my head and walked back towards the way I came in. I really just couldn't right now, standing at the door, I made a motion for the room to clear out. As the room cleared out swiftly, I made sure to gather the data and delete it before Sage or my AI Athena got her hands on such blackmail material. 

It really would be a shame for the ladies to start a manhunt and eviscerate some of my spartans. Some had stayed behind to help Elijah clean the room, but even that didn't save them from my glare. 

With everyone out of the room, Elijah made a show of putting away the altar and chairs, before arriving at where I stood leaning against a wall. 

“Elijah, you will be assigned to Hela’s task force.” I stated as I leaned back against the wall. He blinked at me lost in his head, then his face twisted into a frown.

It was easy to tell that he wasn't too happy since his face looked as if he tried to suck a lemon through a lion's ass. “The bitchy one?” Elijah asked.

I shrugged at him, “Yes, the bitchy one,” I replied with a chuckle.

“And when you mean Take Care Of Her….” Elijah blinked then put two fingers to his temple, a rendition of finger guns, “Or take care of her?”

The look I gave him was completely flat until he removed the finger gun from his head. Then he had the audacity to grimace at me, the little shit.

“I don't know boss, seems a little too feral for me” Elijah shuddered before gulping. “She upholds the proper views on thicc’ness but I don't think you should be sticking your dick into this one, Boss. She just might bite it off and that would cause you to forsake your bountiful pursuit of what is true in life.”

Looking to the heavens so that Stan Lee himself could have mercy on my soul, I took the bait and asked the question. “And what is the pursuit of life Elijah?”

“All men and woman who walk the righteous path knows that the tyranny of the flat must be defeated so that thicc may show them the way.” Elijah spoke bombastically with his chest up and forward as if he was about to start preaching the facts of life. 

“Preach, Brother Elijah, Preach the good word!” At least four other spartans and a primarch spoke, and I turned so quickly the sound barrier broke. These little shits were asking for an ass kicked, but low and behold, there was no one in sight. Now I was certain that Marvel herself was fucking with him. The only other instance I could think of something like this happening was during that amazing Grinch movie with Jim Carey. 

Turning away from what was clearly a haunted hallway, made a note to self, to have someone blast the place with holy magic later. I kept on walking even as Elijah followed along. We took a couple of turns, then an elevator before we arrived at where Hela was training. Well, I called it training but honestly, she was just slaughtering the poor hologram armies. 

Standing in the monitor room, I checked the difficulty levels and noticed that she picks Heroic, instead of the base levels or the Legendary level. If I was being honest, I think that she should have picked the normal level from the way she was already cut up while facing a decent-sized fighting force. Damn holograms were lined with magic so they packed a punch. 

This would have been easy if all she was facing was large amounts of troops, but no. Hela was facing adaptable troops powered by the training rooms VI. There was just no way for her to win, not with her being years without a true opponent. 

I watched as she stopped an overhead strike only to get hit with a headbutt, then someone grabbed her horned helm and then threw her through one of the buildings. She got back up of course roaring in a rage since the Vi allowed her a chance to recover as it made the troops regroup. 

The leader feinted with a sword lock then rolled out of the way as someone beamed her in the chest with lasers. Yeah, she really should have kept this on normal settings, because a lot of my training and sparring rooms revolved around cheating like it's going to cost you your last dying breath if you don’t. It was really showing that she has always been on the overwhelming side in battles with how she attacks and sets herself up. Hell, her back wasn't even facing a wall or anything to protect from blindsiding. 

That was proven as one of the soldiers uncloaked and unloaded a few rounds into her back as the others raised their shields. None of the hits were lethal due to the settings but they hurt just enough to gain her attention. Unfortunately for her this was what the training Vi’s were waiting for, she turned to cast a look towards the one shooting at her. 

Then blam two more uncloaked rushing on both sides with Hela trapped in the middle of the formation trap.

The two training aids came in fast, one was going high and the other was going low, Hela picked up on this. So with a light hop, she went between the two attackers horizontally before lashing out with two of her created blades, ‘huh’ Thor did that in the movies, but with only his lightning.

Two heads went flying as Hela lightly landed on her feet, then the earth buckled as she kicked off and became a death scythe. Her blades went one way and the other as limbs went flying. 

Even as she killed all the closer combatants, it was again clear that she had no clue about modern weaponry, or that Asgard had any equivalent. I had actually hoped that they did or at least the Dark Elves did with the type of technology at their fingertips. That cluelessness came in the form of Hela attempting to bat a rocket fired at her out of the air. 

The flashing Sim over in scarlet red was all that I needed to know about her surviving that rocket. 

*Whistle* “Damn, she got some moves,” Elijah spoke as he looked over the replay of the battle. From what I could tell, he was watching a cut of the epic moments the Vi compiled.

