The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 112: Tianji Building thinks this time the problem is not big

Gao Yuan frowned, he was looking around.

He didn't find the secret building, he was not very reconciled.

Only soon he found out that the senior in charge of Xian Ting's affairs was contacting him.

"Have you found the secret building?" A voice came from the other side.

"No, I don't know what's going on. I can't find it suddenly. I'm still trying. What's the matter with Senior?" Gao Yuan asked.

Under normal circumstances, this senior would not find him.

In other words, I will not go to the existing members of Xian Ting.

Neither of them knew the identity of each other.

Xian Ting has not recovered yet, once one is arrested, it is hard to say whether others will suffer.

Buddhism, the gods, like them, have prophetic slabs suppressed, but no one wants to sit on one side.

Not to mention that there are secretly other forces that want to take the opportunity to rise.

So the most important thing in the early stage is concealment.

They are like this, the gods and Buddhism are like this too.

"The Arhat of Buddhism has died in the next life." Gao Yuan heard what surprised him.

"Dead? The Lu family killed it?" Gao Yuan asked.

Soon he knew it was not. If it was, there was no need to find him, and there was no need to ask him if he found the secret building.

It seems that Luohan's death in the next life is very strange.

Then Gao Yuan said again:

"Died for no reason?"

There was a sigh from the other side:

"Yes, don't talk about us, even Buddhism doesn't know what's going on.

The Arhat died in the next life, and he missed him for eternity, and he did not bring back any news. No one knew how he died. "

Gao Yuan frowned, this is indeed abnormal.

Even ordinary people can kill Arhat in the afterlife, but a thought of eternity is a magical power that is almost incomprehensible, that is, it is difficult for them to keep the other party without sufficient preparation.

"Senior do you think there are outsiders intervening?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Remember that a long time ago, there was a fallen **** among the gods? It is said that he had read the apocalypse when he fled from the gods." The other side paused for a while and said again:

"If these people want to rise, what do you think of the opportunities now?"

Gao Yuan understood that they wanted to prevent the Lu family from giving out a second son, but some people were eager for the Lu family to give out a second son.

Finally Gao Yuan nodded:

"I know, if you encounter a secret building, I will let him look at it for help.

Even if he refuses to say it, one can tell from his attitude. "

After that they ended the communication.

Looking at the endless sea, Gao Yuan sighed silently.

He found that things were getting more and more complicated.

This is not a good thing.

"By the way, if those secret forces want the Lu family to have a second son, then the first son may be in danger and they have to find a way to inform the Lu family.

No, that's not right. No notice is needed. The Lu family values ​​Lushui more than anyone else.

It should not be that simple to kill Lu Shui.

To inform but expose yourself. "

If you want to understand the loftiness of these, no longer pay attention to this issue.

Still looking for...

Mainly to Tianji buildings.

Endless seas.

On the mountain peak of the island, a middle-aged man sits on top of a stone turtle. He looks up at the sky with a trace of sadness between his brows.

"The fairy mountain is about to open. According to the rules, the fairy mountain of your line is to be opened. Why is it suddenly hidden with the fairy mountain?" Shi Gui suddenly stretched out his head and asked inexplicably.

Its voice is a bit vicissitudes, as if it has lived for endless years.

Tianji Building sighed and said:

"You know, under normal circumstances, I am in the present and live in the future.

But I left that state some time ago, do you understand why? "

"Didn't you quit by yourself?" Shigui asked.

It didn't feel anything abnormal, so it always thought that the Tianji Building came out by itself.

Tianji Building shook his head and said calmly:

"No, I was forced to quit, or I cannot enter that state now.

Once inside, there is a feeling of fright.

Can't find the reason. "

"That's why I suddenly became concealed?" Shigui said very slowly, as if he didn't have enough strength.

"That's not the case, but it feels like having trouble finding the door, but I don't know what the trouble is," Tianji Building said.

Shigui was silent for a moment, then asked:

"Don't plan to see it?"

With the strength of Tianji Building, it is normal to see the source of the trouble clearly.

Hearing what Shigui said, Tianji Building also fell into silence.

He looked at the sky, looked at the clouds, and finally said:

"Intuition tells me not to watch.

There is always something beyond heaven in this world.

There is nothing to say about the secret of heaven, and there is something called taboo above the secret of heaven.

No prying, no name. "

"Why would such a dangerous thing come to you?" Shigui was quite curious.

Tianji Building smiled slightly, and he had some speculations:

"Some ancient forces are recovering. This is a huge whirlpool. Everything they had before was a cloud of mist, and it is now.

It is normal to encounter taboos easily when contacting them.

But with my ability to avoid this trouble, the problem is not big.

Naturally, Fairy Mountain will not be absent because of this. "

Tianji Building carries a kind of indifferent self-confidence.

Stone turtle no longer speaks.

Since there is no problem, it is naturally best.

It's just that the cultivation world has been calm for so long, is there going to be a storm again?

The decline of Taoism seems to be nibbled clean.

After that, Shigui closed his eyes, and UU read www.uukanshu. com it needs to rest.

Tianji Building also closed his eyes, and he was resting his mind.

Trouble is just trouble for him, not a big problem.


The next day.

After listening to his mother's instructions for a long time, Lu Shui left the Lu family.

Mu Xue followed him.

Mu Xue said that she was just going to the town to do something, so she dropped in.


Lu Shui did not speak on the way, nor did Mu Xue, they just walked slowly like this.

Until the entrance of the station, Lu Shui said:

"Miss Mu, I'm at the gate of the station, I don't know if I will drop by?"

Mu Xue glanced at Lu Shui, but did not answer.

She didn't want to answer that it was not the way, because they were along the way, and they have walked on the same path all their lives.

After a pause, Mu Xue said:

"Master Lu, have a good journey."

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and nodded:

"Yes, after all, Miss Mu has blessed."

Mu Xue smiled slightly, then turned and left.

Lu Shui watched for a while, then stepped into the station.

Today, I am not angry with Mu Xue. After all, I have to leave for many days. In case Mu Xue is seriously injured midway, it will be bad if Mu Xue does not send the full picture for treatment because he is angry.

Of course, he didn't count on it either.

After all, the whole picture treatment depends on Mu Xue.

Mu Xue would not send it if he was injured.

This is very metaphysical.



There was a sudden gust of wind in the pond.

After the wind stopped, a few words suddenly appeared on the surface of the water: Do you exercise?

Then the text disappeared, and the surface of the water returned to normal.

Then there was another gust of wind blowing.

After a while, there was no sound around.

As if nothing happened.

Even the ripples on the water surface never existed.

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