The dean knew that the couple was generous, but she didn't refuse, but she was more grateful to Mo Jinting and Zhang Xiao.

Perhaps because he has a baby, Zhang Xiao's attitude towards children is more gentle. Listening to the children's childish words, Zhang Xiao always had a gentle smile on his face.

Until she saw a little boy in the corner, she always felt familiar to this child, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao had been staring at the child in the corner, a boy curled his lips: "He came the day before yesterday, and he didn't talk or pay attention to anyone after he came."

Zhang Xiao frowned: "What's his name?"

"The dean said his name is Xu Qiao."

Hearing the name, Zhang Xiao was suddenly shocked, she remembered where she had seen this child. That was a matter of her previous life, she had seen a piece of news.

The protagonist is Xu Qiao, who has been mentally abused by his adoptive parents since he was adopted. The suicide note he left after he couldn't bear to commit suicide shocked the entire network. Although it was said that his adoptive parents were punished for it, the child would never come back.

Unexpectedly, Xu Qiao was actually in this welfare home. Does that mean that Xu Qiao was adopted by that inhuman couple here?

Thinking of this result, Zhang Xiao felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Auntie, is this Xu Qiao the poor boy from now on?"

Jiang Chan glanced at Xu Qiao: "Yes, this child's lifeline is not long, if there is no intervention in the middle..."

Zhang Xiao obviously understood the rest of the meaning. She looked at Xu Qiao with very sad eyes. Knowing the future outcome of this child, what can she do to reverse his future fate?

Jiang Chan would not suggest that Zhang Xiao adopt Xu Qiao. The adoption should be from their hearts, not suggested or interfered by others.

After Mo Jinting handed over the supplies to the dean, he came to look for Zhang Xiao. Seeing Zhang Xiao sitting beside a little boy frowning, Mo Jinting was a little worried: "What's the matter? Is there something bothering you?"

Zhang Xiao: "It's nothing, it's just that this child is a good fit."

Perhaps because she and Xu Qiao had a bad ending, Zhang Xiao subconsciously became very close to Xu Qiao. Mo Jinting naturally noticed this. Although Zhang Xiao was gentle, he was always polite with others.

It was the first time that he was so close to a child, and Mo Jinting couldn't help but be surprised. He glanced at Xu Qiao inquiringly, just a very ordinary child, looking very silent.

After returning from the orphanage, Zhang Xiao had more worries. She didn't tell Mo Jinting, but could Mo Jinting not notice? This is not when Zhang Xiao turned over for the fifth time, Mo Jinting hugged her.

"I have a cousin who is empty under his knees. I told him about Xu Qiao's situation. My cousin is willing to adopt Xu Qiao."

Zhang Xiao suddenly widened his eyes: "When did you do this?"

Mo Jinting turned on the bedside lamp: "It's just the past few days, you've been frowning. I want to adopt him, but you're not yet thirty years old, so you don't meet the conditions for adoption."

Zhang Xiao arched in his arms: "You are so kind."

Mo Jinting patted her on the back: "You haven't had a good rest these two days, so you're just worried about this? Don't do this next time. If you have something to say directly, don't be bored in your heart."

Zhang Xiao squeezed his hand: "I see Xu Qiao falling in love, but there is no way to adopt him. I feel sad and don't know what to do."

Mo Jinting: "Just tell me something, you are not alone now."

Zhang Xiao vowed: "I know, I will tell you everything in the future."

Mo Jinting chuckled: "Go to sleep, I have already contacted the dean. Tomorrow we will go to pick Xu Qiao home with my cousin."

The couple reached a consensus on this matter, and Zhang Xiao turned over in Mo Jinting's arms: "Do you think the child will agree to go home with his cousin? Does he want to change his surname when he goes home with his cousin? He Would you like to?"

Mo Jinting patted her head: "My cousin and I have already met Xu Qiao, and he is willing to come back with his cousin. As for changing the surname or name, it depends on his own meaning, but I heard the dean say that this child's previous Not a good experience."

Zhang Xiao was so distressed that he tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep. Mo Jinting knew that she was excited, so he got up early the next day and took her straight to the orphanage.

As for their intentions, the dean has long known, who asked Mo Jinting to contact her frequently these days? Mo Jinting's cousin was only in his early 40s, and he was healthy and wealthy, and was eligible for adoption.

Xu Qiao's adoption procedure went well. Mo Ze was active. He picked up Xu Qiao's small body and said, "Son, you are too thin. Dad will make you fat for nothing."

Xu Qiao is rarely so close to others, but looking at the smiling man in front of him, he pursed his lips: "It's okay to be white, forget it to be fat."

Zhang Xiao took Xu Qiao's hand and said, "I have time to come and play at home in the future. My cousin is not far from our house. You can come anytime."

Mo Jinting asked a few people to get on the bus: "Xiao Qiao is likely to live in our house. My cousin is a painter. He goes out for many years to collect styles, and he stays at home for less than a month throughout the year."

Zhang Xiao raised his eyebrows with joy: "Really? That's great!"

Mo Ze raised his eyebrows: "niece-in-law, my father is still here, so you want to abduct my son home?"

Zhang Xiao was a little embarrassed: "Then cousin, don't you want to work? Just let Xiao Qiao live in our house, and there is a school near the community. It can be done in one step, and it will save the children from running around."

Moser hummed: "This is my son."

His personality is out of character, but for some reason, he likes quiet children, and Xu Qiao cast his eyes on him very well. Isn't this why Mo Ze is wondering if he will have less time to go out in the future? After all, he has a cub.

Seeing that the newly released father is such a virtue, a small smile appeared on Xu Qiao's face. Although it was not the mature and stable father he hoped for, but this father seems to be not bad?

He looked at himself with very warm Maybe the future life is also worth looking forward to?

Looking at Mo Jinting, who was driving, and Zhang Xiao next to him, Xu Qiao pursed her lips and smiled, with two dimples.

Mo Ze turned around and poked Xu Qiao's face: "Son, do you want to change your surname? Your father's last name? Your father has already thought of a name for you. It's called Mo Yunqiao. What do you think?"

Zhang Xiao rubbed his head: "The name change is to make you forget the bad things in the past. We will have a new life in the future. Would you like to change the name?"

Thinking of the bad experience, Xu Qiao shrank: "I am willing to change my name, and I will be called Mo Yunqiao in the future."

Mo Ze couldn't be more happy: "That's great, as expected of my son, Jin Ting, thank you, cousin, for sending me such a good son."

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