The Female Partner Thinks About It

Chapter 235: best friend 15

After hanging up the phone, Yu Hanzhou hesitated a bit, and he became inattentive when doing SPA.

She didn't know whether to stay here and wait for Bai Xiaoru to come over, or to slip away in advance.

She received Huo Xiuran's money, and now she should stay away from Bai Xiaoru. It's almost enough to make a phone call every now and then. If you really want to meet... She is not so contractual, but she is worried that Huo Xiuran will resort to thunderous tactics when he finds out.

The male protagonist in the chief executive's article treats all kinds of coquettish female supporting characters with extreme methods.

And she hasn't decided whether to return the money or not.

Fortunately, it will take a while for Bai Xiaoru to come over, but she is not in a hurry to leave, and while enjoying the service of the young lady, she starts to think.

Bai Xiaoru was very nervous in the taxi at this time.

She was worried that Zhouzhou would leave without waiting for her, so she prayed in her heart that there would be no traffic jams, few traffic lights would be encountered, and that she should rush over earlier.

"Master, can you hurry up as much as possible? I'll add money." She said to the taxi driver.

The master said: "Okay!"

Feeling that the driving speed was getting faster, Bai Xiaoru felt slightly relieved. Only then did she notice that the phone was vibrating all the time. She looked down and saw that Ji Yan had called.

Press it even if you don't want to.

Looking up at the side of the road, I wondered what to say when I saw Zhouzhou later? Want to mention the 5 million thing? How can I continue to be friends with her? Can you let Zhouzhou collect the money and quietly be her friend?

Zhouzhou took the money to break up with her. She didn't blame her, and she didn't want Zhouzhou to return 5 million to continue to be friends with her. It is she who needs Zhouzhou, not Zhouzhou who needs her, so she will never make that kind of request. So, how can I be as good as she was before?

Her hands were shaking non-stop, she frowned impatiently, and looked down, this time it was Huo Xiuran's call.

She just remembered that when she slipped out, she said "go out and make a phone call". After not going back for so long, they will inevitably find her.

Thinking of Huo Xiuran's attitude towards her and Ji Yan's attitude towards her, Bai Xiaoru just thought it was absurd and ridiculous. When did she become a fragrant pastry, Ji Yan, a former male god, just chased after her, and a man with status and status like Huo Xiuran also pursued her?

She answered the phone this time: "Hello, Mr. Huo."

"Where are you?"

"I have something to do, so I'll leave first." Bai Xiaoru replied.

Huo Xiuran's tone was clearly relieved: "That's good, you'll be fine."

Bai Xiaoru held the phone, her mood was complicated for a moment. He thought that Huo Xiuran would pursue her and leave without saying hello, but he didn't expect that he was worried about her safety.

She suddenly remembered that at the banquet that day, she had a dispute with the two eldest young ladies, and pushed them into the pool. Huo Xiuran didn't pursue her, only concerned if she was okay.

"I'm fine, thank you Mr. Huo." She whispered.

Huo Xiuran's voice also lowered: "I did something wrong today. I'll explain it to you when I come back from a business trip?"

The mood that had just softened, suddenly hardened: "There is nothing to explain, Mr. Huo looks down on me and the friends I have made, so stay away from us, and we won't take the initiative to shake in front of Mr. Huo."

After a pause, he added: "I will resign when I return to the company tomorrow, and I will not hinder Mr. Huo's eyes in the future."

Without waiting for Huo Xiuran to explain, he hung up the phone.


One by one, they look down on her, disrespect her, and point fingers at her friends!

What qualifications do they have!

She can't be provoked, can't she hide!

The phone in her hand vibrated again. Just as Bai Xiaoru was about to hang up, she found out that it was Ji Yan's call. After thinking about it, she picked it up: "Hello."

"Xiaoru, where are you?" Ji Yan's gentle voice came from the other end of the phone.

Bai Xiaoru lowered her eyes: "I have something to leave early."

"Huh, you'll be fine." Ji Yan breathed a sigh of relief, "You said you went out to make a phone call, and you won't be back for a long time. I went out and didn't find you, so I was terrified."

Bai Xiaoru had heard Huo Xiuran say that she was worried about her just now, and her heart was still touched for a moment. At this time, when Ji Yan said the same thing, she just felt tired.

"Well, I'm fine." She said firmly, "Are you okay?"

She doesn't even call her senior now.

It was obvious that he no longer had the slightest sympathy for him.

Ji Yan's heart was sour, and he felt even more irritable. Taking a deep breath, he explained slowly, "I don't know what went wrong today, but I got the news that Zhang Mei is really coming."

Bai Xiaoru just wanted to sneer.

Zhouzhou has a good spa at Juntai Hotel.

However, she was also curious: "How did you get the news?"

Ji Yan avoided the important and said lightly: "It was just a coincidence."

It was strange that Bai Xiaoru believed him.

She couldn't help thinking, what does Ji Yan mean by knowing Huo Xiuran's itinerary and knowing that Zhouzhou is going?

"Could it be that you designed it?" She asked Ji Yan, "You deliberately designed Zhouzhou to want Zhouzhou and Mr. Huo to be together? You are trying to get revenge on Zhouzhou, right? Ji Yan, your heart is true. Little! You are disgusting!"

Zhouzhou said that it was not intentional to design him, it was a mistake.

Taking a step back, even if Zhouzhou deliberately designed him, he is not incapable of getting rid of it.

Her tone was full of disgust, like a heavy hammer hitting Ji Yan's heart, he was angry, anxious, angry, and very sad: "I can't argue with anything. Last time, she clearly designed me, you don't believe it. Not this time. I designed her, and you still don't believe it."

