The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 749: Orc sacrifice forty-nine

"So, it's still like we are now. When the four of us are in a group, our strength will be even greater." Daolin can be said to be responsible for the wisdom inside, saying that the ground is right.

"As long as you are successful, I am here this time and I have specially prepared something for you."

Jiang Chan took out four parcels from the storage ring, "It contains the medicine I made and some purple gold coins. You must be careful when you go out."

"We have received enough favors from the sacrificial adults, how can we ask for anything from adults?" Daolin looked up, not wanting to trouble Jiang Chan any more.

"Let's take it, these are nothing to me, poor and rich, if you don't feel good about it, just return these to me after the trial is over. You can also regard it as my early investment in you. "

Jiang Chan raised his hand and stopped the unfinished words of several people: "You pack up and get ready to go. I'm going to visit Priest Sauron too. Be careful along the way. I'll be here to wish a few trials in advance. The practice is successful."

"Then we won't be polite with the sacrificial lord, we will retire first." Weina took the lead in taking away the big baggage, and the other three did the same. None of them have storage rings and can only carry them on their own.

Jiang Chan looked at it. It was actually led by Vina and Daolin as the wisdom, while Peter and Mao Li were assisting, so it was considered a small team.

It seems a bit extravagant to sacrifice to a small team.

She also had no intention of telling Sauron about the plans of Vina and others, and even helped Vina to say a few words.

"Teacher, is the sacrificial task of the temple too difficult for us Xuan Clan Fox? I'll forget it. After all, I have practiced physical skills, but Vina is a Fox, who can’t carry his hands on his shoulders. What are you doing? Can she do such a dangerous task?"

Old God Sauron was at ease: "Are you really a teacher who can cover the sky with one hand? This is a task set by the priests of the temple after consultation. Although the fire-tailed scorpion is powerful, it is not impossible."

"Do you really think that girl is a soft persimmon?" Sauron raised her eyebrows: "I think she has a good physical training. I think she learned it secretly from the Xuan Clan. I also specially asked the children of the clan to come over. Guided her a bit."

Jiang Chan stared: "Teacher, it's a pity that you don't become Fox, you are almost becoming a master, and I have been thinking about the fat and water not flowing into outsiders' fields all the time."

Sauron pretended to sigh, "I can't do anything about it. You won't be allowed to find another good seedling if you don't take the bait? Hey, I said that your Xuan Clan is really talented, and it's not enough to have you. , And there is a Vina, I'm going to be jealous."

"Although our Lion Clan is a high-ranking race, it is extremely difficult to offer sacrifices. In so many years, there have been three. But your Xuan Clan is good, and you have two feet on the front and back. The talent is so good that the old man is jealous. "

"But the probability of our Xuan Clan's talent awakening is too low. After so many years, Xuan Clan Fox has given out two sacrifices. Where is it like the Lion Clan? There have been orc sacrifices since the establishment of the orc empire?"

Jiang Chan put a high hat on Sauron without a trace, coaxing Sauron to press the post in his heart. Fiona looked at Jiang Chan's words and deeds, her mouth widened. The master's ability to talk to people and talk nonsense to the **** is really worthy of her learning.

"What you said is pretty good," Sauron was coaxed into Long Xin's joy: "No, you almost got around by your girl again, you girl, you know you can give me ecstasy soup."

"Let's talk about it, how many days do you plan to stay here this time?"

"I know I can't hide it from you." Jiang Chan rubbed his hands: "Teacher, is there any corn in your territory? Fei Lin County is too scarce, I want to take some back."

Sauron jumped now: "No, no corn! I haven't said that you, the girl of the chicken thief, must have taken a lot of it last year. Now there are not many in my territory. I am not enough. Where can I be? Give it to you again?"

"Okay. If you don't give it, you won't give it." Jiang Chan sighed: "Then teacher, can you give me a few bread trees in your territory? That's a good thing!"

Sauron nodded: "This can be given to you. The bread tree is a specialty of my clan. I was thinking about why you girl didn't want it last time. Feelings are waiting for me here."

"Didn't I forget about the other things when I saw the corn? Besides, if I ask the teacher for so many things at one time, if you don't give it to the teacher, what should I do?"

Jiang Chan's belly slander, still like this, a blunt knife cuts the meat, every time it can cut a little bit, the water flows long.

"Speaking of business," Sauron corrected his expression: "Now you are a four-star sacrifice, and practicing behind closed doors is no longer suitable. What are your plans for the next step?"

"Teacher, do you have any good suggestions?" Jiang Chan did not answer the question, she also wanted to hear what the old fox Sauron thought.

"At the beginning, after I arrived at the Four-Star Sacrifice, I went directly to the front line to be a war priest." Sauron stroked his beard, his eyes shining brightly.

"That is where people are most tempered. The further you go, the more sacrifices you will make to understand the world. You must have discovered that there will be little benefit from practicing behind closed doors."

"Indeed, I also want to go to the front line to exercise." Jiang Chan did not hesitate. Now she is protected by the Nether Leopard, and she does not participate in close combat. Even if she goes to the front line, she has the ability to protect herself.

"It's good if you have this courage, and it's not wasting that I am so optimistic about you." Sauron nodded, "Others say male orcs and female orcs, but with me gender doesn't exist at all, the same is the same. Orcs, it would be a shame not to go to the battlefield to exercise and baptize."

"I think Lilith, who entered the temple with you, has no such thoughts. That girl, she is only suitable for staying in the backyard." Sauron's tone was almost mean, and Lilith was a bit dissatisfied with his words.

Jiang Chan raised his eyes: "Everyone has aspirations, maybe because I am inherently restless?"

"We orcs, what we want is this kind of restlessness!" Sauron laughed: "Since you have made up your mind, I won't say much. This time you go to the front line, you must be careful of everything, and being alive is the most important thing. of!"

Jiang Chan nodded. He didn't expect that the words she had just told Vina and the others had been taken by Sauron again, not to mention that she was really warm in her heart.

"Teacher, don't worry, I know how important it is, but I regret it with my life."

Now that he had decided to go to the front line, Jiang Chan didn't linger much in the temple. When she set off from Ferry County, she took a hundred guards, and now half of them went to Sauron's territory to transport the bread trees back, and the remaining half followed Jiang Chan to the front line.

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