The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 768: Orc Sacrifice Sixty-Eight

Vic coughed: "If there is a good seedling, the chief priest will also help me pay attention to it. I am also old and I desperately want a little apprentice."

Jiang Chan was helpless, "Can't I help you pay attention? But not now. I said you didn't think of accepting apprentices for hundreds of years. Why are you fighting now?"

"Isn't you envious of the old priest?" Vic rightly said: "Look at how happy Sauron is now? Although you are retired, you, a student, think of him for all good things. We don't ask for anything else. The future students are half of you. Heart is enough."

"I'm just complimenting me as Vic's sacrifice. I'm not bad to you, right?" Jiang Chan curled his lips. These people have been together for a long time, and each other's virtues have been exposed.

"Good night to the adults," an elderly maid stopped in front of Jiang Chan, her eyes lingering on Jiang Chan's red sacrificial robe, her knees bent: "The banquet has not yet begun, your majesty, please worship the adults. Go to the side hall to rest, the maids are ready."

Jiang Chan stroked the corners of his sleeves: "Thank you."

It is said that they came early, and now they are in the side hall, just to relax with a cup of tea. On weekdays in the temple, everyone has their own things to do, and rarely meets and chats like this.

The side hall was only a few minutes away from the banquet hall. After placing Jiang Chan and the others, the maid hurriedly left. Jiang Chan walked a few steps in the side hall, looking at the various decorations in the side hall.

"There are still murals here." A sacrifice said.

Wolf disagrees: "Our temple also has frescoes. The history there is longer. What's so nice about the palace murals?"

"Speaking of murals, it should be regarded as portraits of the royal family, right?" Jiang Chan also walked over and took a few glances. "The murals in the temple mainly tell the history of the establishment of the empire, which is quite different from this."

"They are really narcissistic." Wolf sighed, stopped looking at these murals, and sat down in a chair, drinking tea and eating snacks instead.

Jiang Chan stopped in front of a mural. On the mural was a young man. Jiang Chan had never seen him. What attracted her attention was the ring on his hand.

Looking familiar, Jiang Chan glanced at the ring on her hand subconsciously. This was given to her by Sauron, what about the previous one? It seems to be the same as this man's hand?

Taking into account the crowds here, Jiang Chan calmed down. It happened that Vic was nearby, and Jiang Chan pulled the sleeve of Vic's sacrifice: "Vick sacrifice, who is this man? Is he also a member of the royal family?"

"Oh, he, he is the younger brother of the current king, his name is Rex. This person is very low-key. Very few people see him in normal times."

As soon as he said this, Jiang Chan was confused. Was the skeleton she found Rex in the first place? Even if it is Rex, a distinguished member of the royal family, how can he appear in that mountain?

"Is he a priest?" Jiang Chan asked again, and Vic frowned, "Should he not? There is no such figure in the temple, but he has a very good relationship with Sauron."

Well, if you want to know more, you have to ask the teacher. I remembered that Vina said that Sauron was still in the Pharmacist Association. Should I go back and ask him at night?

She was strange, why did Sauron give her a storage ring? Could it be that he recognized the ring at a glance? This old guy hides deep enough that he hasn't revealed any flaws.

Jiang Chan sneered, and he was really mature, and he had to endure it for so many years.

Lilith is dressing up in the apse of the palace. The prince of the empire has disappeared. The second and third princes are married and have grown up. Now the battle for the crown prince has almost become fierce.

But the old emperor was not willing to retreat. He was only one hundred and fifty years old. How could he be willing to surrender his power to others when he was full of spirits? Not even his own son!

Aldia sat on one side, holding a book in his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

"The priests of the temple have arrived." He suddenly said such a sentence, and the unclear meaning in his tone was very strong.

Lilith squeezed her eyebrow pencil hand and paused: "Is your Royal Highness complaining that I didn't go to deal with the priests? Presumably Your Highness has also noticed that since the day of my engagement with His Royal Highness, besides every year I got engaged to the temple. Debriefing, you can’t go any other time."

Aldia was upset, why didn't he understand? At first, it seemed that the royal family took a good move and brought Lilith into the royal family's camp, but this also completely angered the temple.

The temple's counterattack was really a thunderous method, which directly pushed Fiona to the front of the people, and also suppressed all their calculations. Now that he married Lilith, he didn't take advantage of it at all.

The temple was clearly not going to stand for Lilith. He had acquired the in-laws of Lilith at best, but the empire was far more than the nobles of the Lilith family, and the position of the three princes and concubines was occupied by Lilith. NS.

But he couldn't be disrespectful to Lilith. Lilith was also a priest. If he dared to offend the priest, there would be enough for him to drink a pot at the temple.

"I didn't mean to complain about you. I just think that both are sacrifices, and they are both in the imperial capital. The relationship of face should be maintained."

"I understand, I will go to the chief priest and them now." Lilith put down her eyebrow pencil, smiled at Al Liya and walked out of the bedroom. Lilith's face sank as soon as she left the bedroom.

No matter how stupid she, she has thoroughly seen the royal life these years. At the beginning, Al Liya married her not because he loved her, but because he fell in love with the temple behind her.

But I didn't expect the temple to come this hand, directly defeating him and the calculations of the family behind him. At the thought of this, Lilith's mouth pulled up with a smile.

She is also a person who dares to love and hate. After knowing Alria’s calculations, of course, she will not follow their will to make friends with the priests of the temple. Besides, let her go and see Jiang Chan’s face. Can't do it.

Especially after Jiang Chan took over as the chief priest, Lilith couldn't wait to stay away from Jiang Chan. There was no conflict between her and Jiang Chan, but she just didn't like Jiang Chan.

Moreover, she is a sacrifice for a day, and she will always be a sacrifice. Even if the relationship between her and the temple is poor, the temple will not leave her alone, so Aldia still has to respect her.

Thinking about it this way, Lilith's heart was still a little refreshed. It's a pity that she married into the royal family and wanted to be separated from Al Liya, it was absolutely impossible, and now she can only live like this.

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