The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meal.

Just as Lu Ge sat down, someone else walked in from outside the door.

"Brother Lu Ge!"

The girl who pushed the door in was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and plain jeans, and had a pigtail. Her young and immature face was full of joy as she hopped towards Lu Ge.

"Bai Lu, you look good today!"

Seeing the person coming, Lu Ge smiled and responded, and gave her half a tangerine.

"Today is Saturday, and because I have a competition today, the teacher doesn't need me to go to the classroom to review, so I slept in."

Bai Lu playfully stuck out her tongue. It's great to be able to sleep in on the weekend!

"You will take the college entrance examination in half a month. Have you decided which university to apply to? Are you sure?"

Seeing how well behaved she was, Lu Ge couldn't help but reach out and touch her little head.

Bai Lu didn't mind Lu Ge touching her head, but blushed shyly.

"Brother Bai Lu, I heard that you were admitted to Shanghai Theatre Academy, right?"

Because of the online slander about Lu Ge last night, she couldn't sleep all night, looking through all the information about Lu Ge that others had dug out, some true and some false.

When she saw that Lu Ge was said to be a shameless man, she was the first one who didn't believe it!

Even though she just met Lu Ge, Lu Ge didn't give her the feeling of that kind of man!

But her phone was too old and stuck, so she couldn't speak up for Lu Ge.

It wasn't until the next day when Lu Ge's story took a big turn that she was sleepy enough to fall asleep.

And she slept until four or five in the afternoon, and when she woke up, she hurried to Shuangcheng Art Center to record the show.

"Yes, but I was too young and hot-tempered at that time, and wasted such a good opportunity."

Lu Ge felt a little regretful. After all, Shanghai Theatre Academy is one of the best art academies in China, and the outstanding students who can graduate from it are all doing well.

But the original body gave up a bright future because of love, which was a pity.

"It's okay, Brother Lu Ge is also very powerful now."

Bai Lu had a goal in her heart. She would work hard to apply for Shanghai Theatre Academy, so that she would be Lu Ge's junior in the future, and the relationship would be closer!

"Hehe, what's so great about a man who relies on his face, body and women to make a living?"

However, when Bai Lu sincerely praised Lu Ge, Hua Yu, who walked in, retorted disdainfully.

Hua Yu would not admit that he was jealous of Lu Ge.

It's only been two or three days, and Lu Ge has a tendency to be more popular than him! He doesn't accept it!

And he asked someone to check Lu Ge's background last night. How can a person from an orphanage compare with him?

He thought that Lu Ge must have been with a rich woman to have the traffic today, and that rich woman was An Yimo!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. After all, An Yimo and Chen Hailing were famous rich wives in the entertainment industry, and he usually didn't get a straight look from An Yimo!

"Hey! Why are you so annoying? Brother Lu Ge relies on his own strength, okay!"

Bai Lu frowned and looked at Hua Yu with displeasure.

"Little sister, you probably don't know how many people's beds he has climbed to get here."

Hua Yu looked at Lu Ge with contempt, and kindly advised Bai Lu, the ignorant little girl: "You are young and ignorant, don't be deceived by his appearance."

"Brother Lu Ge is not that kind of person! Don't slander him!" Bai Lu was so angry that her pretty face swelled up, and she stood up and wanted to confront Hua Yu.

Although she also thought that Lu Ge's face was indeed beautiful, she didn't like others saying that Lu Ge relied on his body or face to make a living!

Lu Ge stepped forward and held Bai Lu, asking her to calm down, and then he walked towards Huayu with an expressionless face.

Huayu looked at Lu Ge, who was a head taller than him, and especially when he met Lu Ge's cold eyes, he inexplicably felt a sense of pressure.

"Lu Ge! What do you want to do?"

Huayu shouted, trying to dispel the uneasiness in his heart.

"Huayu, I think I have never provoked you, but you have been mocking and slandering me. Do you really think I am easy to bully?"

Lu Ge sneered. He was too lazy to pay attention to Huayu before, but Huayu always came to him to seek a sense of existence.

Then of course he had to prepare a "gift" for Huayu as a return gift.

"You! What do you want to do! My mother is the chairman of Xinrui Group, and my aunt is the deputy director of the Municipal Security Bureau..."

Huayu looked at Lu Ge rubbing his fists and wanting to hit someone, and immediately brought out his backer.

"Don't worry, I'm a civilized person, I just want to give you a 'gift'."

