Although Xiaohuan was surprised, she wiped Jiang Chan's sweat with her hands quickly, trying not to affect Jiang Chan's movements. A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chan put away the silver needle and sat on a chair to adjust his breath. Song Bingqing had fallen asleep at this time.

   When Song Bingqing was in the medicinal bath, Song Qiyu and others stayed outside. Song Bingqing's muffled hum could be heard at first, but later there was no sound at all, and Song Qiyu was anxiously spinning around.

   Later, he simply went outside and shouted: "Sister. Why is my sister silent? Xian Yue, you quack! If something happens to my sister, I will never spare you!"

   Listening to Song Qiyu's various cruel words, Jiang Chan is not painful or itchy. When she adjusts her breath, she has a way to clean him up!

   A few minutes later, Jiang Chan barely recovered some strength, she stood up and strode to the door of the room and opened the door. Turning around in a hurry, Song Qiyu saw Jiang Chan and immediately stared at her viciously.

   "Where is my sister, how is my sister?"

   "Do you know if you go in and see for yourself?" Jiang Chan leaned at the door, watching Song Qiyu strode into Song Bingqing's room. Seeing Song Bingqing lying on the bed unconsciously, Song Qiyu's eyes were red.

   He held Song Bingqing's wrist carefully, and wanted to put his fingers on Song Bingqing's wrist for a pulse, but his fingers trembled and couldn't press it down.

   Jiang Chan snorted: "Is it such an exaggeration? Look at the appearance of your soft-footed shrimp!"

   Song Qiyu glared at Jiang Chan with a stare, and put on Song Bingqing's wrist. When he noticed that Song Bingqing's pulse was stronger than before, Song Qiyu did not cry.

   He shouldn't cry in front of a black-hearted doctor like Jiang Chan. The manly man bleeds without tears. Besides, if he cries today, this little girl will laugh at him forever.

Song Qin also entered the room and looked at Jiang Chan, who was leaning on the side, "The dog is ignorant. You laughed at Dr. Xuanyue. He is also worried about Bingqing. Doctor Xuanyue is generous, so don't care about him. "

   Jiang Chan snorted in his nose: "For the sake of your father's face, I don't have the same knowledge as you. After all, am I an adult? I can still tolerate you jumping in front of my eyes."

   Song Qiyu's nose was crooked angrily, but he still had to endure it. After all, his sister's illness still counts on this one to be cured.

   Song Qin glanced at Song Qiyu with a calm face: "Song Qiyu, this is how I taught you? This is how you treat your sister's savior?"

   Song Qiyu trembled, knowing that today was a problem with his attitude.

   "I'm sorry, I'm not good." This is also a master who can bend and stretch. After all, he doesn't know why when he sees Jiang Chan, he feels that everything is wrong.

   Don't stab her for a few words, he feels uncomfortable, but every time he can't please him, he blushes and noses crookedly, but he never gets tired of it.

   Jiang Chan nodded: "My lord has a lot of knowledge, and I don't have the same knowledge as you. Next time you commit my hand again, it won't be solved by an apology."

   Song Qiyu was stunned, knowing that what Jiang Chan said was true. Speaking of him, he is a few years older than the crescent moon, but in front of the crescent moon, he seems to have regressed in his IQ, and always does many untimely things.

"She won’t wake up until tomorrow morning. I will come over on time tomorrow morning to get her pulse. This medicated bath is very effective. I need to do it for another month. The first medicinal bath is always painful. much better."

   Fortunately, there is finally a governor in the Song family, and Jiang Chan is not so tired. It is said that Song Bingqing's medicated bath really took a long time, and it was evening in a blink of an eye.

   declined the Song family father and son's request for a dinner party, Jiang Chan slowly went to his medical clinic, it is estimated that Lonicera and Dongqing have already prepared dinner and waited for her to go back to eat.

   When he first walked into the medical hall, Jiang Chan keenly noticed something was wrong. The next moment, she leaned flexibly, avoiding a palm wind coming from behind the door.

   Jiang Chan gritted his teeth. Who is this who hides in the hospital, how about Lonicera and Holly? Anxious in his heart, Jiang Chan made his move a little harder, and before that person recovered, Jiang Chan stunned the visitor with a palm of his hand.

   The visitor collapsed to the ground, Jiang Chan didn't even look at him, and hurried to find Lonicera and Holly. Fortunately, neither Lonicera nor Holly was in serious trouble, but they were ordered to sleep in the kitchen. Jiang Chan just wanted to thank God at the moment.

   Unlocking the acupuncture points of the two children, Honeysuckle and Holly sat up to their feet. Dongqing knew something was wrong, and pulled Jiang Chan's skirt: "Master, I don't know who made us dizzy."

   Jiang Chan rubbed the small tugging on Donggreen's head: "I know, you guys are going to cook, I'll go ahead and have something to do."

   Jiang Chan didn't feel ashamed of using child labor. He turned around and went to the front yard. The person who had just been stunned by her was still lying next to the door. He didn't know the personnel, and the floor was already oozing blood.

   Jiang Chan sighed, what is she doing? Obviously this person broke into her and fainted with Honeysuckle and Holly, so she wanted to save him.

   Jiang Chan was panicked, but she couldn't do it to let her stand by. After all, it came from the peaceful era, and the awe for life is carved in her bones.

  I want to save this person intellectually, but emotionally, it doesn't mean that Jiang Chan is willing. Under the dim light, Jiang Chan carefully looked at the patient who had been treated by her.

   He looked at the age of eighteen or nine years old, still a half-year-old boy. Looking at his cheek, Jiang Chan always felt something was wrong. She frowned, and suddenly her finger touched his ear. The next second, a mask that was as thin as a cicada's wings was torn off by Jiang Chan.

   When he saw the boy’s face clearly, Jiang Chan suddenly curled his lips. Isn’t this the wind flying that Crescent Moon can’t love? That is Song Bingqing's official match.

  Why did this person get to her hospital? Still suffering such a serious injury? When Jiang Chan was dealing with the wound, he found that this one's injuries were very serious, almost all of them were at the critical point, and it was difficult for him to be able to endure this time.

   Jiang Chan didn't know that the reason why Feng Feiyang and Song Bingqing were able to agree in the past life was due to this serious injury. Feng Feiyang hid in Song Bingqing's boudoir by accident. Song Bingqing also asked someone to treat Feng Feiyang's injuries, and the two met.

   Jiang Chan curled up the corners of her lips playfully and put the mask on Feng Feiyang's face. She just didn't know who this person was. The wish of the left and right quarters is to stay away from Feng Feiyang, and Jiang Chan has no intention of destroying Feng Feiyang and Song Bingqing's relationship.

  :. :

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