The weather was bad, but the weather was bad.

Very bad!

Lu Ge had a feeling that today was a bad day, and his life was in danger!

"Since I promised her that I would let her have you, then you should give me your life and soul!"

'Zhao Lin' showed a greedy smile at the corner of her mouth, and her pale hands had already pinched his neck.

She gradually exerted force, and Lu Ge immediately felt suffocated, and even felt that his neck was about to be pinched off.


Lu Ge couldn't breathe, his face flushed instantly, struggling to make his voice hoarse, and shouted with difficulty: "Zhao Lin!"

"She has been swallowed by me, it's useless for you to shout now, hehehe..."

'Zhao Lin' laughed loudly, and the hand that was pinching Lu Ge's neck suddenly appeared an octopus tentacle, which was constantly wrapping down from Lu Ge's neck.

The feeling of suffocation came like a tide, and Lu Ge almost rolled his eyes.


Seeing this, Xiao Xia sighed secretly, and then it rushed straight to 'Zhao Lin', and it was emitting a faint white light all over its body.

When it penetrated 'Zhao Lin's' body, the demon in her body seemed to be burned by something, and it hurt 'her' to scream.

At the same time, the real Zhao Lin, who was swallowed by the demon, was squatting in a dark little black room at this time, surrounded by endless loneliness and coldness, as well as the terrifying coldness and fear.

This painful feeling made her lose her vitality, and she was constantly swallowed by the darkness under her feet.

Just as she was about to be completely swallowed, a tiny light shone in, and at the same time, a memory kept appearing in front of her eyes...

[Hello, classmate, can you lend me this vocabulary and grammar book? Thank you! ]

[Classmate Zhao Lin, what's wrong with you? Have you been bullied? ]

[If you are bullied, you must fight back even if you get hurt. Only if you are strong enough can you protect yourself. ]

[... Go back and take a hot bath, and then change into clean clothes, don't catch a cold. ]


The gentle and caring voice was like a warm sunshine.

And that familiar voice gradually restored some color to Zhao Lin's empty eyes.

Looking at the beautiful and brilliant figure in the memory picture, Zhao Lin remembered!

He is Lu Ge!

Before, she was abandoned, bullied, rejected, alienated, and despised... She was bullied and soaked by the thorny elder sister in the class... The only person who did not despise her and was willing to comfort her was Lu Ge!

That person she wanted to look up to and longed for, how she wished that his eyes would stay on her a little more!

But every time she saw Lu Ge, there were always women who were better than her and entangled with him.

And his eyes were always blocked by other women...

Every time she saw it, she was jealous, so when the devil came to her, she made a deal with it without hesitation.

Then she cleaned up all the people who had bullied her, and at the same time she tried to make herself better.

But she always heard how good the women around Lu Ge were, and she became more and more jealous.

The devil in her body also gained enough nutrients to become stronger, and now he is thinking of taking advantage of the opportunity to occupy her body.

The devil even used her body to hurt Lu Ge!

How could this be possible?

She could sell her soul just to stand by Lu Ge's side, but she would never allow the devil to hurt Lu Ge!

So when she was about to lose consciousness, a ray of light suddenly appeared, and her obsession revived...

"Let him go!"

With the power of obsession, Zhao Lin tore through the darkness and fought with the devil for control of her body again.

"What's going on? Impossible! Your soul has been devoured by me... Why do you have this kind of power!"

The devil in Zhao Lin's body saw that his power was constantly draining away, and Zhao Lin on the other side was getting stronger and more brutal, and he just caught it and swallowed it!

It should have been it that swallowed Zhao Lin, but now it was horrified to find that it was swallowed by her!

"Get out of here! I won't allow you to hurt him!"

Zhao Lin's obsession made her more ferocious, and she swallowed the devil in her body with her teeth and claws.


When the devil found something wrong and wanted to run, it was too late. It was a powerful demon that was actually swallowed by a small human?