Lu Ge smiled harmlessly and patted Hua Yu on the shoulder

, and used the one-year bad luck charm he exchanged from Xiao Xia on Huayu.

Since Huayu is so free and bored, and always comes to trouble him, let's give him something to do.

After Lu Ge used the bad luck charm on him, he turned around and sat back on the sofa to drink tea.

Seeing this, Huayu felt that Lu Ge was playing a trick on him. He was about to curse, but before he could say anything, he was choked by a mouthful of saliva and couldn't speak.

"Cough cough..."

Huayu's face turned red and he kept coughing. I didn't know if he had any disease. Xia Qinglan hurriedly pulled Lu Ge and Bai Lu to sit farther away.

"You! You..."

Huayu pointed at Lu Ge and wanted to say something, but after taking two steps, he kicked his other foot and lost his balance and fell straight to the ground.

And because of the effect of the bad luck charm, he still landed on his face first.


Hua Yu only felt a pain in his gums and a bloody smell in his mouth. He actually knocked out his front teeth!

Zhou Huimin and the other four contestants who followed him in were all shocked when they saw this scene!

When the staff outside heard something was wrong, they rushed over immediately, and then saw Hua Yu screaming in pain with blood all over his mouth. They were also shocked.

But they quickly reacted and hurried forward to help Hua Yu up, and then took him to see a doctor.

However, they didn't expect that Hua Yu, who was supported by them, fell down again on a step outside the reception room.



This time, Hua Yu fell and his head was bleeding.

For a while, the staff of the program group began to jump up and down.

After all, Huayu's mother is also one of the investors of the program group, especially Huayu's aunt is the deputy director of the city's public security bureau...

If Huayu has any problems in their program group, it will be their program group that will be sad!

So the director had to ask someone to call 120 and send Huayu to a big hospital.

As for the upcoming competition... forget it, how can he compete after falling like that? Just treat it as a waiver.

After the staff sent Huayu away, the world also became quiet.

Although the incident happened suddenly, the director could not wait for Huayu and directly announced the start of the competition.

However, in addition to Huayu not participating in the competition today, three mentors were also changed.

An Yimo, Chen Hailing and Yang Mi did not come, so the director could only urgently invite other more famous mentors in the industry to come to support the scene.

"Today's competition rules are that you have to create songs and sing them on the spot according to the style of music voted by netizens.

Or you can choose to cover other suitable songs. Those who perform well can be recognized and voted as winners by mentors and audiences."

"According to the netizens' votes, the style of this competition is ancient style, and the time is half an hour."

After the staff announced the rules of the competition, they gave them the time to choose.

Is it an original song or a cover song?

"Lu Ge, the song you sang yesterday is an ancient style song."

Seeing that others started to look for songs, Zhou Huimin sat next to Lu Ge and chatted with him.

Because it is difficult to create a fine song in half an hour, unless you are a musical genius like a demon.

So after listening to the rules of the competition, they first looked for suitable songs to cover. As long as the cover is good, it is also a manifestation of talent.

"Forget it."

Lu Ge thought about it and realized that the song he sang a cappella yesterday was indeed an ancient style song.

The netizens of this session are so easy to lead. They actually voted so much to his liking!

Little did they know that it was because of the opera singing he performed yesterday that made the netizens sleepless.

The throbbing hidden in their blood genes made them never forget that opera singing.

So when the director and netizens voted interactively to choose the type of music for the competition, they chose ancient style without hesitation, just to hear Lu Ge sing the song yesterday in full!

"What's the name of your song?"

Zhou Huimin also looked up the lyrics of Lu Ge's singing last night, and only found an allusion that was somewhat similar to what he sang yesterday.

So she was very curious whether Lu Ge adapted the song based on that allusion.

"It's called Window Visit."

This song was his favorite song in his previous life, and the lyrics in it were very meaningful.

And this song describes the love story of an actor and the top scholar...

But in the end, the top scholar broke his promise and fell in love with someone else.

"Oh? Why is it called Window Visit?" Zhou Huimin continued to ask.

"I once saw a sentence like this: Through the window of the soul, far away

Watching her joy with others. "


Zhou Huimin understood immediately. If two people in love have grudges in their hearts, it is like a window of separation. They can never enter each other's hearts.

Zhou Huimin looked at Lu Ge quietly, and a trace of heartache flashed across her calm black eyes.

It is said on the Internet that Chen Hailing is with him because he looks like Chen Hailing's white moonlight.

