The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2781: Dark Maiden Fourteen

"And your family, even if Dubote and Elvie are not afraid, there are still others in the Sanders family. In order to get involved with you, someone will come to you sooner or later."

Stina: "I don't care about them. Karina's future life has nothing to do with me. I never feel sorry for her. We have different positions and different beliefs. For my beliefs, I can give everything."

Du Bote is just a side branch of the family, and these years, he only moved to the imperial capital because of his daughter with a bright physique. It is not a secret among the clan that they had a daughter before.

What's more, Stina made a high-profile appearance that day, and her appearance was somewhat similar to Elvie's, so her identity was soon revealed. As a result, the Sanders family is overjoyed.

Everyone knows that the reputation of the Temple of Light has plummeted, and the Temple of Darkness is rising strongly, but there is a dark saint in the family? Or the only god-favored person on the mainland?

Although this dark saint didn't grow up in the family, but if the bones are connected, can she really give up the family?

The Sanders family moved quickly and found the Dark Temple the day after the blessing ceremony. Now there is only Stina among the younger generation in the Dark Temple, and the rest are elders.

In the Dark Temple, she took the script of the group favorite, and everyone liked her. As for her age, there is none, far from the Temple of Light, which has a lot of saintess candidates.

It can be said that the structure of the Dark Temple is very simple, and everyone's life is also very simple, except for cultivation or cultivation. When the Sanders family found her, Stina was asking Sorens about cultivation.

When she heard that it was the Sanders family, Stina frowned. Solo is so lively: "Go and see? Do you still have any impression of the family?"

Stina smiled: "Of course I have an impression. I remember my name, which family I come from, and why I went to the Dark Forest. I know everything about it."

"Although I am young, I understand that I am abandoned."

Seeing Solo winking, Stina smiled and said, "Why is the second elder so pitiful? I am not pitiful. The elders treat me well, and the teacher treats me well. I don't know how comfortable I am."

"Here I can freely be myself. Although I used to hide and hide before, it's all right now. We can finally walk freely in the sun."

Sorens: "You always have a point."

Stina: "I'm not trying to comfort everyone, but I really think this kind of life is very good. Of course, it doesn't mean that they are right to abandon me. Since there is no relationship for a long time, there is no need for other intersections. "

Solons: "Others don't think so, otherwise why would he come to you? Do you want us to come forward?"

Stina: "No, I was taught by you. How can I be weak? They came to me for nothing more than a relationship of interest. If you want to talk about friendship, I don't believe in it."

Solo: "Look, the students you teach are just so extraordinary."

Solons was proud: "That's nature, my student, nature follows me."

Solo: "Really let her deal with those people? Are you not worried?"

Solons: "If you can't even handle this wave of people in front of you, the burden on the temple will be even heavier in the future. How will she deal with it then? She is a divinely favored person, and she can't just enjoy the glory without taking responsibility. It's the first test."

Solo thinks about it too. There is such a god-favored person in the temple. As the only seedling of the younger generation, she will naturally take on the mainstay of the dark temple in the future, and she must always be able to take care of things.

As elders, they could only watch from the sidelines, how could they stay with her for the rest of their lives?

The main hall of the Dark Temple was very lively. Besides Dubot and Elvy, there were eight other people.

"The patriarch of Wells? I didn't expect that after so many years, the patriarch is still in good shape." When she saw one of the old men, Stina raised her eyebrows.

Wells breathed a sigh of relief: "I don't dare to be praised by Your Excellency the Holy Maiden. I stepped down as the patriarch fifteen years ago. This is my son Aris, who is also the current patriarch of the Sanders family."

"I didn't expect Your Excellency the Holy Maiden to still remember me. It is indeed my honor."

Stina smiled: "Of course I remember, but I remember most of the people I have met. For example, these two are even more impressive."

As she spoke, she looked at Dubot and Elvie, and they both froze, and Elvie looked at Stina with something wrong.

Stina looked away nonchalantly: "When I was six years old, I took a physical examination, and I detected a dark elemental physique. Originally, Dubot wanted to send me to the countryside, but Elvie didn't agree."

"Later she personally sent me to the Dark Forest. If I hadn't been lucky enough to meet Elder Saurons there, perhaps I would have slept in the Dark Forest forever, and you may never have known of my existence,"

Aris had no choice but to say: "Your Excellency, if the family knew about this, they would never let you go home..."

Stina: "I admit that I may not have the material satisfaction you have had in these but my spirit is extremely rich. I have my faith, the temple contains everything about me, and there are many people who love me. It's really not as pitiful as you think."

"On the contrary, it's you, why did you come to me today? If I remember correctly, doesn't your family have a candidate for the Holy Maiden of the Temple of Light? Is it called Karina?"

Elvie couldn't help it anymore: "Did you do it? Did you make Karina unable to gain a foothold in the temple?"

Stina: "I just pulled out the nails in the temple, it's nothing more than a different stand. You can't stand it? Don't worry, what you can't stand is still to come."

Aris raised his heart: "Your Excellency the Holy Maiden..."

Stina chuckled: "The Dubots are sorry for me, but you don't owe me anything. I guess the family didn't know about it during the physical examination, and I wouldn't blame you for it."

The worst possibility was ruled out, and the clansmen who followed were relieved. In fact, there are too many such things, and there are too many people who come back and take revenge after they get rich, and they hurt the whole family too much. They didn't expect Stina to let it go so lightly, and they still couldn't believe it at the moment.

Stina snapped her fingers: "I am the saint of the temple, and my words and deeds represent the image of the temple. Of course, I also have the most basic principles of life, and I understand that I don't implicate the innocent."

"But you abandoned me back then. This is a fact. You can't let go of this matter so lightly."

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(end of this chapter)

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