Zhao Lin, who had regained his body, let go of Lu Ge. He was almost dead, so he greedily breathed in the fresh air. His rapid breathing choked his throat.


Hiss... Your obsession is so scary! ’

Xiao Xia looked at Zhao Lin who was constantly devouring the demon and took a breath.

It just wanted to wake up Zhao Lin and give Lu Ge a chance to run away, but Zhao Lin swallowed the demon!

How strong is this obsession?

Xiao Xia couldn't help but shudder, and suddenly she was a little worried about Lu Ge.

Her obsession made her burst out with incredible power to devour the demon, and Lu Ge, as the source of her obsession, if he fell into her hands...

Hiss... I get goose bumps just thinking about it!

‘Lu Ge, while she is devouring the demon, run! Long Kui is tracking here, maybe you can run into her! ’Xiao Xia hurriedly urged.


Lu Ge looked up at Zhao Lin's painful and crazy expression, and obediently opened the door and ran out.

It's not that he was scared, but Zhao Lin, who was devouring the demon at this time, didn't look normal at all.

The octopus tattoo that originally occupied half of her body was constantly gathering on her forehead, as if being devoured by her.

That’s fine, but behind Zhao Lin, several octopus tentacles appeared, baring their teeth and claws, which frightened Lu Ge.

‘Xiao Xia, what’s wrong with her? ’

Lu Ge ran out of the dilapidated attic and kept running down the narrow and dirty corridor.

He was still a little worried about Zhao Lin’s situation…

‘She relied on her strong obsession to devour the demon attached to her. The human body cannot support the power of the demon, so she is now transforming into the body of the demon. ’

Xiao Xia looked back at the room where Zhao Lin was, and the dark atmosphere over there became more and more intense.

‘Run faster, she… seems to be chasing you! ’

Xiao Xia looked at the black air that suddenly rolled over, and the big sun in the sky was also covered by a layer of dark clouds. The entire dilapidated building had no power support and soon became dim.

Lu Ge's vision was also disturbed, especially the stairs of this small building were narrow and dim, and he would fall down if he was not careful, and even get a bloody head.

When he felt that something seemed to be chasing him from behind, Lu Ge was also sweating profusely.

Especially in the spreading black fog, a thick octopus tentacle rolled out from time to time, which made Lu Ge's heart tense, and his steps became chaotic when he was nervous.

Sure enough, in the dim corridor, he accidentally stepped on the air and fell forward.

If he fell down, he would almost be dead.

"Lu Ge... Do you also want to dislike me and leave me?"

The pain that Lu Ge imagined did not come, but there was an ice-cold tentacle on his body, which entangled him and hung him in the air.

There was a hint of disappointment and a hint of coldness in Zhao Lin's sad words.


In Lu Ge's horrified eyes, Zhao Lin, with her upper body almost naked, emerged from the black mist. Her long hair was down to her waist, and her eyes were still as dark as ink.

Her pretty face was still a little pale, and her face was as cold as frost.

That was fine, but the main thing was that the tentacles around her were a little fierce and looked a little weird.

Without waiting for Lu Ge to think too much, the tentacles wrapped around him pulled him directly in front of Zhao Lin.

"Lu Ge, do you also think that I look ugly and scary now? So you are scared, right?"

Zhao Lin held Lu Ge's cheeks with both hands, lowered her head and looked at him carefully and asked.

"Zhao Lin, I think we can talk..."

If he was not afraid at all, that would be impossible.

Lu Ge looked at the tentacles that easily penetrated the wall, and Zhao Lin's dark eyes were like a vortex, as if they were going to imprison him in the abyss. How could he not panic?

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Ge was dragged into the pitch-black fog.

Zhao Lin's voice came from the surroundings: "Well, we really should have a good talk..."

As Lu Ge's vision almost lost its function, his perception was slowly isolated, but he clearly felt that he was tied there again...

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