Ignoring that, I brought up my own holo-image to see what took her out, it obviously couldn't have been a normal rocket for her to have failed the simulation. I rewind the last sixty seconds of the battle and then slowly played it until I found what I was looking for. 

First I found the rocket and then traced it to the program that fired the killing blow. I rewind the video once more and found out that it was the same combatant that decloaked and fired those stinging rounds at Hela. He had recloaked and then repositioned onto the rooftops while she was busy, sneaky little Vi. 

Things got interesting when he pulled some wires and tied that around the rocket and then around one of our standard-issued void grenades. The distance of the shot was less than a hundred feet so he didn't have to worry about his aim too much. Okay, now I understand how she died, and damn, Hela was played. 

With a swipe of my hand, I dismissed the display and found a nice spot to post up against the wall, and waited. From what I could sense, Hela had gone into the changing rooms and was somewhere around the shower area at the moment. 

Funny enough, we didn’t really have to wait long since I wasn’t stupid enough to actually put the hot tubs and saunas near any gyms or related training areas. They wanted that extra luxury, they could do it off the clock and not while on my payroll since I actually paid them to stay in shape. 

When the ten-minute mark passed, I decided that I might as well be zen with the speed force. Pulling a mat out from my storage, I settled in with my legs crossed. Then once I was settled in, then opened myself to the universe around me. 


There was a pulse of irritation screaming for attention waking me from my peaceful communion with Eternity and the Cosmos. Slowly my eyes opened, and for a moment, I forgot myself as the world before me shone with an array of colors. Blues, Reds, Greens, and Purple raced across all surfaces within my sight. 

Then, it all went away as I noticed those around him stare with bated breaths. As I stood, I gave my surroundings a quick glance before selecting an easy-to-access empty room. 

“Hela,” I called as I strolled right by her and waited by the door. Noticing that the room was barren, I put my mat back on the floor. Sitting down, I tried to bring back the serenity I had earlier, but honestly, I couldn't. Letting out a sigh, one hand was raised, then with a pull. 

Space, time, and reality moved at my command as a portal formed at my left. On the other side of the portal was the snowy tundra of Hel. The very same lands that Hela was rescued from not forty-two hours ago. 

“The thing is,” I started as I released a slow sigh, “Lady Death offered you a chance and I was alright to go with it,” I shrugged, “It was no skin off my back even if you didn’t want to warm my bed, that was until you kept trying to piss in my cheerios,” I growled at her, my eyes blazing with power with a glare that could kill. All I would need was to push a little intent for my eyes to fry her. “No one, and I mean absolutely no one, gets to piss in my cheerios.” I stood now with my statement, power radiating off me in waves that shook the entire ship. “Two options lay before you, sign this contract, or return where you came from.” 

Elijah looked between us, then shrugged before shoving his head through the portal. He looked around for a moment, then walked through. Ignoring him, I kept my gaze locked on the formidable woman before me. 

It was clear that a nerve was struck as her right hand trembled with pure rage. 

“Nooo,” Hela ground out and it was hard not to feel bad for her teeth. 

“Sigh, Hela I really don't have time for this.” I said before standing up. “I have an empire to run, not deal with a spoiled pampered half-crazed princess with more problems than she's worth. If you think that I will allow you within my Empire or around my kids without any type of assurances after how you have acted, then you are a fool.”

“Boss, you wanna build a snowman?” Elijah called back through the portal. 

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I started to gather magic into the portal as I took a more firm control over it, “Sigh, I’m sure that she would love to build a snowman with you.”

Then with a twist, I sent the portal towards where she was standing. 


Two blades popped out as Hela summoned them to her hands, “I’m never going back!” She screamed even as she turned tail and headed for the exit. The same exit that was closed silently behind her when she first came into the room. 

She gave the door to mighty swings of her swords, and nothing happened. She really kicked it up a notch then as nothing happened to the door to show that she was even having any amount of effect on it. I on the other hand knew that she wasn't gonna be able to do shit. 

My thinking was of the ultra-paranoid variety and even if I couldnt have the entire ship made from adamantium, I at least had the hull, the bulkhead doors, and a polymer mix type coating to make sure we could withstand all kinds of crazy shit. You never really knew with Marvel and I was trying to be ready for anything that the bitch threw at me. 

Hell, even the keel of the ship was a vibranium, adamantium alloy mix, and if I could get my hands on enough, I would make sure to insert some nth metal too. Speaking of resources, I really needed to get my hands on the damn reality stone, that thing was fucking broken when it came to unlimited resources at one’s finger-tips.

With the portal between us, I held it steady and stopped myself from sending it more towards her direction. She was already acting like a trapped animal and I really didn't want to see what she would do in extreme desperation. 

