The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

At this time, Lin Feng had already followed Chen Guanjia arrogantly and broke into Chen Hailing's study.

"Aunt Chen, you go down first."

After all, it was Chen Hailing's private matter. Aunt Chen was just her housekeeper and had no right to ask too much.

Guanjia Chen glanced at Lin Feng, who was 60% similar to Lu Ge, and she secretly compared them in her heart.

Compared with Lu Ge, who was soft, cute, kind and generous, Lin Feng had a hint of hostility between his eyebrows.

And the look in Lin Feng's eyes when he looked at Chen Hailing seemed to hide some purpose, not as pure and clear as Lu Ge's towards Chen Hailing.

Alas... Housekeeper Chen has lived for most of her life and has always been very accurate in judging people. Compared to Lin Feng, who Chen Hailing has been thinking about, she prefers the simple Lu Ge.

It's a pity... her daughter failed to accept Lu Ge's sincerity, but abandoned Lu Ge for Lin Feng in front of her.

Sometimes she thinks that she feels sorry for Lu Ge.

Alas... Housekeeper Chen sighed again in her heart and left the study silently.

"Chen Hailing! I hope you can give me an explanation!"

Lin Feng could no longer bear it, and directly said: "Are you in love with someone else?"

Lin Feng was sharp-eyed and saw the divorce agreement on her desk, but the woman's signature was blank, so he knew that what was circulated on the Internet this morning was true.

She really didn't divorce Lu Ge!

He should have noticed that Chen Hailing's feelings for him were no longer as affectionate and loyal as before.

But he thought it didn't matter, as long as he could stand by her side.

But today's melon on the Internet made him feel an unprecedented crisis.

Before, he thought that Chen Hailing and Lu Ge were divorced, so he was confident that he could be the only man by her side in the future.

But now Lu Ge and Chen Hailing have not divorced, so what qualifications does he have to stand by her side?

Even if he is willing to stay by her side as a lover, others will only point at his spine and say that he is a mistress, not to mention that Chen Hailing may have already fallen in love with Lu Ge!


Faced with Lin Feng's questioning, Chen Hailing was silent for a long time, she was thinking seriously.

But when Lin Feng saw her hesitation, he understood.

"You like that Lu Ge, right?"

Lin Feng endured the jealousy and unwillingness in his heart, as well as the resentment towards Chen Hailing and Lu Ge, and gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Hailing.

"... Maybe."

Chen Hailing was silent for a long time, she was not sure whether she liked Lu Ge.

But after Lu Ge left, she felt more and more uncomfortable.

Now, every night when she stays alone in her empty room, she will think about the time when Lu Ge warms her bed, he will call her dear and satisfy her certain XP, which makes her indulge in it every time...

Usually, he will blow her hair tenderly and considerately, and even learn massage for her, just to relax her body when she is tired from work.

It can be said that in the three years of marriage with Lu Ge, Chen Hailing has gained great satisfaction and happiness from Lu Ge.

But now when she sees Lu Ge with other women, her heart feels suffocating and painful as if being grabbed by someone.

Maybe she fell in love with Lu Ge unconsciously... but she just doesn't know it.

"Chen Hailing, do you still love me?"

Lin Feng has seen many promiscuous women, who have several relationships under their feet, claiming that they want to give each man a home, but in fact they are female sea kings.

But for a young, rich, white, beautiful woman like Chen Hailing, no matter how promiscuous she is, there will be countless men who will throw themselves into the fire.

"...I used to love you."

Chen Hailing's eyes reflected Lin Feng's figure, but there was no more joy in her eyes.

Just looking at his face that was 60% similar to Lu Ge, she clearly saw Lu Ge's appearance in her mind, and her heart was a little turbulent.

"Once... this word is really heartbreaking."

Lin Feng covered his heart and shook his body. His face was pale, and his eyes were slowly filled with tears, as if the pain in his heart was about to overflow from those sad eyes.


Seeing Lin Feng's heartbroken look, Chen Hailing was silent and felt a little guilty.

But now she clearly recognized her heart. She didn't know when her love for Lin Feng had dissipated. It was just that her obsession in the past made her keep Lin Feng by her side.

Lin Feng's eyes were red, and mist filled his eyes. He bit his lower lip slightly, looking aggrieved, as if he was accusing Chen Hailing of being ruthless.

And his pitiful appearance would make any woman feel distressed.


If the old Chen Hailing had seen this, she would have felt even more distressed, and even hurried forward to support him to show her care and love.

But the current Chen Hailing did not feel much for Lin Feng's weak attitude, and even she felt an inexplicable impatience in her heart.

"Chen Hailing, I, Lin Feng, am not an unreasonable person... Since you don't like me anymore, I won't bother you anymore."

Lin Feng clenched his hands tightly, his lips trembled, and his sobs echoed in the air, which made people feel distressed.

"Lin Feng, I'm sorry..."

Seeing that he was so sad, Chen Hailing still softened her heart a little, thinking about giving him some compensation in the future, after all, she was sorry for him.

Seeing that Chen Hailing was just apologizing and had no intention of saving him, Lin Feng flashed a dark color in his eyes, but on the surface he pretended to be very open-minded.

"You don't have to apologize to me, but we have known each other for a while, so let's be friends in the future."

Lin Feng's words were a bit humble and yielding, but it must be said that his weakness and understanding did cause Chen Hailing to feel guilty.

"You also know that I just returned to China, and I have no contact with my previous friends. Now I only have you... this friend."

Lin Feng knew that he could not change the fact that Chen Hailing had fallen in love with someone else.

But he would not let it go. What he wanted, he would get it even if he had to do anything!

"So, I want to ask you for a favor..."

Lin Feng gave up and chose another way to achieve his goal.

"Well, you say."

Chen Hailing was relieved to see that Lin Feng did not choose to get entangled with her.

At the same time, she also looked at Lin Feng's proud and noble attitude as before.

At that time, she felt that he was different from those men who coveted her family's power, and he attracted her attention because of this.

But now, she felt that Lin Feng was less ambitious and proud than before, and more compromising and smooth, as if his personality had been smoothed by the secular world.

"You know, I have also studied film and television literature abroad in recent years. I want to try my hand in the entertainment industry. After all, I have to make money to support myself in the future."

Lin Feng half-jokingly said, "I just don't know if your Tianyu can accept a newcomer like me."

"That's no problem."

Chen Hailing saw that Lin Feng's requirements were just that, and after all, he was someone she had liked before, so she called her assistant directly.

And Lin Feng can sign the contract at any time, and because it was Chen Hailing's personal order, it is estimated that Lin Feng's resources in the entertainment industry will not be too bad.

"Thank you, Sister Hailing."

Lin Feng smiled sweetly at Chen Hailing when he saw this.


Chen Hailing looked at his sweet smile and felt a little dazed.

Lu Ge had also shown her such a sweet and dependent smile, and every time he smiled, she would feel satisfied, but she had always turned a blind eye to it.

Now that Lu Ge left, she realized that Lu Ge had occupied an important place in her heart without knowing when.

"Miss... Lu Ge is back, he is waiting for you in the living room..."

Butler Chen was shocked and a little uneasy about Lu Ge's sudden return with a woman.

And Lin Feng, the white moonlight that Miss liked before, was also here. If they met, what a Shura field it would be!

Butler Chen felt tired just thinking about it, but she hesitated and came to report to Chen Hailing.

But she hoped that her lady could see her heart clearly and see if she could still win back Lu Ge.

After all, in her heart, she still liked Lu Ge, the male host!

ps: Alas... Obviously, I have written so blandly, and the river crab master still found it. థ౪థ

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