The old man was very happy.

‘Lu Ge, you have 22 points now. Do you need anything? ’

Xiao Xia enthusiastically introduced the items in the mall to Lu Ge and said: ‘This is a new product, the body-strengthening and kidney-tonifying pill. Ten points per pill. You will have a permanent kidney. Want one? ’

“Give me two permanent and two one-time powerful pills!”

Lu Ge took a look at the pills recommended by Xiao Xia. It would be better for him to buy powerful pills directly to improve his strength.

He has already calculated that if he takes four more powerful pills, he will definitely be able to beat Chen Hailing!

Even for those strong and tall bodyguards below, it is not so easy to catch him!

"Are you sure?" Xiao Xia asked again to confirm.

Including these three or four powerful pills, Lu Ge has already eaten nearly ten powerful pills.

Although this also increased Lu Ge's martial arts value, Xiao Xia felt it necessary to remind Lu Ge.

If you eat too many powerful pills, another effect of the powerful pills will make Lu Ge more attractive.

At that time, those women with weak wills will see Lu Ge's attractive appearance, and his danger index will also increase.

"I am sure..."

Lu Ge wanted to say sure without hesitation, but accidentally saw a team of well-trained bodyguards coming out of the window.

They also held electric batons, machetes, and even pistols in their hands.

This is totally a foul, okay!

Is it necessary for Chen Hailing to guard against him like this?

In fact, Chen Hailing is not guarding against Lu Ge's escape, she is guarding against people outside.

After all, An Yimo went back to the An family, and it is hard to guarantee that she will not bring some people to find Lu Ge in the middle of the night.

To be safe, Chen Hailing called her mother Chen Xiao overnight to ask for national-level security bodyguards.

And they were all regular bodyguards who had applied for gun licenses from the state. As long as they found suspicious people approaching the villa, they would take action without hesitation.


Lu Ge cursed inwardly. Being guarded so strictly by Chen Hailing, he couldn't escape even if he changed twenty powerful pills.

"Lu Ge, are you still changing?"

"First... not for now..." Lu Ge said depressedly.

Even if he changed, he couldn't withstand the armed bodyguards below, so he should stay in the points first and see the situation.

"Lu Ge! Are you asleep?"

Just as Lu Ge was checking Xiao Xia's mall to find useful items, Chen Hailing's concerned greetings came from outside his locked door.

Lu Ge didn't want to pay attention and turned off the lights in the room directly.

Chen Hailing had already changed into a sexy pajamas, with a large area of ​​white skin exposed to the air.

She looked down at the crack in the door on the ground, and it was already dark inside.

It was obvious that Lu Ge was still angry with her, and the gentle and expectant look on Chen Hailing's face immediately turned cold.

Looking at the locked door, Chen Hailing shouted coldly: "Lu Ge, open the door! I know you are not asleep!"

Lu Ge was covered with the quilt and didn't say anything. If he opened the door for her at this time, it would undoubtedly be a sheep walking into the tiger's mouth.

Chen Hailing was sure that she missed Lu Ge. After all, she had not eaten meat during the time she was separated from Lu Ge.

Although Lin Feng hinted at devoting himself to her many times, she was not interested.

For this reason, Lin Feng had doubted several times whether her body was not good enough? Did she become frigid?

But now that she brought Lu Ge back, she suddenly became interested when she saw Lu Ge's strong figure just now.

And she didn't expect that after not seeing Lu Ge for so long, he actually trained his figure so well!

Although she also liked Lu Ge's soft and fragrant body before, Lu Ge, who has a better figure now, looks more powerful!

It's another flavor to think about it, and she also wants to taste it.

So after instructing the housekeeper and the bodyguards, she took a bath and went to find Lu Ge.

But Lu Ge refused to let her in!

Too much! She is his wife, Lu Ge is her man, and he dared to openly not let her into the room!


Lu Ge ignored Chen Hailing's shouting outside the door. If he thought his waist was not tired enough these days, he would let Chen Hailing in stupidly.

Chen Hailing saw that Lu Ge did not respond, and her fists creaked.

She was still thinking about the red marks she saw on Lu Ge today, and she couldn't help being jealous.

Obviously, he was her man, but he was infected by other women, so she wanted to tear those women into pieces!

This can only be blamed on her for not being able to see her own heart clearly and not realizing in time that she had already fallen in love with Lu Ge.

Lu Ge was bullied like that outside!

This was all her fault, she didn't blame Lu Ge.

But Lu Ge was so repulsive to her now, and didn't want her to get close, she was very annoyed.

She didn't care that he was infected by other women, and she even spent a lot of effort to save him from the dire straits. Why did he turn his face to her?

"Miss... Master Lu Ge has been in dire straits outside these days, and his body and mind have suffered a lot of trauma.

If you force him like this now, you will hurt him again. You should calm down first and let Master Lu Ge have a good rest."

When Chen Hailing was about to force her way in, housekeeper Chen couldn't bear to see Lu Ge making things worse, so she came over to persuade Chen Hailing.

"Aunt Chen, I... Lu Ge... I just want to care about him, but he is so ignorant and resists my closeness. I'm very angry!"

Chen Hailing kicked the door in anger. She is the eldest lady of the Chen family!

He was a CEO who had everything he wanted, and she had never been rejected by a man.

So after being rejected by Lu Ge for the second time, she felt a huge psychological gap and couldn't help but get angry.

"Alas...Miss, you don't understand a man's mind! Master Lu Ge loved you so much before, but you hurt him for Mr. Lin Feng."

"Now he is being bullied outside again. If you continue to be so rude and threatening to him, it will only make him feel more and more distant from you."

Butler Chen said earnestly: "If you still want to win back Master Lu Ge, you must put aside your temper, be gentler, more considerate, and more patient with him..."

"I also believe that Master Lu Ge must still have you in his heart. After all, he loved you to the bone...

It's just that what you did to him before was too much, and he was inevitably sad, so he resisted you so much."


Chen Hailing felt that what Butler Chen said made sense. In the past, Lu Ge was willing to give up his academic career for her, and obeyed her in everything, and even put her at the top of his heart.

But she just treated him as a substitute for Lin Feng, and was hot and cold towards him, which made him feel insecure and often worried about gains and losses...

Now that I think about it, she did go too far with Lu Ge in the past.

"No buts, Miss, Master Lu Ge has been bullied outside these days, which is already very pitiful. You can't treat him rudely like before..."

Butler Chen seemed to be very experienced in coaxing her husband. She pulled Chen Hailing out of Lu Ge's door with earnest words, while instilling in her how to coax her partner.

"Aunt Chen, what you said... is useful?"

"Of course it is useful! Based on my understanding of Master Lu Ge, you just need to do this... this... and then that..."

Butler Chen said confidently: "As long as you do what I say, Lu Ge will change his mind sooner or later!"


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