“You didn’t even read the contract.” I sighed even as I sat relaxed. The interesting thing was that even as I looked relaxed, I was one rude word away from springing into action and booting her ass back to where she came from. I knew this, and it was clear that Hela also knew this as she settled down. She never put away her weapons though and I was cool with that. The both of us knew that even with her recent recovery, I was still the big multi-ton shark in the room. 

Hela gave me a calculating look, then swiftly glanced at the portal before straightening up, “Might I be able to read the contract of my liege, so that I might make a more informed decision.”

Ohh, now that was an interesting development, I didn't even know she had civility inside of her. 

“Ohh, of course, of course, I did make sure to keep it simple and straightforward. Nothing detrimental to my Empire, work to the best of your abilities. Off and I must not forget that any such act of treason, subterfuge, or malicious intent towards the Empire would see you directly teleported back to Hel.” I answered her with a smile, even as I hovered the contract over to her side of the room. 

The moment she got the contract and started to read it over, I could see the gears turning in her head. Jokes on her, because that was not only a magically binding contract, but I made sure that dimensional magic was included so that her ass could be sent across the universe if need be. 

“These terms are acceptable,” Hela stated as she held the contract in one hand. With a flick of my wrist, I sent the portal to the corner and pretended as if I didn’t see her flinch. Good, the only way to tame a tsundere was to make sure to handle her with a firm hand. 

Leaning back, I took on and projected the calm of a lazy lion to the room as I waited upon Hela to take the next step. She looked around and then noticed that she of course had nothing to write with, what she did notice though was the little section for a bloody thumbprint. 

The two swords vanished only to get replaced by a fine dagger, I said nothing as she flicked her wrist and sliced her thumb. My face split into a smile as Hela placed her bloody thumb into the space. The contract snapped itself shut and then vanished back to the island to sit inside of my vault. 

“Then, as we have struck a proper deal, let me introduce you to the Captain of your guards,” I spoke while standing, then with a wave of my hand. The portal washed over Elijah and brought him back into the room with the…. Snowman he was building. “Elijah, let me introduce you to Hela Odinsdottir.”

“Damn, so I am guarding the bitchy one.”


Authors Note:

Sorry that it's short but there are life things going on. Felt that it was best for everyone to get a chapter instead of releasing nothing. 

I do have another mad idea that I might drop, don't know when, but I have been working on something during my lunch break for the portal series. Quick and fast to the plot chapter, also last of my quick and lite chapters. 

Portal Series Collections 

Full version can be found in my sandbox

Izuku Midoriya 

-Known as ZuZu to family and friends.

Right now, Izuku was out for a walk to stretch his legs. Looking around, he could only shake his head at it all. Stopping on the sidewalk, he looked up and hoped that he wasn’t becoming as jaded as his mother's boyfriend. That thought alone sent a shiver down Izuku’s spine, his mother dating an Emperor was not something he saw coming. Looking down, Izuku then flexed his fingers and smiled as he saw the green psionic aura surrounding both of his hands.

Relaxing his hands, he placed his left in his pocket while he used the other to review the latest Hero polls. First, Izuku had to take a look around to make sure that his teacher wasn’t watching him either close or from a distance. Looking around all he found at his side was Alfred and no one else besides people. He noticed that a crowd had started to gather in the distance. 

“Hey Alfred, what do you think is going on over there?” Izuku asked, a hand pointing in the direction of the crowd. 

Alfred looked at the crowd then shrugged in return. “Unsure, would you like to investigate?”

Floating upwards, Izuku smiled at his friend. “Yeah, of course maybe we would be able to see All Might in action.”

With that said, Izuku watched as Alfred’s armor wrapped around him and they both flew up and over to get a better view of what the crowd was looking at. What they found sent a shiver down Izuku’s spine. From the explosions going on from the captive’s hands, Izuku knew the person being controlled by the muck villain. Izuku hovered in the air over the crowd but couldn’t figure out why no one was helping, so he gave Alfred a look. 

He smiled as Alfred rolled his eyes while sighing, following behind his friend, then both landed at the back of the crowd. They both received some weird looks but Izuku ignored that for what some of the pro heroes were saying. 

“Poor kid, and he had such a flashy quirk too.”

“I know, but we have to wait for someone with a better quirk to arrive.”

After spending so much time on the island and meeting so many different types of people, Izuku had finally got it. Katsuki wasn’t his friend, no, Katsuki was a bully with superiority issues and even if he didn’t like him. Izuku was still going to save him because he couldn’t call himself a hero if he never tried.

Accepting the truth for what it was, Izuku turned and found that Alfred was already in his armor. Smiling, Izuku brought up his own suit controls on his omni and had his UMF suit perform a quick change. Checking his surroundings, Izuku saw the plan Alfred had compiled with using the fire hydrant, but saw the chance for the villain to escape. 