"If that's the case, then let me tell you where I got the news. Zhang Mei's father's company has some problems, Zhang Mei's father asked Zhang Mei to seduce Huo Xiuran, it's better to sleep Huo Xiuran, so that Huo Xiuran can stop and stop. against her family's company."

"Now you understand? I just got the news by accident, so I'll show you." Ji Yan frowned on the other end of the phone, "I don't know why she didn't come, maybe her father changed his mind."

He's just so annoying!

Originally, I wanted Bai Xiaoru to see Zhang Mei and Huo Xiuran getting together. Zhang Mei is so unbearable, and loves to sleep with the man his friend likes. If Bai Xiaoru really sees it, he promises that the two of them will never be friends again.

Xiaoru is too kind, she can't bear her rotten friend, and he wants to help her.

Moreover, it also hit the rival in love and cut off the possibility of Huo Xiuran being with her.

Who knew the scene he expected didn't even exist? Instead, it annoyed Bai Xiaoru. Now Huo Xiuran didn't lose points, but he was about to lose points himself.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Xiaoru looked dull.

The brain works fast.

She quickly realized that Ji Yan didn't lie, Zhouzhou really wanted to sleep with Huo Xiuran. Juntai, Juntai, this is not a coincidence, Zhouzhou avoided it deliberately.

She remembered the last time Zhou Zhou slept with Ji Yan. I'm afraid, it was Zhouzhou who deliberately designed Ji Yan, and the master should be her father. Her father forced her to sleep with these wealthy boys.

She was going to sleep with Huo Xiuran this time, but she didn't. Bai Xiaoru felt like a spark fell from her heart, which made her sore, but it was extremely hot. Zhouzhou must not go because of her. Zhouzhou is so smart, she must know that she likes Huo Xiuran a little, and she also knows that Huo Xiuran likes her, so she doesn't go.

This is her best friend! !

She covered her eyes, trying not to cry. Ji Yan, Huo Xiuran, they all said that Zhouzhou was not a good friend, they were all wrong.

Juntai Hotel.

After Yu Hanzhou finished the spa, he sat in the rest area and waited for Bai Xiaoru to come.

There were three missed calls on the phone, which belonged to Huo Xiuran. She didn't know why Huo Xiuran called her, but guessed it was related to Bai Xiaoru. Bai Xiaoru was on her way to find her, so Huo Xiuran told her not to meet Bai Xiaoru?

Yu Hanzhou was a little unhappy in his heart.

She didn't know how to choose, but now Huo Xiuran's three phone calls came, and she was rebellious.

What about the male lead? She is still the heroine's friend! As long as the female protagonist speaks a word, the president is an egg!

Kneel still kneel!

She calmed down and waited for Bai Xiaoru's arrival.

It took 50 minutes from when Bai Xiaoru called her to when Bai Xiaoru came. This was the result of the master driving fast.

"Zhouzhou!" Seeing that Yu Hanzhou didn't leave, she was waiting for her, Bai Xiaoru was overjoyed, came over and hugged her directly, tightly.

That strength, as if afraid of her leaving.

"What's the matter? Haven't we seen each other for a few days?" Yu Hanzhou smiled.

Only then did Bai Xiaoru let go of her, but took her arm and said, "I miss you very much."

She pursed her lips slightly, her eyes full of dependence and nostalgia, Yu Hanzhou couldn't help shaking: "You, you, let me tell you, I don't do Ji."

No wonder Huo Xiuran wanted to send her away, she had just discovered that Bai Xiaoru seemed to have a deep affection for her.

Bai Xiaoru smiled "puchi" and patted her on the shoulder: "I don't do it either! My sexual orientation is male! What are you thinking!"

Seeing that her eyes were clear and magnanimous, not like she was covering up, Yu Hanzhou immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

The two found a place to sit, asked for two drinks, and started talking.

"Didn't you say something fun happened at Juntai Hotel? What's the matter?" Yu Hanzhou asked curiously.

Bai Xiaoru hesitated and asked, "Zhouzhou, has your company been in trouble recently?"

She didn't know the inside story at first, but after being told by Ji Yan, she felt that those absurd things were not worth mentioning. On the way, she thought a lot.

There is also a hazy plan.

"It's okay." Yu Hanzhou said, "Why do you ask this?"

"I heard what Ji Yan said." Bai Xiaoru said, "Do you need me to help you? Huo Xiuran seems to like me. If I tell him not to target your company, it should be feasible."

Yu Hanzhou was taken aback: "What are you doing?!"

Why does she feel that the little girl has changed? The appearance of the weak Haw in the past can't be seen at all, and it looks quite shrewd!

"Don't do anything." Bai Xiaoru's expression was very ordinary, as if she was just chatting, "I'm worried that your company is not good and will affect you. Don't you own 8% of the shares? If your company collapses, what will you do?"

Yu Hanzhou's conscience ached.

The 5 million card was still in her bag, and she felt hot through the bag.

"It's actually nothing," she said. "My elder brother has a grudge against my dad. He wants to destroy the company, but before he destroys it, I can make a sum of money, and I won't be afraid after it is destroyed."

And she didn't plan to do it against her big brother. Those kindnesses and grievances are indescribable. Anyway, her mother saved a lot of money behind her back, and her family's bankruptcy didn't affect her. Yu Hanzhou doesn't care about herself. She is a dead house and doesn't need too much money, so she doesn't bother to fight with her elder brother.

After Bai Xiaoru heard her talk about the Zhang family's grievances, she thought thoughtfully: "Your eldest brother doesn't really want to destroy the company, he wants to make your father and brother down, right?"

An idea quickly formed in my mind.

"How about having Huo Xiuran acquire your company? I'll be the general manager." Her eyes gleamed brightly.

The author has something to say:

Huo Xiuran (T^T): Answer my call, listen to my explanation...

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