Although he loves Chen Hailing deeply, there is her white moonlight between them.

This is just like the window he said. He can never get her heart, so he wrote this song...

Such an infatuated man was actually abused and abandoned by other women. It's really unfair!

Zhou Huimin began to feel indignant for Lu Ge in her heart. If such a good man doesn't want it, then give it to her!

"Brother Lu Ge, writing songs is so difficult! ”

Half a minute later, Bai Lu came out of the songwriting room with a dejected look on her face.

But when she saw Zhou Huimin sitting next to Lu Ge, she frowned and stared at Zhou Huimin with a vigilant look.

Then, as if she was angry, she walked forward and sat directly between Lu Ge and Zhou Huimin, pulling Lu Ge's arm as if to show her sovereignty.


Zhou Huimin frowned slightly when she looked at the little girl in front of her, but she didn't say anything.

She just squinted her eyes slightly, looking at Bai Lu's hand hugging Lu Ge's arm, and she felt a little envious.

If she could be as young as Bai Lu and didn't have so many worries, she would also want to hold Lu Ge in her arms like this.

“Is that so…Bai Lu, is it difficult for you to recite the Shu Road?”

Lu Ge didn't mind. Seeing Bai Lu's pitiful and decadent appearance, he touched her head and comforted her.

“Yes! ”

Although The Road to Shu is the most difficult text to memorize in her high school career, she still memorized it.

“Then you write it down from memory, and I will compose a song for you.”

Before Lu Ge got sick in his previous life, he also went to school.

He also memorized this text, but he couldn’t memorize it no matter what. Finally, a great god made a song for this ancient text.

Well, he can not only sing it, but also memorize it, and he hasn’t forgotten it yet!

“Ah? This?”

Bai Lu was confused when she heard it. Is it possible?

“Didn’t you say that songs are difficult to write? Do you want me to compose one for you?”

When Lu Ge saw Bai Lu, he remembered his rare time in school and wanted to help this lovely girl.

“Yes, yes, yes!”

Bai Lu nodded repeatedly. Brother Lu Ge is so nice!

“Lu Ge, I don’t have a song suitable for singing. Can you also compose a song for me? Don’t worry, I can pay. "

Zhou Huimin's bright eyes also looked at Lu Ge expectantly.

Bai Lu, this little girl, has it, so she wants it too!

"Uh... ahem! This is not a matter of money. The main thing is that my senior sister and I hit it off right away. It's no problem to compose a song... How much do you want?"

Lu Ge's eyes lit up. Yes! He has so many classic songs in his mind. If he can't sing them all, he can sell them to others.

Xia Qinglan has registered the copyright for the two songs he sang before, and has also put them on some music platforms for playback. The income has not been settled yet.

"Emm... I can only take out 300,000 at most now. Do you think it's okay?"

Zhou Huimin thought about it. Recently, her family has given her less pocket money, and she recently bought a new villa. Now she can only take out 300,000 in change at most.

"300,000? ! ! "

Hearing this, Lu Ge and Bai Lu looked at Zhou Huimin in shock!

"Less? "

Zhou Huimin has always had a good eye. Judging from the two songs Lu Ge created earlier, Lu Ge is very talented, so the other songs he wrote will not be too bad.

And if she wants to invite songs from queen-level creators such as An Yimo, Yang Mi and Chen Hailing, she will have to start with at least one million!

And she thinks that although Lu Ge is slightly inferior to the queens, what she can give is indeed less.

"No, no! "

Lu Ge shook his head repeatedly. Is this the rich woman?

She said the money he couldn't earn in most of his life.

For him, 300,000 was too much for him to believe.

He thought Zhou Huimin would give a few thousand or tens of thousands!

It turned out that poverty limited his imagination!

At the same time, he didn't know some things about the entertainment industry in his past and present lives. He couldn't imagine that a song could sell for hundreds of thousands!

Bai Lu was also shocked by the 300,000 that Zhou Huimin casually said. She had never seen so much money in her life!

If a song written by Lu Ge is worth 300,000, and Lu Ge composed the music for her, it would be selling her to Lu Ge, and she would not be worth 300,000 for a song!

"Ahem! Since Senior Sister trusts me so much, I'll show my ugliness!"

For the sake of the 300,000, Lu Ge snatched the pen and paper from Bai Lu's hand and wrote a song on it.

I quickly wrote down the Pipa Song in my mind.

Then I spent another five minutes composing the melody in my mind, and the ancient style song Pipa Song was completed.

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