Agreeing to the plan, but putting his own changes into it, they agreed on the action before they themselves moved. There was a shout from behind, but Izuku ignored that to form a large green telekinetic bubble around Katsuki and the muck villain.

Alfred spoke over the comms with a quick “Ready.”

Holding the large green telekinetic bubble above his head, Izuku flew himself and his captures over to the side to hover in front of Alfred. A quick nod was shared before Alfred pointed his mega canon at the bubble. Shifting the containment field of his telekinetic bubble, Izuku allowed the water to flow through.

Instantly the explosions stopped as Katsuki’s quirk was nullified, then out of the bottom water flowed with what was clearly the villain diluted inside of it. Another hand came forward as Izuku changed the bottom half of his telekinetic force bubble. Now hovering over the street were two interconnected bubbles, one containing Katsuki and the other the villain.

“DEKU, the FUCK are you doing here in that fucking suit. Have you been holding out on me you little shit!”

Izuku noticed Alfred tilting his head to the side as he tried to figure out what was happening. 

Then the dreaded question came as his friend asked him the question. “Do you know him?”

“Yeah, but I wish I didn’t,” Izuku replied, cheeks burning red in embarrassment. “Did you bring anything to restrain this villain?”

Alfred turned and looked at him while disconnecting his armor from the fire hydrant. Izuku could only shrug in return because all he had on him was writing material and his school things. 


Izuku jumped because he knew that voice, that was the voice of the number one hero, All Might. 


“Thanks, sir, Zuzu the bottle,” Alfred said, Izuku was still stuck looking at the number one hero. He never noticed when Alfred rolled his eyes and took the offered bottle from All Might. “Just ask for that autograph so we can all just move on please, also you still have that sparky boom boom kid in the air.”

“Ohh,” Izuku squeaked as he realized that he almost failed his training, then again, it was All Might. So it should be alright, Izuku told himself. Putting away the muck villain, Izuku noticed the look that Katsuki was giving him. Ignoring that to turn and look at All Might his frustration came when Alfred pulled at his shoulder. 

Turning, Izuku had to ask. “Yes?”

“We can’t stay, moronic heroes and police will be here in a sec.” Alfred told him. Izuku turned around eyes wide as he realized what was about to happen.

“But my autograph?” Izuku mumbled lower lip quivering. 

“No time, bro we gotta go.” Alfred said as he grabbed Izuku by the back of his UMF suit. Then before anyone could respond, they rocketed away making sure to put the largest building in between them and the cameras.

Landing on a roof some distance away, Izuku fell to his knees in devastation.


“Yeah, so just let him get the drama out of his system.”

“All Might!!” Izuku yelled, jumping up from his crouched and devastated position. Then before the larger hero could react, Izuku was upon him with a notebook. “Ohh my gosh, I’m like your biggest fan!”

“CALM DOWN YOUNG HERO.” All Might said with his chest pushed forward as he showed the world a large smile. 

“Hmm, that’s a nasty injury,” Alfred said as he looked down on the scanner showing above his forearm.

“What?!” Izuku half yelled and half asked as he turned towards Alfred. “I thought we weren’t supposed to use our tools to scan people?”

All-Might couldn’t stop the sweat drop that formed on his forehead, then before he could turn and vanish, it happened. Blood welled up as his powers timed out and he changed for right before both of the youths.

“WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ALL  MIGHT?!” Izuku yelled and asked before passing out. 

“And of course, he would pass out.” Alfred sighs as he walks over to Izuku’s side. 

“Will he be alright?” All Might asked as he looked down at his fainted fan.

Picking up Izuku, Alfred puts him over his shoulder before turning towards All Might. “Yeah, he will be fine, it’s just he has wanted to meet you for so long and it was just too much for him.”

“Thank you, young man, do you mind keeping this a secret?” All Might ask as he peers at the brothers. 

Alfred tilted his head to the side, “Sure, but why haven’t you gotten yourself healed yet?”

“I have searched far and wide, there are no quirks that can heal my injuries.” All Might answers with a sigh.

Alfred was silent for a time before he came to a decision. “Yeah, figured as much, come on, I’m sure you can cut a deal with dad. Just so you know, he might want a battle as payment for healing you. He can be kind of a battle maniac when he discovers strong opponents.”

Now, it was All Might's turn to be silent as he thought it all over. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, just don’t break anything important when you guys fight, please. Mom was mad for at least a week when he broke the moon back home.” Alfred said with a sigh before opening a teleportation portal. 

“What, what? Broke the moon?”

Alfred shook his head, “Yeah, some fool thought that they could invade us and dad took that as an insult.”

“I take it that things didn’t go well for the intruders?”

“Nope, because Dad used their heads like a plow and broke the moon, now come on. I don’t want to keep the portal open long.”

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